Democrats are not going to get the stupid redneck vote

probably because she is a woman in power--they hate that.
stupid redneck
they don't want to be in the same party as brown-skinned people, feminists, and gays.

Their choice of party = their bigotry.
ignorant bigots
stupid, old, constipated, white people.

^^^And this is how sophisticated people use tact and intellect to sway voters over to their side. Flawless plan. Please do keep it up.
Did you dissect the frog in school that well?
You'd have made an excellent embalmer in ancient Egypt lol
Did you dissect the frog in school that well?

We must be from the same era. My fingers smelled of formaldehyde for days after cutting that frog apart. Wonder what the kids do these days at school.

Oh yeah. Never mind.

Somehow, these people still haven't figured out why they lost.

It's obvious why the R's have been successful in elections. They lie. The GOP is composed of unabashed liars, demagogues and charlatans, who fool poorly educated and biddable people. Lincoln once said, there are those who can be fooled all of the time and the elections of 2010 and 2016 are examples.

The Democrats ran on reason, not on false pathos. Telling people what they do not want to hear is a losing proposition, it is something the GOP has rarely done. The GOP runs on simple phrases, those who actively listen hear the same words and phrases parroted ad nausea.

lol. Give me my Obama phone.

Somehow, these people still haven't figured out why they lost.

It's obvious why the R's have been successful in elections. They lie. The GOP is composed of unabashed liars, demagogues and charlatans, who fool poorly educated and biddable people. Lincoln once said, there are those who can be fooled all of the time and the elections of 2010 and 2016 are examples.

The Democrats ran on reason, not on false pathos. Telling people what they do not want to hear is a losing proposition, it is something the GOP has rarely done. The GOP runs on simple phrases, those who actively listen hear the same words and phrases parroted ad nausea.

lol. Give me my Obama phone.


Your such a little liar, the left never comes out in the mid terms. They always vote for the prom king or queen, never about policy.

The left is shallow as shallow can be, no substance


Somehow, these people still haven't figured out why they lost.

It's obvious why the R's have been successful in elections. They lie. The GOP is composed of unabashed liars, demagogues and charlatans, who fool poorly educated and biddable people. Lincoln once said, there are those who can be fooled all of the time and the elections of 2010 and 2016 are examples.

The Democrats ran on reason, not on false pathos. Telling people what they do not want to hear is a losing proposition, it is something the GOP has rarely done. The GOP runs on simple phrases, those who actively listen hear the same words and phrases parroted ad nausea.
You're just chanting your religious beliefs. The left ran on hope and change. The people wanted it changed back. Many issues were discussed, you just could see them from your safe place.
After the Democrats lost 4 special elections in Republican gerrymandered districts recently, a lot of democrats are suggesting the party dump Nancy Pelosi.

(For some reason I can't determine, Pelosi is a big ogre for rednecks...probably because she is a woman in power--they hate that.)

These democrats are wrong.

Democrats are never going to win the stupid redneck vote. Stupid rednecks consistently vote against their own economic interests. They refuse to vote for democrats because they don't want to be in the same party as brown-skinned people, feminists, and gays. Their choice of party = their bigotry. Democrats will never reach ignorant bigots.

To win elections democrats simply need to run good candidates and focus on urban area vote turnout. As long as they get their voters to turn out, democrats will always outnumber stupid, old, constipated, white people.
Odd, the white working class used to be the backbone of the Democratic party. You are foolish to spurn them in this way, because without them you will never again win a Presidential election. But thanks, we Republicans will take them off your hands!!!
After the Democrats lost 4 special elections in Republican gerrymandered districts recently, a lot of democrats are suggesting the party dump Nancy Pelosi.

(For some reason I can't determine, Pelosi is a big ogre for rednecks...probably because she is a woman in power--they hate that.)

These democrats are wrong.

Democrats are never going to win the stupid redneck vote. Stupid rednecks consistently vote against their own economic interests. They refuse to vote for democrats because they don't want to be in the same party as brown-skinned people, feminists, and gays. Their choice of party = their bigotry. Democrats will never reach ignorant bigots.

