Democrats Are Pushing America Into Civil War

Liberals tries to stop this understanding because they are all liars and bluffers and will always lose when push comes to shove

The men will stop the women’s voting in crooks

With a logic test for voting where there will be mostly men

with a logic test there would be NO conservatives allowed to vote.

So let's do that logic test.

Check the age voting pattern to know the truth


I did

at every age conservatives are MORE illogical than rational people.

sorry to inform you but

1. 1 black commited a crime so therefore ALL blacks are criminals

2. MOST whites do NOT commit crimes so therefore ONLY blacks are criminals

is NOT good logic.


1 muslim is a terrorist so ALL muslims are terrorists
just because SOME christians commit terrorist acts doesn't prove that ALL christians are terrorists

is another example of bad logic.
The left has always been the primary target of authoritarian regimes. Professors, activists, labor unions, socialists, gays, immigrants etc. have always been first to feel the boot of fascism on their necks.

The left, at least the far left, IS the "authoritarian" regime. Hitler and Stalin, like much of the modern American left, REJECTED free-market capitalism in favor of a government-controlled economy, much like China has today. The rejection of free-market capitalism is the FIRST tenet of fascism, communism and socialism. All three government systems stem from the roots of leftist ideology.
The left has always been the primary target of authoritarian regimes. Professors, activists, labor unions, socialists, gays, immigrants etc. have always been first to feel the boot of fascism on their necks.

The left, at least the far left, IS the "authoritarian" regime. Hitler and Stalin, like much of the modern American left, REJECTED free-market capitalism in favor of a government-controlled economy, much like China has today. The rejection of free-market capitalism is the FIRST tenet of fascism, communism and socialism. All three government systems stem from the roots of leftist ideology.
Sorry guy, my list of common scapegoats are your scapegoats not mine.
Sorry guy, my list of common scapegoats are your scapegoats not mine.

As a leftist, you lack the character to be honest, even with yourself. That's why you parrot the debunked claim that fascism is "far-right ideology". And since you can't articulate an intelligent response, you responded with this drivel.
The left has always been the primary target of authoritarian regimes. Professors, activists, labor unions, socialists, gays, immigrants etc. have always been first to feel the boot of fascism on their necks.

The left, at least the far left, IS the "authoritarian" regime. Hitler and Stalin, like much of the modern American left, REJECTED free-market capitalism in favor of a government-controlled economy, much like China has today. The rejection of free-market capitalism is the FIRST tenet of fascism, communism and socialism. All three government systems stem from the roots of leftist ideology.

Hitler never stopped capitalism. In fact, one of the reasons he came to power was the support of the Capitalist Elites. Corporate and Private business was in full swing until 1944 when Germany finally went to full War Powers. Unless you were slavic, jewish or any other minority group who had their whole lives seized. This method before 1944 actually helped the Allied War Effort. There was a lot of duplicate effort done by various military contractors. Had Germany gone to war footing in 1940, those duplicates would not have been done and better quality war material would have happened.

War Economic Effort is a temporary situation. The US went to a War Effort Economy in 1942. Does that make the US worse than Germany of the same time period? Does that make the US a Fascist Nation? No. A war effort economy has nothing to do with fascism. In fact, it's the exact opposite. It's closer to Socialism where the Government takes control of almost every facet of the civilian's economic lives until the military situation is resolved.

Again (I'll type slower just for you) Fascism depends on the support of the Capitalist Elites as it did in Spain and Italy. Socialism is where the Government assumes more control over the Capitalist Elites and regulates them heavily or nationalizes their businesses. No Capitalist Elite will EVER support Socialism. But they will support Fascism at the drop of a hat.
Hitler never stopped capitalism.

Incorrect. Industry operated at the leisure of the government. Government dictated what they could make, how they would make it, who they must hire, how much they must pay, etc. Free-market capitalism entails that citizens are FREE to pursue their own endeavors free of government micro-management of their business affairs. Far-left regimes such as Hitler, Mussolini, Stalin, Mao, Castro, etc. NEVER permitted such freedom.
Socialism is where the Government assumes more control over the Capitalist Elites and regulates them heavily or nationalizes their businesses. No Capitalist Elite will EVER support Socialism. But they will support Fascism at the drop of a hat.

You have a fundamental misunderstanding of ideologies with regard to economics and governance.

To claim that fascists support free-market capitalism is absurd. Fascists support total government control of EVERY facet of society, including, among others, central control of the nation's education and healthcare. Now, let me ask you a question. Is it the modern American right or the modern American left that is pushing for government control of America's healthcare and education systems? Here's another question. Is it the modern American right or the modern American left pushing for more and more government regulations (control) over private businesses and for higher taxes to be seized from the people? It is ALWAYS the left that is rejecting capitalism and calling on more and more government and government regulations and higher taxes. It is the American right that pushes for more economic freedom, less regulations, less taxes and for limiting government involvement in our nation's healthcare system. Yes, fascism is the extreme of leftist ideology.
The age voting pattern proves liberalism comes from crooks and morons and always loses

Not always. Sometimes they become President of the United States by the name of Rump.

As we see here ...

No one addresses what the age voting pattern proves

That then proves they themselves are the liars and crooks

The age voting pattern proves liberalism is the harm and proves conservatism is the help for a nation


The age voting pattern proves democrats are the harm of the nation !!
The left has always been the primary target of authoritarian regimes. Professors, activists, labor unions, socialists, gays, immigrants etc. have always been first to feel the boot of fascism on their necks.

