Democrats caused recession in 2007

Whenever democrats want to say that it was the economic policies of the repubican party that led to the recession of 2008, 2009, 2010, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, and 2016 then someone should just point out this video

There are plenty of other videos of democrats preventing people from addressing the issues that led to the housing bubble and collapse.

The Democrats didn't cause the collapse, but they had a chance to head it off and did nothing. In fact they were warned by Bush and he asked them to act 5 times. Each time they said no. They wanted it to happen so they could blame Bush and win elections.

Blame Bush and win elections?

Oops, you messed up.

Let me fix it for you.

Republicans have done everything they can to destroy the economy and bring down the country so they could blame Obama and win elections.

Lol, I can always count on you to be stupidly entertaining. Do you know what conversation this is, eh dumbass? How you can be that stupid and still use modern technology is a mystery.


The Republican political strategy has been to obstruct efforts to help the economy for everyone but the wealthiest few, and then campaign on complaints that the economy isn't helping anyone but the wealthiest few. It's working.

In the House, Republicans have refused to allow votes on anything that seriously would help the economy, instead passing only tax cuts for the wealthy and corporations, spending cuts on essential things like maintaining our infrastructure and scientific research, and cutting regulations that protect people and the environment from being harmed by corporations seeking profit.

Republicans have blocked every effort since the stimulus to maintain infrastructure, hire teachers, raise the minimum wage, give equal pay for women, stop special tax breaks for millionaires corporations (especially oil companies), stop tax breaks for sending jobs out of the country, provide student loan relief, help the long-term unemployed, and more. Instead they insist on even more tax breaks for oil companies and billionaires, on cutting environmental protections, deregulating oil companies, and so on.

The Cost To Our Economy From Republican Obstruction And Sabotage


Seriously, I don't know what it is your kind thinks they have done for the country. We just lived through it. This isn't history. With Republicans controlling both houses for most of Obama's administration, you should have all kinds of successes you can point to. A government shutdown can't possibly be one of them. Beyond that, what else have Republicans done?
Is there a fucking echo in here?

Democrats caused recession in 2007

While you wait for excel to open, I've already solved the problem......using my BAII Professional....

And, even though no investment in last week's lettuce is involved, the answer is the same as in the two scenarios I offered last night....

Oh, the Multifariousness!

I gave you the answer in my response, dumb ass. You didn't even get an answer. And while I'm waiting for excel to open? It took me about 30 seconds to open excel, type in one simple formula and post it.

So what did you come up with as the time value of money to buy lettuce, tomatoes and beef this week and sell it next week?
Took me 10 seconds.....even with my essential tremor (those buttons aren't very large)

Can you remember what point you thought you were trying to make with last week's lettuce?

Wasn't my point. It was O's. I just kept pointing out what you were saying was wrong, like you did again here in only 10 seconds! That's what she said ...

Cut and paste the comment I made involving lettuce that you believe is wrong....

Everything you said was wrong

"No it wasn't."

Your jibber jabber regarding lettuce had nothing to do with any comment I was something for which you reached as you were drowning in a preceding inanity.
I gave you the answer in my response, dumb ass. You didn't even get an answer. And while I'm waiting for excel to open? It took me about 30 seconds to open excel, type in one simple formula and post it.

So what did you come up with as the time value of money to buy lettuce, tomatoes and beef this week and sell it next week?
Took me 10 seconds.....even with my essential tremor (those buttons aren't very large)

Can you remember what point you thought you were trying to make with last week's lettuce?

Wasn't my point. It was O's. I just kept pointing out what you were saying was wrong, like you did again here in only 10 seconds! That's what she said ...

Cut and paste the comment I made involving lettuce that you believe is wrong....

Everything you said was wrong

"No it wasn't."

Your jibber jabber regarding lettuce had nothing to do with any comment I was something for which you reached as you were drowning in a preceding inanity.

No, it was in direct reference to that you wanted to calculate the time value of money for a Big Mac, which is like a week.

You never had a lucid argument. What difference does the CAGR make on the graph? What does it show relevant to the price of a Big Mac?

Put another way, if you look at the graph, the CPI goes up, a Big Mac goes up more. What difference do the exact rates they go up make to the discussion?
Took me 10 seconds.....even with my essential tremor (those buttons aren't very large)

Can you remember what point you thought you were trying to make with last week's lettuce?

Wasn't my point. It was O's. I just kept pointing out what you were saying was wrong, like you did again here in only 10 seconds! That's what she said ...

Cut and paste the comment I made involving lettuce that you believe is wrong....

Everything you said was wrong

"No it wasn't."

