Democrats caused recession in 2007


Republicans controlled the Congress. You can't blame Democrats because Republicans wouldn't do their job.

I find it interesting how this perception of "doing their job" changes when it's liberals claim republicans have gotten in the way when Harry Reed failed at his job in passing a stronger economic jobs bill in creating more jobs to help strengthen the economy. .... or blaming republicans of hindering the ACA vote. Yet the democrats were the party in charge of it all, who could pass whatever they wanted and send it to the desk of Obama, I'm sure.
If Republicans had actually blocked those, then it would be reasonable to say the majority party Democrats failed to pass them because the minority party blocked them. That works that way for both parties regardless who's in charge.

I can only hope you're capable of comprehending that's not what happened regarding GSE reform as the minority party Democrats did not block any GSE reform bills. Though they were on the wrong side of the issue, it was Senate leadership who wouldn't allow any GSE reform bills to be put to a vote by the full Senate.

You can't blame Democrats for that.

The problem is, you are not aware of the process that actually took place in the senate in trying to create meaningful legislation to place that strict oversight on Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.

Hearing of the Senate Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs Committee - "Regulatory Reform of the Housing Government-Sponsored Enterprises"
By: Richard Shelby
Date: April 21, 2004
Location: Washington, DC

This morning the Committee concludes its series of hearings on reforming the regulatory system for Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac and the Federal Home Loan Bank System."

The Committee has conducted a comprehensive set of hearings on the Housing GSEs, and we have heard testimony from a range of witnesses representing different perspectives in the Housing GSE reform debate.

Following today's hearing, the Committee will begin to consider legislation to create a new regulatory structure for the Housing GSEs. As evidenced by the hearings, there are a number of difficult issues to confront and resolve. I am hopeful that consensus will develop. With cooperation and consensus, I am hopeful that this Committee can pass a meaningful bill--- and I am only interested in producing meaningful regulatory reform.

Source: U.S. Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs



• Richard Shelby (Ala) - Ranking Member
• Robert Bernetti (Utah)
• Jim Bunning (KY)
• Mike Crapo (Idaho)
•. Mel Martinez (Fla)
• Bob Corker (Tenn)

This clearly shows that a vote along party lines in allowing the committee to agree on any strict legislative action would quickly die in the senate without the bipartisan support it needed to move forward. So yes, it was blocked by Democrats.

I think that the responsibility that the Democrats had may rest more in resisting any efforts by Republicans in the Congress, or by me when I was President, to put some standards and tighten up a little on Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.”Former President Bill Clinton (D-AR), September 25, 2008

Perhaps your information in placing the responsibility on Republicans "not doing its job" was based by a source unfamiliar with the investigative hearings and legislative process at the time, or its from a biased news source that was looking to spin and politicize such action for political gains during an election year?
I'm sure you're familiar enough with Senate to know how it functions. The only procedure available in the hands of the minority party to block a bill is to filibuster.

That didn't happen.

Even though Democrats were wrong on the issue, they didn't block any any GSE reform bills. They didn't have to. Senate leadership is where those bills were blocked.

If you followed the evidence of the procedure of the committee, they were looking to put a regulations bill in place from the Senate Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs Committee. I don't see where Democrats have allowed such regulation legislative action to continue. Unless you have such evidence through a link to the contrary, that democrats allowed such regulator legislation to continue, you do really have anything at all supportive to your argument. Government records of the proceedings cares a bit more weight than a news article
Democrats passed GSE reform in the House in 2007 and in the Senate in 2008. Bush signed it into law.

But you know I'm talking about years prior to that. When such legislation was desperately needed. Democrats were wrong on the issue but Republicans were running the government.
When you sit for CFA level I, you have 90 seconds per learn the value of maximizing all the tools at your disposal....

That's the difference, I'm not a CFA, I'm an expert in capital markets.

I did nail that one. I said the only people who use TVM calculators are financial salesmen and marketers. You're the former

That's the difference, I'm not a CFA, I'm an expert in capital markets.

I think you misspelled "braying jackass"......

I said the only people who use TVM calculators are financial salesmen and marketers.

Sure....but you're a braying jackass.......the modeling and spreadsheet work is assigned to grunts (1st,2nd,3rd year associates)......the swinging dicks wield 12cs (though I'm inclined to believe that they probably switch to a TI as they get older......that screen is kinda puny)

let's see what people holding the charter do.....


