Democrats Bring Bill To Prohibit Armed Citizen Militias

You're a sheltered fucktard that not fully in the real world.

Police are not there to help you or save you. They're there to enforce the law which they hope you are breaking so they can arrest your ass.

That's reality. If you're a victim of a crime they'll document it and kinda try to catch who did it, I guess.

As far as self-defense goes, you better damn well rely on yourself, because when you only have seconds, the police are

just minutes away. They'll scrape your body up and kinda try to find out who did it; But what good does that do you, hmm?

And they were certainly better 20-30 years ago than they are now.

You are a true idiot, sorry, I know the truth hurts.
You'd shit your pants if you were as sheltered as I have been in my life, fuck stick. I walk the streets you are scared of, idiot.

As to your childish self defense crap, if I cared to victimize you all your big bad gun could do us make a bad situation worse, for you, dumpling.
But you think an authoritarian government under Trump, then Don, Jr. will let you keep your guns?
I think you have that backwards.

We let them live.
I see you changed your post to appear like the ultimate tough guy.
Tell me this tough guy, why do you fear the NYC subway system given what a Rambo you are, loser.
I don't. I fear the NY penal system if I encounter some shitheads like you on it though.

They'll lock me up for life after I defend myself and fuck up a shitbird or 2 like you.

And you, well, you're gonna be fucked up, and I'll be locked up. And that's how that will go.

I just want to be left alone. You wouldn't do that though, would ya?

Then your face gets smashed in and it's my fault, huh? I'm the bad guy because you fucked with me criminally

and I hurt you very badly. I already know they'd do that. Been there, done that.

I'm out thousands of dollars because of something like that.
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First they came for the Illegals then the Communists / Marxists , then they Came for the Socialists & Criminals , then they came for the ...
And wave your Nazi flag no doubt.
I belong to an "Old Farts" militia. We meet at the shooting range every week. Shoot our ARs, AKs and M-1s and brag about our exemplary shooting skills. Since most of us are veterans we exaggerate the same military stories over and over again. We bash the goddamn Liberals and sometimes even shoot at targets with predominate Libtards on them, like Sick Willy, Crooked Hillary, Queer Barry and Mr Potatohead. Our targets of John Kerry are all gone by now. We bitch about there being too many Negroes in movies and TV and the shitheads being on welfare. We eat chili and BBQ and use up enough ammo to fight the Gulf War all over again. We scheme on ways to defeat Mr Potatohead's atom bombs and F-15s. Then we go home and take care of our families.

If you don't think that is fun entertainment for veterans that have fought for this country then fine. You don't have to join and we wouldn't want to have you. However, if you think it is the government's job to stop us then you can kiss my Cracker ass you piece of shit Moon Bat.
Introduced by Sen. Ed Markey (D-Mass.) and Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-Md.) on Thursday, the bill dubbed the “Preventing Private Paramilitary Activity Act” would prohibit privately organized groups from “publicly patrolling, drilling, or engaging in harmful or deadly paramilitary techniques,” “interfering with or interrupting government proceedings,” or “interfering with the exercise of someone else’s constitutional rights,” according to Mr. Markey.

Their bills defines a “private paramilitary organization” as “any group of 3 or more persons associating under a command structure for the purpose of functioning in public or training to function in public as a combat, combat support, law enforcement, or security services unit.” The bill states acting with or on behalf of such a private paramilitary organization while armed with a firearm, explosive, incendiary device, or other dangerous weapon, and engaging in patrolling, training, interfering with government or constitutional rights, or assuming the functions of law enforcement without official authority.

The bill makes exceptions for members of the National Guard and other military reserve components, state guard forces, and members of other federal or state-organized groups to train in and apply paramilitary, law enforcement, and security service activity. The bill also allows for the organization of groups formed solely to conduct military reenactments, “bona-fide veterans organization with no intent to engage” in the aforementioned prohibited activities, and students in government or state-authorized educational institutions that teach military science.

Remember that old cliche. Anytime they want to take your guns away, it's because they want to do something you would shoot them for......Only in this case, it's getting organized and trained.

Raskin again.....I don't typically root for cancer, but in his case I'll make a exception. 😐
We must be prepared to fight the tyranny of government.
You're dear leader is the one in love with commies.

Trump offers 'congratulations' as China's Communist Party ...

View attachment 888128
Washington Post › 2019/10/01
Oct 1, 2019 — A Chinese paramilitary policeman is silhouetted by a display showing the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China in ...

Trump swoons over letters from North Korea's Kim

View attachment 888129
Reuters › article
Sep 29, 2018 — U.S. President Donald Trump took his enthusiasm for his detente with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un to new heights on Saturday, ...

Pay no attention The Duke is a very ill man.
I'm teaching my 11 year old granddaughter how to shoot a 22. I have already built her an AR with pink furniture on it but won't give it to her for a couple of more years until after she develops her shooting skills a little more.
WHY wait?


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