Democrats are they seek a no boundaries, anything goes society?

In looking at almost any region run by Democrats you will quickly identify common denominators.
High crime rate
Government dependency
Gender confusion
Illegal immigrant protection

The list goes on and on. We hear Democrats / Progressives / Liberals (all one and the same) complain about strict laws,

and here we thought you people reviled Democrats as Statist who wanted the government and the law to control everything.

Make up your fucking feeble mind, Nummie.

Hey look, being against .GOV hand holding to the nth degree doesn't mean we're against law and government protecting good people from filthy Liberals and the like.

You want a 32 year old to be free to expose himself to underage girls.... Nothing like freedom...
In looking at almost any region run by Democrats you will quickly identify common denominators.
High crime rate
Government dependency
Gender confusion
Illegal immigrant protection

The list goes on and on. We hear Democrats / Progressives / Liberals (all one and the same) complain about strict laws, complain about laws against drug use, complain about Police targeting actual criminals, complain about laws against illegal immigration, complain about laws which prevent weirdos and predators from sharing restrooms and locker rooms with teen girls, they complain about hard working, tax paying, positive contributing religious REAL Americans....again, the list goes on and on.
It's obvious Dems are pushing for a true, zero boundaries anything goes "utopia". I can't help but wonder what American society would look like if it were completely run by Democrats....close your eyes and imagine it then report your thoughts here.

The entire Northeast is disproportionately run by liberals. Your rant is horseshit.

Which explains why Massachusetts keeps electing Republican Governors, Carbineer! The voters there...although they are among the most liberal in the nation...recognize the fact that it's the GOP that fixes budgets and that too many years of a Democrat running things isn't a good thing!

Romney had 800 vetoes overridden by the Democratic legislature in MA. lol

He had 100 plus vetoes that were NOT overridden by a State Legislature that was 85% Democratic! Let me repeat that...Romney had 100 plus vetoes that were NOT overridden by Democrats despite having an overwhelming majority in the State Legislature!

The voters put in nothing but GOP Governors...except for one all the way back to the early 1990's, Carbineer! Weld, Cellucci, Swift, Romney and now Baker! If it wasn't for Deval would be a complete sweep of the past twenty five years! So WHY on earth would a liberal State like Massachusetts feel the need to do THAT? Hmmmm?
In looking at almost any region run by Democrats you will quickly identify common denominators.
High crime rate
Government dependency
Gender confusion
Illegal immigrant protection

The list goes on and on. We hear Democrats / Progressives / Liberals (all one and the same) complain about strict laws, complain about laws against drug use, complain about Police targeting actual criminals, complain about laws against illegal immigration, complain about laws which prevent weirdos and predators from sharing restrooms and locker rooms with teen girls, they complain about hard working, tax paying, positive contributing religious REAL Americans....again, the list goes on and on.
It's obvious Dems are pushing for a true, zero boundaries anything goes "utopia". I can't help but wonder what American society would look like if it were completely run by Democrats....close your eyes and imagine it then report your thoughts here.

Your profile shows you're from Southern California.

That would be one of those 'Democrat' regions where people are confused about their gender, right?

Does that explain why you're a guy who whines like a little girl?
Hey ye are the guys who want a kiddy fucker in the senate....

So I think Democrats are against Kiddy Fuckers in the Senate...

So he's been convicted in a court?

Was Clinton?

He was suspended from practicing law over the lewinsky incident:

Bill Clinton was Fined, Disbarred Over the Monica Lewinsky Scandal

No, he was suspended for a civil contempt charge that was about the rules of the court proceeding. It was neither criminal nor was it related to Lewinsky.

From the Snopes article I quoted:

On his last day in office in 2001, Clinton agreed to a five-year suspension of his Arkansas law license in order to head off any criminal charges for lying under oath about his relationship with Lewinsky. Clinton has been eligible to seek reinstatement of his license since 2006, but as of 2013 he had not applied to do so.

From wikipedia:

Lewinsky scandal - Wikipedia

Two months after the Senate failed to convict him, President Clinton was held in civil contempt of court by Judge Susan Webber Wright for giving misleading testimony regarding his sexual relationship with Lewinsky, and was also fined $90,000 by Wright.[2][3] Clinton declined to appeal the civil contempt of court ruling, citing financial problems,[2] but still maintained that his testimony complied with Wright's earlier definition of sexual relations.[2] In 2001, his license to practice law was suspended in Arkansas for five years and later by the United States Supreme Court.[4]

So how is that not related to Lewinsky?

Because he could have lied about anything in that deposition and it still would have been civil contempt.

