'Democrats Care About Americans' / 'Democrats Oppose Healthcare Rationing' - Myths / Lies Busted


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Calif. county tells ambulance staff not to drive some dying patients to hospitals

Calif. county tells ambulance staff not to drive some dying patients to hospitals

Ambulance crews told to ration oxygen on or transporting citizens they feel have no shot at surviving to the hospital due to high COVID-19 hospitalization rates.

So some Democrat-run states' plan on dealing with a pandemic is 'Fu@k 'em, Let 'em die' due to being completely unprepared due to piss-poor planning and management?!

Cuomo was so worried about a wave of hospital-required C-19 that never same and not having a lack of hospital beds that he made the conscious decision to sacrifice over 10,000 elderly Americans' lives by packing virus-infected patients into nursing homes AFTER he publicly declared the elderly were the most likelyto die from C-19.

Cuomo was warned by the CDC several years ago that NY needed to buy hundreds of new ventilator beds to be ready for a pandemic. Cuomo instead blew the money on a failed green energy project. When the pandemic hit Cuomo begged the President for help. President Trump responded by delivering all the ventilator beds Cuomo needed, had the Army Corp of Engineers build NY a new hospital, and sent a hospital ship to NY. In the end. all of the ventilator beds were not filled, the hospital built was deconstructed for lack of use, and the hospital ship sailed out of NY due to lack of use....and over 10,000 elderly American lives were sacrificed for nothing.

In California, Newsom and his Democrat government has also been caught ill-prepared and are now rationing health care and telling ambulance services to ignore / abandon patients they think won't survive instead of transporting them to a hospital.

Welcome to Marxist Socialist Democrat Rule....


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