Democrats are not going to get the stupid redneck vote

The Moon Bats don't want to face the truth but there is a reason the Democrats lost 1,000 national seats, Congress and the Presidency. It is because they are a party of bat shit crazy hateful confused extreme far Left assholes.
After the Democrats lost 4 special elections in Republican gerrymandered districts recently, a lot of democrats are suggesting the party dump Nancy Pelosi.

(For some reason I can't determine, Pelosi is a big ogre for rednecks...probably because she is a woman in power--they hate that.)

These democrats are wrong.

Democrats are never going to win the stupid redneck vote. Stupid rednecks consistently vote against their own economic interests. They refuse to vote for democrats because they don't want to be in the same party as brown-skinned people, feminists, and gays. Their choice of party = their bigotry. Democrats will never reach ignorant bigots.

To win elections democrats simply need to run good candidates and focus on urban area vote turnout. As long as they get their voters to turn out, democrats will always outnumber stupid, old, constipated, white people.

Democrats are never going to win the stupid redneck vote. Stupid rednecks consistently vote against their own economic interests

How do we vote against are own best economic nterest? Do you even own a calculator?

After the Democrats lost 4 special elections in Republican gerrymandered districts recently, a lot of democrats are suggesting the party dump Nancy Pelosi.

(For some reason I can't determine, Pelosi is a big ogre for rednecks...probably because she is a woman in power--they hate that.)

These democrats are wrong.

Democrats are never going to win the stupid redneck vote. Stupid rednecks consistently vote against their own economic interests. They refuse to vote for democrats because they don't want to be in the same party as brown-skinned people, feminists, and gays. Their choice of party = their bigotry. Democrats will never reach ignorant bigots.

To win elections democrats simply need to run good candidates and focus on urban area vote turnout. As long as they get their voters to turn out, democrats will always outnumber stupid, old, constipated, white people.

Democrats are never going to win the stupid redneck vote. Stupid rednecks consistently vote against their own economic interests

Howcdo we vote against are own best economic nterest? Do you even own a calculator?

Dems think economic success is government dependence and subsequent ownership by the state.

They recognize that people do better without federal interference. They portray welfare as *economic success* and that is the measuring stick they apply to everything. That's why it's always a mistake to subsidize stupidity and laziness.
The Republicans have gained exactly ZERO seats in the special elections and they act as if they gained 5.

The R's won seats protected by the 2010 redistricting.

The Republican Party has some fascinating abilities to convince people that they represent all of our citizens: demagoguery (telling people what they want to hear) and making promises they either cannot keep or never intend to keep.

The party of liberty is the Democratic Party, and that party is eschewed by bigots, racists, misogynists, and those who hate and fear the Democrats, who believe America benefited from cultural pluralism.

LOL...oh, so you're now calling yourselves "the party of liberty", Catcher? What does that mean? Since you try your best to silence anyone who doesn't toe the line with your political beliefs by demonizing them with labels like bigot, racist and misogynist it's rather amusing to watch you accuse others of that! As for making promises they cannot keep or never intended to keep? That pretty much sums up the far left's strategy for getting votes these days! Your leaders promise freebies to people that are naive enough to believe there is such a thing as a "free lunch" and then blame the other side for being "mean" when they rightfully point out that we can't do those freebies without going further in debt!

Q. Which party supported the right of women to vote, and which did not;

Q. Which party supported the Civil Rights Movement and the Civil Rights Act and which did not;

Q. Which party supported the Equal Rights Amendment and which did not;

Q. Which party supported the right of gay and lesbian couples to marry, and which did not;

Q. Which party supported the right of women to serve in combat roles and on Naval ships and which did not;

Q. Which party supported Affirmative Action and which party did not.

Q. Which party supported gays and lesbians to serve in our military, and which did not.

You economic argument is bullshit. Another Big Lie by the GOP. Very few have a free lunch, and those few seem to include members of the Congress. The amount of people on aid, and how long they receive aid, is determined by each state (look up welfare reform signed by President Clinton). To suggest people thrive for years on aid is a damn lie, the Welfare Queen meme is utter bullshit, and if she exists, it is because the State wherein she lives has allowed it.
The Democrats just need to go back to being the labor party in this country which should be made easier after Trump's disappointments to the labor vote he won really sink in.