The left, at least the far left, IS the "authoritarian" regime. Hitler and Stalin, like much of the modern American left, REJECTED free-market capitalism in favor of a government-controlled economy, much like China has today. The rejection of free-market capitalism is the FIRST tenet of fascism, communism and socialism. All three government systems stem from the roots of leftist ideology.

Why would real Right Wingers support Capitalism?
Why would real Right Wingers support Capitalism?

Because right wingers believe that free-market capitalism is better for poor and average citizens than a totalitarian system such as fascism, socialism or communism. There is no clearer example of this than North and South Korea.
Liberals tries to stop this understanding because they are all liars and bluffers and will always lose when push comes to shove

The men will stop the women’s voting in crooks

With a logic test for voting where there will be mostly men

with a logic test there would be NO conservatives allowed to vote.

So let's do that logic test.

Check the age voting pattern to know the truth


I did

at every age conservatives are MORE illogical than rational people.

sorry to inform you but

1. 1 black commited a crime so therefore ALL blacks are criminals

2. MOST whites do NOT commit crimes so therefore ONLY blacks are criminals

is NOT good logic.


1 muslim is a terrorist so ALL muslims are terrorists
just because SOME christians commit terrorist acts doesn't prove that ALL christians are terrorists

is another example of bad logic.

Hmm. Yet the differences are notable enough to make for a Detroit.
Why would real Right Wingers support Capitalism?

Because right wingers believe that free-market capitalism is better for poor and average citizens than a totalitarian system such as fascism, socialism or communism. There is no clearer example of this than North and South Korea.
Right Wingers by definition include traditional, hierarchy & authoritarian values.

Actually, Liberalism by definition is to maximize liberty & limit government.
Liberals tries to stop this understanding because they are all liars and bluffers and will always lose when push comes to shove

The men will stop the women’s voting in crooks

With a logic test for voting where there will be mostly men

with a logic test there would be NO conservatives allowed to vote.

So let's do that logic test.

Check the age voting pattern to know the truth


I did

at every age conservatives are MORE illogical than rational people.

sorry to inform you but

1. 1 black commited a crime so therefore ALL blacks are criminals

2. MOST whites do NOT commit crimes so therefore ONLY blacks are criminals

is NOT good logic.


1 muslim is a terrorist so ALL muslims are terrorists
just because SOME christians commit terrorist acts doesn't prove that ALL christians are terrorists

is another example of bad logic.

Are you drunk ??

The age voting pattern proves that liberals harms the nation and conservatives helps a nation

This comes from the fact of life that age brings learning and experience

All polls show that with each year of age a person becomes more conservative and less liberal

That proves educators and media are corrupt to the core by not explaining this

Democrats are liars and crooks and why that the higher logic ability the men agrees more than the lower logic women

This then will have the men to stop this crooked system and stop the unwise from electing crooks

Trump now with support by the men and Durham and Barr will call out the military to lock up the crooks and stop the unwise from voting in of crooks

The military agrees with trump and will come out to stop this ugly govt that has been bought off for many years

You democrats lost when the men agrees with trump !!
Why would real Right Wingers support Capitalism?

Because right wingers believe that free-market capitalism is better for poor and average citizens than a totalitarian system such as fascism, socialism or communism. There is no clearer example of this than North and South Korea.
Right Wingers by definition include traditional, hierarchy & authoritarian values.

Actually, Liberalism by definition is to maximize liberty & limit government.

Wrong liberalism brings destruction because the unwise are free to vote and elect crooks

Trump will bring a logic test for voting
Trump will stop the unwise from electing crooks with a logic test for voting

China's progress with high GDP scores comes from stopping their unwise from voting and making decisions

America's founders saved America by stopping the unwise from voting
Why would real Right Wingers support Capitalism?

Because right wingers believe that free-market capitalism is better for poor and average citizens than a totalitarian system such as fascism, socialism or communism. There is no clearer example of this than North and South Korea.
Right Wingers by definition include traditional, hierarchy & authoritarian values.

Actually, Liberalism by definition is to maximize liberty & limit government.

Wrong liberalism brings destruction because the unwise are free to vote and elect crooks

Trump will bring a logic test for voting

Individualism is ruining the West. Both Democrats & Republicans are pretty Indivualist.
Right Wingers by definition include traditional, hierarchy & authoritarian values.
Actually, Liberalism by definition is to maximize liberty & limit government.

By whose definition, some left-wing ideologue? The U.S. was founded on the principles of freedom, freedom of expression, freedom to own guns, freedom in the marketplace, otherwise known as free-market capitalism. That is how the U.S. became the richest, most prosperous and most powerful nation on the planet.

Is it you view that a guy like Joseph Stalin was "far-left" or "far-right"?

It seems to me that you have a misunderstanding of what makes one "right" or "left" wing.

I don't know where you live, but it's the LEFT in the U.S. that wants to control every facet of the nation, confiscate guns, take over the healthcare industry, dictate how much one can charge for the use of their own property, dictate how large a soda one can buy and who are constantly attacking private wealth. Your claim that liberals want to "maximize liberty & limit government" is patently false.
Why would real Right Wingers support Capitalism?

Because right wingers believe that free-market capitalism is better for poor and average citizens than a totalitarian system such as fascism, socialism or communism. There is no clearer example of this than North and South Korea.
Right Wingers by definition include traditional, hierarchy & authoritarian values.

Actually, Liberalism by definition is to maximize liberty & limit government.

Exactly. The idea that "true right wing" systems would allow greedy shysters to harm the nation to enrich themselves by shipping jobs overseas or employing low wage illegal immigrants is absurd.

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