Democrats, are you concerned about these rioters in the major cities and mayors are not allowing help from the gov't?

Are there Democrats or even Independents considering voting for Trump? Not all Democrats can think this is good for our country....
I’m an independent and HELL NO would I vote for Trump. Worst president of my lifetime by far.
well if your an independent you'll not be voting for Biden either
Are there Democrats or even Independents considering voting for Trump? Not all Democrats can think this is good for our country....
Trump won't get any democrat vote and not much of any independents. He certainly does care about the Democrat run cities. That is a joke. He just likes to have secret police for show as if he were in a communist or strongman totalitarian government like the leaders he admires and thinks it makes him look like a law and order guy. With his record of supporting law or the constitution, nobody will buy that crap. He's made and he's out of here after the election, when the pardons (not just commutations) will fall like confetti, for any his cronies awaiting trial. Since the judge and the appeals court judges said it was illegal of him to steal the money from the military for his wall and it is already spent, I would like to see him prosecuted and jailed.
pull your head out of your ass you sound like an idiot
thanks for your enlightened opinion but if you think democrats or independents are going to swing his way for some reason, your just a fool. If you don't like the ruling of the judge or the Court of Appeals Judges, you can just suck on it. That mis-direction of Federal fund would be not only impeachable, but criminal for any other official in the United States government. He's just the lying crook, against law and constitution he has always been, dumb ass.
I can't believe that all Democrats think this is fine. What does this mean for your vote in November?
You mean like the riots being caused by the military troops Donald sent in to cause trouble?
Normal people are more concerned about that
Amazing, Jillian! You actually believe that Federal officers sent to stop riots CAUSED the riots that were going on BEFORE THEY GOT THERE!!! That's a leap of logic that's breathtaking!
It’s been shown on multiple occasions that the manner that the feds were treating the crowds provoked violence. Do you deny that?
When mayors and governors need help, they ask.

When mayors and governors allow this shit to happen, and do nothing at all to stop it, or even worse, are actively supporting the subhuman pieces of shit who are rioting, looting, and generally behaving the way subhuman pieces of shit behave, then there is something very, very wrong.

I am significantly concerned with the manner in which the feds are getting involved, but if those corrupt, malfeasant mayors and governors were doing their jobs, then there'd be no reason for the feds to get involved at all.
Riots at this level should involve feds. Not battle armed troopers using Brut force tactics but lending resources and help to the state cops. Trump should have handled this discreetly instead of making it a national news story. If he was really interested in getting it done that what he would have done. But no, he made a spectacle out of it and is playing politics. So are the governors that need help and aren’t asking for it. Pathetic on both fronts
What branch and designation are these troops that you are talking about?
I can't believe that all Democrats think this is fine. What does this mean for your vote in November?
You have to understand ....

Leftism is a MENTAL DISORDER ......

You cannot try to justify their understandings and actions in the Real World ...
I bet I cold beat you in a debate over most subject using liberal points. Wanna do it about the topic of this thread? State your case...
I can't believe that all Democrats think this is fine. What does this mean for your vote in November?
You mean like the riots being caused by the military troops Donald sent in to cause trouble?
Normal people are more concerned about that

When did these riots start ya stupid bimbo....
When mayors and governors need help, they ask.

When mayors and governors allow this shit to happen, and do nothing at all to stop it, or even worse, are actively supporting the subhuman pieces of shit who are rioting, looting, and generally behaving the way subhuman pieces of shit behave, then there is something very, very wrong.