To win elections democrats simply need to run good candidates and focus on urban area vote turnout. As long as they get their voters to turn out, democrats will always outnumber stupid, old, constipated, white people.

Odd, the white working class used to be the backbone of the Democratic party. You are foolish to spurn them in this way, because without them you will never again win a Presidential election. But thanks, we Republicans will take them off your hands!!!

You never understood the Democratic Platform, and accepted the words of Trump, a demagogue who tells biddable people like you what they want to hear.

Coal for example is being replaced by NG, and renewable sources of energy. Only a fool believes coal will be an important commodity in the 21st Century and beyond.
After the Democrats lost 4 special elections in Republican gerrymandered districts recently, a lot of democrats are suggesting the party dump Nancy Pelosi.

(For some reason I can't determine, Pelosi is a big ogre for rednecks...probably because she is a woman in power--they hate that.)

These democrats are wrong.

Democrats are never going to win the stupid redneck vote. Stupid rednecks consistently vote against their own economic interests. They refuse to vote for democrats because they don't want to be in the same party as brown-skinned people, feminists, and gays. Their choice of party = their bigotry. Democrats will never reach ignorant bigots.

To win elections democrats simply need to run good candidates and focus on urban area vote turnout. As long as they get their voters to turn out, democrats will always outnumber stupid, old, constipated, white people.

And they are losing the ignorant n!gger vote day by day to. They should just give up I guess.
Democrats are not going to get the stupid redneck vote


true they also havent been getting many votes from other groups as well

since 2010 the demtards have lost over 1040 seats across the country

and lose more each time around

keep up with this winning by losing method the freedom loving peoples really like it

Congratulations. I mean really. You have posted the most ignorant thing today.

Here is the problem, and I want you to think about this. What is liberal for a district? I've said this before, but by Georgia standards, especially Rural Georgia Standards, I'm pretty Liberal. By the standards of San Francisco, I'm a radical RW Nut. The same ideas, the same principles, the same beliefs are at both ends of the spectrum depending on where I am discussing it.

The problem that the Democratic Party refuses to admit is that Liberal by Georgia Standards can win, but not Liberal by San Francisco standards. Now, the party used to know this, they won in 2006 by knowing this simple truth. In my district, John Barrow was elected to the House. A Democrat was elected from this district. The Republicans tried to get it back in 08, and lost. They redrew the district in 10, and still lost. John Barrow stayed until the Republicans took control in 2012. Largely because the Democratic Party became convinced that Purity Purges was the way to go.

Here lies the problem. The Democrats can't take a majority of the House without getting rid of the Purity Purges. The Democrats won't do that. They would rather sacrifice the majority in the House to the gods of Liberalism than maintain control. I give the Republicans credit, they know what is needed, and they have the people in the most secure seats back off of their hard RW positions in order to make the issue more palatable for the more liberal Republicans.

The Democrats go the other way. You can't be a member if you don't believe this, or that, and you definitely have to believe this. You can't get a pro 2nd Amendment Democrat, you just can't have one. The Purity Purges will insure that they lose.

Look at what happened to Lieberman. He went from Vice Presidential Candidate to Primaried sacrificial lamb in no time flat. The Purity Purge went after him, he wasn't liberal enough for them.

That isn't a path to victory, it is eating your own. The Democrats used to be the "big tent" party, and they got the Majority being one. Then it became the restricted access tent, and the no admittance to anyone we disapprove of party.

Did the Republicans pick the most radical RW Conservative to be the leader of their Congressional efforts? Or did they pick a slightly conservative fiscally speaking policy wonk? They went with the slightly conservative guy. While the Democrats go with the most Liberal they can find. Instead of being a united party, where many voices can be heard, the Democratic Party became a party of one voice and no dissent allowed.

The electoral map shows what that is like.