Research & Data

You see many "sales&marketing" types listed?

When you sit for the exam you aren't given the luxury of bringing you laptop loaded with can bring pencils, erasers, and a has to be either a TI BA II (or Professional) or an HP12c.......when you enter the hall, you must clear the memory in front of a monitor....You can't even use scrap paper....

The program has been in existence for a little more than 35 years......there are roughly 150,000 charterholders WORLDWIDE.......Only 5% of those who begin the process secure the an average of 5 years........each level requires in excess of 250 hrs of preparation...The pass rate for Levels 1 and 2 hovers in the range of 35-40%...and that is out of a pool of fairly ambitious and driven types

I am actually IN capital markets (neither sales nor marketing).......I've met 3 people in sales&marketing with CFAs.......3 are Top national accounts people in helps because they occasionally have to interact with relatively sophisticated people at Family Offices, Endowments, Foundations and the like...

Sales types may have a series 6 or 7 (There has been a trend away from having marketing types hold 7s as this makes them "fiduciaries" with the attendant liabilities), these are FINRA registrations, I've got a stack of those ranging from the relatively pedestrian to perhaps the most esoteric.........they are LIGHTYEARS removed from the CFA......CPAs are considered among the more challenging professional designations.....people of my acquaintance who have endured both have told me that the CFA is worse......

But you are well suited to being a "management consultant", you are possessed of that special conceit which convinces you that you actually know should save your rap for those who are susceptible to it.....If you find yourself in the company of a capital markets professional, I strongly urge you not to run your mouth - they will strip you naked and haul you away in a net.....

I'm not sure what all this crap is. You admitted that all you are trained to do is sell high load trust funds that pay you a mint and the company you work for a bunch of times more than that. And?

Why is it that whenever your ignorance is exposed you segue to another blatant lie?

Where have I "admitted" anything of the sort?

I said you're a financial salesman or a marketer. And you agreed. You're a financial salesman. What are you not getting?
Do you ever stop kazzing?

Ever?? cannot allow anyone to purchase an asset with the value of a home for no money down and the lending guidelines for this type of product was made available to the public under the behest of Democrat Administrations.
Let me introduce you to the American Dream Downpayment Act...

President Bush Signs American Dream Downpayment Act of 2003

"One of the biggest hurdles to homeownership is getting money for a down payment. This administration has recognized that, and so today I'm honored to be here to sign a law that will help many low-income buyers to overcome that hurdle, and to achieve an important part of the American Dream."
I find it interesting how this perception of "doing their job" changes when it's liberals claim republicans have gotten in the way when Harry Reed failed at his job in passing a stronger economic jobs bill in creating more jobs to help strengthen the economy. .... or blaming republicans of hindering the ACA vote. Yet the democrats were the party in charge of it all, who could pass whatever they wanted and send it to the desk of Obama, I'm sure.
If Republicans had actually blocked those, then it would be reasonable to say the majority party Democrats failed to pass them because the minority party blocked them. That works that way for both parties regardless who's in charge.

I can only hope you're capable of comprehending that's not what happened regarding GSE reform as the minority party Democrats did not block any GSE reform bills. Though they were on the wrong side of the issue, it was Senate leadership who wouldn't allow any GSE reform bills to be put to a vote by the full Senate.

You can't blame Democrats for that.

The problem is, you are not aware of the process that actually took place in the senate in trying to create meaningful legislation to place that strict oversight on Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.

Hearing of the Senate Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs Committee - "Regulatory Reform of the Housing Government-Sponsored Enterprises"
By: Richard Shelby
Date: April 21, 2004
Location: Washington, DC

This morning the Committee concludes its series of hearings on reforming the regulatory system for Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac and the Federal Home Loan Bank System."

The Committee has conducted a comprehensive set of hearings on the Housing GSEs, and we have heard testimony from a range of witnesses representing different perspectives in the Housing GSE reform debate.

Following today's hearing, the Committee will begin to consider legislation to create a new regulatory structure for the Housing GSEs. As evidenced by the hearings, there are a number of difficult issues to confront and resolve. I am hopeful that consensus will develop. With cooperation and consensus, I am hopeful that this Committee can pass a meaningful bill--- and I am only interested in producing meaningful regulatory reform.