Your jibber jabber regarding lettuce had nothing to do with any comment I was something for which you reached as you were drowning in a preceding inanity.

No, it was in direct reference to that you wanted to calculate the time value of money for a Big Mac, which is like a week.

You never had a lucid argument. What difference does the CAGR make on the graph? What does it show relevant to the price of a Big Mac?

Put another way, if you look at the graph, the CPI goes up, a Big Mac goes up more. What difference do the exact rates they go up make to the discussion? tvm function is a tool which can be employed in many applications involving compound growth...

The twin idiocies of

a) failing to understand what the Big Mac index was invented to do

b) using a single good as a gauge of inflation

notwithstanding, O's chart relies on a blind acceptance that it accurately relates the current price of a Big Mac.....As loath as I am to patronize McDs, $5.11 for that item didn't seem research suggests that the actual price is 3.99.....

If this is true, what does it mean for the impression left by O's chart? Certainly that it misrepresent the extent of the divergence between CPI and changes in the price of a Big Mac.....a reasonable question to ask is to what a price of 3.99 does to this alleged divergence.....

I have a rough idea what annual inflation has been running since 2009, and the price of a Big Mac for that year is available (3.55).....if you assume that the entire increase is due to inflation, how do you calculate the compound annual rate of inflation implied by the 2009 and 2016 prices?

If you are an idiot you try to figure out the 7th root of 3.99/3.55, and subtract 1.......if I were that idiot, I wouldn't have time left in the day to maintain my magnificent conk.
There would not be time left in my life for O to do so....the most readily accessible tool for him to get that done would be a tvm calculator. He surely doesn't own one, but there are plenty available on the Innertubes.

When I did this, I found that a change between 2009 and 2016 of 44 cents, suggests an avg annual (compound) rate of 1.6%.......roughly in line with the CPI....

Ya follah?
Wasn't my point. It was O's. I just kept pointing out what you were saying was wrong, like you did again here in only 10 seconds! That's what she said ...

Cut and paste the comment I made involving lettuce that you believe is wrong....

Everything you said was wrong

"No it wasn't."

Your jibber jabber regarding lettuce had nothing to do with any comment I was something for which you reached as you were drowning in a preceding inanity.

No, it was in direct reference to that you wanted to calculate the time value of money for a Big Mac, which is like a week.

You never had a lucid argument. What difference does the CAGR make on the graph? What does it show relevant to the price of a Big Mac?

Put another way, if you look at the graph, the CPI goes up, a Big Mac goes up more. What difference do the exact rates they go up make to the discussion? tvm function is a tool which can be employed in many applications involving compound growth...

The twin idiocies of

a) failing to understand what the Big Mac index was invented to do

b) using a single good as a gauge of inflation

notwithstanding, O's chart relies on a blind acceptance that it accurately relates the current price of a Big Mac.....As loath as I am to patronize McDs, $5.11 for that item didn't seem research suggests that the actual price is 3.99.....

If this is true, what does it mean for the impression left by O's chart? Certainly that it misrepresent the extent of the divergence between CPI and changes in the price of a Big Mac.....a reasonable question to ask is to what a price of 3.99 does to this alleged divergence.....

I have a rough idea what annual inflation has been running since 2009, and the price of a Big Mac for that year is available (3.55).....if you assume that the entire increase is due to inflation, how do you calculate the compound annual rate of inflation implied by the 2009 and 2016 prices?

If you are an idiot you try to figure out the 7th root of 3.99/3.55, and subtract 1.......if I were that idiot, I wouldn't have time left in the day to maintain my magnificent conk.
There would not be time left in my life for O to do so....the most readily accessible tool for him to get that done would be a tvm calculator. He surely doesn't own one, but there are plenty available on the Innertubes.

When I did this, I found that a change between 2009 and 2016 of 44 cents, suggests an avg annual (compound) rate of 1.6%.......roughly in line with the CPI....

Ya follah?

You know, Excel will tell you the 7th root of 3.99/3.55 and subtract 1 in a few key clicks. Here's the formula: +((3.99/3.55)^(1/7)) - 1

I know I put in extra parens, but as I said besides math and business I've a major and masters in computer science, defaults always scare me.

Then gain, I used to derive statistics equations while I took the test. I like doing it that way because it's more intuitive. Actually it's funny, my bud from college who was in my wedding party 28 years ago still brings that up once in a while.

Why haven't you memorized the formulas for the exam, kaz? It's OK, if I need them I'll just derive them during the exam. LOL

I always told him it's not as hard as it sounds, it's a lot easier if you know calculus (he didn't). That never satisfied him though...
Cut and paste the comment I made involving lettuce that you believe is wrong....

