Democrats Becoming More Desperate...and More Dangerous

Trump was shown to be guilty of the charges. Just because his supporters refused to hold him accountable doesn't mean he is exonerated.

Of course the PMS/DSA Left had to use star chamber tactics in their futile attempt to railroad Trump. Schiff told us for 3 years he had unrefutable proof that Trump colluded with Russia. He failed miserably to prove to have any factual proof for anything he's ever said. In fact he had to lie and manufacture a false telephone conversation between Trump and Zelensky.
Trump was shown to be guilty of the charges. Just because his supporters refused to hold him accountable doesn't mean he is exonerated.

H might as well be guilty of spitting on the sidewalk. Charges were not impeachable. Filthy dems will never understand.
What do you consider impeachable?
Definitely what Bill "Bubba" Clinton did. He lied under oath and perjured himself. As well as committed highly questionable acts in the Oval Office.
Trump was shown to be guilty of the charges. Just because his supporters refused to hold him accountable doesn't mean he is exonerated.
You dont have the votes for a conviction..... That means he will be exonerated.... So sad you cant see that..

I'm afraid you don't know what exonerated means.
I am starting to wonder if you know what it means. For anyone who isn't aware of the word's meaning, this link here will take you to a page that tells about it.

God bless you always!!!


Thank you. It's been shown that Trump is guilty of the charges. He will be let off by his supporters, but he will never be absolved of what he actually did.
Trump was shown to be guilty of the charges. Just because his supporters refused to hold him accountable doesn't mean he is exonerated.

Zero evidence of guilt. No witness of guilt. No victim. NADDA.

We're having an election in November, there's nothing Democrats can do but stomp their feet.
Trump was shown to be guilty of the charges. Just because his supporters refused to hold him accountable doesn't mean he is exonerated.

Zero evidence of guilt. No witness of guilt. No victim. NADDA.

We're having an election in November, there's nothing Democrats can do but stomp their feet.
It should be fun to see how the liberal lunatics react after Donald Trump is re-elected. There WILL be many heads exploding and will be glorious to observe.
How is it criminal when it had full backing of the US position on Ukraine, the EU and the IMF? No personal gain.
What is "it"? The epic corruption in Ukraine?

"It" is Joe Biden's actions regarding the firing of the corrupt prosecutor.

If it was corruption why didn't you do anything in the 3 years you have had control of the DoJ?
Jesus Christ!
Have you been dead the last year? Donald Trump suggests the new Ukrainian president to look into corruption in his country and the democrats act like he dropped an A bomb there and try to IMPEACH him!!!

Sure. That is great. Except that isn't what Trump did.

He asked them to find dirt on Biden, specifically. There was no general look into corruption and with 3 years of aid to Ukraine and zero personal interest from President Trump until now....I doubt corruption was the issue.

If you think it is, can you find me examples of Trump's anti-corruption initiatives? I can't find any....

Every time I think the left has plumbed the depths of their own self unaware idiocy they drop down even further!

That dog dont hunt dude.
It sure the hell doesn't!

And it's still not hunting. I think it's pigging out on cheeseburgers.
Trump was shown to be guilty of the charges. Just because his supporters refused to hold him accountable doesn't mean he is exonerated.

H might as well be guilty of spitting on the sidewalk. Charges were not impeachable. Filthy dems will never understand.
What do you consider impeachable?
Definitely what Bill "Bubba" Clinton did. He lied under oath and perjured himself. As well as committed highly questionable acts in the Oval Office.

Why is that impeachable but abuse of power for personal political gain is not?
Sure. That is great. Except that isn't what Trump did.

He asked them to find dirt on Biden, specifically. There was no general look into corruption and with 3 years of aid to Ukraine and zero personal interest from President Trump until now....I doubt corruption was the issue.

If you think it is, can you find me examples of Trump's anti-corruption initiatives? I can't find any....

If Trump's son had a do nothing job for a Ukrainian oligarch and Biden asked Zelensky to look at corruption in that nation and our aid being misused and stolen Giuliani Alleges $5.3 Billion in U.S. Aid Misused in Ukraine, U.S. Embassy Told Police ‘Not to Investigate’
and, oh by the way, see what Trump is up to..... I doubt you would give a crap.
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Sure. That is great. Except that isn't what Trump did.

He asked them to find dirt on Biden, specifically. There was no general look into corruption and with 3 years of aid to Ukraine and zero personal interest from President Trump until now....I doubt corruption was the issue.

If you think it is, can you find me examples of Trump's anti-corruption initiatives? I can't find any....

If Trump's son had a do nothing job for a Ukrainian oligarch and Biden asked Zelensky to look at our aid being misused and stolen Giuliani Alleges $5.3 Billion in U.S. Aid Mis''used in Ukraine, U.S. Embassy Told Police ‘Not to Investigate’
and, oh by the way, see what Trump is up to I doubt you would give a crap.

Let's lay out the facts.

If Biden held up Congressionally approved aid (that was also cleared by a military intelligence report saying Ukraine had made positive steps in reducing corruption) and strong armed the Ukrainian president to conduct an investigation into his political rival Trump, because Trump's son held a position on the board of a Ukrainian energy company...

It wouldn't fly. Same as with Trump.
Let's lay out the facts.

If Biden held up Congressionally approved aid (that was also cleared by a military intelligence report saying Ukraine had made positive steps in reducing corruption) and strong armed the Ukrainian president to conduct an investigation into his political rival Trump, because Trump's son held a position on the board of a Ukrainian energy company...

It wouldn't fly. Same as with Trump.
The problem with your theory is Ukraine got their money. So there really are no grounds on which to complain or allege some sort of "crime", are there.
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Let's lay out the facts.

If Biden held up Congressionally approved aid (that was also cleared by a military intelligence report saying Ukraine had made positive steps in reducing corruption) and strong armed the Ukrainian president to conduct an investigation into his political rival Trump, because Trump's son held a position on the board of a Ukrainian energy company...

It wouldn't fly. Same as with Trump.
The problem with your theory is Ukraine got their money. So there really is no grounds on which to complain or allege some sort of "crime", is there.

What I am going to show you isn't put out by the Democrats. It's put out by Republicans. The Lincoln Project.


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