I am significantly concerned with the manner in which the feds are getting involved, but if those corrupt, malfeasant mayors and governors were doing their jobs, then there'd be no reason for the feds to get involved at all.
Riots at this level should involve feds. Not battle armed troopers using Brut force tactics but lending resources and help to the state cops. Trump should have handled this discreetly instead of making it a national news story. If he was really interested in getting it done that what he would have done. But no, he made a spectacle out of it and is playing politics. So are the governors that need help and aren’t asking for it. Pathetic on both fronts
What branch and designation are these troops that you are talking about?
It’s a variety from both DHS and DOJ. You’ve seen the videos haven’t you?
Are there Democrats or even Independents considering voting for Trump? Not all Democrats can think this is good for our country....
Trump won't get any democrat vote and not much of any independents. He certainly does care about the Democrat run cities. That is a joke. He just likes to have secret police for show as if he were in a communist or strongman totalitarian government like the leaders he admires and thinks it makes him look like a law and order guy. With his record of supporting law or the constitution, nobody will buy that crap. He's made and he's out of here after the election, when the pardons (not just commutations) will fall like confetti, for any his cronies awaiting trial. Since the judge and the appeals court judges said it was illegal of him to steal the money from the military for his wall and it is already spent, I would like to see him prosecuted and jailed.
pull your head out of your ass you sound like an idiot
thanks for your enlightened opinion but if you think democrats or independents are going to swing his way for some reason, your just a fool. If you don't like the ruling of the judge or the Court of Appeals Judges, you can just suck on it. That mis-direction of Federal fund would be not only impeachable, but criminal for any other official in the United States government. He's just the lying crook, against law and constitution he has always been, dumb ass.
Independents aren't going to vote for Biden
Judges no longer rule according to the law they rule to legislate new laws they rule according to their political view
Why didn't the democrats go with that for impeachment if what the president did was an impeachable offense?
As I said pull your head out of your ass you sound stupid.
thanks for your enlightened opinion but if you think democrats or independents are going to swing his way for some reason, your just a fool. If you don't like the ruling of the judge or the Court of Appeals Judges, you can just suck on it. That mis-direction of Federal fund would be not only impeachable, but criminal for any other official in the United States government. He's just the lying crook, against law and constitution he has always been, dumb ass.
How many Blue States did Trump flip Red ?

Come on ....

LMAO @ the psycho Shit Leftist believe ....
When mayors and governors need help, they ask.

When mayors and governors allow this shit to happen, and do nothing at all to stop it, or even worse, are actively supporting the subhuman pieces of shit who are rioting, looting, and generally behaving the way subhuman pieces of shit behave, then there is something very, very wrong.

I am significantly concerned with the manner in which the feds are getting involved, but if those corrupt, malfeasant mayors and governors were doing their jobs, then there'd be no reason for the feds to get involved at all.
Riots at this level should involve feds. Not battle armed troopers using Brut force tactics but lending resources and help to the state cops. Trump should have handled this discreetly instead of making it a national news story. If he was really interested in getting it done that what he would have done. But no, he made a spectacle out of it and is playing politics. So are the governors that need help and aren’t asking for it. Pathetic on both fronts
What branch and designation are these troops that you are talking about?
It’s a variety from both DHS and DOJ. You’ve seen the videos haven’t you?
oh so they aren't the military?
I can't believe that all Democrats think this is fine. What does this mean for your vote in November?
Yes, I am very concerned about the protesters. Trump's storm troopers are out of control. That's why the moms linked arms to protect the innocent protesters from those jack booted thugs.
Are there Democrats or even Independents considering voting for Trump? Not all Democrats can think this is good for our country....
Trump won't get any democrat vote and not much of any independents. He certainly does care about the Democrat run cities. That is a joke. He just likes to have secret police for show as if he were in a communist or strongman totalitarian government like the leaders he admires and thinks it makes him look like a law and order guy. With his record of supporting law or the constitution, nobody will buy that crap. He's made and he's out of here after the election, when the pardons (not just commutations) will fall like confetti, for any his cronies awaiting trial. Since the judge and the appeals court judges said it was illegal of him to steal the money from the military for his wall and it is already spent, I would like to see him prosecuted and jailed.
pull your head out of your ass you sound like an idiot
thanks for your enlightened opinion but if you think democrats or independents are going to swing his way for some reason, your just a fool. If you don't like the ruling of the judge or the Court of Appeals Judges, you can just suck on it. That mis-direction of Federal fund would be not only impeachable, but criminal for any other official in the United States government. He's just the lying crook, against law and constitution he has always been, dumb ass.
Independents aren't going to vote for Biden
Judges no longer rule according to the law they rule to legislate new laws they rule according to their political view
Why didn't the democrats go with that for impeachment if what the president did was an impeachable offense?
As I said pull your head out of your ass you sound stupid.
Too short a time period before the election. It will be settled then.
thanks for your enlightened opinion but if you think democrats or independents are going to swing his way for some reason, your just a fool. If you don't like the ruling of the judge or the Court of Appeals Judges, you can just suck on it. That mis-direction of Federal fund would be not only impeachable, but criminal for any other official in the United States government. He's just the lying crook, against law and constitution he has always been, dumb ass.
How many Blue States did Trump flip Red ?