You can blame the "rednecks" for not voting with their own interests, but you won't even listen to what their interests are. You just assume you know, and you hate them for not seeing things the way you see them. When they had elected Democrats, folks just like you denounced those Democrats and fought hard to get them voted out. If they lost the elections, and their seats, folks just like you snorted and said good riddance.

So shouting at the Rednecks isn't working, and since you won't listen, were do we go from here? Well we continue with a Republican Majority in the House. We might get some Democratic Senators, but probably not. Because the purity purges are destroying the party, and any opportunity for a majority.

Folks in Rural Georgia have different priorities than folks in Urban San Francisco. Folks in Rural Missouri have different priorities than the people in New York City. Before you can represent them, you have to listen to what they say their priorities are, not shout at them that they are idiots for not seeing that this issue should be their priority. You have to win, before you can govern.
probably because she is a woman in power--they hate that.
stupid redneck
they don't want to be in the same party as brown-skinned people, feminists, and gays.

Their choice of party = their bigotry.
ignorant bigots
stupid, old, constipated, white people.

^^^And this is how sophisticated people use tact and intellect to sway voters over to their side. Flawless plan. Please do keep it up.

You fail to understand the point of my post. Proving how stupid you are.

I am not trying to sway stupid rednecks. I am telling democrats to give up on trying to sway stupid rednecks.
After the Democrats lost 4 special elections in Republican gerrymandered districts recently, a lot of democrats are suggesting the party dump Nancy Pelosi.

(For some reason I can't determine, Pelosi is a big ogre for rednecks...probably because she is a woman in power--they hate that.)

These democrats are wrong.

Democrats are never going to win the stupid redneck vote. Stupid rednecks consistently vote against their own economic interests. They refuse to vote for democrats because they don't want to be in the same party as brown-skinned people, feminists, and gays. Their choice of party = their bigotry. Democrats will never reach ignorant bigots.

To win elections democrats simply need to run good candidates and focus on urban area vote turnout. As long as they get their voters to turn out, democrats will always outnumber stupid, old, constipated, white people.

Don't look now but it's your own bigotry you've put on display here. I don't think there's a red-neck anywhere (including brown, feminist, or gay ones) so abysmally stupid as to be a fan of Pelosi. She's not an ogre; she's a mentally incompetent clown good for nothing but a laugh as are those silly enough to support her.

You are unable to support your opinion with a single fact.

Proving my point that rednecks think of her as an ogre but are unable to explain why.
After the Democrats lost 4 special elections in Republican gerrymandered districts recently, a lot of democrats are suggesting the party dump Nancy Pelosi.

(For some reason I can't determine, Pelosi is a big ogre for rednecks...probably because she is a woman in power--they hate that.)

These democrats are wrong.

Democrats are never going to win the stupid redneck vote. Stupid rednecks consistently vote against their own economic interests. They refuse to vote for democrats because they don't want to be in the same party as brown-skinned people, feminists, and gays. Their choice of party = their bigotry. Democrats will never reach ignorant bigots.

To win elections democrats simply need to run good candidates and focus on urban area vote turnout. As long as they get their voters to turn out, democrats will always outnumber stupid, old, constipated, white people.


Still not anyone's fault but the other guy... I didn't vote for Trump and even I find all the excuses for the Democrat's failure amusing. The leadership can do nothing but blame anyone else, their acolytes can do nothing but blame everyone else. It would behoove you and yours to step up to the mirror and do some serious self evaluation and inventory and figure out why you keep losing. I'll even help you by getting you started...

Your animosity and bigotry for all those not like you, for those who don't think like you, for those who disagree with you and stand up to you? Not helping. Especially when you think it helps to be so vocal about your hatred. You and a good portion of those you identify with politically have become that which you spent the last eight years despising, attacking, making fun of, and attempting to humiliate.

Your party chose to run a widely loathed and despicable candidate with a sense of entitlement. She lacked the substance and personality to connect with the voters and she chose to alienate a large portion of the same. She, like you and the other lemmings, could not or would not (and still won't) take responsibility for the shortcomings that contributed to her loss.