Everything you said was wrong

"No it wasn't."

Your jibber jabber regarding lettuce had nothing to do with any comment I was something for which you reached as you were drowning in a preceding inanity.

No, it was in direct reference to that you wanted to calculate the time value of money for a Big Mac, which is like a week.

You never had a lucid argument. What difference does the CAGR make on the graph? What does it show relevant to the price of a Big Mac?

Put another way, if you look at the graph, the CPI goes up, a Big Mac goes up more. What difference do the exact rates they go up make to the discussion? tvm function is a tool which can be employed in many applications involving compound growth...

The twin idiocies of

a) failing to understand what the Big Mac index was invented to do

b) using a single good as a gauge of inflation

notwithstanding, O's chart relies on a blind acceptance that it accurately relates the current price of a Big Mac.....As loath as I am to patronize McDs, $5.11 for that item didn't seem research suggests that the actual price is 3.99.....

If this is true, what does it mean for the impression left by O's chart? Certainly that it misrepresent the extent of the divergence between CPI and changes in the price of a Big Mac.....a reasonable question to ask is to what a price of 3.99 does to this alleged divergence.....

I have a rough idea what annual inflation has been running since 2009, and the price of a Big Mac for that year is available (3.55).....if you assume that the entire increase is due to inflation, how do you calculate the compound annual rate of inflation implied by the 2009 and 2016 prices?

If you are an idiot you try to figure out the 7th root of 3.99/3.55, and subtract 1.......if I were that idiot, I wouldn't have time left in the day to maintain my magnificent conk.
There would not be time left in my life for O to do so....the most readily accessible tool for him to get that done would be a tvm calculator. He surely doesn't own one, but there are plenty available on the Innertubes.

When I did this, I found that a change between 2009 and 2016 of 44 cents, suggests an avg annual (compound) rate of 1.6%.......roughly in line with the CPI....

Ya follah?

You know, Excel will tell you the 7th root of 3.99/3.55 and subtract 1 in a few key clicks. Here's the formula: +((3.99/3.55)^(1/7)) - 1

I know I put in extra parens, but as I said besides math and business I've a major and masters in computer science, defaults always scare me.

Then gain, I used to derive statistics equations while I took the test. I like doing it that way because it's more intuitive. Actually it's funny, my bud from college who was in my wedding party 28 years ago still brings that up once in a while.

Why haven't you memorized the formulas for the exam, kaz? It's OK, if I need them I'll just derive them during the exam. LOL

I always told him it's not as hard as it sounds, it's a lot easier if you know calculus (he didn't). That never satisfied him though...
When you sit for CFA level I, you have 90 seconds per learn the value of maximizing all the tools at your disposal....
Seriously, I don't know what it is your kind thinks they have done for the country. We just lived through it. This isn't history. With Republicans controlling both houses for most of Obama's administration, you should have all kinds of successes you can point to. A government shutdown can't possibly be one of them. Beyond that, what else have Republicans done?

Uh, dude...Republicans have only controlled the House for most of Obama's presidency. They've only controlled BOTH houses since last year.
Took me 10 seconds.....even with my essential tremor (those buttons aren't very large)

Can you remember what point you thought you were trying to make with last week's lettuce?

Wasn't my point. It was O's. I just kept pointing out what you were saying was wrong, like you did again here in only 10 seconds! That's what she said ...

Cut and paste the comment I made involving lettuce that you believe is wrong....

Everything you said was wrong

"No it wasn't."

Your jibber jabber regarding lettuce had nothing to do with any comment I was something for which you reached as you were drowning in a preceding inanity.

No, it was in direct reference to that you wanted to calculate the time value of money for a Big Mac, which is like a week.

You never had a lucid argument. What difference does the CAGR make on the graph? What does it show relevant to the price of a Big Mac?

Put another way, if you look at the graph, the CPI goes up, a Big Mac goes up more. What difference do the exact rates they go up make to the discussion?
Cruelly, I'm not even sure Of the point of the discussion. What is the point of comparing change in price of the Big Mac to the CPI? It doesn't tell us anything useful.
Everything you said was wrong

"No it wasn't."

Your jibber jabber regarding lettuce had nothing to do with any comment I was something for which you reached as you were drowning in a preceding inanity.

No, it was in direct reference to that you wanted to calculate the time value of money for a Big Mac, which is like a week.

You never had a lucid argument. What difference does the CAGR make on the graph? What does it show relevant to the price of a Big Mac?

Put another way, if you look at the graph, the CPI goes up, a Big Mac goes up more. What difference do the exact rates they go up make to the discussion? tvm function is a tool which can be employed in many applications involving compound growth...

