Democrats are not going to get the stupid redneck vote

You fail to understand the point of my post. Proving how stupid you are.

I am not trying to sway stupid rednecks. I am telling democrats to give up on trying to sway stupid rednecks.

As a Republican, I hope they follow your advice.

Those of us that you insist on calling “stupid rednecks” are the core of America, the majority, mainstream part of the population. We;re the ones who do nearly all of the productive work that makes this nation's economy run. We're the ones paying the taxes so that worthless parasites such as you can live on welfare. And we're the majority of the voters.

Let the Democrats see if they can scrape up enough votes from the inner city gangsters, the faggots, the trannies, the welfare parasites, the illegal aliens, the drug addicts, the radicalized Islamists, and all the other dregs of subhuman filth that infest our society; to remain in any kind of power.

Without us “stupid rednecks”, your party will fall into irrelevance.

Your bigoted post is another example that proves my point.
After the Democrats lost 4 special elections in Republican gerrymandered districts recently, a lot of democrats are suggesting the party dump Nancy Pelosi.

(For some reason I can't determine, Pelosi is a big ogre for rednecks...probably because she is a woman in power--they hate that.)

These democrats are wrong.

Democrats are never going to win the stupid redneck vote. Stupid rednecks consistently vote against their own economic interests. They refuse to vote for democrats because they don't want to be in the same party as brown-skinned people, feminists, and gays. Their choice of party = their bigotry. Democrats will never reach ignorant bigots.

To win elections democrats simply need to run good candidates and focus on urban area vote turnout. As long as they get their voters to turn out, democrats will always outnumber stupid, old, constipated, white people.


Still not anyone's fault but the other guy... I didn't vote for Trump and even I find all the excuses for the Democrat's failure amusing. The leadership can do nothing but blame anyone else, their acolytes can do nothing but blame everyone else. It would behoove you and yours to step up to the mirror and do some serious self evaluation and inventory and figure out why you keep losing. I'll even help you by getting you started...

Your animosity and bigotry for all those not like you, for those who don't think like you, for those who disagree with you and stand up to you? Not helping. Especially when you think it helps to be so vocal about your hatred. You and a good portion of those you identify with politically have become that which you spent the last eight years despising, attacking, making fun of, and attempting to humiliate.

Your party chose to run a widely loathed and despicable candidate with a sense of entitlement. She lacked the substance and personality to connect with the voters and she chose to alienate a large portion of the same. She, like you and the other lemmings, could not or would not (and still won't) take responsibility for the shortcomings that contributed to her loss.

Thanks to all of you, every single fucking one of you, we now have a minimum of four years of this petulant, egotistical, thin skinned, loud mouth President who has the emotional mentality of a twelve year old bully.

Go fuck yourself.

I am not a bigot simply for pointing out the bigotry of other people.

You are a bigot for using a racial slur and having racist beliefs about rural white people.

And your falsely accusing other people of racism, is just you actively attempting to inflame racial strife.

Redneck is a mindset, not a race. So the term redneck is not a racist slur, you ignoramus.

Rednecks are rural whites, especially from the south. YOu are using it as an racial slur. Your op is full of racist stereotypes and slurs.

YOu are a racist.
After the Democrats lost 4 special elections in Republican gerrymandered districts recently, a lot of democrats are suggesting the party dump Nancy Pelosi.

(For some reason I can't determine, Pelosi is a big ogre for rednecks...probably because she is a woman in power--they hate that.)

These democrats are wrong.

Democrats are never going to win the stupid redneck vote. Stupid rednecks consistently vote against their own economic interests. They refuse to vote for democrats because they don't want to be in the same party as brown-skinned people, feminists, and gays. Their choice of party = their bigotry. Democrats will never reach ignorant bigots.

To win elections democrats simply need to run good candidates and focus on urban area vote turnout. As long as they get their voters to turn out, democrats will always outnumber stupid, old, constipated, white people.
Wow, you're saying that stupid rednecks are not selfish, like selfishness is a virtue.
After the Democrats lost 4 special elections in Republican gerrymandered districts recently, a lot of democrats are suggesting the party dump Nancy Pelosi.

(For some reason I can't determine, Pelosi is a big ogre for rednecks...probably because she is a woman in power--they hate that.)

These democrats are wrong.

Democrats are never going to win the stupid redneck vote. Stupid rednecks consistently vote against their own economic interests. They refuse to vote for democrats because they don't want to be in the same party as brown-skinned people, feminists, and gays. Their choice of party = their bigotry. Democrats will never reach ignorant bigots.

To win elections democrats simply need to run good candidates and focus on urban area vote turnout. As long as they get their voters to turn out, democrats will always outnumber stupid, old, constipated, white people.


Still not anyone's fault but the other guy... I didn't vote for Trump and even I find all the excuses for the Democrat's failure amusing. The leadership can do nothing but blame anyone else, their acolytes can do nothing but blame everyone else. It would behoove you and yours to step up to the mirror and do some serious self evaluation and inventory and figure out why you keep losing. I'll even help you by getting you started...

