Democrats can't prove Rittenhouse is a white supremacist

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Jacob Blake did!
I'm sure you'll find something on me. I was arrested once. I had pot in my system. Fact is, if you're white the jury will buy your justification why you were in fear for your life. Not if you are black.
Oddly, that hasn't happened over more than the last half of a a century, and I see no reason why it should in the next. You right wingers are such cowards. You see monsters behind every tree.
Tell that to those murdered by BLM and ANTIFA fascists.
The small limited government who is powerless against the corporations and rich people who own it.

My goal is to cut government in half in twenty-five years, to get it down to the size where we can drown it in the bathtub.

Grover Norquist

Our government is already fucked up. The rich own both parties. And you know it.
I’m still waiting.
Since when does a corporation have the power to arrest anyone?
What’s the biggest corporation in the world? Microsoft? Shell?
Pick one and tell us how they arrest people and lock them up without trial like the government can and does.
Cite a case.
I've heard the gossip of some of those white haired church ladies. Some of them should never be allowed near a gun or a car.

When I lived in Toronto, the only people who had guns were criminals. Out here, everybody has a "varmint rifle", including my daughter. She kept chickens and ducks. There were coyotes in the neighbourhood. Farmers sometimes need to put down an injured animal.

But we don't have a lot of mass shootings like you do. And we don't have a gun culture either. We never had a Wild West, a Revolution, or a civil war. We still leave our doors unlocked most of the time, and we don't assume a stranger on our porch is there to do us harm.

We also don't fear our government either. We elected them, and we'll turn them out of office if they fuck us over like Republicans keep doing to you, crashing the economy every chance they get.
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Tell that to those murdered by BLM and ANTIFA fascists.

I would just like to point out to you the idiocy of calling Anti-Fa (short for "Anti-Facists), "fascists". I would also like to remind you that the KKK, Proud Boys, and the other white supremacist thugs you vote for and support are the Nazi terrorist and fascists here. You even carry NAZI flags at your marches and use Third Reich iconography in your rallies.

Please provide a list of names of the people murdered by Anti-Fa or BLM.

But by all means, keep tellling us you're really the good guys here.
  • Funny
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When I lived in Toronto, the only people who had guns were criminals. Out here, everybody has a "varmint rifle", including my daughter. She kept chickens and ducks. There were coyotes in the neighbourhood. Farmers sometimes need to put down an injured animal.

But we don't have a lot of mass shootings like you do. And we don't have a gun culture either. We never had a Wild West, a Revolution, or a civil war. We still leave our doors unlocked most of the time, and we don't assume a stranger on our porch is there to do us harm.

We also don't fear our government either. We elected them, and we'll turn them out of office if they fuck us over like Republicans keep doing to you, crashing the economy every chance they get.
KKKanada prosecutes journalists for saying Islam is controlled by people wishing to do harm to Western Civilization
I would just like to point out to you the idiocy of calling Anti-Fa (short for "Anti-Facists), "fascists". I would also like to remind you that the KKK, Proud Boys, and the other white supremacist thugs you vote for and support are the Nazi terrorist and fascists here. You even carry NAZI flags at your marches and use Third Reich iconography in your rallies.

Please provide a list of names of the people murdered by Anti-Fa or BLM.

But by all means, keep tellling us you're really the good guys here.
Shitforbrains says ANTIFA is not fascist cuz they claim it so!

Never mind murdering people who don’t comply to their fascism.
The thread title says Democrats can't prove Rittenhouse is a white supremacist?

Well, who would care if they did?

Nothing wrong with being a white supremacist ----- whites ARE supreme in ability and wealth and intellect and pretty much everything. We've started finally not to shrink at the word "racist" but are affirming it because it became the all-purpose leftwing epithet against everyone for everything. They've just replaced it with "white supremicist." Affirm that, too! As soon as they think up an insult, take it away from them by affirming it.
I’m still waiting.
Since when does a corporation have the power to arrest anyone?
What’s the biggest corporation in the world? Microsoft? Shell?
Pick one and tell us how they arrest people and lock them up without trial like the government can and does.
Cite a case.
Are you kidding me? Who do you think writes the legislation your Republicans pass? Heritage Foundation to ALEC to PNAC.

Who was behind DeSanto's anti 1st amendment unconstitutional law against protesting? Corporations. Site one case where corporations are not behind it.
The thread title says Democrats can't prove Rittenhouse is a white supremacist?

Well, who would care if they did?

Nothing wrong with being a white supremacist ----- whites ARE supreme in ability and wealth and intellect and pretty much everything. We've started finally not to shrink at the word "racist" but are affirming it because it became the all-purpose leftwing epithet against everyone for everything. They've just replaced it with "white supremicist." Affirm that, too! As soon as they think up an insult, take it away from them by affirming it.
I don’t know he affiliates with but I know full well he’s piece of shit, dim-witted, douche bag.
Based on what? You don't know him, never met him, know literally very, very little about him, yet you claim to have this certain knowledge of him. Interesting. Let me guess, you hate him because:

A. He was putting out fires the rioters set and you approve of the rioters.
B. You believe he is a WS because you were told he was.

Anything else?
Based on what? You don't know him, never met him, know literally very, very little about him, yet you claim to have this certain knowledge of him. Interesting. Let me guess, you hate him because:

A. He was putting out fires the rioters set and you approve of the rioters.
B. You believe he is a WS because you were told he was.

Anything else?
Hey idiot I just said I don’t know what is affiliation is. Are you asshats incapable of reading comprehension? And no, I don’t approve of the rioting, I just know none of them deserved to die. Simple logic coming your way. You’re welcome.
I would just like to point out to you the idiocy of calling Anti-Fa (short for "Anti-Facists), "fascists". I would also like to remind you that the KKK, Proud Boys, and the other white supremacist thugs you vote for and support are the Nazi terrorist and fascists here. You even carry NAZI flags at your marches and use Third Reich iconography in your rallies.

Please provide a list of names of the people murdered by Anti-Fa or BLM.

But by all means, keep tellling us you're really the good guys here.

Yep, you fricken clowns are too busy harassing the elderly.

Hey idiot I just said I don’t know what is affiliation is. Are you asshats incapable of reading comprehension? And no, I don’t approve of the rioting, I just know none of them deserved to die. Simple logic coming your way. You’re welcome.
Kyle didn't deserve to be assaulted either.
Hey idiot I just said I don’t know what is affiliation is. Are you asshats incapable of reading comprehension? And no, I don’t approve of the rioting, I just know none of them deserved to die. Simple logic coming your way. You’re welcome.

They attacked Rittenhouse. One said point-blank he was going to kill him, another charged him with a loaded pistol with a hollow point in the chamber and yet another attempted to bash his skull with a skateboard. Had he just laid there and taken it he would have likely ended up getting beaten by the mob.
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