Democrats are they seek a no boundaries, anything goes society?

Uh-huh. Unless you actually want to look at the facts.
The highest rate of growth has been under Kennedy, Johnson, Carter, Reagan, and Clinton. Regan is the only Republican.
Obama was handed the worst financial crash since 1929 or he would have had a better number, too.


Try again.....

Clinton doesn't count - he was a fiscal disaster - what MADE HIM LOOK GOOD was the Internet Boon of the 80's

Besides, bullshit like this is merely propaganda. There's charts to show ANYTHING you can dream up. Make a wish.

Futhermore, Democrat Presidents of the past weren't anti-American like today's REgressives are so you're comparing apples to oranges.

Nice try - but NO SALE
It is republucans who seek no boundaries
No worker protections, no protections on the environment, no equal rights
No restrictions on business. No restrictions on guns

"Worker Protections" = Labor Unions = Major funding source for Progressive agendas ----- so on this point------ FAIL
Child labor laws, head protection, hearing protection, five day work week, are just some of the protections government has provided much to the chagrin of can't serve atives.
"No protections on the environment" = Limiting Dems power grabs and excessive expansion of government is a good thing -- FAIL
If you like to breathe air don't be a can't serve ative as they would have you believing it is just Asthma.

"No equal Rights" = Are you fucking retarded? It was DEMS who pushed segregation and defended slavery -- FAIL
Yes the Democrats of the 40's and 50's were very racist in the south. George Wallace was one of the most notable. Then in the mid 60's LBJ got the parties to reverse their positions. So now Democrats are liberal and rethuglians are just that.
"No restrictions on business" = Anti Capitalism, yet capitalism is the very essence of prosperity -- FAIL
Capitalism is not the essence of prosperity! What is is a balanced society of producers and users with the equal of wages and prices so people can live happy and healthy.
"No Restrictions on guns" = Already 1000's of restrictions on guns...What they actually want is repeal of the 2nd amendment -- FAIL
What YOU fail to understand is no one wants to repeal the second amendment only close the open endlessness of military weapons owned by citizens. We do not have citizen militias to be armed only really bad shot hunters who need 50 round magazines to shoot down a boar. I do that with a single shot from a pistol.
It is republucans who seek no boundaries
No worker protections, no protections on the environment, no equal rights
No restrictions on business. No restrictions on guns

"Worker Protections" = Labor Unions = Major funding source for Progressive agendas ----- so on this point------ FAIL
Child labor laws, head protection, hearing protection, five day work week, are just some of the protections government has provided much to the chagrin of can't serve atives.
"No protections on the environment" = Limiting Dems power grabs and excessive expansion of government is a good thing -- FAIL
If you like to breathe air don't be a can't serve ative as they would have you believing it is just Asthma.

"No equal Rights" = Are you fucking retarded? It was DEMS who pushed segregation and defended slavery -- FAIL
Yes the Democrats of the 40's and 50's were very racist in the south. George Wallace was one of the most notable. Then in the mid 60's LBJ got the parties to reverse their positions. So now Democrats are liberal and rethuglians are just that.
"No restrictions on business" = Anti Capitalism, yet capitalism is the very essence of prosperity -- FAIL
Capitalism is not the essence of prosperity! What is is a balanced society of producers and users with the equal of wages and prices so people can live happy and healthy.
"No Restrictions on guns" = Already 1000's of restrictions on guns...What they actually want is repeal of the 2nd amendment -- FAIL
What YOU fail to understand is no one wants to repeal the second amendment only close the open endlessness of military weapons owned by citizens. We do not have citizen militias to be armed only really bad shot hunters who need 50 round magazines to shoot down a boar. I do that with a single shot from a pistol.

At least you admitted that Dems in the 50's and 60's were racist as hell. Too bad you can't see today they are just as sick in other ways. Corruption being No 1.
And you reeeeeealllllyyy believe that ONLY Democrats EVER care about child labor or government protections? LMAO

Capitalism is the essence of prosperity and only a fool says otherwise. HUMAN NATURE. People are MOTIVATED by their OWN DESIRES.
Re-gressives can't see it. They think taxing people heavily is the way to prosperity LMAO

On guns you are wrong. You REALLY need to understand why there is a 2nd Amendment. ITS NOT ABOUT HUNTING
The fact that you say that is evidence you are NOT well versed.


And some Re-gressive institutions are so totally fucked up they outright try to "re-interpret" the US Constitution to fit their agendas......