Thanks to all of you, every single fucking one of you, we now have a minimum of four years of this petulant, egotistical, thin skinned, loud mouth President who has the emotional mentality of a twelve year old bully.

Go fuck yourself.

I am not a bigot simply for pointing out the bigotry of other people.
After the Democrats lost 4 special elections in Republican gerrymandered districts recently, a lot of democrats are suggesting the party dump Nancy Pelosi.

(For some reason I can't determine, Pelosi is a big ogre for rednecks...probably because she is a woman in power--they hate that.)

These democrats are wrong.

Democrats are never going to win the stupid redneck vote. Stupid rednecks consistently vote against their own economic interests. They refuse to vote for democrats because they don't want to be in the same party as brown-skinned people, feminists, and gays. Their choice of party = their bigotry. Democrats will never reach ignorant bigots.

To win elections democrats simply need to run good candidates and focus on urban area vote turnout. As long as they get their voters to turn out, democrats will always outnumber stupid, old, constipated, white people.
Another ignorant negro spewing liberal hate on the forum. Must be gunos relative.

hey shithead, I am white.
Democrats are not going to get the "dumb redneck" vote like Republicans are not going to get the filthy ass "ghetto monkey welfare queen" vote.
There really aren't that many. The dems have inflated that vote via voter fraud. It's easy because they've created a retarded population who will do anything they tell them to do..including factilitation of voter fraud.

You are correct.

The Democrat Party is a coalition of all the despicable assholes in this country. Welfare queens, anti gun nuts, illegals, environmental wackos, Feminazis, socialists, union bosses, environmental wackos, confused college kids and their Marxist professors and the abortionists.

The core group group is the ghetto monkeys. Without them and the illegals the filthy Democrat Party would have a hard time getting 25% of the vote.

Your post is a perfect example of the redneck bigotry the democrats will never reach.
After the Democrats lost 4 special elections in Republican gerrymandered districts recently, a lot of democrats are suggesting the party dump Nancy Pelosi.

(For some reason I can't determine, Pelosi is a big ogre for rednecks...probably because she is a woman in power--they hate that.)

These democrats are wrong.

Democrats are never going to win the stupid redneck vote. Stupid rednecks consistently vote against their own economic interests. They refuse to vote for democrats because they don't want to be in the same party as brown-skinned people, feminists, and gays. Their choice of party = their bigotry. Democrats will never reach ignorant bigots.

To win elections democrats simply need to run good candidates and focus on urban area vote turnout. As long as they get their voters to turn out, democrats will always outnumber stupid, old, constipated, white people.


Still not anyone's fault but the other guy... I didn't vote for Trump and even I find all the excuses for the Democrat's failure amusing. The leadership can do nothing but blame anyone else, their acolytes can do nothing but blame everyone else. It would behoove you and yours to step up to the mirror and do some serious self evaluation and inventory and figure out why you keep losing. I'll even help you by getting you started...

Your animosity and bigotry for all those not like you, for those who don't think like you, for those who disagree with you and stand up to you? Not helping. Especially when you think it helps to be so vocal about your hatred. You and a good portion of those you identify with politically have become that which you spent the last eight years despising, attacking, making fun of, and attempting to humiliate.

Your party chose to run a widely loathed and despicable candidate with a sense of entitlement. She lacked the substance and personality to connect with the voters and she chose to alienate a large portion of the same. She, like you and the other lemmings, could not or would not (and still won't) take responsibility for the shortcomings that contributed to her loss.

Thanks to all of you, every single fucking one of you, we now have a minimum of four years of this petulant, egotistical, thin skinned, loud mouth President who has the emotional mentality of a twelve year old bully.

Go fuck yourself.

I am not a bigot simply for pointing out the bigotry of other people.

You are a bigot for using a racial slur and having racist beliefs about rural white people.

And your falsely accusing other people of racism, is just you actively attempting to inflame racial strife.
After the Democrats lost 4 special elections in Republican gerrymandered districts recently, a lot of democrats are suggesting the party dump Nancy Pelosi.

