Democrats Can't Say the Word "Abortion"


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
Last night Joe Biden has a televised town hall, and one of the participants asked him what he would do if Amy Coney Barrett became a Supreme Court justice, and struck down Roe vs Wade. In asking the question, she asked what Biden would do to protect her "reproductive rights".

In Democrat language, this is code name for the word ABORTION. In answering, Biden also said "reproductive" carefully steering clear of the word abortion. It really looks like these folks are so fundamentally ashamed of their policy of abortion on demand (getting one under ANY conditions), that they are unable to even let that word roll off their lips.
Last night Joe Biden has a televised town hall, and one of the participants asked him what he would do if Amy Coney Barrett became a Supreme Court justice, and struck down Roe vs Wade. In asking the question, she asked what Biden would do to protect her "reproductive rights".

In Democrat language, this is code name for the word ABORTION. In answering, Biden also said "reproductive" carefully steering clear of the word abortion. It really looks like these folks are so fundamentally ashamed of their policy of abortion on demand (getting one under ANY conditions), that they are unable to even let that word roll off their lips.

Shame is the precisely correct word. Mothers who abort their still developing unborn children often suffer years and years of guilt. How do I know this? I was the father of such a child many years ago who was aborted by his mother late in the pregnancy. To this day she is very ashamed of what she did and joins me each year, remotely, to acknowledge the loss of what would have been our sixteen year-old son.

At large the majority of Americans seem to know that abortion for any reason is child murder. However, radical leftist propaganda, atheism, and falsified early 20th century sociology data is apparently enough brainwashing combined, along with hatred for Trump and the patriarchy, to convince hundreds of thousands of would be mothers to go ahead with killing their children. People like that need guidance in making the big choices in life. Right now they're still getting that guidance from psychopaths.
Shame is the precisely correct word. Mothers who abort their still developing unborn children often suffer years and years of guilt. How do I know this? I was the father of such a child many years ago who was aborted by his mother late in the pregnancy. To this day she is very ashamed of what she did and joins me each year, remotely, to acknowledge the loss of what would have been our sixteen year-old son.

At large the majority of Americans seem to know that abortion for any reason is child murder. However, radical leftist propaganda, atheism, and falsified early 20th century sociology data is apparently enough brainwashing combined, along with hatred for Trump and the patriarchy, to convince hundreds of thousands of would be mothers to go ahead with killing their children. People like that need guidance in making the big choices in life. Right now they're still getting that guidance from psychopaths.
1. I'm VERY sorry for your loss.

2. We, as a society, once we get past this election, need to clamp down HARD, on "our" MISeducation system. One of the reasons our country is going as crazy as it is, is because of the lunacies being taught in "our" schools and universities, by flat out LUNATICS.
There is a woman running for the state legislature in CA and in her ads she says she is a teacher and pro choice....a abortion....its sick.....
Last night Joe Biden has a televised town hall, and one of the participants asked him what he would do if Amy Coney Barrett became a Supreme Court justice, and struck down Roe vs Wade. In asking the question, she asked what Biden would do to protect her "reproductive rights".

In Democrat language, this is code name for the word ABORTION. In answering, Biden also said "reproductive" carefully steering clear of the word abortion. It really looks like these folks are so fundamentally ashamed of their policy of abortion on demand (getting one under ANY conditions), that they are unable to even let that word roll off their lips.

Shame is the precisely correct word. Mothers who abort their still developing unborn children often suffer years and years of guilt. How do I know this? I was the father of such a child many years ago who was aborted by his mother late in the pregnancy. To this day she is very ashamed of what she did and joins me each year, remotely, to acknowledge the loss of what would have been our sixteen year-old son.

At large the majority of Americans seem to know that abortion for any reason is child murder. However, radical leftist propaganda, atheism, and falsified early 20th century sociology data is apparently enough brainwashing combined, along with hatred for Trump and the patriarchy, to convince hundreds of thousands of would be mothers to go ahead with killing their children. People like that need guidance in making the big choices in life. Right now they're still getting that guidance from psychopaths.
"At large the majority of Americans seem to know that abortion for any reason is child murder."

