Democrats can't prove Rittenhouse is a white supremacist

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You’re screaming thread title is total bullshit. You’re outraged that the media can’t prove this thug is a white supremacist. But you’re completely OK with the legal murder of two unarmed citizens.

The United States of America has now completely legalize the murder of people who threaten white men in any way. Armed or unarmed, if you frighten the white guy with a gun, you can get shot and nothing bad will happen to him.

This courtesy does not extend white women since women who murder their husbands and claim self-defence because of abuse are now called “prison inmates”. But a guy like George Zimmerman can stalk a kid, against police instructions, frighten him and then murder him when the child tries to defend himself against the stalker, and claim self defense.

Kyle Rittenhouse can point his gun at protesters and frighten them and when they try to take his gun away from him, he can murder them and get away with it because they frightened him.

The only outrage that you have is over name-calling?

Your priorities are completely fucked.
Don't forget the white Canadian government murdering hundreds of First Nations children.
Yes, I've had numerous gun nuts here telling me how I would have been much "safer" I'd be if I had a gun. Since none of the bad things they say I need a gun for have happened to me in over 70 years, I seriously doubt they're about to start. I don't think anyone at the local church supper is going to snap and open fire, but you really never know.

There was a woman who's husband had attacked and threatened her, and she had called the police. They took a while getting there, and she said she wished she had a gun that day, in case he came back. He didn't and she was OK, but she wished she'd had a gun so would have been "safe". The thought of him taking her gun and using it against her never occurred to her. Stats show that members of gun owning households are more likely to be injured by that gun, than they are to use it for self defence.
So, it's a bad thing when some takes a gun away from a gun owner and uses it on them?

Oh, you mean like two of Rittenhouse's attackers did.

Face it -- you wanted the kid dead. Still do, even though he was innocent of all charges against him.

And the weird part is you think you hold the moral high ground.
When I lived in Toronto, the only people who had guns were criminals. Out here, everybody has a "varmint rifle", including my daughter. She kept chickens and ducks. There were coyotes in the neighbourhood. Farmers sometimes need to put down an injured animal.

But we don't have a lot of mass shootings like you do. And we don't have a gun culture either. We never had a Wild West, a Revolution, or a civil war. We still leave our doors unlocked most of the time, and we don't assume a stranger on our porch is there to do us harm.

We also don't fear our government either. We elected them, and we'll turn them out of office if they fuck us over like Republicans keep doing to you, crashing the economy every chance they get.
Your government will arrest you for saying mean things on social media.

I submit you're perhaps not the best judge of the merits of various governments.
After killing people? Fuck his feelings.
Fuck your feelings. He defended his life against his attackers who made it plain they were going to harm or kill him.

You're pissed off a pedo, a serial wife beater, and a repeat offender thief got shot.

And you know what? I'd support you shooting anyone attacking you. Self-defense is a human right.
That idiot’s only intention was to start shit. He went down there to pick a fight to feel like a badass. Two of the people he killed were unarmed. NONE of that shit would have happened if that stupid fuck knew his place and never went down there in the first place.
Wild how he tricked people into attacking him, isn't it?
I would just like to point out to you the idiocy of calling Anti-Fa (short for "Anti-Facists), "fascists". I would also like to remind you that the KKK, Proud Boys, and the other white supremacist thugs you vote for and support are the Nazi terrorist and fascists here. You even carry NAZI flags at your marches and use Third Reich iconography in your rallies.

Please provide a list of names of the people murdered by Anti-Fa or BLM.

But by all means, keep tellling us you're really the good guys here.
Brandon has some splaing to do!
There is no white privilege.

There is, however, class privilege, and since Rittenhouse is working class, he has no privilege.

What's blatantly obvious is that you're repeating your programming. You hate the kid because you were told to. That's all.
I don’t hate the kid. I don’t like it that what he did was legal and cool with you fools
There is no white privilege.

There is, however, class privilege, and since Rittenhouse is working class, he has no privilege.

What's blatantly obvious is that you're repeating your programming. You hate the kid because you were told to. That's all.
I change my mind after reading this

Rosenbaum lunged at Rittenhouse and grabbed his gun. Rittenhouse said he shot Rosenbaum to stop him.

Video evidence also showed that Rittenhouse shot Huber only after Huber started hitting him in the head — and tried to take his gun.

Grosskreutz, who was armed, also put his hand on Rittenhouse’s gun before he was shot.
It might not be over yet. A civil case with a sane judge would allow all that evidence, and have a lower bar of proof. OJ got off in his criminal trial, but was assessed 33 million in a civil case. The crazies have already given him more than two million, so a civil case might be worthwhile. No amount of money will bring the dead back, but it would be a travesty for that murderer to get rich as well as get off from the criminal case.
he is no murderer
Let him sue. His racist statements in the CV Pharmacy won’t be excluded from that trial. Nor will his beating of the teenage girl. These are both consistent with white supremacist behaviour.
He stated nothing racist.

Hitting women is not indicative of any political view
Yes, I've had numerous gun nuts here telling me how I would have been much "safer" I'd be if I had a gun. Since none of the bad things they say I need a gun for have happened to me in over 70 years, I seriously doubt they're about to start. I don't think anyone at the local church supper is going to snap and open fire, but you really never know.

There was a woman who's husband had attacked and threatened her, and she had called the police. They took a while getting there, and she said she wished she had a gun that day, in case he came back. He didn't and she was OK, but she wished she'd had a gun so would have been "safe". The thought of him taking her gun and using it against her never occurred to her. Stats show that members of gun owning households are more likely to be injured by that gun, than they are to use it for self defence.
Stats do not show any such thing.
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