The twin idiocies of

a) failing to understand what the Big Mac index was invented to do

b) using a single good as a gauge of inflation

notwithstanding, O's chart relies on a blind acceptance that it accurately relates the current price of a Big Mac.....As loath as I am to patronize McDs, $5.11 for that item didn't seem research suggests that the actual price is 3.99.....

If this is true, what does it mean for the impression left by O's chart? Certainly that it misrepresent the extent of the divergence between CPI and changes in the price of a Big Mac.....a reasonable question to ask is to what a price of 3.99 does to this alleged divergence.....

I have a rough idea what annual inflation has been running since 2009, and the price of a Big Mac for that year is available (3.55).....if you assume that the entire increase is due to inflation, how do you calculate the compound annual rate of inflation implied by the 2009 and 2016 prices?

If you are an idiot you try to figure out the 7th root of 3.99/3.55, and subtract 1.......if I were that idiot, I wouldn't have time left in the day to maintain my magnificent conk.
There would not be time left in my life for O to do so....the most readily accessible tool for him to get that done would be a tvm calculator. He surely doesn't own one, but there are plenty available on the Innertubes.

When I did this, I found that a change between 2009 and 2016 of 44 cents, suggests an avg annual (compound) rate of 1.6%.......roughly in line with the CPI....

Ya follah?

You know, Excel will tell you the 7th root of 3.99/3.55 and subtract 1 in a few key clicks. Here's the formula: +((3.99/3.55)^(1/7)) - 1

I know I put in extra parens, but as I said besides math and business I've a major and masters in computer science, defaults always scare me.

Then gain, I used to derive statistics equations while I took the test. I like doing it that way because it's more intuitive. Actually it's funny, my bud from college who was in my wedding party 28 years ago still brings that up once in a while.

Why haven't you memorized the formulas for the exam, kaz? It's OK, if I need them I'll just derive them during the exam. LOL

I always told him it's not as hard as it sounds, it's a lot easier if you know calculus (he didn't). That never satisfied him though...
When you sit for CFA level I, you have 90 seconds per learn the value of maximizing all the tools at your disposal....

That's the difference, I'm not a CFA, I'm an expert in capital markets.

I did nail that one. I said the only people who use TVM calculators are financial salesmen and marketers. You're the former
Wasn't my point. It was O's. I just kept pointing out what you were saying was wrong, like you did again here in only 10 seconds! That's what she said ...

Cut and paste the comment I made involving lettuce that you believe is wrong....

Everything you said was wrong

"No it wasn't."

Your jibber jabber regarding lettuce had nothing to do with any comment I was something for which you reached as you were drowning in a preceding inanity.

No, it was in direct reference to that you wanted to calculate the time value of money for a Big Mac, which is like a week.

You never had a lucid argument. What difference does the CAGR make on the graph? What does it show relevant to the price of a Big Mac?

Put another way, if you look at the graph, the CPI goes up, a Big Mac goes up more. What difference do the exact rates they go up make to the discussion?
Cruelly, I'm not even sure Of the point of the discussion. What is the point of comparing change in price of the Big Mac to the CPI? It doesn't tell us anything useful.

It wasn't intended to. O was just screwing with Slim
July 2003

Sens. Chuck Hagel (R-Nebraska), Elizabeth Dole (R-North Carolina) and John Sununu (R-New Hampshire) introduced legislation to address Regulation of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. The bill was blocked by Democrats.
That would be S. 1508: Federal Enterprise Regulatory Reform Act of 2003

A bill you claim was blocked by Democrats.

But let's take a look at what actually happened to that bill, shall we...?

Last action:
Reported by Committee
A committee has issued a report to the full chamber recommending that the bill be considered further. Only about 1 in 4 bills are reported out of committee.​

So the bill was sent to Senate leadership with the recommendation of further consideration, which had Senate leadership wanted, could have put the bill on the Senate's legislative calendar to be put to an up/down vote by the full Senate.

That never happened.

So who blocked the bill from being put to an up/.down vote by the full Senate? You claim it was Democrats. But were Democrats in charge of the Senate in 2003/2004? No, of course not. Republicans were and Bill Frist R-TN was the Senate Majority Leader who squashed that bill.

We'll just file this under 'A' -- for Another brain dead conservative regurgitating bullshit on the forum.

Again several key Democrats saw nothing wrong with Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. There was not one ounce of "documented reported rhetoric" coming from among the party, particularly Barnie Frank and Maxine Waters. Why wasn't Democrats really all that concerned with these two government giants that they had to try and convince the rest of congress, and the American people, that they were really quite solid and no kind of economic impact could result from a lack of oversight?

