Democrats are trying to pull off a coup d'etat with these Russian hacking accusations

Only the Really Really Bat-Shit Crazy ones.

.....regrettably that consists of most of the Democratic Party.
The 2016 Presidential Election.

The Thing That Wouldn't Go Away.
James Comey gave the election to Trump. Fake news gave the election yo Trump. Nazis, the KKK and the alt right gave the election to Trump. Now Russia gave the election to Trump.

Democrats you lost. The foaming at the mouth over everything is already getting old.
LOL I don't like polls but this one is funny. Not long ago the loons were screaming the GOP was finished.....not

Poll: Only 13 Percent of Democrats Enthusiastic About Their Party’s Future

Democrats are not excited about the path ahead for their party, with some high-profile Democrats calling for a third-party, and there are now numbers to prove it.

A new HuffPost/YouGov survey released Sunday finds that only 13 percent of Democrats are enthusiastic about their party’s future, compared to 35 percent of Republicans who are enthusiastic about their party’s future, the Huffington Post reports.

Poll: Only 13 Percent of Democrats Enthusiastic About Their Party's Future - Breitbart
So is there anyone left in the alt right who doesn't now LOVE the Russians?

I'll bet even the dead and Alzheimer ravaged Reagan from his grave can remember when conservatives were proudly anti-Russian.
Unbelievable. The recount blew up in her face just as her campaign did so now she has to spread these 'allegations', hoping maybe they will save her.
Talk about a sore loser! And it shows how immature she actually is. She preached and preached of how Trump needed to accept the results before they were in. Guess she only meant they should be accepted if her highness won.
It is becoming nauseous and I would imagine the moderates in the Dem party probably feel the same way. I wonder how many seats they will lose in 2 years due to this behavior...

Get the funny farm ready for Jan 20th! For the hill and all her cult.
Let's face it, the Democrats are forwarding these Russian hacking allegations in an attempt to persuade the Electoral College to vote for Hillary Clinton, an attempted coup d'etat.

Clinton Campaign Wants Electors Briefed on Russian Sabotage Allegations
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So is there anyone left in the alt right who doesn't now LOVE the Russians?

I'll bet even the dead and Alzheimer ravaged Reagan from his grave can remember when conservatives were proudly anti-Russian.
So much for the unify the country calls. These is a chasm between parties, and between the majority of states and the border states.
Does anyone seriously doubt that this might be Obama's ploy to nullify the election and remain on the throne as a "caretaker president" until a complete investigation can be concluded?

Such a thorough investigation that it might take His lifetime to wrap up?
Democrats are trying to pull off a coup d'etat with these Russian hacking accusations
Do you mean like these Democrats?

Republicans Break With Donald Trump, Call for Investigating Russia’s Election Hacking

From the article:

The two most powerful Republicans in Congress on Monday broke with their party’s presidential nominee to endorse a bipartisan call to investigate Russia's intervention in the presidential election, apparently to directly benefit Donald Trump.

On Saturday, it was reported the Central Intelligence Agency told lawmakers in September that not only had the Kremlin hacked the Democratic and Republican national committees, but that it only released embarrassing information about Hillary Clinton’s campaign in order to help Trump become president. Trump and his transition team over the weekend dismissed the CIA's conclusion as partisan or even a conspiracy theory.

On Monday morning, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell showed he did not agree.

“The Russians are not our friends… We ought to approach all of these issues on the assumption that the Russians do not wish us well,” McConnell said at a Monday morning press conference on Capitol Hill. “It defies belief that somehow Republicans in the Senate are reluctant to either review Russian hacking, or ignore them.”

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