Democrats are not going to get the stupid redneck vote

Yes they will, as soon as Trump/Republicans take away their Medicaid.

How is making Medicaid more economically stable, when is going bankrupt, taking it away?
Not one bill so far to repeal Medicaid.
The Democrats just need to go back to being the labor party in this country which should be made easier after Trump's disappointments to the labor vote he won really sink in.
Men in girls locker rooms set your party back. Keep up the good work.

Voters didn't care about that. You're delusional.

he's the quintessential stupid redneck voter.
Anyone with a lick of common sense knows you cannot change your gender.
Democrats are never going to win the stupid redneck vote. Stupid rednecks consistently vote against their own economic interests.

How do we vote against are own best economic nterest [sic]? Do you even own a calculator?

Because we are “stupid rednecks”, leftwrongist filth such as MordechaiGoodbud suppose, we need big government to take care of us and manage our lives; but we choose instead to vote for government to let us be to manage our own affairs. MordechaiGoodbud supposes that freedom to take care of ourselves is against our own economic interest.

Yes, LIbErals really are that stupid and that brainwashed.
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Q. Which party supported the right of women to vote, and which did not;

Q. Which party supported the Civil Rights Movement and the Civil Rights Act and which did not;

Q. Which party supported the Equal Rights Amendment and which did not;

Q. Which party supported the right of gay and lesbian couples to marry, and which did not;

Q. Which party supported the right of women to serve in combat roles and on Naval ships and which did not;

Q. Which party supported Affirmative Action and which party did not.

Q. Which party supported gays and lesbians to serve in our military, and which did not.

You do realize, don't you, the only two positive items on that list, the first two, were supported by the Republications, and opposed by the Democrats.

The rest of them—overtly aimed at undermining marriage, family, society, and military strength, in at institutionalizing racism—were supported by the Democrats, and opposed by Republicans.
Men in girls locker rooms set your party back. Keep up the good work.

Voters didn't care about that. You're delusional.

Yes, you and your fellow Democrats keep telling yourselves that. You'll help guarantee further gains for us Republicans, as we show ourselves to be the party that sides with mainstream Americans, while yours aligns instead with perverts and criminals and other subhuman filth. But then the voters don't care about that, right?

You just keep telling yourselves that.
Yes they will, as soon as Trump/Republicans take away their Medicaid.
Black people said they didn't show up for Hillary because they didn't see the difference. With all the media attention on blacks being murdered by cops last year, that was the corporate media pushing that narrative to discourage blacks and rally whites. The media is not liberal.

Anyways, so now all poor people are going to see the difference. And it's their fault. They didn't vote. So they deserve what's coming.

I know white Medicaid idiots who voted for Trump. I love it!

I take no rejoice in them learning the DIFFERENCE the hard way.
The OP.
The Moon Bats don't want to face the truth but there is a reason the Democrats lost 1,000 national seats, Congress and the Presidency. It is because they are a party of bat shit crazy hateful confused extreme far Left assholes.

Your ignorance is about equal with your bigotry. Both are character flaws; if an only if your ignorance is willful - which I doubt.
Somehow, these people still haven't figured out why they lost.

It's obvious why the R's have been successful in elections. They lie. The GOP is composed of unabashed liars, demagogues and charlatans, who fool poorly educated and biddable people. Lincoln once said, there are those who can be fooled all of the time and the elections of 2010 and 2016 are examples.

The Democrats ran on reason, not on false pathos. Telling people what they do not want to hear is a losing proposition, it is something the GOP has rarely done. The GOP runs on simple phrases, those who actively listen hear the same words and phrases parroted ad nausea.
When liberals only champion black people, illegal immigrants, fags (but only if they tow the party line), and terrorists, expect the rest of us to vote for someone else.
After the Democrats lost 4 special elections in Republican gerrymandered districts recently, a lot of democrats are suggesting the party dump Nancy Pelosi.

(For some reason I can't determine, Pelosi is a big ogre for rednecks...probably because she is a woman in power--they hate that.)

These democrats are wrong.

Democrats are never going to win the stupid redneck vote. Stupid rednecks consistently vote against their own economic interests. They refuse to vote for democrats because they don't want to be in the same party as brown-skinned people, feminists, and gays. Their choice of party = their bigotry. Democrats will never reach ignorant bigots.

To win elections democrats simply need to run good candidates and focus on urban area vote turnout. As long as they get their voters to turn out, democrats will always outnumber stupid, old, constipated, white people.

The irony here being that dems are the party of bigots, racism, prejudice, etc.
Somehow, these people still haven't figured out why they lost..
It's obvious why the R's have been successful in elections. They lie. The GOP is composed of unabashed liars, demagogues and charlatans, who fool poorly educated and biddable people. Lincoln once said, there are those who can be fooled all of the time and the elections of 2010 and 2016 are examples. The Democrats ran on reason, not on false pathos. Telling people what they do not want to hear is a losing proposition, it is something the GOP has rarely done. The GOP runs on simple phrases, those who actively listen hear the same words and phrases parroted ad nausea.
Another example of my point.
Somehow, these people still haven't figured out why they lost.

It's obvious why the R's have been successful in elections. They lie. The GOP is composed of unabashed liars, demagogues and charlatans, who fool poorly educated and biddable people. Lincoln once said, there are those who can be fooled all of the time and the elections of 2010 and 2016 are examples.

The Democrats ran on reason, not on false pathos. Telling people what they do not want to hear is a losing proposition, it is something the GOP has rarely done. The GOP runs on simple phrases, those who actively listen hear the same words and phrases parroted ad nausea.

Could you become any blinder. Neither party offered this country anything, just more destruction.
After the Democrats lost 4 special elections in Republican gerrymandered districts recently, a lot of democrats are suggesting the party dump Nancy Pelosi.

(For some reason I can't determine, Pelosi is a big ogre for rednecks...probably because she is a woman in power--they hate that.)

These democrats are wrong.

Democrats are never going to win the stupid redneck vote. Stupid rednecks consistently vote against their own economic interests. They refuse to vote for democrats because they don't want to be in the same party as brown-skinned people, feminists, and gays. Their choice of party = their bigotry. Democrats will never reach ignorant bigots.

To win elections democrats simply need to run good candidates and focus on urban area vote turnout. As long as they get their voters to turn out, democrats will always outnumber stupid, old, constipated, white people.

Good plan...didn't work, which is why the GOP controls all 3 branches of the federal government and the lion's share of state governments.

The Dems have to dumb down if they're ever going to win.

The majority of Americans vote based on emotion, not intelligence.

Democrats will continue to fail to get the votes necessary to win elections...

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