Top Recipients of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac in the form of Campaign Contributions, 1989-2008

( 1 ) Dodd, Christopher Sen - CT D $133,900
( 2 ) Kerry, John Sen - MA D $111,000
( 3 ) Obama, Barack Sen - IL D $105,849
( 4 ) Clinton, Hillary Sen - NY D $75,550

OpenSecrets | Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac Invest in Democrats - Capital Eye

Republicans controlled the Congress. You can't blame Democrats because Republicans wouldn't do their job.

I find it interesting how this perception of "doing their job" changes when it's liberals claim republicans have gotten in the way when Harry Reed failed at his job in passing a stronger economic jobs bill in creating more jobs to help strengthen the economy. .... or blaming republicans of hindering the ACA vote. Yet the democrats were the party in charge of it all, who could pass whatever they wanted and send it to the desk of Obama, I'm sure.
If Republicans had actually blocked those, then it would be reasonable to say the majority party Democrats failed to pass them because the minority party blocked them. That works that way for both parties regardless who's in charge.

I can only hope you're capable of comprehending that's not what happened regarding GSE reform as the minority party Democrats did not block any GSE reform bills. Though they were on the wrong side of the issue, it was Senate leadership who wouldn't allow any GSE reform bills to be put to a vote by the full Senate.

You can't blame Democrats for that.

The problem is, you are not aware of the process that actually took place in the senate in trying to create meaningful legislation to place that strict oversight on Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.

Hearing of the Senate Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs Committee - "Regulatory Reform of the Housing Government-Sponsored Enterprises"
By: Richard Shelby
Date: April 21, 2004
Location: Washington, DC

This morning the Committee concludes its series of hearings on reforming the regulatory system for Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac and the Federal Home Loan Bank System."

The Committee has conducted a comprehensive set of hearings on the Housing GSEs, and we have heard testimony from a range of witnesses representing different perspectives in the Housing GSE reform debate.

Following today's hearing, the Committee will begin to consider legislation to create a new regulatory structure for the Housing GSEs. As evidenced by the hearings, there are a number of difficult issues to confront and resolve. I am hopeful that consensus will develop. With cooperation and consensus, I am hopeful that this Committee can pass a meaningful bill--- and I am only interested in producing meaningful regulatory reform.

Source: U.S. Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs



• Richard Shelby (Ala) - Ranking Member
• Robert Bernetti (Utah)
• Jim Bunning (KY)
• Mike Crapo (Idaho)
•. Mel Martinez (Fla)
• Bob Corker (Tenn)

This clearly shows that a vote along party lines in allowing the committee to agree on any strict legislative action would quickly die in the senate without the bipartisan support it needed to move forward. So yes, it was blocked by Democrats.

I think that the responsibility that the Democrats had may rest more in resisting any efforts by Republicans in the Congress, or by me when I was President, to put some standards and tighten up a little on Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.”Former President Bill Clinton (D-AR), September 25, 2008

Perhaps your information in placing the responsibility on Republicans "not doing its job" was based by a source unfamiliar with the investigative hearings and legislative process at the time, or its from a biased news source that was looking to spin and politicize such action for political gains during an election year?
That would be S. 1508: Federal Enterprise Regulatory Reform Act of 2003

A bill you claim was blocked by Democrats.

But let's take a look at what actually happened to that bill, shall we...?

Last action:
Reported by Committee
A committee has issued a report to the full chamber recommending that the bill be considered further. Only about 1 in 4 bills are reported out of committee.​

So the bill was sent to Senate leadership with the recommendation of further consideration, which had Senate leadership wanted, could have put the bill on the Senate's legislative calendar to be put to an up/down vote by the full Senate.

That never happened.

So who blocked the bill from being put to an up/.down vote by the full Senate? You claim it was Democrats. But were Democrats in charge of the Senate in 2003/2004? No, of course not. Republicans were and Bill Frist R-TN was the Senate Majority Leader who squashed that bill.

We'll just file this under 'A' -- for Another brain dead conservative regurgitating bullshit on the forum.

Again several key Democrats saw nothing wrong with Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. There was not one ounce of "documented reported rhetoric" coming from among the party, particularly Barnie Frank and Maxine Waters. Why wasn't Democrats really all that concerned with these two government giants that they had to try and convince the rest of congress, and the American people, that they were really quite solid and no kind of economic impact could result from a lack of oversight?

Top Recipients of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac in the form of Campaign Contributions, 1989-2008

( 1 ) Dodd, Christopher Sen - CT D $133,900
( 2 ) Kerry, John Sen - MA D $111,000
( 3 ) Obama, Barack Sen - IL D $105,849
( 4 ) Clinton, Hillary Sen - NY D $75,550

OpenSecrets | Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac Invest in Democrats - Capital Eye

Republicans controlled the Congress. You can't blame Democrats because Republicans wouldn't do their job.