Every time I mention the interest of Working Class whites on this site, lefties ridicule the very idea that whites have any issues, or the right to want their interests represented in policy.
That's because they believe whites have NO RIGHTS at all. Even to suggest that white people have rights is racist.

Democrats simply don't respect Nancy Pelosi enough. If they realized it, their winning hand is a Nancy Pelosi/Maxine Waters ticket for 2020.
The Republicans have gained exactly ZERO seats in the special elections and they act as if they gained 5.

The R's won seats protected by the 2010 redistricting.

The Republican Party has some fascinating abilities to convince people that they represent all of our citizens: demagoguery (telling people what they want to hear) and making promises they either cannot keep or never intend to keep.

The party of liberty is the Democratic Party, and that party is eschewed by bigots, racists, misogynists, and those who hate and fear the Democrats, who believe America benefited from cultural pluralism.

LOL...oh, so you're now calling yourselves "the party of liberty", Catcher? What does that mean? Since you try your best to silence anyone who doesn't toe the line with your political beliefs by demonizing them with labels like bigot, racist and misogynist it's rather amusing to watch you accuse others of that! As for making promises they cannot keep or never intended to keep? That pretty much sums up the far left's strategy for getting votes these days! Your leaders promise freebies to people that are naive enough to believe there is such a thing as a "free lunch" and then blame the other side for being "mean" when they rightfully point out that we can't do those freebies without going further in debt!

Q. Which party supported the right of women to vote, and which did not;

Q. Which party supported the Civil Rights Movement and the Civil Rights Act and which did not;

Q. Which party supported the Equal Rights Amendment and which did not;

Q. Which party supported the right of gay and lesbian couples to marry, and which did not;

Q. Which party supported the right of women to serve in combat roles and on Naval ships and which did not;

Q. Which party supported Affirmative Action and which party did not.

Q. Which party supported gays and lesbians to serve in our military, and which did not.

You economic argument is bullshit. Another Big Lie by the GOP. Very few have a free lunch, and those few seem to include members of the Congress. The amount of people on aid, and how long they receive aid, is determined by each state (look up welfare reform signed by President Clinton). To suggest people thrive for years on aid is a damn lie, the Welfare Queen meme is utter bullshit, and if she exists, it is because the State wherein she lives has allowed it.

Well your post is destroyed in the first words...

Q. Which party supported the right of women to vote, and which did not;

It was Republicans in Wyoming idiot.

Somehow, these people still haven't figured out why they lost.
The Republicans have gained exactly ZERO seats in the special elections and they act as if they gained 5.

The R's won seats protected by the 2010 redistricting.

The Republican Party has some fascinating abilities to convince people that they represent all of our citizens: demagoguery (telling people what they want to hear) and making promises they either cannot keep or never intend to keep.

The party of liberty is the Democratic Party, and that party is eschewed by bigots, racists, misogynists, and those who hate and fear the Democrats, who believe America benefited from cultural pluralism.

LOL...oh, so you're now calling yourselves "the party of liberty", Catcher? What does that mean? Since you try your best to silence anyone who doesn't toe the line with your political beliefs by demonizing them with labels like bigot, racist and misogynist it's rather amusing to watch you accuse others of that! As for making promises they cannot keep or never intended to keep? That pretty much sums up the far left's strategy for getting votes these days! Your leaders promise freebies to people that are naive enough to believe there is such a thing as a "free lunch" and then blame the other side for being "mean" when they rightfully point out that we can't do those freebies without going further in debt!

