Democrats ask: "How can we help foreigners more?"


Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2016
Republican's ask: "How can we offer REAL American's more help?"
I know this is disturbing to many people...but uh...GET USE TO IT!
The Democratic Party is in much bigger trouble than it's willing to acknowledge. It's losing American Workers in droves. Trump really hit home when he exposed the Democrats for being Globalists who don't put Americans first.

These are voters the Party can't afford to lose. They're still the backbone. It can't win Elections with screeching Communist/Progressive extremist loons alone. That won't be enough. Democrats are in real trouble.
What is it with elitist Hollywood types who apparently do not understand the difference between legal and illegal aliens? The hypocrites even threaten their own with a new McCarthyism and blacklisting if they dare to support the president of the United States.
It's why Trump is the President. And he'll likely win much easier next time. Globalists don't put Americans first. That's the reality. And more & more Americans are coming to realize that.
Republican's ask: "How can we offer REAL American's more help?"
I know this is disturbing to many people...but uh...GET USE TO IT!

Have you had your reality checked recently?
  • R v. W efforts to repeal
  • Gay/Lesbian Rights (Marriage, military service)
  • Voting Rights (or efforts to suppress voting)
  • Immigration/human rights
  • Efforts to repeal the ACA
  • Aborted effort to protect unethical behavior of members of Congress
  • Bigotry, Racism and Misogyny
What is it with elitist Hollywood types who apparently do not understand the difference between legal and illegal aliens? The hypocrites even threaten their own with a new McCarthyism and blacklisting if they dare to support the president of the United States.

Wow, you should check with CrusaderFrank, PoliticalChic and others who hold McCarthy as an American Hero (funny, they now seem to hold Putin as a great leader - odd that; but given the source maybe not).
It's why Trump is the President. And he'll likely win much easier next time. Globalists don't put Americans first. That's the reality. And more & more Americans are coming to realize that.

Narcissists never put others first, consider that.
It's why Trump is the President. And he'll likely win much easier next time. Globalists don't put Americans first. That's the reality. And more & more Americans are coming to realize that.

Narcissists never put others first, consider that.

Well, we know y'all Globalists don't put Americans first. And that's gonna hurt your Party bigtime in the future. You're losing American Workers in droves. And those are voters you can't afford to lose.
Republican's ask: "How can we offer REAL American's more help?"
I know this is disturbing to many people...but uh...GET USE TO IT!

Have you had your reality checked recently?
  • R v. W efforts to repeal
  • Gay/Lesbian Rights (Marriage, military service)
  • Voting Rights (or efforts to suppress voting)
  • Immigration/human rights
  • Efforts to repeal the ACA
  • Aborted effort to protect unethical behavior of members of Congress
  • Bigotry, Racism and Misogyny

You're located in inSane Francisco...where applying simple logic has been made a crime...Like a foreigner, your opinion on this subject has no value...your ability to reason has been ruined by default and geographics.
It's why Trump is the President. And he'll likely win much easier next time. Globalists don't put Americans first. That's the reality. And more & more Americans are coming to realize that.

Narcissists never put others first, consider that.

Well, we know y'all Globalists don't put Americans first. And that's gonna hurt your Party bigtime in the future. You're losing American Workers in droves. And those are voters you can't afford to lose.

I buy American when I can, it's the business interests' who choose to move their business to foreign countries so they can pay very low wages, pay very low or no taxes, provide no benefits and pollute the environment; then sell their product here and make an enormous profit.

Business for the most part is amoral, for too many the ethics of what they do, or may do, is not part of the business plan. In some cases, when they sell a product which they know is dangerous, they are immoral. And for these reasons the Federal Government has Alphabet Agencies: FDA, EPA, CPSC, EEOC, etc.
Republican's ask: "How can we offer REAL American's more help?"
I know this is disturbing to many people...but uh...GET USE TO IT!

Have you had your reality checked recently?
  • R v. W efforts to repeal
  • Gay/Lesbian Rights (Marriage, military service)
  • Voting Rights (or efforts to suppress voting)
  • Immigration/human rights
  • Efforts to repeal the ACA
  • Aborted effort to protect unethical behavior of members of Congress
  • Bigotry, Racism and Misogyny

You're located in inSane Francisco...where applying simple logic has been made a crime...Like a foreigner, your opinion on this subject has no value...your ability to reason has been ruined by default and geographics.

