Democrats Attacking Health Care Patients In New War On Truth

But the ad says her "Out of pocket expenses" went up.

What does that mean?

Her deductible became unaffordable.

Reality says she could've gotten a plan with a premium 40% lower than last year's with a $300 deductible. From the same insurer as last year with the same provider network. The premium savings alone would pay the cost of the deductible within three weeks of buying the plan.

She opted for a plan with a 50% lower premium but a $2,800 deductible. From the same insurer as last year with the same provider network. So the premium savings (while higher) won't have covered the entirety of her deductible until May (though over the course of the year, the premium savings minus the deductible are still almost $3,600 for the plan she bought).

But the ad says her "Out of pocket expenses" went up.

What does that mean?

Her deductible became unaffordable.

Reality says she could've gotten a plan with a premium 40% lower than last year's with a $300 deductible. From the same insurer as last year with the same provider network. The premium savings alone would pay the cost of the deductible within three weeks of buying the plan.

She opted for a plan with a 50% lower premium but a $2,800 deductible. From the same insurer as last year with the same provider network. So the premium savings (while higher) won't have covered the entirety of her deductible until May (though over the course of the year, the premium savings minus the deductible are still almost $3,600 for the plan she bought).

It's truly pathetic to see tools such as yourself devote so much time attacking a sick woman who lost the Insurance She Liked because of Obama.
But the ad says her "Out of pocket expenses" went up.

What does that mean?

Her deductible became unaffordable.

Reality says she could've gotten a plan with a premium 40% lower than last year's with a $300 deductible. From the same insurer as last year with the same provider network. The premium savings alone would pay the cost of the deductible within three weeks of buying the plan.

She opted for a plan with a 50% lower premium but a $2,800 deductible. From the same insurer as last year with the same provider network. So the premium savings (while higher) won't have covered the entirety of her deductible until May (though over the course of the year, the premium savings minus the deductible are still almost $3,600 for the plan she bought).

It's truly pathetic to see tools such as yourself devote so much time attacking a sick woman who lost the Insurance She Liked because of Obama.

He's claiming she ended up with a cheaper policy from the same insurer and had a ton of savings thrown in.

Course he doesn't provide any proof of this, so there you have it.

The biggest beef I have with anything the government does is they make it way too complicated. They can take the simplest thing and make it so complex you have no way of knowing you're doing it right or getting the best deal.

I took H&R Block tax-preparer classes while I was still in the military and discovered there are multiple ways to prepare your taxes, and no two preparers do it the same, or even use the same forms. It's so damned confusing. Obamacare has turned health care into one big complicated mess. You need a lawyer to figure out what is the best deal for you. Instead they have these amateurs helping people when the website fails and they're doing the best they can with what they have to work with. Then there's this little problem of ever changing regulations and costs. It all turns into a massive headache for the individual and massive expenses for employers, not to mention health care providers.

I simply don't see anything good in this. They would have been better off just getting the 30 million uninsured on Medicaid and leave the rest of us alone.
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Greencheesebrain is also leaving out the aspects of losing one's doctor and how so many medications are not covered under ObamaCare.

But that really doesn't matter. The most important thing is that Obama Promised We Could Keep the PLANS WE LIKE and the DOCTORS WE LIKE...even if it means doing so is more expensive than the ObamaCare policies.

He never said we could only keep them if they were cheaper.
You'd think one of the libs would have the decency to take the shovel out of poor Harry's hand...using absolutes, and calling ALL of the claims to be lies, shows an unstable mind.
Greencheesebrain is also leaving out the aspects of losing one's doctor and how so many medications are not covered under ObamaCare.

But that really doesn't matter. The most important thing is that Obama Promised We Could Keep the PLANS WE LIKE and the DOCTORS WE LIKE...even if it means doing so is more expensive than the ObamaCare policies.

He never said we could only keep them if they were cheaper.

Taking that aside.....I've seen nothing on the marketplace that covers my wife. It stops covering after 64. She has to revert over to Medicare. Right now my insurance at least covers most of her expenses. It's the same with Tricare. They don't cover her ether. They dump everyone onto Medicare at age 65.
Greencheesebrain is also leaving out the aspects of losing one's doctor and how so many medications are not covered under ObamaCare.

She didn't lose her doctor. She chose a plan that had him in-network, which is how shopping works.
Here's a surprise, my doctor isn't in the network.

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You'd think one of the libs would have the decency to take the shovel out of poor Harry's hand...using absolutes, and calling ALL of the claims to be lies, shows an unstable mind.
Possibly but more likely mindless panic over polling numbers and knowledge of critical dates:

March 31st. The last legal date for filing 4th qtr results with state insurance commissioners.

May 15th. The normal date for requesting rate increases for the year from the various states. Any evidence of padding in the 4th qtr results to placate Obama can lead to civil and criminal charges, denial of rate increases, being barred from selling insurance in that state and various other problems. Most likely result with a Republican commissioner is a requirement that a broader network is required to get the rate increase. That means that literally nobody without a subsidy will take an exchange policy and only incompetent doctors will be in network. (Teaching hospitals will jump at the chance to better train interns and residents.)

June 30th. 1st qtr filings will all be in. Good news is not expected.

Sept. 30th 2nd qtr results will all be in. Bad news will be expected.

Sounds a bit like water torture doesn't it?
But the ad says her "Out of pocket expenses" went up.

What does that mean?

Her deductible became unaffordable.

Reality says she could've gotten a plan with a premium 40% lower than last year's with a $300 deductible. From the same insurer as last year with the same provider network. The premium savings alone would pay the cost of the deductible within three weeks of buying the plan.

She opted for a plan with a 50% lower premium but a $2,800 deductible. From the same insurer as last year with the same provider network. So the premium savings (while higher) won't have covered the entirety of her deductible until May (though over the course of the year, the premium savings minus the deductible are still almost $3,600 for the plan she bought).

It's truly pathetic to see tools such as yourself devote so much time attacking a sick woman who lost the Insurance She Liked because of Obama.

It's all they can do. Leftist economics miserably fail everywhere it's practiced. All they can do is attack and smear anyone who points it out and incite emotional class warfare arguments to keep people in support of them.
This talking point has failed hard. What's on the agenda for tomorrow's right-wing-fringe talking point? If you guys don't know yet, go check with your masters. After all, you want to be prepared.
Obama lied...
The Democrats lied...

If you like your plan you can keep your plan.
There are 48 million people without insurance.

Those are 2 big lies...from Obama and the Dems.
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This talking point has failed hard. What's on the agenda for tomorrow's right-wing-fringe talking point? If you guys don't know yet, go check with your masters. After all, you want to be prepared.

Check back with yours'.

I don't have any.

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