Democrats caused recession in 2007

Yes, indeed. Looks like we finally agree on something.

Of course we agree you're clueless....
You don't even comprehend what you said "indeed" to, do ya, Shortbus? :lol:
Oh...the word use is over your education it....
Hisses the idiot who I had to educate over his inability to spell the word, "your."


You think anyone believes you do any better with multisyllabic words?
And there you have it folks....liberal stupidity at is worst....
There was no link. There was only you bluffing by citing the BLS, which of course, has no such statistic indicating 95 million "want to be workers."
Well, thanks again for re-re-posting the link....
Sadly, your dementia worsens as I posted no link. Although that probably explains why you think you did.
No you didn't this time....
Ummm... you just said I did.


What's the matter, Shortbus? Can't tell if there's a link or not? Isn't the ability to determine if a link is in a post a rather basic skill of posting?
Reading, it is fundamental child...:lol:
Spits the idiot who just admitted I didn't post a link after thanking me for posting a link. :eusa_doh:
Well, thanks again for re-re-posting the link....
Sadly, your dementia worsens as I posted no link. Although that probably explains why you think you did.
No you didn't this time....
Ummm... you just said I did.


What's the matter, Shortbus? Can't tell if there's a link or not? Isn't the ability to determine if a link is in a post a rather basic skill of posting?
Reading, it is fundamental child...:lol:
Spits the idiot who just admitted I didn't post a link after thanking me for posting a link. :eusa_doh:
And you didn't post the link this time either....
Let's post this back up....notice the Obama years....
I bet you've never been paid to think......amirite?
I bill out between 400 to 1000 dollars an hour to

Yeah........It's pretty clear......

Do you "think" you understand that Big Mac thingy now?

Fucking idiot...'re precious.....

This "thought" for which you claim you are obviously doesn't involve numbers........are you a decorator?
You've yet to return the favor and let us know how much you get paid to think....

As for the rest of your tripe in other try's really very simple stuff...[/QUOTE]

In Big Mac meals?

It's "simple", an alleged $1,000/hr guy, were hornswoggled by some innertubes imbecile......better yet, you claim that the plug you swallowed is your "favorite" flava... ..

THE Big Mac index was invented by The Economist in 1986 as a lighthearted guide to whether currencies are at their “correct” level. It is based on the theory of purchasing-power parity (PPP), the notion that in the long run exchange rates should move towards the rate that would equalise the prices of an identical basket of goods and services (in this case, a burger) in any two countries. For example, the average price of a Big Mac in America in July 2016 was $5.04; in China it was only $2.79 at market exchange rates. So the "raw" Big Mac index says that the yuan was undervalued by 45% at that time.

Burgernomics was never intended as a precise gauge of currency misalignment, merely a tool to make exchange-rate theory more digestible. Yet the Big Mac index has become a global standard, included in several economic textbooks and the subject of at least 20 academic studies. For those who take their fast food more seriously, we have also calculated a gourmet version of the index.

Are you related to Bripat?
I bet you've never been paid to think......amirite?
I bill out between 400 to 1000 dollars an hour to

Yeah........It's pretty clear......

Do you "think" you understand that Big Mac thingy now?

Fucking idiot...'re precious.....

This "thought" for which you claim you are obviously doesn't involve numbers........are you a decorator?
You've yet to return the favor and let us know how much you get paid to think....

As for the rest of your tripe in other try's really very simple stuff...

In Big Mac meals?

It's "simple", an alleged $1,000/hr guy, were hornswoggled by some innertubes imbecile......better yet, you claim that the plug you swallowed is your "favorite" flava... ..

THE Big Mac index was invented by The Economist in 1986 as a lighthearted guide to whether currencies are at their “correct” level. It is based on the theory of purchasing-power parity (PPP), the notion that in the long run exchange rates should move towards the rate that would equalise the prices of an identical basket of goods and services (in this case, a burger) in any two countries. For example, the average price of a Big Mac in America in July 2016 was $5.04; in China it was only $2.79 at market exchange rates. So the "raw" Big Mac index says that the yuan was undervalued by 45% at that time.

Burgernomics was never intended as a precise gauge of currency misalignment, merely a tool to make exchange-rate theory more digestible. Yet the Big Mac index has become a global standard, included in several economic textbooks and the subject of at least 20 academic studies. For those who take their fast food more seriously, we have also calculated a gourmet version of the index.