(For some reason I can't determine, Pelosi is a big ogre for rednecks...probably because she is a woman in power--they hate that.)

These democrats are wrong.

Democrats are never going to win the stupid redneck vote. Stupid rednecks consistently vote against their own economic interests. They refuse to vote for democrats because they don't want to be in the same party as brown-skinned people, feminists, and gays. Their choice of party = their bigotry. Democrats will never reach ignorant bigots.

To win elections democrats simply need to run good candidates and focus on urban area vote turnout. As long as they get their voters to turn out, democrats will always outnumber stupid, old, constipated, white people.

Democrats are never going to win the stupid redneck vote. Stupid rednecks consistently vote against their own economic interests

How do we vote against are own best economic nterest? Do you even own a calculator?


You voted for Trump and republicans who are trying to pass a colossal tax cut for the rich--their version of health care. Republicans always favor huge tax cuts for the rich, deregulation that helps the working class, cuts to the government programs that help the middle class. They are also anti-union and favor depressing wages so corporate fat cats can get fatter.
You fail to understand the point of my post. Proving how stupid you are.

I am not trying to sway stupid rednecks. I am telling democrats to give up on trying to sway stupid rednecks.

As a Republican, I hope they follow your advice.

Those of us that you insist on calling “stupid rednecks” are the core of America, the majority, mainstream part of the population. We;re the ones who do nearly all of the productive work that makes this nation's economy run. We're the ones paying the taxes so that worthless parasites such as you can live on welfare. And we're the majority of the voters.

Let the Democrats see if they can scrape up enough votes from the inner city gangsters, the faggots, the trannies, the welfare parasites, the illegal aliens, the drug addicts, the radicalized Islamists, and all the other dregs of subhuman filth that infest our society; to remain in any kind of power.

Without us “stupid rednecks”, your party will fall into irrelevance.
After the Democrats lost 4 special elections in Republican gerrymandered districts recently, a lot of democrats are suggesting the party dump Nancy Pelosi.

(For some reason I can't determine, Pelosi is a big ogre for rednecks...probably because she is a woman in power--they hate that.)

These democrats are wrong.

Democrats are never going to win the stupid redneck vote. Stupid rednecks consistently vote against their own economic interests. They refuse to vote for democrats because they don't want to be in the same party as brown-skinned people, feminists, and gays. Their choice of party = their bigotry. Democrats will never reach ignorant bigots.

To win elections democrats simply need to run good candidates and focus on urban area vote turnout. As long as they get their voters to turn out, democrats will always outnumber stupid, old, constipated, white people.


Still not anyone's fault but the other guy... I didn't vote for Trump and even I find all the excuses for the Democrat's failure amusing. The leadership can do nothing but blame anyone else, their acolytes can do nothing but blame everyone else. It would behoove you and yours to step up to the mirror and do some serious self evaluation and inventory and figure out why you keep losing. I'll even help you by getting you started...

Your animosity and bigotry for all those not like you, for those who don't think like you, for those who disagree with you and stand up to you? Not helping. Especially when you think it helps to be so vocal about your hatred. You and a good portion of those you identify with politically have become that which you spent the last eight years despising, attacking, making fun of, and attempting to humiliate.

Your party chose to run a widely loathed and despicable candidate with a sense of entitlement. She lacked the substance and personality to connect with the voters and she chose to alienate a large portion of the same. She, like you and the other lemmings, could not or would not (and still won't) take responsibility for the shortcomings that contributed to her loss.

Thanks to all of you, every single fucking one of you, we now have a minimum of four years of this petulant, egotistical, thin skinned, loud mouth President who has the emotional mentality of a twelve year old bully.

Go fuck yourself.

I am not a bigot simply for pointing out the bigotry of other people.

You are a bigot for using a racial slur and having racist beliefs about rural white people.

And your falsely accusing other people of racism, is just you actively attempting to inflame racial strife.

Redneck is a mindset, not a race. So the term redneck is not a racist slur, you ignoramus.

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