I find it interesting how this perception of "doing their job" changes when it's liberals claim republicans have gotten in the way when Harry Reed failed at his job in passing a stronger economic jobs bill in creating more jobs to help strengthen the economy. .... or blaming republicans of hindering the ACA vote. Yet the democrats were the party in charge of it all, who could pass whatever they wanted and send it to the desk of Obama, I'm sure.
If Republicans had actually blocked those, then it would be reasonable to say the majority party Democrats failed to pass them because the minority party blocked them. That works that way for both parties regardless who's in charge.

I can only hope you're capable of comprehending that's not what happened regarding GSE reform as the minority party Democrats did not block any GSE reform bills. Though they were on the wrong side of the issue, it was Senate leadership who wouldn't allow any GSE reform bills to be put to a vote by the full Senate.

You can't blame Democrats for that.

The problem is, you are not aware of the process that actually took place in the senate in trying to create meaningful legislation to place that strict oversight on Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.

Hearing of the Senate Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs Committee - "Regulatory Reform of the Housing Government-Sponsored Enterprises"
By: Richard Shelby
Date: April 21, 2004
Location: Washington, DC

This morning the Committee concludes its series of hearings on reforming the regulatory system for Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac and the Federal Home Loan Bank System."

The Committee has conducted a comprehensive set of hearings on the Housing GSEs, and we have heard testimony from a range of witnesses representing different perspectives in the Housing GSE reform debate.

Following today's hearing, the Committee will begin to consider legislation to create a new regulatory structure for the Housing GSEs. As evidenced by the hearings, there are a number of difficult issues to confront and resolve. I am hopeful that consensus will develop. With cooperation and consensus, I am hopeful that this Committee can pass a meaningful bill--- and I am only interested in producing meaningful regulatory reform.

Source: U.S. Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs



• Richard Shelby (Ala) - Ranking Member
• Robert Bernetti (Utah)
• Jim Bunning (KY)
• Mike Crapo (Idaho)
•. Mel Martinez (Fla)
• Bob Corker (Tenn)

This clearly shows that a vote along party lines in allowing the committee to agree on any strict legislative action would quickly die in the senate without the bipartisan support it needed to move forward. So yes, it was blocked by Democrats.

I think that the responsibility that the Democrats had may rest more in resisting any efforts by Republicans in the Congress, or by me when I was President, to put some standards and tighten up a little on Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.”Former President Bill Clinton (D-AR), September 25, 2008

Perhaps your information in placing the responsibility on Republicans "not doing its job" was based by a source unfamiliar with the investigative hearings and legislative process at the time, or its from a biased news source that was looking to spin and politicize such action for political gains during an election year?
I'm sure you're familiar enough with Senate to know how it functions. The only procedure available in the hands of the minority party to block a bill is to filibuster.

That didn't happen.

Even though Democrats were wrong on the issue, they didn't block any any GSE reform bills. They didn't have to. Senate leadership is where those bills were blocked.
"No it wasn't."

Your jibber jabber regarding lettuce had nothing to do with any comment I was something for which you reached as you were drowning in a preceding inanity.

No, it was in direct reference to that you wanted to calculate the time value of money for a Big Mac, which is like a week.

You never had a lucid argument. What difference does the CAGR make on the graph? What does it show relevant to the price of a Big Mac?

Put another way, if you look at the graph, the CPI goes up, a Big Mac goes up more. What difference do the exact rates they go up make to the discussion? tvm function is a tool which can be employed in many applications involving compound growth...

The twin idiocies of

a) failing to understand what the Big Mac index was invented to do

b) using a single good as a gauge of inflation

notwithstanding, O's chart relies on a blind acceptance that it accurately relates the current price of a Big Mac.....As loath as I am to patronize McDs, $5.11 for that item didn't seem research suggests that the actual price is 3.99.....

If this is true, what does it mean for the impression left by O's chart? Certainly that it misrepresent the extent of the divergence between CPI and changes in the price of a Big Mac.....a reasonable question to ask is to what a price of 3.99 does to this alleged divergence.....

I have a rough idea what annual inflation has been running since 2009, and the price of a Big Mac for that year is available (3.55).....if you assume that the entire increase is due to inflation, how do you calculate the compound annual rate of inflation implied by the 2009 and 2016 prices?

If you are an idiot you try to figure out the 7th root of 3.99/3.55, and subtract 1.......if I were that idiot, I wouldn't have time left in the day to maintain my magnificent conk.
There would not be time left in my life for O to do so....the most readily accessible tool for him to get that done would be a tvm calculator. He surely doesn't own one, but there are plenty available on the Innertubes.

