Democrats are hurting America

In other words democrats should do whatever Trump wants, right?

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In other words democrats should do whatever Trump wants, right?

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I'll use the crisis at the border as an example. Why not work together instead of claiming there is no crisis? 60 Minutes. A left leaning program, did a segment on the crisis. So people pretty much agree that something should be done.
It was fine with the Right when the GOP did this to Obama.

The memory of partisan zombies sure can be short.

Wingers. Funny.
Oh, please. Nothing like this went on by gop Congressional people.

In other words democrats should do whatever Trump wants, right?

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I'll use the crisis at the border as an example. Why not work together instead of claiming there is no crisis? 60 Minutes. A left leaning program, did a segment on the crisis. So people pretty much agree that something should be done.
Democrats offered Trump $5 billion wall funding in return for comprehensive immigration reform
Trump declined

Isn’t that working together?

Token half nervous had everything handed to him on a silver platter. He got to use his pen and phone with impunity. No two year investigation (yet) his family wasn’t attacked. He basically got left alone because he was half black.

In other words democrats should do whatever Trump wants, right?

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I'll use the crisis at the border as an example. Why not work together instead of claiming there is no crisis? 60 Minutes. A left leaning program, did a segment on the crisis. So people pretty much agree that something should be done.
Democrats offered Trump $5 billion wall funding in return for comprehensive immigration reform
Trump declined

Isn’t that working together?

I don’t understand why he declined. Some say because comprehensive immigration IS amnesty and they are right, but Trump already said he will do amnesty. It’s nothing but political Theater.

In other words democrats should do whatever Trump wants, right?

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I'll use the crisis at the border as an example. Why not work together instead of claiming there is no crisis? 60 Minutes. A left leaning program, did a segment on the crisis. So people pretty much agree that something should be done.
Democrats offered Trump $5 billion wall funding in return for comprehensive immigration reform
Trump declined

Isn’t that working together?

I think they need to acknowledge that there is a crisis. Where is your link to prove what you just state as it is vague.

Token half nervous had everything handed to him on a silver platter. He got to use his pen and phone with impunity. No two year investigation (yet) his family wasn’t attacked. He basically got left alone because he was half black.
The Great Obama ran the most scandal free administration in a hundred years
Why should Democrats work with Trump?

Because that is best for the American people.

In other words democrats should do whatever Trump wants, right?

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I'll use the crisis at the border as an example. Why not work together instead of claiming there is no crisis? 60 Minutes. A left leaning program, did a segment on the crisis. So people pretty much agree that something should be done.
Democrats offered Trump $5 billion wall funding in return for comprehensive immigration reform
Trump declined

Isn’t that working together?

I think they need to acknowledge that there is a crisis. Where is your link to prove what you just state as it is vague.
Democrats have been working on comprehensive immigration reform which is more than a wall

Why have Republicans backed away?

Token half nervous had everything handed to him on a silver platter. He got to use his pen and phone with impunity. No two year investigation (yet) his family wasn’t attacked. He basically got left alone because he was half black.
The Great Obama ran the most scandal free administration in a hundred years

Because that is best for the American people.

In other words democrats should do whatever Trump wants, right?

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I'll use the crisis at the border as an example. Why not work together instead of claiming there is no crisis? 60 Minutes. A left leaning program, did a segment on the crisis. So people pretty much agree that something should be done.
Democrats offered Trump $5 billion wall funding in return for comprehensive immigration reform
Trump declined

Isn’t that working together?

I think they need to acknowledge that there is a crisis. Where is your link to prove what you just state as it is vague.
Democrats have been working on comprehensive immigration reform which is more than a wall

Why have Republicans backed away?

Because only 17% believe there is a crisis? Until we get on the same page as a country how can we address it? Do you personally believe there is a crisis?
If Trump can’t get along with Democrats, he shouldn’t be president.

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If democrats can't get along with republicans, they should not be allowed the presidency. See how fun this game is?

Democrats are not democrats anymore.

Democrats used to be Americans just with a more socially-minded agenda like JFK or Zell Miller.

Democrats now are just a hijacked party of scum socialist anti-american zealots.

They need put into a concentration camp cold and soaking wet then offered exile to socialist Europe forever or life in prison. We don't need their seditious asses here.
You cannot get along with somebody who does not want to get along.
That's what we've been saying all along. Trump can't get along with democrats(small 'd'). He prefers autocrats and dictators like Putin and Kim, because they remind him of how he likes to run his businesses and wishes he could run the country that way.
~~~~~~~~Trump’s Republican Party~~~~~~~~

Let this be a warning in spades, Trump is dragging your party through the pig farm slug pit. Please hold your nose, don’t breathe or open your eyes because you be in the disgusted land of ooze.

If you don’t save your party from this pathological

liar you will not only lose what integrity you have but every seat in Congress.

Trump is single highhandedly destroying the republican Party

b.t.w. Anyone who supports Trump is a Russian mole with flees
~~~~~~~~Trump’s Republican Party~~~~~~~~

Let this be a warning in spades, Trump is dragging your party through the pig farm slug pit. Please hold your nose, don’t breathe or open your eyes because you be in the disgusted land of ooze.

If you don’t save your party from this pathological

liar you will not only lose what integrity you have but every seat in Congress.

Trump is single highhandedly destroying the republican Party

b.t.w. Anyone who supports Trump is a Russian mole with flees

Stupider than stupid

Democrats are not democrats anymore.

Democrats used to be Americans just with a more socially-minded agenda like JFK or Zell Miller.

Democrats now are just a hijacked party of scum socialist anti-american zealots.

They need put into a concentration camp cold and soaking wet then offered exile to socialist Europe forever or life in prison. We don't need their seditious asses here.

All one has to do to understand how degenerate they have become is to look at those they have running for the Presidency and the biggest joke of them all is the one supposedly leading the pack --creepy joe biden the news again with his hands all over a 10 yr. old ....does he never learn?
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