Because she (the judge) did NOT penalize him for the relationship itself.
Hey ye are the guys who want a kiddy fucker in the senate....

So I think Democrats are against Kiddy Fuckers in the Senate...

More evidence that they are 3rd world degenerates indeed. Even due process, and innocent until proven guilty are a foreign concept to them.

The banana-republic way of witch hunts and "listen and believe" it is.
Dem's seek to control the people with an iron fist, what they think, say, eat, how they live, their income and wealth. The elite liberal ruling class is exempt of course.

Yeah, did you hear Sessions say they havent ruled out jailing Journalists. What a friggin liberal that guy

High crime rate
Government dependency
Gender confusion
Illegal immigrant protection


Your so called journalists are filthy lying scum.

Oh, and you're a democrat that "seeks to control the people with an iron fist" or nah?
In looking at almost any region run by Democrats you will quickly identify common denominators.
High crime rate
Government dependency
Gender confusion
Illegal immigrant protection

The list goes on and on. We hear Democrats / Progressives / Liberals (all one and the same) complain about strict laws,

and here we thought you people reviled Democrats as Statist who wanted the government and the law to control everything.

Make up your fucking feeble mind, Nummie.

Hey look, being against .GOV hand holding to the nth degree doesn't mean we're against law and government protecting good people from filthy Liberals and the like.

You want a 32 year old to be free to expose himself to underage girls.... Nothing like freedom...

Hey ye are the guys who want a kiddy fucker in the senate....

So I think Democrats are against Kiddy Fuckers in the Senate...

More evidence that they are 3rd world degenerates indeed. Even due process, and innocent until proven guilty are a foreign concept to them.

The banana-republic way of witch hunts and "listen and believe" it is.

CowboyTed believes everything anyone says....Sell him some ocean front property in Iowa...he’ll be all over it.
In looking at almost any region run by Democrats you will quickly identify common denominators.
High crime rate
Government dependency
Gender confusion
Illegal immigrant protection

The list goes on and on. We hear Democrats / Progressives / Liberals (all one and the same) complain about strict laws, complain about laws against drug use, complain about Police targeting actual criminals, complain about laws against illegal immigration, complain about laws which prevent weirdos and predators from sharing restrooms and locker rooms with teen girls, they complain about hard working, tax paying, positive contributing religious REAL Americans....again, the list goes on and on.
It's obvious Dems are pushing for a true, zero boundaries anything goes "utopia". I can't help but wonder what American society would look like if it were completely run by Democrats....close your eyes and imagine it then report your thoughts here.
You have no clue what a "progressive" is in the first place..
In looking at almost any region run by Democrats you will quickly identify common denominators.
High crime rate
Government dependency
Gender confusion
Illegal immigrant protection

The list goes on and on. We hear Democrats / Progressives / Liberals (all one and the same) complain about strict laws, complain about laws against drug use, complain about Police targeting actual criminals, complain about laws against illegal immigration, complain about laws which prevent weirdos and predators from sharing restrooms and locker rooms with teen girls, they complain about hard working, tax paying, positive contributing religious REAL Americans....again, the list goes on and on.
It's obvious Dems are pushing for a true, zero boundaries anything goes "utopia". I can't help but wonder what American society would look like if it were completely run by Democrats....close your eyes and imagine it then report your thoughts here.
You have no clue what a "progressive" is in the first place..

Enlighten us....explain your definition would ya?
In looking at almost any region run by Democrats you will quickly identify common denominators.
High crime rate
Government dependency
Gender confusion
Illegal immigrant protection

The list goes on and on. We hear Democrats / Progressives / Liberals (all one and the same) complain about strict laws, complain about laws against drug use, complain about Police targeting actual criminals, complain about laws against illegal immigration, complain about laws which prevent weirdos and predators from sharing restrooms and locker rooms with teen girls, they complain about hard working, tax paying, positive contributing religious REAL Americans....again, the list goes on and on.
It's obvious Dems are pushing for a true, zero boundaries anything goes "utopia". I can't help but wonder what American society would look like if it were completely run by Democrats....close your eyes and imagine it then report your thoughts here.
You have no clue what a "progressive" is in the first place..

