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Democrats cannot be patriots

So no, you did not. That makes AT LEAST two liberals in this very thread considerably more "patriotic" than you are. Dismissed.
I didn't, for medical reasons, ASSHOLE. And you CAN'T be patriotic just because you served in the military but NOW you hate America and everything American. Nice try, Seawytch, you dumb bitch.

Excuses are like the anal warts and bone spurs all you "patriots" seem to have.
AGAIN, refer to the #4 post in this thread. Thank you, thank you very much.

Again, why? Post #4 said nothing. It was a lame dodge. Fitting, Mr. "Medical Reasons"...
Severe asthma, shithead. I DID try to enlist, but was turned down. Now go away, shithead, go away.

Why should I believe you? A true patriot would have found a way. You're obviously not a true patriot. This is your game and I'm just playing by your silly rules. If you get to say all Democrats aren't patroits, I can certainly say YOU aren't one since you didnt serve your country.
Christianity Today is a far right publication that was founded on hatred of liberal ideas and advancing radical evangelism. Today conservatives are calling it a far left publication because it has not shown total surrender to the leader of the party. That is how cults work. The OP reflects that thinking.

Founded By Billy Graham. His son denounces it these days.

No true Christian evangelical would assist in placing Democrats in high places.
I didn't, for medical reasons, ASSHOLE. And you CAN'T be patriotic just because you served in the military but NOW you hate America and everything American. Nice try, Seawytch, you dumb bitch.

Excuses are like the anal warts and bone spurs all you "patriots" seem to have.
AGAIN, refer to the #4 post in this thread. Thank you, thank you very much.

Again, why? Post #4 said nothing. It was a lame dodge. Fitting, Mr. "Medical Reasons"...
Severe asthma, shithead. I DID try to enlist, but was turned down. Now go away, shithead, go away.

Why should I believe you? A true patriot would have found a way. You're obviously not a true patriot. This is your game and I'm just playing by your silly rules. If you get to say all Democrats aren't patroits, I can certainly say YOU aren't one since you didnt serve your country.
It STILL won't go away...................
Quick question..................are these people at a Trump rally wearing these t-shirts (that they designed and made themselves), traitors or patriots?

Totally agree with this. The most obvious reason is because most Dems these days HATE America and everything American. You CAN'T be anti-American AND patriotic. It doesn't work that way.
You are 100% correct sir
Thanks. It will be interesting to see if any of the liberal lunatics on here attempt to respond to this. I would say they probably will, but not in an intelligent manner.

Quick question..................are these people at a Trump rally wearing these t-shirts (that they designed and made themselves), traitors or patriots?

Once AGAIN, see post #4 in this thread. You're quite, quite welcome.

You stated in post 4 that you wanted to see if anyone could respond to the question, and I did. The OP is saying that no democrats could be patriots, so I simply showed 2 people wearing t-shirts at a Trump rally and asked which category these would fall into, traitors or patriots?

I enlisted in the US Navy in 1982, and was told most of my career that the Russians were our adversaries, and I watched Russian ships follow our ships around trying to get information about how we operated. And, it wasn't until the early 90's that relationships between the 2 countries thawed and the Cold War was over.

So...................are these 2 men at a Trump rally patriots or traitors? I'd say that because they are openly advertising it, they are traitors, and worse ones than what the OP accused the democrats of being, as they are saying they would rather be Russian than Democrat.
Totally agree with this. The most obvious reason is because most Dems these days HATE America and everything American. You CAN'T be anti-American AND patriotic. It doesn't work that way.
You are 100% correct sir
Thanks. It will be interesting to see if any of the liberal lunatics on here attempt to respond to this. I would say they probably will, but not in an intelligent manner.

Quick question..................are these people at a Trump rally wearing these t-shirts (that they designed and made themselves), traitors or patriots?

Once AGAIN, see post #4 in this thread. You're quite, quite welcome.

You stated in post 4 that you wanted to see if anyone could respond to the question, and I did. The OP is saying that no democrats could be patriots, so I simply showed 2 people wearing t-shirts at a Trump rally and asked which category these would fall into, traitors or patriots?

I enlisted in the US Navy in 1982, and was told most of my career that the Russians were our adversaries, and I watched Russian ships follow our ships around trying to get information about how we operated. And, it wasn't until the early 90's that relationships between the 2 countries thawed and the Cold War was over.