Your animosity and bigotry for all those not like you, for those who don't think like you, for those who disagree with you and stand up to you? Not helping. Especially when you think it helps to be so vocal about your hatred. You and a good portion of those you identify with politically have become that which you spent the last eight years despising, attacking, making fun of, and attempting to humiliate.

Your party chose to run a widely loathed and despicable candidate with a sense of entitlement. She lacked the substance and personality to connect with the voters and she chose to alienate a large portion of the same. She, like you and the other lemmings, could not or would not (and still won't) take responsibility for the shortcomings that contributed to her loss.

Thanks to all of you, every single fucking one of you, we now have a minimum of four years of this petulant, egotistical, thin skinned, loud mouth President who has the emotional mentality of a twelve year old bully.

Go fuck yourself.

I am not a bigot simply for pointing out the bigotry of other people.

You are a bigot for using a racial slur and having racist beliefs about rural white people.

And your falsely accusing other people of racism, is just you actively attempting to inflame racial strife.

Redneck is a mindset, not a race. So the term redneck is not a racist slur, you ignoramus.

Actually Redneck was used to describe poor whites who worked in the fields. Their necks were sunburned red from bending over all day and planting or picking. So you are saying that White Rural people who work hard day in and day out are bad. Then you wonder why they don't want to vote for you. You are ignorant of what their lives are like, you are utterly ignorant of what they care about. You are uninterested in learning any of that, and you insult them for not seeing things your way. Not a great way to win the election.
Your bigoted post is another example that proves my point.

Is "redneck" the new "N" word? Why can't the radical left make a political point without using bigoted words? The left and especially the Hollywood left lives on stereotypes like "redneck" You almost gotta laugh that the ignorant left's favorite redneck stereotype, angry male white, middle aged middle America, turned out to be a democrat Sanders socialist gun toting assassin.
The Republicans have gained exactly ZERO seats in the special elections and they act as if they gained 5.

/----- LiberalPropagandaville where winners are losers and the losers are the winners. "Yay we only lost by 7 points. Let's have a victory parade."

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probably because she is a woman in power--they hate that.
stupid redneck
they don't want to be in the same party as brown-skinned people, feminists, and gays.

Their choice of party = their bigotry.
ignorant bigots
stupid, old, constipated, white people.

^^^And this is how sophisticated people use tact and intellect to sway voters over to their side. Flawless plan. Please do keep it up.

You fail to understand the point of my post. Proving how stupid you are.

I am not trying to sway stupid rednecks. I am telling democrats to give up on trying to sway stupid rednecks.
After the Democrats lost 4 special elections in Republican gerrymandered districts recently, a lot of democrats are suggesting the party dump Nancy Pelosi.

(For some reason I can't determine, Pelosi is a big ogre for rednecks...probably because she is a woman in power--they hate that.)

These democrats are wrong.

Democrats are never going to win the stupid redneck vote. Stupid rednecks consistently vote against their own economic interests. They refuse to vote for democrats because they don't want to be in the same party as brown-skinned people, feminists, and gays. Their choice of party = their bigotry. Democrats will never reach ignorant bigots.

To win elections democrats simply need to run good candidates and focus on urban area vote turnout. As long as they get their voters to turn out, democrats will always outnumber stupid, old, constipated, white people.

Don't look now but it's your own bigotry you've put on display here. I don't think there's a red-neck anywhere (including brown, feminist, or gay ones) so abysmally stupid as to be a fan of Pelosi. She's not an ogre; she's a mentally incompetent clown good for nothing but a laugh as are those silly enough to support her.

You are unable to support your opinion with a single fact.

Proving my point that rednecks think of her as an ogre but are unable to explain why.

She is not an ogre but a complete ignoramus!
While we yell about, people no longer in power, we have the Election integrity commission , they want the name, address soc security number, and party affilation of every voter in America.

Date of birth, draft status and any felony convictions.
The Republicans have gained exactly ZERO seats in the special elections and they act as if they gained 5.

/----- LiberalPropagandaville where winners are losers and the losers are the winners. "Yay we only lost by 7 points. Let's have a victory parade."

Sent from my iPhone using

If the average loss in the margin of victory the Republicans have suffered in the special elections holds up across the board in 2018, the Democrats will win 30 seats.
After the Democrats lost 4 special elections in Republican gerrymandered districts recently, a lot of democrats are suggesting the party dump Nancy Pelosi.

(For some reason I can't determine, Pelosi is a big ogre for rednecks...probably because she is a woman in power--they hate that.)

These democrats are wrong.

Democrats are never going to win the stupid redneck vote. Stupid rednecks consistently vote against their own economic interests. They refuse to vote for democrats because they don't want to be in the same party as brown-skinned people, feminists, and gays. Their choice of party = their bigotry. Democrats will never reach ignorant bigots.

To win elections democrats simply need to run good candidates and focus on urban area vote turnout. As long as they get their voters to turn out, democrats will always outnumber stupid, old, constipated, white people.
Another ignorant negro spewing liberal hate on the forum. Must be gunos relative.

hey shithead, I am white.
Oh a wigger.
After the Democrats lost 4 special elections in Republican gerrymandered districts recently, a lot of democrats are suggesting the party dump Nancy Pelosi.