When I did this, I found that a change between 2009 and 2016 of 44 cents, suggests an avg annual (compound) rate of 1.6%.......roughly in line with the CPI....

Ya follah?

You know, Excel will tell you the 7th root of 3.99/3.55 and subtract 1 in a few key clicks. Here's the formula: +((3.99/3.55)^(1/7)) - 1

I know I put in extra parens, but as I said besides math and business I've a major and masters in computer science, defaults always scare me.

Then gain, I used to derive statistics equations while I took the test. I like doing it that way because it's more intuitive. Actually it's funny, my bud from college who was in my wedding party 28 years ago still brings that up once in a while.

Why haven't you memorized the formulas for the exam, kaz? It's OK, if I need them I'll just derive them during the exam. LOL

I always told him it's not as hard as it sounds, it's a lot easier if you know calculus (he didn't). That never satisfied him though...
When you sit for CFA level I, you have 90 seconds per learn the value of maximizing all the tools at your disposal....

That's the difference, I'm not a CFA, I'm an expert in capital markets.

I did nail that one. I said the only people who use TVM calculators are financial salesmen and marketers. You're the former

That's the difference, I'm not a CFA, I'm an expert in capital markets.

I think you misspelled "braying jackass"......

I said the only people who use TVM calculators are financial salesmen and marketers.

Sure....but you're a braying jackass.......the modeling and spreadsheet work is assigned to grunts (1st,2nd,3rd year associates)......the swinging dicks wield 12cs (though I'm inclined to believe that they probably switch to a TI as they get older......that screen is kinda puny)

let's see what people holding the charter do.....


Research & Data

You see many "sales&marketing" types listed?

When you sit for the exam you aren't given the luxury of bringing you laptop loaded with can bring pencils, erasers, and a has to be either a TI BA II (or Professional) or an HP12c.......when you enter the hall, you must clear the memory in front of a monitor....You can't even use scrap paper....

The program has been in existence for a little more than 35 years......there are roughly 150,000 charterholders WORLDWIDE.......Only 5% of those who begin the process secure the an average of 5 years........each level requires in excess of 250 hrs of preparation...The pass rate for Levels 1 and 2 hovers in the range of 35-40%...and that is out of a pool of fairly ambitious and driven types

I am actually IN capital markets (neither sales nor marketing).......I've met 3 people in sales&marketing with CFAs.......3 are Top national accounts people in helps because they occasionally have to interact with relatively sophisticated people at Family Offices, Endowments, Foundations and the like...

Sales types may have a series 6 or 7 (There has been a trend away from having marketing types hold 7s as this makes them "fiduciaries" with the attendant liabilities), these are FINRA registrations, I've got a stack of those ranging from the relatively pedestrian to perhaps the most esoteric.........they are LIGHTYEARS removed from the CFA......CPAs are considered among the more challenging professional designations.....people of my acquaintance who have endured both have told me that the CFA is worse......

But you are well suited to being a "management consultant", you are possessed of that special conceit which convinces you that you actually know should save your rap for those who are susceptible to it.....If you find yourself in the company of a capital markets professional, I strongly urge you not to run your mouth - they will strip you naked and haul you away in a net.....
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Cut and paste the comment I made involving lettuce that you believe is wrong....

Everything you said was wrong

"No it wasn't."

Your jibber jabber regarding lettuce had nothing to do with any comment I was something for which you reached as you were drowning in a preceding inanity.

No, it was in direct reference to that you wanted to calculate the time value of money for a Big Mac, which is like a week.

You never had a lucid argument. What difference does the CAGR make on the graph? What does it show relevant to the price of a Big Mac?

Put another way, if you look at the graph, the CPI goes up, a Big Mac goes up more. What difference do the exact rates they go up make to the discussion?
Cruelly, I'm not even sure Of the point of the discussion. What is the point of comparing change in price of the Big Mac to the CPI? It doesn't tell us anything useful.

It wasn't intended to. O was just screwing with Slim

You are grossly overrating O......he really believes that chart.........hey, he might be a client-in-waiting....
You really need to pull your head out....


You really need to pull your head out....
Are you kidding? with the slanted news media we have with anything bad for the left is swept under the rug. I'll take the truth where ever I find it you can continue to be a sheep. Oh and don't argue the points just cry about the source.
You really need to pull your head out....


You really need to pull your head out....
Are you kidding? with the slanted news media we have with anything bad for the left is swept under the rug. I'll take the truth where ever I find it you can continue to be a sheep. Oh and don't argue the points just cry about the source.