I live in the Bay Area, populated by one of the best educated populations in our nation. Where CAL, Stanford, UCSF, USF, SFSU, SJSU, St; Mary's, Santa Clara and dozens of small colleges exist, which have supplied highly educated and talented personnel to businesses, industry and government in our region and throughout the nation.

Your bigotry for my home town is noted, as is your ignorance. And, BTW, your response was not only a non sequitur, it was ridiculous and foolish (aka: asinine).
Republican's ask: "How can we offer REAL American's more help?"
I know this is disturbing to many people...but uh...GET USE TO IT!

Have you had your reality checked recently?
  • R v. W efforts to repeal
  • Gay/Lesbian Rights (Marriage, military service)
  • Voting Rights (or efforts to suppress voting)
  • Immigration/human rights
  • Efforts to repeal the ACA
  • Aborted effort to protect unethical behavior of members of Congress
  • Bigotry, Racism and Misogyny

You're located in inSane Francisco...where applying simple logic has been made a crime...Like a foreigner, your opinion on this subject has no value...your ability to reason has been ruined by default and geographics.

I live in the Bay Area, populated by one of the best educated populations in our nation. Where CAL, Stanford, UCSF, USF, SFSU, SJSU, St; Mary's, Santa Clara and dozens of small colleges exist, which have supplied highly educated and talented personnel to businesses, industry and government in our region and throughout the nation.

Your bigotry for my home town is noted, as is your ignorance. And, BTW, your response was not only a non sequitur, it was ridiculous and foolish (aka: asinine).

Hey, it wasn't Indiana or Wisconsin that let Illegal aliens in, it was CALIFORNIA! And, when it was put on the ballot in California about healthcare rights, the voters REJECTED Illegal immigrants rights. Your side INSTANTLY went to court to overturn your own citizens! Talk about tyranny!

You people haven't a leg to stand on, have NEVER devised a social program that is solvent, all you have is pipe dreams, and when someone calls you out on your phony rhetoric while pointing out failure after failure, you run to your safe spaces and cover your ears! You people are incapable of governing.
Republican's ask: "How can we offer REAL American's more help?"
I know this is disturbing to many people...but uh...GET USE TO IT!

Have you had your reality checked recently?
  • R v. W efforts to repeal
  • Gay/Lesbian Rights (Marriage, military service)
  • Voting Rights (or efforts to suppress voting)
  • Immigration/human rights
  • Efforts to repeal the ACA
  • Aborted effort to protect unethical behavior of members of Congress
  • Bigotry, Racism and Misogyny

You're located in inSane Francisco...where applying simple logic has been made a crime...Like a foreigner, your opinion on this subject has no value...your ability to reason has been ruined by default and geographics.

I live in the Bay Area, populated by one of the best educated populations in our nation. Where CAL, Stanford, UCSF, USF, SFSU, SJSU, St; Mary's, Santa Clara and dozens of small colleges exist, which have supplied highly educated and talented personnel to businesses, industry and government in our region and throughout the nation.

Your bigotry for my home town is noted, as is your ignorance. And, BTW, your response was not only a non sequitur, it was ridiculous and foolish (aka: asinine).

Hey, it wasn't Indiana or Wisconsin that let Illegal aliens in, it was CALIFORNIA! And, when it was put on the ballot in California about healthcare rights, the voters REJECTED Illegal immigrants rights. Your side INSTANTLY went to court to overturn your own citizens! Talk about tyranny!

You people haven't a leg to stand on, have NEVER devised a social program that is solvent, all you have is pipe dreams, and when someone calls you out on your phony rhetoric while pointing out failure after failure, you run to your safe spaces and cover your ears! You people are incapable of governing.

So, in your wise and intelligent post you infer, NO you support, denying people with infectious disease health care, and thus allowing them the freedom to roam the streets, ride public transportation and shop in grocery and other stores. You also would deny local and state authorities the right to provide a driver's license to the same people who will drive anyway - since The Congress will not pass comprehensive immigration laws - unlicensed, uninsured and maybe unable to read traffic signs.

You may only be a partisan hack, but you are for sure incapable of sagacious thinking, or thinking at all.
Republican's ask: "How can we offer REAL American's more help?"
I know this is disturbing to many people...but uh...GET USE TO IT!