Utter bullshit. In reality, the vast majority of Americans support abortion at least under certain circumstances. Only 20% want abortions banned for any reason...

Shame is the precisely correct word. Mothers who abort their still developing unborn children often suffer years and years of guilt. How do I know this? I was the father of such a child many years ago who was aborted by his mother late in the pregnancy. To this day she is very ashamed of what she did and joins me each year, remotely, to acknowledge the loss of what would have been our sixteen year-old son.

At large the majority of Americans seem to know that abortion for any reason is child murder. However, radical leftist propaganda, atheism, and falsified early 20th century sociology data is apparently enough brainwashing combined, along with hatred for Trump and the patriarchy, to convince hundreds of thousands of would be mothers to go ahead with killing their children. People like that need guidance in making the big choices in life. Right now they're still getting that guidance from psychopaths.
1. I'm VERY sorry for your loss.

2. We, as a society, once we get past this election, need to clamp down HARD, on "our" MISeducation system. One of the reasons our country is going as crazy as it is, is because of the lunacies being taught in "our" schools and universities, by flat out LUNATICS.
It's a disgrace. What a waste!
1095,000 abortions per annum and all are incinerated. None recycled. The amount of usable protein that could be used for cat/dog petfoods or broken down into fertilizer is a national shame. How long can we go on wasting precious resources?
Dems have ripped the limbs off babies in brutal bloody abortions. Naturally they have to sugar coat this with phrases like 'reproductive rights' just like the Nazi's did when they were burning millions of Jews in ovens.
Democrats may not be good at governing but (with the cooperation of the media) they are good at propaganda. Forced incarceration becomes "shelter in place" and the procedure of stabbing a full term fetus in the back of the head and sucking it's brain out becomes "planned parenthood".
Democrats may not be good at governing but (with the cooperation of the media) they are good at propaganda. Forced incarceration becomes "shelter in place" and the procedure of stabbing a full-term fetus in the back of the head and sucking it's brain out becomes "planned parenthood".
O get over yourself, a fetus is not a viable human being at that stage.
And as for sucking brains out, it's no different to what Trump had been doing to the US & the world for 4 years.
... "At large the majority of Americans seem to know that abortion for any reason is child murder." ...

Example! Natural situation of normal life: In case a mother dies then also her unborn baby will die with her. So: Her life has priority. There are lots of thinkable situations, where an abortion is the only solution for a drama in this set of possible dilemma.

This changes nothing in the god given natural human right of all human beings to live. Human beings have this elementary right also when they are still not born. But no one should forget that we don't live in a perfect world. Here is not heaven. And it needs much more than only dumb political propaganda to solve serios problem in a very concrete context. Everyone has to understand - really to understand without any form of brainwash - how important it is to to respect all and every life.

But whoever wan the elections in the USA since the wrong decision "Roe v. Wade" in 1973 - did this ever change anything in the real numbers of abortions in the USA?

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Last night Joe Biden has a televised town hall, and one of the participants asked him what he would do if Amy Coney Barrett became a Supreme Court justice, and struck down Roe vs Wade. In asking the question, she asked what Biden would do to protect her "reproductive rights".

In Democrat language, this is code name for the word ABORTION. In answering, Biden also said "reproductive" carefully steering clear of the word abortion. It really looks like these folks are so fundamentally ashamed of their policy of abortion on demand (getting one under ANY conditions), that they are unable to even let that word roll off their lips.

I would say both sides engage in a lot of dishonestly on this issue.

To hear the pro-lifers tell it, every fetus aborted was minutes away from being born.

to hear the pro-choicers tell it, every fetus aborted was the result of rape, incest or a threat to the woman's health.

So let's be honest, we are talking about abortion as a form of contraception, by women who willingly had sex but are unwilling to have babies.

Here's what we have to realize... that if a woman doesn't want to be pregnant, she'll find a way to not be pregnant.