Q. Which party supported the right of women to vote, and which did not;

Q. Which party supported the Civil Rights Movement and the Civil Rights Act and which did not;

Q. Which party supported the Equal Rights Amendment and which did not;

Q. Which party supported the right of gay and lesbian couples to marry, and which did not;

Q. Which party supported the right of women to serve in combat roles and on Naval ships and which did not;

Q. Which party supported Affirmative Action and which party did not.

Q. Which party supported gays and lesbians to serve in our military, and which did not.

You economic argument is bullshit. Another Big Lie by the GOP. Very few have a free lunch, and those few seem to include members of the Congress. The amount of people on aid, and how long they receive aid, is determined by each state (look up welfare reform signed by President Clinton). To suggest people thrive for years on aid is a damn lie, the Welfare Queen meme is utter bullshit, and if she exists, it is because the State wherein she lives has allowed it.

They did all that shit to get the ghetto vote. Lyndon Johnson admitted it when said that he would "have those neggras voting Democrat for the next 150 years".

Fuck the queers, welfare queens, wackos, Femnazis and all the other shiheads that make of that Democrat coalition of scum that the filthy Democrat Party has become. They don't represent the strength of this country. they are the scum of this country.

No wonder the Democrats lost 1000 seats, Congress and the Presidency and that asshole Democrat President caused an increase in poverty, decrease in family income, tremendous debt, greater income disparity and dismal economic growth.

Democrats are a disaster for this country.. Piss on them.
After the Democrats lost 4 special elections in Republican gerrymandered districts recently, a lot of democrats are suggesting the party dump Nancy Pelosi.

(For some reason I can't determine, Pelosi is a big ogre for rednecks...probably because she is a woman in power--they hate that.)

These democrats are wrong.

Democrats are never going to win the stupid redneck vote. Stupid rednecks consistently vote against their own economic interests. They refuse to vote for democrats because they don't want to be in the same party as brown-skinned people, feminists, and gays. Their choice of party = their bigotry. Democrats will never reach ignorant bigots.

To win elections democrats simply need to run good candidates and focus on urban area vote turnout. As long as they get their voters to turn out, democrats will always outnumber stupid, old, constipated, white people.

More like Pelosi is a woman in denial....just as most liberals, clueless.

They did all that shit to get the ghetto vote. Lyndon Johnson admitted it when said that he would "have those neggras voting Democrat for the next 150 years".


lol, another vote against the 1964 Civil Rights Act.

big surprise.
The Moon Bats don't want to face the truth but there is a reason the Democrats lost 1,000 national seats, Congress and the Presidency. It is because they are a party of bat shit crazy hateful confused extreme far Left assholes.
The party is now essentially represented by the regressives, and yeah, they don't seem to recognize how repulsive they are to people.

Some people will vote against them regardless of the issues, simply because they're just not likeable.

For folks who claim to be so much smarter than anyone else, it's strange that they can't see something so obvious.
The Republicans have gained exactly ZERO seats in the special elections and they act as if they gained 5.

The R's won seats protected by the 2010 redistricting.

The Republican Party has some fascinating abilities to convince people that they represent all of our citizens: demagoguery (telling people what they want to hear) and making promises they either cannot keep or never intend to keep.

The party of liberty is the Democratic Party, and that party is eschewed by bigots, racists, misogynists, and those who hate and fear the Democrats, who believe America benefited from cultural pluralism.

LOL...oh, so you're now calling yourselves "the party of liberty", Catcher? What does that mean? Since you try your best to silence anyone who doesn't toe the line with your political beliefs by demonizing them with labels like bigot, racist and misogynist it's rather amusing to watch you accuse others of that! As for making promises they cannot keep or never intended to keep? That pretty much sums up the far left's strategy for getting votes these days! Your leaders promise freebies to people that are naive enough to believe there is such a thing as a "free lunch" and then blame the other side for being "mean" when they rightfully point out that we can't do those freebies without going further in debt!

Q. Which party supported the right of women to vote, and which did not;

Q. Which party supported the Civil Rights Movement and the Civil Rights Act and which did not;

Q. Which party supported the Equal Rights Amendment and which did not;

Q. Which party supported the right of gay and lesbian couples to marry, and which did not;

Q. Which party supported the right of women to serve in combat roles and on Naval ships and which did not;

Q. Which party supported Affirmative Action and which party did not.

Q. Which party supported gays and lesbians to serve in our military, and which did not.

You economic argument is bullshit. Another Big Lie by the GOP. Very few have a free lunch, and those few seem to include members of the Congress. The amount of people on aid, and how long they receive aid, is determined by each state (look up welfare reform signed by President Clinton). To suggest people thrive for years on aid is a damn lie, the Welfare Queen meme is utter bullshit, and if she exists, it is because the State wherein she lives has allowed it.