So...................are these 2 men at a Trump rally patriots or traitors? I'd say that because they are openly advertising it, they are traitors, and worse ones than what the OP accused the democrats of being.
And ANOTHER brainwashed THING that won't go away. Pitiful.
Totally agree with this. The most obvious reason is because most Dems these days HATE America and everything American. You CAN'T be anti-American AND patriotic. It doesn't work that way.
You are 100% correct sir
Thanks. It will be interesting to see if any of the liberal lunatics on here attempt to respond to this. I would say they probably will, but not in an intelligent manner.

Quick question..................are these people at a Trump rally wearing these t-shirts (that they designed and made themselves), traitors or patriots?

Once AGAIN, see post #4 in this thread. You're quite, quite welcome.

You stated in post 4 that you wanted to see if anyone could respond to the question, and I did. The OP is saying that no democrats could be patriots, so I simply showed 2 people wearing t-shirts at a Trump rally and asked which category these would fall into, traitors or patriots?

I enlisted in the US Navy in 1982, and was told most of my career that the Russians were our adversaries, and I watched Russian ships follow our ships around trying to get information about how we operated. And, it wasn't until the early 90's that relationships between the 2 countries thawed and the Cold War was over.

So...................are these 2 men at a Trump rally patriots or traitors? I'd say that because they are openly advertising it, they are traitors, and worse ones than what the OP accused the democrats of being.
And ANOTHER brainwashed THING that won't go away. Pitiful.

What's pitiful is your claim to be a patriot over someone else based on party affiliation, private bone spurs {ahem, "severe asthma" }.
Democrats cannot be patriots
Democrats cannot be patriots


I asked a friend of mine awhile back if you could be a Democrat and a Patriot. He said “I don’t see how.” I’ve been thinking about that and I agree. There is no way a Democrat can be a Patriot. Let’s take a look at typical Democrats.

Democrats believe in open borders — to increase their voters.

Democrats despise capitalists and individual rights.

Democrats are power and control freaks and believe in big government (supported by high taxes) in order to control all aspects of the economy and the masses.

Democrats look upon the Constitution as a stumbling block to their utopian dream of socialism (never mind that socialism has never worked).

Many Democrats support violence against conservatives (Antifa and Black Lives Matter as just two examples).

Democrats control academia and we can see the results - most college grads are completely ignorant of current events and world history (except for their understanding of the dialectics of Karl Marx).

Due to their “higher education” far left indoctrination, Democrats have a negative view of America.

As we are seeing on a daily basis, a high percentage of Democrats are perverts.

Many Democrats are Alinsky radicals and as such lie like rugs (see Kevin Foley’s latest column on the Trump tax cut — a real whopper).

Hate is hard and harsh word — but Democrats hate President Donald Trump because he is a populist conservative and an American Patriot who can get things done. Just take a look at the economy since he was elected.

Democrats are totally ignorant when it comes to the economy. They have never been able to figure out how tax revenue increases when you lower taxes.

Many Democrats do not like Christians. They really hate that the Declaration of Independence states our Natural Rights come from our Creator (and not the government).

Ninety-seven percent of felons (and professors) identify as Democrats.

Democrats are not very fond of the United States military.

Many Democrats support “sanctuary cities,” which give criminal illegal aliens more rights than American citizens.

And that ladies and gentlemen are just a few reasons Democrats cannot be Patriots. They (Democrats) are a sad lot and bear considerable watching

ME: A wonderful letter to the editor written by someone who sees the Left for who and what they really are. I wish I had written that