Have you had your reality checked recently?
  • R v. W efforts to repeal
  • Gay/Lesbian Rights (Marriage, military service)
  • Voting Rights (or efforts to suppress voting)
  • Immigration/human rights
  • Efforts to repeal the ACA
  • Aborted effort to protect unethical behavior of members of Congress
  • Bigotry, Racism and Misogyny

You're located in inSane Francisco...where applying simple logic has been made a crime...Like a foreigner, your opinion on this subject has no value...your ability to reason has been ruined by default and geographics.

I live in the Bay Area, populated by one of the best educated populations in our nation. Where CAL, Stanford, UCSF, USF, SFSU, SJSU, St; Mary's, Santa Clara and dozens of small colleges exist, which have supplied highly educated and talented personnel to businesses, industry and government in our region and throughout the nation.

Your bigotry for my home town is noted, as is your ignorance. And, BTW, your response was not only a non sequitur, it was ridiculous and foolish (aka: asinine).

You're right...there are lots of smart people in the Bay Area but don't confuse intelligence with ability to reason and rationalize. I think we all know lots of very smart people who can't pull their head from their ass and apply common sense in many cases. Further, today's collegiate student was raised by MTV and the Kardashians...there's a damn good chance their moral compasses and personal values are skewed at best.

Wasn't it the 'uber-intelligent' students / people of inSane Francisco who thought segregation should be revived? Did they ever build those African American ONLY dorms in those institutions where all those social geniuses go to school?
Republican's ask: "How can we offer REAL American's more help?"
I know this is disturbing to many people...but uh...GET USE TO IT!

Have you had your reality checked recently?
  • R v. W efforts to repeal
  • Gay/Lesbian Rights (Marriage, military service)
  • Voting Rights (or efforts to suppress voting)
  • Immigration/human rights
  • Efforts to repeal the ACA
  • Aborted effort to protect unethical behavior of members of Congress
  • Bigotry, Racism and Misogyny

You're located in inSane Francisco...where applying simple logic has been made a crime...Like a foreigner, your opinion on this subject has no value...your ability to reason has been ruined by default and geographics.

I live in the Bay Area, populated by one of the best educated populations in our nation. Where CAL, Stanford, UCSF, USF, SFSU, SJSU, St; Mary's, Santa Clara and dozens of small colleges exist, which have supplied highly educated and talented personnel to businesses, industry and government in our region and throughout the nation.

Your bigotry for my home town is noted, as is your ignorance. And, BTW, your response was not only a non sequitur, it was ridiculous and foolish (aka: asinine).

You're right...there are lots of smart people in the Bay Area but don't confuse intelligence with ability to reason and rationalize. I think we all know lots of very smart people who can't pull their head from their ass and apply common sense in many cases. Further, today's collegiate student was raised by MTV and the Kardashians...there's a damn good chance their moral compasses and personal values are skewed at best.

Wasn't it the 'uber-intelligent' students / people of inSane Francisco who thought segregation should be revived? Did they ever build those African American ONLY dorms in those institutions where all those social geniuses go to school?

Don't confuse common sense as common, much of what is thought to be common sense is built on a foundation of pragmatism, i.e. sagacious thinking +. I'm much too old to appreciate or condemn MTV or the Kardashians, but I can assure you both of my sons have a moral compass pointed in the right direction, and personal values which make me proud. Most of their friends work hard, prepare for the future (both of my boys have Roth IRA's) and have been taught to pay themselves first (save first), pay the bills and then have some fun.

As for your second paragraph I have no knowledge of AA only dorms or support for segregation. I recall my high school practiced self imposed segregation, the blacks had their table in the cafeteria, as did the Asians and the Whites. But that was lunch time, everywhere else, clubs, athletics, plays, the band, school paper, etc. were fully integrated and all races worked together. In fact we prided ourselves by planning the first integrated drink up at the park adjacent to the school one night before a home basketball game (which reminds me, the first time I got drunk - 8th grade - I was with an Irishman, a Russian and a Greek; I'm French, German, Italian and Romanian, in short the mutt).
Illegals kill and rape Americans, yet some Democrats and Republicans side with illegals, offer them sanctuary and protection. How much American blood must be spilled so they can BFF illegals? Seriously how many American citizens will need to be sacrificed, killed, raped, assaulted, tortured before these traitors stop protecting illegals?

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