The headline is you would recognize had you actually read the entire which it is made clear that the obstacle is CONGRESS......Schumer is an outlier among democrats....because he represents the state with the highest concentration of money center banks....

It’s harder to sell a muni bond because muni bonds are tax-exempt — but only in the state that issued them. So the bonds don’t enjoy nationwide demand. Treasury bonds, by contrast, enjoy global demand.

Unless you are subject to AMT, income from munis is exempt from federal income taxes....Nicole should return her CFA......
Again several key Democrats saw nothing wrong with Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. There was not one ounce of "documented reported rhetoric" coming from among the party, particularly Barnie Frank and Maxine Waters. Why wasn't Democrats really all that concerned with these two government giants that they had to try and convince the rest of congress, and the American people, that they were really quite solid and no kind of economic impact could result from a lack of oversight?

Top Recipients of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac in the form of Campaign Contributions, 1989-2008

( 1 ) Dodd, Christopher Sen - CT D $133,900
( 2 ) Kerry, John Sen - MA D $111,000
( 3 ) Obama, Barack Sen - IL D $105,849
( 4 ) Clinton, Hillary Sen - NY D $75,550

OpenSecrets | Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac Invest in Democrats - Capital Eye

Republicans controlled the Congress. You can't blame Democrats because Republicans wouldn't do their job.

I find it interesting how this perception of "doing their job" changes when it's liberals claim republicans have gotten in the way when Harry Reed failed at his job in passing a stronger economic jobs bill in creating more jobs to help strengthen the economy. .... or blaming republicans of hindering the ACA vote. Yet the democrats were the party in charge of it all, who could pass whatever they wanted and send it to the desk of Obama, I'm sure.
If Republicans had actually blocked those, then it would be reasonable to say the majority party Democrats failed to pass them because the minority party blocked them. That works that way for both parties regardless who's in charge.

I can only hope you're capable of comprehending that's not what happened regarding GSE reform as the minority party Democrats did not block any GSE reform bills. Though they were on the wrong side of the issue, it was Senate leadership who wouldn't allow any GSE reform bills to be put to a vote by the full Senate.

You can't blame Democrats for that.

The problem is, you are not aware of the process that actually took place in the senate in trying to create meaningful legislation to place that strict oversight on Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.

Hearing of the Senate Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs Committee - "Regulatory Reform of the Housing Government-Sponsored Enterprises"
By: Richard Shelby
Date: April 21, 2004
Location: Washington, DC

This morning the Committee concludes its series of hearings on reforming the regulatory system for Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac and the Federal Home Loan Bank System."

The Committee has conducted a comprehensive set of hearings on the Housing GSEs, and we have heard testimony from a range of witnesses representing different perspectives in the Housing GSE reform debate.

Following today's hearing, the Committee will begin to consider legislation to create a new regulatory structure for the Housing GSEs. As evidenced by the hearings, there are a number of difficult issues to confront and resolve. I am hopeful that consensus will develop. With cooperation and consensus, I am hopeful that this Committee can pass a meaningful bill--- and I am only interested in producing meaningful regulatory reform.

Source: U.S. Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs



• Richard Shelby (Ala) - Ranking Member
• Robert Bernetti (Utah)
• Jim Bunning (KY)
• Mike Crapo (Idaho)
•. Mel Martinez (Fla)
• Bob Corker (Tenn)

This clearly shows that a vote along party lines in allowing the committee to agree on any strict legislative action would quickly die in the senate without the bipartisan support it needed to move forward. So yes, it was blocked by Democrats.

I think that the responsibility that the Democrats had may rest more in resisting any efforts by Republicans in the Congress, or by me when I was President, to put some standards and tighten up a little on Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.”Former President Bill Clinton (D-AR), September 25, 2008

Perhaps your information in placing the responsibility on Republicans "not doing its job" was based by a source unfamiliar with the investigative hearings and legislative process at the time, or its from a biased news source that was looking to spin and politicize such action for political gains during an election year?
I'm sure you're familiar enough with Senate to know how it functions. The only procedure available in the hands of the minority party to block a bill is to filibuster.

That didn't happen.

Even though Democrats were wrong on the issue, they didn't block any any GSE reform bills. They didn't have to. Senate leadership is where those bills were blocked.

If you followed the evidence of the procedure of the committee, they were looking to put a regulations bill in place from the Senate Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs Committee. I don't see where Democrats have allowed such regulation legislative action to continue. Unless you have such evidence through a link to the contrary, that democrats allowed such regulator legislation to continue, you do really have anything at all supportive to your argument. Government records of the proceedings cares a bit more weight than a news article
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