Source: U.S. Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs



• Richard Shelby (Ala) - Ranking Member
• Robert Bernetti (Utah)
• Jim Bunning (KY)
• Mike Crapo (Idaho)
•. Mel Martinez (Fla)
• Bob Corker (Tenn)

This clearly shows that a vote along party lines in allowing the committee to agree on any strict legislative action would quickly die in the senate without the bipartisan support it needed to move forward. So yes, it was blocked by Democrats.

I think that the responsibility that the Democrats had may rest more in resisting any efforts by Republicans in the Congress, or by me when I was President, to put some standards and tighten up a little on Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.”Former President Bill Clinton (D-AR), September 25, 2008

Perhaps your information in placing the responsibility on Republicans "not doing its job" was based by a source unfamiliar with the investigative hearings and legislative process at the time, or its from a biased news source that was looking to spin and politicize such action for political gains during an election year?
I'm sure you're familiar enough with Senate to know how it functions. The only procedure available in the hands of the minority party to block a bill is to filibuster.

That didn't happen.

Even though Democrats were wrong on the issue, they didn't block any any GSE reform bills. They didn't have to. Senate leadership is where those bills were blocked.

If you followed the evidence of the procedure of the committee, they were looking to put a regulations bill in place from the Senate Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs Committee. I don't see where Democrats have allowed such regulation legislative action to continue. Unless you have such evidence through a link to the contrary, that democrats allowed such regulator legislation to continue, you do really have anything at all supportive to your argument. Government records of the proceedings cares a bit more weight than a news article
Democrats passed GSE reform in the House in 2007 and in the Senate in 2008. Bush signed it into law.

But you know I'm talking about years prior to that. When such legislation was desperately needed. Democrats were wrong on the issue but Republicans were running the government.

Well that's what I'm talking about here, the committee was hoping they can agree on creating a bill to establish legislation on strict oversight reform of both government agencies for a vote. The Senate Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs already had a hearing, and they hope a consensus can be reached where they can FORMULATE legislation that can be voted upon in the senate. Did you not read the statement that was made by Richard Shelby? It's clearly written what their responsibility was in black and white, you can't get any more plain English than that. Democrats had to be on board and want to have stricter regulations, President Clinton clearly admitted to that in his statement. Are you now calling President Bill Clinton a liar?
Last edited:
Here is another statement concerning government oversight of Fannie Mae and Freddy Mac.

“Like a lot of my Democratic colleagues I was too slow to appreciate the recklessness of Fannie and Freddie. I defended their efforts to encourage affordable homeownership when in retrospect I should have heeded the concerns raised by their regulator in 2004. Frankly, I wish my Democratic colleagues would admit when it comes to Fannie and Freddie, we were wrong.”Congressman Artur Davis (D-AL)
If Republicans had actually blocked those, then it would be reasonable to say the majority party Democrats failed to pass them because the minority party blocked them. That works that way for both parties regardless who's in charge.

I can only hope you're capable of comprehending that's not what happened regarding GSE reform as the minority party Democrats did not block any GSE reform bills. Though they were on the wrong side of the issue, it was Senate leadership who wouldn't allow any GSE reform bills to be put to a vote by the full Senate.

You can't blame Democrats for that.

The problem is, you are not aware of the process that actually took place in the senate in trying to create meaningful legislation to place that strict oversight on Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.

Hearing of the Senate Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs Committee - "Regulatory Reform of the Housing Government-Sponsored Enterprises"
By: Richard Shelby
Date: April 21, 2004
Location: Washington, DC

This morning the Committee concludes its series of hearings on reforming the regulatory system for Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac and the Federal Home Loan Bank System."

The Committee has conducted a comprehensive set of hearings on the Housing GSEs, and we have heard testimony from a range of witnesses representing different perspectives in the Housing GSE reform debate.

Following today's hearing, the Committee will begin to consider legislation to create a new regulatory structure for the Housing GSEs. As evidenced by the hearings, there are a number of difficult issues to confront and resolve. I am hopeful that consensus will develop. With cooperation and consensus, I am hopeful that this Committee can pass a meaningful bill--- and I am only interested in producing meaningful regulatory reform.

Source: U.S. Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs



• Richard Shelby (Ala) - Ranking Member
• Robert Bernetti (Utah)
• Jim Bunning (KY)
• Mike Crapo (Idaho)
•. Mel Martinez (Fla)
• Bob Corker (Tenn)

This clearly shows that a vote along party lines in allowing the committee to agree on any strict legislative action would quickly die in the senate without the bipartisan support it needed to move forward. So yes, it was blocked by Democrats.