Come on ....

LMAO @ the psycho Shit Leftist believe ....
Liked him so much they gave huge house margin to the democrats. The Covid King may not even carry Texas.
It’s been shown on multiple occasions that the manner that the feds were treating the crowds provoked violence. Do you deny that?

That's quite a trick that you're attributing to them, provoking violence that happened before they even got there.

So, these subhuman pieces of shit started rioting and looting and generally acting the way subhuman pieces of shit act, because almost two months later, President Trump was going to send in federal troops to deal with them, after their malfeasant state and local governments would refuse to do their jobs?
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Allowing cities to protect criminals and rioters that openly try to destroy Federal buildings sends a strong message that
we do not have a Federal Government capable of protecting citizens from criminals.

At this point, the US military should take Portland by force and quell this nonsense and arrest the mayor and city council on insurrection charges
to send a message.
Democrats can force you to shut down your business, wear a mask......but they can't be told not to destroy Federal buildings?

Suppose the rioters were Right Wing and a Democrat was president.
There would be rivers of Right Wing blood flowing in the streets if they rioted. There would be NO tolerance.
And the left Wing Media would be singing their praises
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I can't believe that all Democrats think this is fine. What does this mean for your vote in November?

When mayors and governors need help, they ask.

If I was a Democrat, I would be voting for Trump in November to stop this shit.
Agree, but they think that what is going on is because of Trump, so their delusional thinking is that a majority somehow will agree. Infasis on the word delusional !!!!
Personally, I don't give a shit if these assholes destroy their cities. I do have sympathy for businesses and homeowners who have been destroyed or defiled by these anarchist assholes. Maybe we should just let these liberals destroy their own cities. But Trump cares about the people too much to abandon them. So it will continue with Democrats trying to destroy their cities and Trump trying to save them.

Horse Feathers. If what you say if true Horses have Feathers.
Suppose the rioters were Right Wing and a Democrat was president.
There would be rivers of Right Wing blood flowing like rivers in the streets if they rioted. There would be NO tolerance.

It wouldn't happen. Those of us on the right just don't behave that way. Only the subhuman pieces of shit on the left wrong behave that way.
I can't believe that all Democrats think this is fine. What does this mean for your vote in November?
I can. Socialists who are trying to hide something show their hand when they proffer chaos. That is the Marxist door opener to pushing communism on the country they want to override. Notice, not too much is made of all the killings. Communists re-educate their members to get used to killing other people by pretending somebody else's doings caused the killers to kill. They start small, then increase the numbers until the re-education of their supporters accept killing as a device to get the power that they crave.

So long as there is voting, I will never, never vote for socialism, nor those who proffer killing as unimportant to their true ends--totalitarian takeover. It's what Socio-communists do to initiate and attract people who will obediently kill other people for the Party.

From the Communist Manifesto by Marx and Engels:

Steps to socialism:
  • Health care — Control health care and you control the people.
  • Poverty/Welfare — Increase the poverty level to a high level. Poor people will be easy to control and won't fight back if the government is providing everything to survive.
  • Debt — Increase the debt to an unsustainable level. This will allow the government to increase taxes and produce more poverty.

These are the eight levels of controls by Saul Alinsky to transform a nation through socialism into communism:

1. Healthcare – control healthcare and you control the people.

2. Poverty – Increase the poverty level as high as possible, poor people are easier to control and will not fight back if you provide everything for them to live.

3. Debt – Increase the debt level to an unsustainable level. That way you are able to increase taxes and this will produce more poverty.

4. Gun control – Remove the ability to defend themselves from government. That way you are able to create a police state.

5. Welfare – Take control of every aspect (food, housing, income) of their lives because that will make them fully dependent on the government.

6. Education – Take control of what people read and listen to and take control or what children learn in school.

7. Religion – Remove belief in God from the government and schools because the people need to believe in only the government knowing what is best for the people.

8. Class warfare – Divide the people into the wealthy and the poor. Eliminate the middle class.

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