Democrats are Terrorists

Their NAME is antifascist. THEY are NOT.

That's how democrats operate, always giving fake names to groups.

BLM is a Marxist group promoting homosexual rights. It has nothing to do with actual black lives.

NOW only promotes democrats, not women.

Wake up

I love it when you accuse Democrats of doing what YOU do. The "pro-life" movement favours war and capital punishment. And now they're prepared to vote in favour of banning abortions in ALL CASES, even when the life of the mother is in danger.

They re-branded themselves as "pro-life" because when they called themselves the "anti-abortion" movement, people refused to support a group which opposed "freedom" for women. They consulted a marketing group which suggested rebranding to being in favour of something, instead of opposing it. So they rebranded.

The entire anti-abortion movement is a propaganda campaign, based on the lie that these people care about life at all.
Democrats are Terrorists

Their armies:
Antifa and BLM

Their tactics: Burning and destroying cities, attacking citizens in the streets, killing cops, destroying property.

One thing you're forgetting is that BLMers didn't take an oath to serve and protect. This trump character took the oath and then ...well, November 6 happened. Looks like most republicans haven't figured this out yet cuz they're still kissing his filthy, treasonous ass. Looks like you're one of those morons also.
One thing you're forgetting is that BLMers didn't take an oath to serve and protect. This trump character took the oath and then ...well, November 6 happened. Looks like most republicans haven't figured this out yet cuz they're still kissing his filthy, treasonous ass. Looks like you're one of those morons also.

You write halfway well. If you ever decide to give up your day job of flipping burgers, I'll bet you could write for a living. These guys might hire you.


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