I think that the responsibility that the Democrats had may rest more in resisting any efforts by Republicans in the Congress, or by me when I was President, to put some standards and tighten up a little on Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.”Former President Bill Clinton (D-AR), September 25, 2008

Perhaps your information in placing the responsibility on Republicans "not doing its job" was based by a source unfamiliar with the investigative hearings and legislative process at the time, or its from a biased news source that was looking to spin and politicize such action for political gains during an election year?
I'm sure you're familiar enough with Senate to know how it functions. The only procedure available in the hands of the minority party to block a bill is to filibuster.

That didn't happen.

Even though Democrats were wrong on the issue, they didn't block any any GSE reform bills. They didn't have to. Senate leadership is where those bills were blocked.

If you followed the evidence of the procedure of the committee, they were looking to put a regulations bill in place from the Senate Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs Committee. I don't see where Democrats have allowed such regulation legislative action to continue. Unless you have such evidence through a link to the contrary, that democrats allowed such regulator legislation to continue, you do really have anything at all supportive to your argument. Government records of the proceedings cares a bit more weight than a news article
Democrats passed GSE reform in the House in 2007 and in the Senate in 2008. Bush signed it into law.

But you know I'm talking about years prior to that. When such legislation was desperately needed. Democrats were wrong on the issue but Republicans were running the government.

Well that's what I'm talking about here, the committee was hoping they can agree on creating a bill to establish legislation on strict oversight reform of both government agencies for a vote. The Senate Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs already had a hearing, and they hope a consensus can be reached where they can FORMULATE legislation that can be voted upon in the senate. Did you not read the statement that was made by Richard Shelby? It's clearly written what their responsibility was in black and white, you can't get any more plain English than that. Democrats had to be on board and want to have stricter regulations, President Clinton clearly admitted to that in his statement. Are you now calling President Bill Clinton a liar?
Republicans didn't need Democrats to be on board. They could have passed GSE reform had they only written a decent bill and let the full Senate vote on it. But Republican leadership in the Senate wouldn't let that happen. No matter how hard you try, you can never get past that. There was even one bill which passed in the House. The Senate wouldn't vote on that one either and it was so poorly written, even Bush panned it.
Here is another statement concerning government oversight of Fannie Mae and Freddy Mac.

“Like a lot of my Democratic colleagues I was too slow to appreciate the recklessness of Fannie and Freddie. I defended their efforts to encourage affordable homeownership when in retrospect I should have heeded the concerns raised by their regulator in 2004. Frankly, I wish my Democratic colleagues would admit when it comes to Fannie and Freddie, we were wrong.”Congressman Artur Davis (D-AL)
That is what I've been saying. Democrats held the wrong position.

But again, they weren't in charge and Republicans wouldn't let any bills go to the full Senate for an up/down vote, even though some of those bills made it to Senate leadership.
OK, thanks for instructing me papa san. I'll get right on that

I will, but if you continue the contradicting instead of debating crap, I will pull out. A debate is where you process and rationally respond to my points. You are contradicting. You just argue anything I say. If I said water is wet or concrete is hard, you would argue I'm wrong. It gets really dull after awhile. Note I'm not asking you a question here. I am informing you to cut the crap.....

I am not explaining this to you again. Either get it and we move on or we're done now. Next step is up to you. But I'm not repeating this step again

No it doesn't

There's truth to heroic efforts notwithstanding, you remain the uninformed imbecile you were yesterday ..

The blue line?

He's still trying to figure out the discount rate to figure out the time value of money of buying lettuce and tomatoes and beef and selling them the next week. He's very intelligent. You have to let him work through his process before he can be coherent.

I wonder why he doesn't use this graph to just look up the cost of a Big Mac is any given year, it's far more accurate....

But you see what I mean, liberals like him love to complicate simple issues to a stupid level to obfuscate....

Using a hard indicator, or 'basket of goods' as slim refers to them as, the Cost of a Big Mac is something people understand, and as inflated dramatically under Slims Obama....
Last edited:
The problem is, you are not aware of the process that actually took place in the senate in trying to create meaningful legislation to place that strict oversight on Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.

Hearing of the Senate Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs Committee - "Regulatory Reform of the Housing Government-Sponsored Enterprises"
By: Richard Shelby
Date: April 21, 2004
Location: Washington, DC

This morning the Committee concludes its series of hearings on reforming the regulatory system for Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac and the Federal Home Loan Bank System."