Second Amendment | Wex Legal Dictionary / Encyclopedia | LII / Legal ...
Second Amendment

On the one hand, some believe that the Amendment's phrase "the right of the people to keep and bear Arms" creates an individual constitutional right for citizens of the ... A collective rights theory of the Second Amendment asserts that citizens do not have an individual right to possess guns and that local, state, and federal ...
It is republucans who seek no boundaries
No worker protections, no protections on the environment, no equal rights
No restrictions on business. No restrictions on guns

"Worker Protections" = Labor Unions = Major funding source for Progressive agendas ----- so on this point------ FAIL
Child labor laws, head protection, hearing protection, five day work week, are just some of the protections government has provided much to the chagrin of can't serve atives.
"No protections on the environment" = Limiting Dems power grabs and excessive expansion of government is a good thing -- FAIL
If you like to breathe air don't be a can't serve ative as they would have you believing it is just Asthma.

"No equal Rights" = Are you fucking retarded? It was DEMS who pushed segregation and defended slavery -- FAIL
Yes the Democrats of the 40's and 50's were very racist in the south. George Wallace was one of the most notable. Then in the mid 60's LBJ got the parties to reverse their positions. So now Democrats are liberal and rethuglians are just that.
"No restrictions on business" = Anti Capitalism, yet capitalism is the very essence of prosperity -- FAIL
Capitalism is not the essence of prosperity! What is is a balanced society of producers and users with the equal of wages and prices so people can live happy and healthy.
"No Restrictions on guns" = Already 1000's of restrictions on guns...What they actually want is repeal of the 2nd amendment -- FAIL
What YOU fail to understand is no one wants to repeal the second amendment

You people have convinced us otherwise. It is your own doing, by your own words and actions.

Don't waste your time or ours. We're not listening anymore.
Liberal scum bags are for anything they like at the time, illegal, immoral or not.
Seems like he has identified a long list of what it actually means in reality. While you still have your head in the ass talking about theory, because the reality is too difficult to look at.
So now you have a fantasy of ass fisting, no surprise..
Another social Darwinist at work folks.

Just identifying what you are doing, it's even included in your signature for all of us to see.

Darwinism will eventually cull the people who walk their head up their ass. You may ignore the reality, but the reality of the situation won't ignore you, as you will quickly find out by moving to progressive utopias such as Venezuela. Plus, having head up your ass requires unnecessary acrobatics, not to mention, stinks. I advice against it...
I already live in a progressive paradise why move?

Obviously the answer is because Venezuela has even more of the goodness that you highly value, like:
High crime rate
Government dependency
Gender confusion
Illegal immigrant protection

You would have a blast... No longer difficult cognitive work such as knowing your gender required.

The problem with Venezuela for our resident LefTards....they can’t live in mommies converted garage, spend their days playing video games and waiting on that new EBT card funded by good, productive people.
just lousy management. a command economy, bent on command economizing its way to prosperity, could simply muster a corp of agricultural engineers to pioneer best practices; socializing costs is what socialism is always good for.
It is republucans who seek no boundaries
No worker protections, no protections on the environment, no equal rights
No restrictions on business. No restrictions on guns

"Worker Protections" = Labor Unions = Major funding source for Progressive agendas ----- so on this point------ FAIL
Child labor laws, head protection, hearing protection, five day work week, are just some of the protections government has provided much to the chagrin of can't serve atives.
"No protections on the environment" = Limiting Dems power grabs and excessive expansion of government is a good thing -- FAIL
If you like to breathe air don't be a can't serve ative as they would have you believing it is just Asthma.

"No equal Rights" = Are you fucking retarded? It was DEMS who pushed segregation and defended slavery -- FAIL
Yes the Democrats of the 40's and 50's were very racist in the south. George Wallace was one of the most notable. Then in the mid 60's LBJ got the parties to reverse their positions. So now Democrats are liberal and rethuglians are just that.
"No restrictions on business" = Anti Capitalism, yet capitalism is the very essence of prosperity -- FAIL
Capitalism is not the essence of prosperity! What is is a balanced society of producers and users with the equal of wages and prices so people can live happy and healthy.
"No Restrictions on guns" = Already 1000's of restrictions on guns...What they actually want is repeal of the 2nd amendment -- FAIL
What YOU fail to understand is no one wants to repeal the second amendment only close the open endlessness of military weapons owned by citizens. We do not have citizen militias to be armed only really bad shot hunters who need 50 round magazines to shoot down a boar. I do that with a single shot from a pistol.

You wuss! Use a spear!

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