Enlighten us....explain your definition would ya?
Progressives are people like Trump that run on a message of improvement over the current state of affairs and they make moral laws that are made to protect people from themselves...A fine example is the law that just passed making sites liable for federal intervention, prosecution and fines on the mention of sexual activity with strangers.....
In looking at almost any region run by Democrats you will quickly identify common denominators.
High crime rate
Government dependency
Gender confusion
Illegal immigrant protection

The list goes on and on. We hear Democrats / Progressives / Liberals (all one and the same) complain about strict laws, complain about laws against drug use, complain about Police targeting actual criminals, complain about laws against illegal immigration, complain about laws which prevent weirdos and predators from sharing restrooms and locker rooms with teen girls, they complain about hard working, tax paying, positive contributing religious REAL Americans....again, the list goes on and on.
It's obvious Dems are pushing for a true, zero boundaries anything goes "utopia". I can't help but wonder what American society would look like if it were completely run by Democrats....close your eyes and imagine it then report your thoughts here.
You have no clue what a "progressive" is in the first place..

Seems like he has identified a long list of what it actually means in reality. While you still have your head in the ass talking about theory, because the reality is too difficult to look at.

Trump is not a progressive LMAO. He stands for actual progress rather than regress, which alone disqualifies him.
It is republucans who seek no boundaries

No worker protections, no protections on the environment, no equal rights
No restrictions on business. No restrictions on guns
In looking at almost any region run by Democrats you will quickly identify common denominators.
High crime rate
Government dependency
Gender confusion
Illegal immigrant protection

The list goes on and on. We hear Democrats / Progressives / Liberals (all one and the same) complain about strict laws, complain about laws against drug use, complain about Police targeting actual criminals, complain about laws against illegal immigration, complain about laws which prevent weirdos and predators from sharing restrooms and locker rooms with teen girls, they complain about hard working, tax paying, positive contributing religious REAL Americans....again, the list goes on and on.
It's obvious Dems are pushing for a true, zero boundaries anything goes "utopia". I can't help but wonder what American society would look like if it were completely run by Democrats....close your eyes and imagine it then report your thoughts here.
You have no clue what a "progressive" is in the first place..

Seems like he has identified a long list of what it actually means in reality. While you still have your head in the ass talking about theory, because the reality is too difficult to look at.
So now you have a fantasy of ass fisting, no surprise..
Another social Darwinist at work folks.
In looking at almost any region run by Democrats you will quickly identify common denominators.
High crime rate
Government dependency
Gender confusion
Illegal immigrant protection

The list goes on and on. We hear Democrats / Progressives / Liberals (all one and the same) complain about strict laws, complain about laws against drug use, complain about Police targeting actual criminals, complain about laws against illegal immigration, complain about laws which prevent weirdos and predators from sharing restrooms and locker rooms with teen girls, they complain about hard working, tax paying, positive contributing religious REAL Americans....again, the list goes on and on.
It's obvious Dems are pushing for a true, zero boundaries anything goes "utopia". I can't help but wonder what American society would look like if it were completely run by Democrats....close your eyes and imagine it then report your thoughts here.
You have no clue what a "progressive" is in the first place..

Seems like he has identified a long list of what it actually means in reality. While you still have your head in the ass talking about theory, because the reality is too difficult to look at.
So now you have a fantasy of ass fisting, no surprise..
Another social Darwinist at work folks.

Just identifying what you are doing, it's even included in your signature for all of us to see.

Darwinism will eventually cull the people who walk their head up their ass. You may ignore the reality, but the reality of the situation won't ignore you, as you will quickly find out by moving to progressive utopias such as Venezuela. Plus, having head up your ass requires unnecessary acrobatics, not to mention, stinks. I advice against it...
In looking at almost any region run by Democrats you will quickly identify common denominators.
High crime rate
Government dependency
Gender confusion
Illegal immigrant protection

The list goes on and on. We hear Democrats / Progressives / Liberals (all one and the same) complain about strict laws, complain about laws against drug use, complain about Police targeting actual criminals, complain about laws against illegal immigration, complain about laws which prevent weirdos and predators from sharing restrooms and locker rooms with teen girls, they complain about hard working, tax paying, positive contributing religious REAL Americans....again, the list goes on and on.
It's obvious Dems are pushing for a true, zero boundaries anything goes "utopia". I can't help but wonder what American society would look like if it were completely run by Democrats....close your eyes and imagine it then report your thoughts here.
You have no clue what a "progressive" is in the first place..

Seems like he has identified a long list of what it actually means in reality. While you still have your head in the ass talking about theory, because the reality is too difficult to look at.
So now you have a fantasy of ass fisting, no surprise..
Another social Darwinist at work folks.

Just identifying what you are doing, it's even included in your signature for all of us to see.