The Committee has conducted a comprehensive set of hearings on the Housing GSEs, and we have heard testimony from a range of witnesses representing different perspectives in the Housing GSE reform debate.

Following today's hearing, the Committee will begin to consider legislation to create a new regulatory structure for the Housing GSEs. As evidenced by the hearings, there are a number of difficult issues to confront and resolve. I am hopeful that consensus will develop. With cooperation and consensus, I am hopeful that this Committee can pass a meaningful bill--- and I am only interested in producing meaningful regulatory reform.

Source: U.S. Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs



• Richard Shelby (Ala) - Ranking Member
• Robert Bernetti (Utah)
• Jim Bunning (KY)
• Mike Crapo (Idaho)
•. Mel Martinez (Fla)
• Bob Corker (Tenn)

This clearly shows that a vote along party lines in allowing the committee to agree on any strict legislative action would quickly die in the senate without the bipartisan support it needed to move forward. So yes, it was blocked by Democrats.

I think that the responsibility that the Democrats had may rest more in resisting any efforts by Republicans in the Congress, or by me when I was President, to put some standards and tighten up a little on Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.”Former President Bill Clinton (D-AR), September 25, 2008

Perhaps your information in placing the responsibility on Republicans "not doing its job" was based by a source unfamiliar with the investigative hearings and legislative process at the time, or its from a biased news source that was looking to spin and politicize such action for political gains during an election year?
I'm sure you're familiar enough with Senate to know how it functions. The only procedure available in the hands of the minority party to block a bill is to filibuster.

That didn't happen.

Even though Democrats were wrong on the issue, they didn't block any any GSE reform bills. They didn't have to. Senate leadership is where those bills were blocked.

If you followed the evidence of the procedure of the committee, they were looking to put a regulations bill in place from the Senate Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs Committee. I don't see where Democrats have allowed such regulation legislative action to continue. Unless you have such evidence through a link to the contrary, that democrats allowed such regulator legislation to continue, you do really have anything at all supportive to your argument. Government records of the proceedings cares a bit more weight than a news article
Democrats passed GSE reform in the House in 2007 and in the Senate in 2008. Bush signed it into law.

But you know I'm talking about years prior to that. When such legislation was desperately needed. Democrats were wrong on the issue but Republicans were running the government.

Well that's what I'm talking about here, the committee was hoping they can agree on creating a bill to establish legislation on strict oversight reform of both government agencies for a vote. The Senate Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs already had a hearing, and they hope a consensus can be reached where they can FORMULATE legislation that can be voted upon in the senate. Did you not read the statement that was made by Richard Shelby? It's clearly written what their responsibility was in black and white, you can't get any more plain English than that. Democrats had to be on board and want to have stricter regulations, President Clinton clearly admitted to that in his statement. Are you now calling President Bill Clinton a liar?
Republicans didn't need Democrats to be on board. They could have passed GSE reform had they only written a decent bill and let the full Senate vote on it. But Republican leadership in the Senate wouldn't let that happen. No matter how hard you try, you can never get past that. There was even one bill which passed in the House. The Senate wouldn't vote on that one either and it was so poorly written, even Bush panned it.

Based on what government supported documented facts that involved sponsoring and formulated the bill, and where it originated? Links.

I already provided a government public record source, that clearly shows the bill that was being formulated was coming out of the Senate Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs Committee, who's job and task included GSE surrounding any established government oversight and regulation of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac that effects housing. What putpose do you think the government had behind the establishment of the Banking Housing and Urban Affairs Committee?

"With cooperation and consensus, I am hopeful that THIS COMMITTEE can pass a meaningful bill"

- Richard Shelby
of the Senate Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs Committee - "Regulatory Reform of the Housing Government-Sponsored Enterprises (GSE)"

Source: U.S. Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs

A meaningful bill that would be formulated and sent to be voted upon by the senate. Are you that ignorant to the government process with regard to who was given the responsibility of the GSE, and where the crafting of such legislation originates? I mean the title of the committee should provide any simpleton a real big clue.

You still think you can ramble on with your little assumptions of who's job it is to formulate GSE legislation without backing it up with a government source that agrees with you BS?

Let's just see if you can show everyone here what you can actually prove behind what you THINK you really know, Faun.
Using a hard indicator, or 'basket of goods' as slim refers to them as, the Cost of a Big Mac is something people understand, and as inflated dramatically under Slims Obama....
A hard indicator is not a basket of goods, and a Big Mac is not a basket of goods.

