Democrats Bring Bill To Prohibit Armed Citizen Militias

I belong to an "Old Farts" militia. We meet at the shooting range every week. Shoot our ARs, AKs and M-1s and brag about our exemplary shooting skills. Since most of us are veterans we exaggerate the same military stories over and over again. We bash the goddamn Liberals and sometimes even shoot at targets with predominate Libtards on them, like Sick Willy, Crooked Hillary, Queer Barry and Mr Potatohead. Our targets of John Kerry are all gone by now. We bitch about there being too many Negroes in movies and TV and the shitheads being on welfare. We eat chili and BBQ and use up enough ammo to fight the Gulf War all over again. We scheme on ways to defeat Mr Potatohead's atom bombs and F-15s. Then we go home and take care of our families.

If you don't think that is fun entertainment for veterans that have fought for this country then fine. You don't have to join and we wouldn't want to have you. However, if you think it is the government's job to stop us then you can kiss my Cracker ass you piece of shit Moon Bat.

Sounds like a sick child's club and you are proud to post this?
Clue, it is 2024 and your Rambo antisocial behavior needs to stop and will be by law in the not too distant future.
One question, what is it like to never grow up?
Honest, this is fuckin sick.
Her dad should be jailed for this and you should receive mandated mental health care.
At 11, I was allowed to have a BB-Pellet gun, when you kill something with that............THEN you realize, what life (all life) means and act accordingly.
Honest, this is fuckin sick.
Her dad should be jailed for this and you should receive mandated mental health care.
Shooting skill is something all Americans should learn.

She is being taught firearms safety and respect for the firearm. That is a good thing.

She may or may not have an interest in it as she gets older. However, now she enjoys going to the range with Dad and Grandpa and doing a little plinking. Beats sitting on the couch with an I-phone in her hand watching stupid silly Tic Tok videos like a lot of her friends do.

You stupid Moon Bats wouldn't understand.
She has put holes in paper and killed a few clay targets but that is about it.

I'm not a hunter and neither is her Dad so she is not being taught hunting skills.
That doesn't cut it.
Until people realize what pulling that trigger can result in, it just a game.
If that bird doesn't fly or that rabbit doesn't hop anymore because of YOUR actions, it doesn't sink in, at that age.
My first kill was at age 12, when a dog got ahold of one of my chickens, had to kill it with my pellet gun, my dad made me. do it.
50+ years ago, we ate that chicken, THAT'S what stuck, after all these years.
I gained a lot of respect.
That doesn't cut it.
Until people realize what pulling that trigger can result in, it just a game.
If that bird doesn't fly or that rabbit doesn't hop anymore because of YOUR actions, it doesn't sink in, at that age.
My first kill was at age 12, when a dog got ahold of one of my chickens, had to kill it with my pellet gun, my dad made me. do it.
50+ years ago, we ate that chicken, THAT'S what stuck, after all these years.
I gained a lot of respect.
I'm sorry if the level of firearm training that I am giving my granddaughter does not meet your approval.
I'm sorry if the level of firearm training that I am giving my granddaughter does not meet your approval.
Sorry, an 11 year old girl doesn't need firearm training.
BB/pellet gun training...........Maybe.
Especially, not knowing the consequences of pulling a trigger, of something potentially dangerous as a live round and firing it.
Just the way I was brought up.
Sorry, an 11 year old girl doesn't need firearm training.
BB/pellet gun training...........Maybe.
Especially, not knowing the consequences of pulling a trigger, of something potentially dangerous as a live round and firing it.
Just the way I was brought up.
Sorry to disappoint you but she enjoys shooting the 10-22 and she is learning firearms safety and shooting skills.

Also sorry that her fun time at the range with her Dad and me doesn't meet your expectations. I would say that we would try to do better next time but we would be lying to you.
Sorry to disappoint you but she enjoys shooting the 10-22 and she is learning firearms safety and shooting skills.
Also sorry that her fun time at the range with her Dad and me doesn't meet your expectations.
It does, NOTHING wrong with that, hitting what you aim at is positive.
I would say that we would try to do better next time but we would be lying to you.
You can, in my book.
Respect for pulling a trigger and the consequences is all I'm trying to say.

It does, NOTHING wrong with that, hitting what you aim at is positive.

You can, in my book.
Respect for pulling a trigger and the consequences is all I'm trying to say.
I grew up in a family that did hunting.

Was was taught at an early age how to shoot and did hunting as a teenager.

When I got out of the military I realized two things.

First, I didn't like the idea of killing animals for sport. Just doesn't appeal to me.

Second, I don't particularly like the taste of wild meat. Florida venison and wild hog taste like shit to me. Forget about the smaller varmints.

I have shot wild hogs with my Class III M-16 but that was helping a friend that has a ranch cull out pests.

I don't have anything against other people hunting but it is just not for me. I didn't teach my sons to hunt although one of them did learn it on his own.

I'm teaching my granddaughter range skills as long as she shows an interest. Now the .22. When she gets older we will shoot the AR and other rifles. Then pistol training. If she wants to hunt then she will have to develop those skills from her uncle or maybe a future boyfriend or husband.
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Sorry, an 11 year old girl doesn't need firearm training.
BB/pellet gun training...........Maybe.
Especially, not knowing the consequences of pulling a trigger, of something potentially dangerous as a live round and firing it.
Just the way I was brought up.
Dimtards always think they should be able to dictate what others do, including how they raise their kids.

How fascist of you.
I grew up in a family that did hunting.

As was taught at an early age how to shoot and did hunting as a teenager.

When I got out of the military I realized two things.

First, I didn't like the idea of killing animals for sport. Just doesn't appeal to me.
I agree.
Killing to eat is justifiable.
Killing to kill? Is STUPID.
Second, I don't particularly like the taste of wild meat. Florida venison and wild hog taste like shit to me.
USED to be different, most are attracted to cow feeders ( easy) and that's what you get.
Shit tasting meat.
Forget about the smaller varmints.

I have shot wild hogs with my Class III M-16 but that was helping a friend that has a ranch cull out pests.
Don't blame you.
I don't have anything against other people hunting but it is just not for me. I didn't teach my sons to hunt although one of them did learn it on his own.

I'm teaching my granddaughter range skills as long as she shows an interest. Now the .22. When she gets older we will shoot the AR and other rifles. Then pistol training. If she wants to hunt then she will have to develop those skills from her Dad or maybe a future boyfriend or husband.
But you think an authoritarian government under Trump, then Don, Jr. will let you keep your guns?

Yes. And you do, too.
Stop listening to those voices in your head. They're not any smarter than you.

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