So explain to me why the "flag bearers" of liberalism...Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren do very little else but propose things like free college for all and universal healthcare to be paid for by taxing the Middle Class and the wealthy? The "BIG LIE", Catcher has always been that welfare was going to improve the lot in life of the poor! It hasn't. From it's inception back in the LBJ years...the "war against poverty" hasn't decreased poverty at all despite our spending trillions of dollars to do so. What it HAS done is create an entire strata of the American population that looks to the Federal Government for EVERYTHING! What it's done is to create generations of Americans that don't see the value of holding a job or of bettering themselves.

The only thing that gets people out of poverty is the opportunities provided by jobs. Not handouts...JOBS!
While we yell about, people no longer in power, we have the Election integrity commission , they want the name, address soc security number, and party affilation of every voter in America.
The Republicans have gained exactly ZERO seats in the special elections and they act as if they gained 5.

The R's won seats protected by the 2010 redistricting.

The Republican Party has some fascinating abilities to convince people that they represent all of our citizens: demagoguery (telling people what they want to hear) and making promises they either cannot keep or never intend to keep.

The party of liberty is the Democratic Party, and that party is eschewed by bigots, racists, misogynists, and those who hate and fear the Democrats, who believe America benefited from cultural pluralism.

Your lies are absurd.

This is who you dems are.

This is who you are:

Fake News: WaPo Tallies 669 Trump Falsehoods in 151 Days

A room full of dems laughing about white suicides... .

To you, it is not worth commenting on.

And you lefties think that the reason rednecks don't vote for you is because of something wrong with THEM...


Why would I be accountable?

Are you attacking your RW pals around here who cheered Gianforte for beating up a reporter?

"Accountable"? I merely pointed out that you found it not worthy of note, that a room full of your fellow dems were laughing at the idea of white male suicides.

And that such virulent hatred of white males might have more to do with why you dems don't get the "redneck" vote instead of the OP's belief that it is because of something wrong with the rednecks.
The Republicans have gained exactly ZERO seats in the special elections and they act as if they gained 5.

The Democrats have gained exactly ZERO seats in the special elections and they have pissed away 70 million dollars of supporters money.

Like this is a good thing?

The GOP LOST seats in 2016 and haven't gained a single seat since, and idiots like you act like it's the Democrat apocalypse.

Whether or not it is a Democrat apocalypse kind of depends on how much money the Democrats have left.

lol, the Republicans are now spending millions attacking Republicans who won't support the 15% approval rated healthcare bill.

Ideology has long surpassed "country first" or the other pretense of the GOP, "compassionate conservatism".

As opposed to compassionate liberals that like to laugh at the idea of white male suicides.
I am old enough to remember when the Democrats WERE the redneck south. They were called Dixicrats, or Yellow Dog Democrats. The last of which was LBJ.
But Vietnam destroyed the Democratic party, and the Chicago Cabal took over, not only the Dem. party, but schools, Universities, Women, and Minorities of every type.
The North oriented parties were split into Radical Progressives(Former Democrats) and Conservative Republicans. The South was taken over by Radical Progressives to the point now that they are tearing down every vestige of what was the South. Confederate Flags, Statues, Monuments. I expect Cemeteries to be next!
But now the Progressives are so out of touch with average Americans of all colors, that they can't win even local elections. So what is their answer? To become more progressive, and more Radical and try to destroy the elected POTUS, in the name of the people.

The Democratic Party that I knew is no more! To read your childish rant, that Democrats will never win the Red Neck vote. Of course not! They have dedicated themselves to destroying what used to be the South. Also known as the Middle Class.
It took 170 years, but the Carpet Baggers have finally destroyed the South.

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