(For some reason I can't determine, Pelosi is a big ogre for rednecks...probably because she is a woman in power--they hate that.)

These democrats are wrong.

Democrats are never going to win the stupid redneck vote. Stupid rednecks consistently vote against their own economic interests. They refuse to vote for democrats because they don't want to be in the same party as brown-skinned people, feminists, and gays. Their choice of party = their bigotry. Democrats will never reach ignorant bigots.

To win elections democrats simply need to run good candidates and focus on urban area vote turnout. As long as they get their voters to turn out, democrats will always outnumber stupid, old, constipated, white people.


Still not anyone's fault but the other guy... I didn't vote for Trump and even I find all the excuses for the Democrat's failure amusing. The leadership can do nothing but blame anyone else, their acolytes can do nothing but blame everyone else. It would behoove you and yours to step up to the mirror and do some serious self evaluation and inventory and figure out why you keep losing. I'll even help you by getting you started...

Your animosity and bigotry for all those not like you, for those who don't think like you, for those who disagree with you and stand up to you? Not helping. Especially when you think it helps to be so vocal about your hatred. You and a good portion of those you identify with politically have become that which you spent the last eight years despising, attacking, making fun of, and attempting to humiliate.

Your party chose to run a widely loathed and despicable candidate with a sense of entitlement. She lacked the substance and personality to connect with the voters and she chose to alienate a large portion of the same. She, like you and the other lemmings, could not or would not (and still won't) take responsibility for the shortcomings that contributed to her loss.

Thanks to all of you, every single fucking one of you, we now have a minimum of four years of this petulant, egotistical, thin skinned, loud mouth President who has the emotional mentality of a twelve year old bully.

Go fuck yourself.

I am not a bigot simply for pointing out the bigotry of other people.

You are a bigot for using a racial slur and having racist beliefs about rural white people.

And your falsely accusing other people of racism, is just you actively attempting to inflame racial strife.

Redneck is a mindset, not a race. So the term redneck is not a racist slur, you ignoramus.

I've seen whites use that argument with the word ******. You lefties didn't buy it then, and I'm not buying it now.

You are a racist.
After the Democrats lost 4 special elections in Republican gerrymandered districts recently, a lot of democrats are suggesting the party dump Nancy Pelosi.

(For some reason I can't determine, Pelosi is a big ogre for rednecks...probably because she is a woman in power--they hate that.)

These democrats are wrong.

Democrats are never going to win the stupid redneck vote. Stupid rednecks consistently vote against their own economic interests. They refuse to vote for democrats because they don't want to be in the same party as brown-skinned people, feminists, and gays. Their choice of party = their bigotry. Democrats will never reach ignorant bigots.

To win elections democrats simply need to run good candidates and focus on urban area vote turnout. As long as they get their voters to turn out, democrats will always outnumber stupid, old, constipated, white people.

Don't look now but it's your own bigotry you've put on display here. I don't think there's a red-neck anywhere (including brown, feminist, or gay ones) so abysmally stupid as to be a fan of Pelosi. She's not an ogre; she's a mentally incompetent clown good for nothing but a laugh as are those silly enough to support her.

You are unable to support your opinion with a single fact.

Proving my point that rednecks think of her as an ogre but are unable to explain why.

"You are unable to support your opinion with a single fact".

That would be because I don't believe you would recognize a fact if it bit you on the ankle.
Your OP was entirely opinion; so was my response. We're even.

"Proving my point that rednecks think of her as an ogre but are unable to explain why"

What part of "She's not an ogre; she's a mentally incompetent clown good for nothing but a laugh as are those silly enough to support her." do you not understand?

Democrats are not going to get the "dumb redneck" vote like Republicans are not going to get the filthy ass "ghetto monkey welfare queen" vote.
There really aren't that many. The dems have inflated that vote via voter fraud. It's easy because they've created a retarded population who will do anything they tell them to do..including factilitation of voter fraud.

You are correct.

The Democrat Party is a coalition of all the despicable assholes in this country. Welfare queens, anti gun nuts, illegals, environmental wackos, Feminazis, socialists, union bosses, environmental wackos, confused college kids and their Marxist professors and the abortionists.

The core group group is the ghetto monkeys. Without them and the illegals the filthy Democrat Party would have a hard time getting 25% of the vote.

Your post is a perfect example of the redneck bigotry the democrats will never reach.

You are confused Moon Bat. Your stupid stereotype is way off base. I am not a redneck. I have an advanced degree in Engineering. Professional office job for 30 years. Hardly the definition of a redneck.

Since you are trying to make bigoted cultural slurs against someone that is not a Left Wing nutcase then the correct cultural slur for me would be "Cracker" since I am fifth generation Floridian and proud of it.

Your post was bigoted and ignorant as hell and you are too dumb to know it..

My point is very valid. The heart and soul of the filthy Democrat party nowadays is the despicable scum of America. The ghetto monkeys and left wing nut cases that we have seen rioting in the streets ever since that asshole Crooked Hillary was defeated.

Without the inner city welfare queen Black vote and the illegals the Democrat Party would be hard put to get 25% of the voters in any national election. You know it and I know it.

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