  1. Open Borders. Undocumented illegals ahead of citizen security.
  2. Being successful and earning a good living is very bad and should be punished. Being poor and dependent is good.
  3. The only party worthy of running the nation is theirs, a one-party totalitarian autocracy.
  4. They never met a tax they didn't like. The more the better.
  5. Big government is good government. They want to control everything right down to the air you breathe.
  6. The Constitution written to LIMIT government is a fine thing just 200 years behind the times that needs chopped up, rewritten and half of it thrown away to suit them.
  7. Democrats are fascists who believe in going out in armies to beat the crap out of anyone on the street who doesn't love them.
  8. A good education makes you a progressive socialist who crushes anyone's career prospects who shows the slightest hint of independence.
  9. America has always been bad, wrong and the center of evil, but they are due to fix that any election now. Maybe the next one.
  10. They never met a gay, lesbian, trans, bi, radical, freak, minority or alien they don't like. The real threats are the White, Christian, European cons who created America.
  11. They were for communists long before they were against them.
  12. They were for slavery when slave opinions didn't matter. Now that the Black man has a voice, they just tell them they are all against it while still enslaving blacks.
  13. Disagreeing with the Progressive agenda is hate speech.
  14. Democrats don't hate Trump; they just cannot help he is a vile, boorish, orange brute who needs crushed out of existence to save the world.
  15. A good economy, more jobs, higher wages and stronger trade must all apparently be bad things because they fight against them 24/7.
  16. Democrats want to slash the national debt while spending 20 trillion dollars making everything free to you, until after in office when they find they just really can't do it.
  17. A good America is to be liked by those who only know you when you give them stuff, while weakening your own military for them.
  18. You are just a brainwashed fool if you vote GOP; but you are a totally brainwashed useful idiot if you vote Democrat.
  19. Trump could shoot someone in the street and his supporters would still like him; but the Democrats could hijack the government and trash the law and you'd love them.
  20. Trump is a dangerous, incompetent, dictatorial threat to America whom MUST be stopped, working around the clock at all costs. Just not until after Christmas while Nancy sits on his impeachment having Christmas vacation mulling how long she can avoid filing the charges with the Senate while trying to make it look their fault.
And I dare any Leftist Democrat to prove a single thing there is wrong.

Fantastic response. Thank you.
Party affiliation means nothing to me as neither party offers me anything worth voting for. It is fun to watch you folk who actually think this political stuff really matters. Most Americans are too busy to really care.
Quick question..................are these people at a Trump rally wearing these t-shirts (that they designed and made themselves), traitors or patriots?


Stupid jackass, yeah, you, how do you tell that from a TEE FUCKING SHIRT?! Because it has the word "Russian" on it? Looks like a joke to me, because the two guys look like they are from strong Russian decent! You know WE HAVE THEM here, people with Russian heritage. These guys were having a little fun at the Left's expense and you fell for it head over heels. :lmao:
Stupid jackass, yeah, you, how do you tell that from a TEE FUCKING SHIRT?! Because it has the word "Russian" on it? Looks like a joke to me, because the two guys look like they are from strong Russian decent! You know WE HAVE THEM here, people with Russian heritage. These guys were having a little fun at the Left's expense and you fell for it head over heels. :lmao:

ABikerSailor is obviously not too bright
Stupid jackass, yeah, you, how do you tell that from a TEE FUCKING SHIRT?! Because it has the word "Russian" on it? Looks like a joke to me, because the two guys look like they are from strong Russian decent! You know WE HAVE THEM here, people with Russian heritage. These guys were having a little fun at the Left's expense and you fell for it head over heels. :lmao:

ABikerSailor is obviously not too bright

AB probably thinks all Russian-Americans are Kremlin spies just as authorities worried about Japanese-Americans here during WWII. At least then, they maybe kinda had some grounds to worry. If the Russians are doing anything now, they certainly don't need to physically come here anymore much less attend Trump rallies with homemade tee shirts since attacks now are all being done in cyberspace.

Maybe he thinks the Russians are infiltrating our fast food joints as fat, smelly old men now secretly replacing our fries fries and nachos with borscht.
Christianity Today is a far right publication that was founded on hatred of liberal ideas and advancing radical evangelism. Today conservatives are calling it a far left publication because it has not shown total surrender to the leader of the party. That is how cults work. The OP reflects that thinking.
I think it's more like the publication was taken over by a liberal once Billy Graham passed away.
Not sure what else you're babbling about.

It's been in publication since 1956.
Billy Graham died in 2018.

Our Ministry

Just in case anybody here wants a few facts before they opine.
Under Billy Grahams tenure, those political digs would have never been stated.
Just in case anybody here wants a few facts before they opine.
I stand by my previous post.
Ah the apolitical Billy Graham

Mormonism is a cult.
Christianity Today is a far right publication that was founded on hatred of liberal ideas and advancing radical evangelism. Today conservatives are calling it a far left publication because it has not shown total surrender to the leader of the party. That is how cults work. The OP reflects that thinking.
I think it's more like the publication was taken over by a liberal once Billy Graham passed away.
Not sure what else you're babbling about.

It's been in publication since 1956.
Billy Graham died in 2018.

Our Ministry

Just in case anybody here wants a few facts before they opine.
Under Billy Grahams tenure, those political digs would have never been stated.
Just in case anybody here wants a few facts before they opine.
I stand by my previous post.
Ah the apolitical Billy Graham

Mormonism is a cult.
The GOP is a cult.

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