Are you related to Bripat?[/QUOTE]
No? Huh......basket weaving don't pay I guess....
I bill out between 400 to 1000 dollars an hour to

Yeah........It's pretty clear......

Do you "think" you understand that Big Mac thingy now?

Fucking idiot...'re precious.....

This "thought" for which you claim you are obviously doesn't involve numbers........are you a decorator?
You've yet to return the favor and let us know how much you get paid to think....

As for the rest of your tripe in other try's really very simple stuff...

In Big Mac meals?

It's "simple", an alleged $1,000/hr guy, were hornswoggled by some innertubes imbecile......better yet, you claim that the plug you swallowed is your "favorite" flava... ..

THE Big Mac index was invented by The Economist in 1986 as a lighthearted guide to whether currencies are at their “correct” level. It is based on the theory of purchasing-power parity (PPP), the notion that in the long run exchange rates should move towards the rate that would equalise the prices of an identical basket of goods and services (in this case, a burger) in any two countries. For example, the average price of a Big Mac in America in July 2016 was $5.04; in China it was only $2.79 at market exchange rates. So the "raw" Big Mac index says that the yuan was undervalued by 45% at that time.

Burgernomics was never intended as a precise gauge of currency misalignment, merely a tool to make exchange-rate theory more digestible. Yet the Big Mac index has become a global standard, included in several economic textbooks and the subject of at least 20 academic studies. For those who take their fast food more seriously, we have also calculated a gourmet version of the index.

Are you related to Bripat?
No? Huh......basket weaving don't pay I guess....[/QUOTE]


On the Innertubes we are all 7 feet tall and bulletproof.
Yeah........It's pretty clear......

Do you "think" you understand that Big Mac thingy now?

Fucking idiot...'re precious.....

This "thought" for which you claim you are obviously doesn't involve numbers........are you a decorator?
You've yet to return the favor and let us know how much you get paid to think....

As for the rest of your tripe in other try's really very simple stuff...

In Big Mac meals?

It's "simple", an alleged $1,000/hr guy, were hornswoggled by some innertubes imbecile......better yet, you claim that the plug you swallowed is your "favorite" flava... ..

THE Big Mac index was invented by The Economist in 1986 as a lighthearted guide to whether currencies are at their “correct” level. It is based on the theory of purchasing-power parity (PPP), the notion that in the long run exchange rates should move towards the rate that would equalise the prices of an identical basket of goods and services (in this case, a burger) in any two countries. For example, the average price of a Big Mac in America in July 2016 was $5.04; in China it was only $2.79 at market exchange rates. So the "raw" Big Mac index says that the yuan was undervalued by 45% at that time.

Burgernomics was never intended as a precise gauge of currency misalignment, merely a tool to make exchange-rate theory more digestible. Yet the Big Mac index has become a global standard, included in several economic textbooks and the subject of at least 20 academic studies. For those who take their fast food more seriously, we have also calculated a gourmet version of the index.

Are you related to Bripat?
No? Huh......basket weaving don't pay I guess....


On the Innertubes we are all 7 feet tall and bulletproof.[/QUOTE]
I guess basket weaving does pay.....government worker? I am not.....
View attachment 83970 This is my favorite thing the Edonomist sometimes talks's impossible to find in liberal circles however....for it spells out the doom that is upon us.....
Ummm you won't find that comparison in any economist circles, either. The Big Mac index is not a measure of inflation or cost of living, but of purchasing power parity.
That made no sense in the context of anything I said.

To a liberal, being snarky is a "perfect example" of anything
In order to demonstrate that "printing money" devalues currency, you assume that printing money devalues currency......

It was an example of what it means to analyze a single variable. You're stupid as fuck. How do you not grasp that?

Skylar keeps thinking when I said "all else held equal," it meant there are no other variables. If you hacks had gone to college, you'd have had to have come across that concept before. It's basic to any analysis discussion.

Ceteris paribus - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

How does assuming the value of the single variable "test" it?

That is Tautologicus paribus...

I went to perfectly good college, and spent more hours delving into macro econ over the past 6 months than you have in your entire 22 years on the planet.