Darwinism will eventually cull the people who walk their head up their ass. You may ignore the reality, but the reality of the situation won't ignore you, as you will quickly find out by moving to progressive utopias such as Venezuela. Plus, having head up your ass requires unnecessary acrobatics, not to mention, stinks. I advice against it...
I already live in a progressive paradise why move?
In looking at almost any region run by Democrats you will quickly identify common denominators.
High crime rate
Government dependency
Gender confusion
Illegal immigrant protection

The list goes on and on. We hear Democrats / Progressives / Liberals (all one and the same) complain about strict laws, complain about laws against drug use, complain about Police targeting actual criminals, complain about laws against illegal immigration, complain about laws which prevent weirdos and predators from sharing restrooms and locker rooms with teen girls, they complain about hard working, tax paying, positive contributing religious REAL Americans....again, the list goes on and on.
It's obvious Dems are pushing for a true, zero boundaries anything goes "utopia". I can't help but wonder what American society would look like if it were completely run by Democrats....close your eyes and imagine it then report your thoughts here.
You have no clue what a "progressive" is in the first place..

Seems like he has identified a long list of what it actually means in reality. While you still have your head in the ass talking about theory, because the reality is too difficult to look at.
So now you have a fantasy of ass fisting, no surprise..
Another social Darwinist at work folks.

Just identifying what you are doing, it's even included in your signature for all of us to see.

Darwinism will eventually cull the people who walk their head up their ass. You may ignore the reality, but the reality of the situation won't ignore you, as you will quickly find out by moving to progressive utopias such as Venezuela. Plus, having head up your ass requires unnecessary acrobatics, not to mention, stinks. I advice against it...
I already live in a progressive paradise why move?

Obviously the answer is because Venezuela has even more of the goodness that you highly value, like:
High crime rate
Government dependency
Gender confusion
Illegal immigrant protection

You would have a blast... No longer difficult cognitive work such as knowing your gender required.
You have no clue what a "progressive" is in the first place..

Seems like he has identified a long list of what it actually means in reality. While you still have your head in the ass talking about theory, because the reality is too difficult to look at.
So now you have a fantasy of ass fisting, no surprise..
Another social Darwinist at work folks.

Just identifying what you are doing, it's even included in your signature for all of us to see.

Darwinism will eventually cull the people who walk their head up their ass. You may ignore the reality, but the reality of the situation won't ignore you, as you will quickly find out by moving to progressive utopias such as Venezuela. Plus, having head up your ass requires unnecessary acrobatics, not to mention, stinks. I advice against it...
I already live in a progressive paradise why move?

Obviously the answer is because Venezuela has even more of the goodness that you highly value, like:
High crime rate
Government dependency
Gender confusion
Illegal immigrant protection

You would have a blast... No longer difficult cognitive work such as knowing your gender required.

The problem with Venezuela for our resident LefTards....they can’t live in mommies converted garage, spend their days playing video games and waiting on that new EBT card funded by good, productive people.
In looking at almost any region run by Democrats you will quickly identify common denominators.
High crime rate
Government dependency
Gender confusion
Illegal immigrant protection

The list goes on and on. We hear Democrats / Progressives / Liberals (all one and the same) complain about strict laws, complain about laws against drug use, complain about Police targeting actual criminals, complain about laws against illegal immigration, complain about laws which prevent weirdos and predators from sharing restrooms and locker rooms with teen girls, they complain about hard working, tax paying, positive contributing religious REAL Americans....again, the list goes on and on.
It's obvious Dems are pushing for a true, zero boundaries anything goes "utopia". I can't help but wonder what American society would look like if it were completely run by Democrats....close your eyes and imagine it then report your thoughts here.

The entire Northeast is disproportionately run by liberals. Your rant is horseshit.

Which explains why Massachusetts keeps electing Republican Governors, Carbineer! The voters there...although they are among the most liberal in the nation...recognize the fact that it's the GOP that fixes budgets and that too many years of a Democrat running things isn't a good thing!

Uh-huh. Unless you actually want to look at the facts.
The highest rate of growth has been under Kennedy, Johnson, Carter, Reagan, and Clinton. Regan is the only Republican.
Obama was handed the worst financial crash since 1929 or he would have had a better number, too.

It is republucans who seek no boundaries
No worker protections, no protections on the environment, no equal rights
No restrictions on business. No restrictions on guns

"Worker Protections" = Labor Unions = Major funding source for Progressive agendas ----- so on this point------ FAIL

"No protections on the environment" = Limiting Dems power grabs and excessive expansion of government is a good thing -- FAIL

"No equal Rights" = Are you fucking retarded? It was DEMS who pushed segregation and defended slavery -- FAIL

"No restrictions on business" = Anti Capitalism, yet capitalism is the very essence of prosperity -- FAIL

"No Restrictions on guns" = Already 1000's of restrictions on guns...What they actually want is repeal of the 2nd amendment -- FAIL

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