So we can either allow for legal abortion and get over it, or we can have laws on the books that will be largely ignored... just like they were being largely ignored before 1973.
... O get over yourself, a fetus is not a viable human being at that stage. ...

You use a wrong form of abstract idea now. You overgeneralize the word "fetus". It's a collective term. A fetus of a dog is a dog, a fetus of a cat is a cat and so on. And a mouse bears never an elephant.
So a fetus of a human being is a human being. Every human beings was once in the beginning of the own life a special fetus - the fetus of a human being - and not any other fetus (cat, dog, mouse, elephant ...), also not in case you are not able to see or to measure a difference between different feti they are definitelly different.

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... So let's be honest, we are talking about abortion as a form of contraception, by women who willingly had sex but are unwilling to have babies. ...

Aha. This you call "honest"? What about the men? They are the real - nevertheless "invisible" - motor of abortions. Nearly never anyone speaks about men in this context. Men force their sex partners to make abortions, parents force their daughters to make abortions, lots of situaions force women to make abortions and so on and so on ... Who has not dirty hands in this damned dirty game ? ...
Aha. This you call "honest"? What about the men? They are the real - nevertheless "invisible" - motor of abortions. Nearly never anyone speaks about men in this context. Men force their sex partners to make abortions, parents force their daughters to make abortions, lots of situaions force women to make abortions and so on and so on ... Who has not dirty hands in this damned dirty game ? ...

Bullshit. Men can't make women do anything they don't want to do.
... O get over yourself, a fetus is not a viable human being at that stage. ...

You use a wrong form of abstract idea now. You overgeneralize the word "fetus". It's a collective term. A fetus of a dog is a dog, a fetus of a cat is a cat and so on. And a mouse bears never an elephant.
So a fetus of a human being is a human being. Every human beings was once in the beginning of the own life a special fetus - the fetus of a human being - and not any other fetus (cat, dog, mouse, elephant ...), also not in case you are not able to see or to measure a difference between different feti they are definitely different.

The specific specie is not relevant as only humans tend to have abortions, animals always have to pay in full for there frivolity, but if little kitty winks turn out with any impairment, the mummy cat will simply sit by and let it starve to death.

A fetus of a human being is NOT a human being. Why stop with the fetus as a potential human, why not go back to the sperm? There is said to be over 300 m. in every teaspoon of semen. So think of how many Americans you kill, every time you jack off! Which is probably quite often in your case Haha, only joking!
Aha. This you call "honest"? What about the men? They are the real - nevertheless "invisible" - motor of abortions. Nearly never anyone speaks about men in this context. Men force their sex partners to make abortions, parents force their daughters to make abortions, lots of situaions force women to make abortions and so on and so on ... Who has not dirty hands in this damned dirty game ? ...

Bullshit. Men can't make women do anything they don't want to do.

What's totally wrong. Not women - men are the masters of ignorance and intrigance. I'm convinced it exist much more real friendships between women and women and between women and men, than exist between men and men and men and women. I guess it contains a very big piece of truth to say: "When god created men she only trained."

In case of women it is definitelly diabolic to force a pregnant future mother to let kill her own child and to agree with this perverted action. To do so with women is the worst masterpiece of supression and slavery - a most diabolic death seduction - which I am able to imagine at all. Normally a coming child is only a reason for joy.
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... A fetus of a human being is NOT a human being. ...

What's wrong, how I just a moment ago explained to you with absolute philosophical and scientific clearness. A human being evolves as a human being and is from the very first moment of the begin of this evolution up to the own death always only a human being, a child of god.
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Aha. This you call "honest"? What about the men? They are the real - nevertheless "invisible" - motor of abortions. Nearly never anyone speaks about men in this context. Men force their sex partners to make abortions, parents force their daughters to make abortions, lots of situaions force women to make abortions and so on and so on ... Who has not dirty hands in this damned dirty game ? ...

Bullshit. Men can't make women do anything they don't want to do.
ok, we believe you


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