OK, I'm done now with Skylar and you for this discussion. You are just too stupid. I've explained to you like three times the concept of ceteris paribus. I also provided a link to the description of it so you could read that. I said I was explaining that CONCEPT to the retarded Mr. Skylar.

How the two of you can't grasp that is beyond me. But I'm not wasting my time on this anymore. I'm not explaining this simple concept to you again

5 years of Latin.....Economics at undergraduate and graduate levels.....

What do you think you can tell me about ceteris paribus?

Apparently what it means since I explained it to you at least three times and you still didn't get it. There are many factors to recessions and currency devaluations. That doesn't mean you can't consider one factor without including all the rest. That's what "all else held equal" or "cetris paribus" means.

Why didn't you explain to Skylar what it meant instead of jumping in and defending his position that you can't look at one factor without considering all the rest if you knew what it meant?
Big Mac Index - Published July 16, 2009
United States $3.57

2009 Big Mac Index

Current price


Implied annual inflation rate 2009-2016


Why even waste time on this? Big Mac does not well represent what people buy. PERIOD.

It doesn't represent rent, or electronics, transportation or even produce costs.

It just represents a profit maximizing price point McDonalds thinks it can sell Big Mac at.
Indisputably..... Inflation is generally measured using a basket of goods.....

I just find it amusing how these idiots uncritically swallow whatever they are fed by meme....
In order to demonstrate that "printing money" devalues currency, you assume that printing money devalues currency......

It was an example of what it means to analyze a single variable. You're stupid as fuck. How do you not grasp that?

Skylar keeps thinking when I said "all else held equal," it meant there are no other variables. If you hacks had gone to college, you'd have had to have come across that concept before. It's basic to any analysis discussion.

Ceteris paribus - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

How does assuming the value of the single variable "test" it?

That is Tautologicus paribus...

I went to perfectly good college, and spent more hours delving into macro econ over the past 6 months than you have in your entire 22 years on the planet.

OK, I'm done now with Skylar and you for this discussion. You are just too stupid. I've explained to you like three times the concept of ceteris paribus. I also provided a link to the description of it so you could read that. I said I was explaining that CONCEPT to the retarded Mr. Skylar.

How the two of you can't grasp that is beyond me. But I'm not wasting my time on this anymore. I'm not explaining this simple concept to you again

5 years of Latin.....Economics at undergraduate and graduate levels.....

What do you think you can tell me about ceteris paribus?

Apparently what it means since I explained it to you at least three times and you still didn't get it. There are many factors to recessions and currency devaluations. That doesn't mean you can't consider one factor without including all the rest. That's what "all else held equal" or "cetris paribus" means.

Why didn't you explain to Skylar what it meant instead of jumping in and defending his position that you can't look at one factor without considering all the rest if you knew what it meant?
As I've repeatedly demonstrated, your example used three FIXED numbers.....CP holds all ELSE, not EVERYTHING, constant.....the entire point is to stress a VARIABLE...

The actions of the Fed have not resulted in the Hyperinflation scenario predicted by economic naifs because they have occurred at the "zero lower bound". Instead of circulating, and being subject to velocity, this money is going to Excess Reserves at the Fed.....the practical effect (and I suspect, original intent) has been to shore up bank capital ravaged by the Wages of Supply
Side Idiocy.
It doesn't meet the technical definition of a "recession" for sure. But we've had nothing but sluggish economic growth throughout the reign of Obama. Considering that follows a deep recession, we are in reality in the same recession.

The word RECESSION means economic contraction, slow growth is...wait for it....GROWTH.

We now have more GDP, more jobs, higher stock market, and nearly full employment - we are clearly past the ditch.

Oh, and full employment?


You mean most people who having given up and quit the labor force have a job now?
Pretty much. The number of discouraged is less than half it was at its peak, and almost down to the level of the 1990's. At the same time, employment has been steadily going up.

Please, the so called "recovery" has been a disaster. Obama will be the first President in history not to have one year of 3% GDP growth. And that being from the bottom of a recession is incredible. Usually coming out of a recession growth is high just getting back to where you were.

And what happened to all the people since you say the discouraged are half gone when labor participation rate is still at a generational low?

The depression is still in a real way going on after eight years of Obama. You're just putting lipstick on a pig

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