The chart is useless. I have no idea why you would think comparing inflation of Big Mac prices to overall inflation would be at all useful for anything except an analysis of Big Mac prices
Using a hard indicator, or 'basket of goods' as slim refers to them as, the Cost of a Big Mac is something people understand, and as inflated dramatically under Slims Obama....
A hard indicator is not a basket of goods, and a Big Mac is not a basket of goods.

The chart is useless. I have no idea why you would think comparing inflation of Big Mac prices to overall inflation would be at all useful for anything except an analysis of Big Mac prices
Then what is the Big Mac?

I can't help if the graph is above your on-line degree education.....some people, like yourself, need to be told what's going on by your plantation masters....pardon us outside your plantation fence for getting on with the business at hand....
Using a hard indicator, or 'basket of goods' as slim refers to them as, the Cost of a Big Mac is something people understand, and as inflated dramatically under Slims Obama....
A hard indicator is not a basket of goods, and a Big Mac is not a basket of goods.

The chart is useless. I have no idea why you would think comparing inflation of Big Mac prices to overall inflation would be at all useful for anything except an analysis of Big Mac prices
Then what is the Big Mac?
Two all-beef patties, special sauce, lettuce, cheese, pickles, onions, on a sesame seed bun. Any child of the seventies/eighties knows that.

It is a single item, not a basket of goods.

The CPI is the weighted average of price change experienced by urban consumers of thousands of goods. All your chart does is compare that to the average price change of a Big Mac. Useless.
Using a hard indicator, or 'basket of goods' as slim refers to them as, the Cost of a Big Mac is something people understand, and as inflated dramatically under Slims Obama....
A hard indicator is not a basket of goods, and a Big Mac is not a basket of goods.

The chart is useless. I have no idea why you would think comparing inflation of Big Mac prices to overall inflation would be at all useful for anything except an analysis of Big Mac prices
Then what is the Big Mac?
Two all-beef patties, special sauce, lettuce, cheese, pickles, onions, on a sesame seed bun. Any child of the seventies/eighties knows that.

It is a single item, not a basket of goods.

The CPI is the weighted average of price change experienced by urban consumers of thousands of goods. All your chart does is compare that to the average price change of a Big Mac. Useless.
You contradicted yourself....could you clarify before I continue beating you...thanks...
That's the difference, I'm not a CFA, I'm an expert in capital markets.

I think you misspelled "braying jackass"......

I said the only people who use TVM calculators are financial salesmen and marketers.

Sure....but you're a braying jackass.......the modeling and spreadsheet work is assigned to grunts (1st,2nd,3rd year associates)......the swinging dicks wield 12cs (though I'm inclined to believe that they probably switch to a TI as they get older......that screen is kinda puny)

let's see what people holding the charter do.....


Research & Data

You see many "sales&marketing" types listed?

When you sit for the exam you aren't given the luxury of bringing you laptop loaded with can bring pencils, erasers, and a has to be either a TI BA II (or Professional) or an HP12c.......when you enter the hall, you must clear the memory in front of a monitor....You can't even use scrap paper....

The program has been in existence for a little more than 35 years......there are roughly 150,000 charterholders WORLDWIDE.......Only 5% of those who begin the process secure the an average of 5 years........each level requires in excess of 250 hrs of preparation...The pass rate for Levels 1 and 2 hovers in the range of 35-40%...and that is out of a pool of fairly ambitious and driven types

I am actually IN capital markets (neither sales nor marketing).......I've met 3 people in sales&marketing with CFAs.......3 are Top national accounts people in helps because they occasionally have to interact with relatively sophisticated people at Family Offices, Endowments, Foundations and the like...

Sales types may have a series 6 or 7 (There has been a trend away from having marketing types hold 7s as this makes them "fiduciaries" with the attendant liabilities), these are FINRA registrations, I've got a stack of those ranging from the relatively pedestrian to perhaps the most esoteric.........they are LIGHTYEARS removed from the CFA......CPAs are considered among the more challenging professional designations.....people of my acquaintance who have endured both have told me that the CFA is worse......

But you are well suited to being a "management consultant", you are possessed of that special conceit which convinces you that you actually know should save your rap for those who are susceptible to it.....If you find yourself in the company of a capital markets professional, I strongly urge you not to run your mouth - they will strip you naked and haul you away in a net.....

I'm not sure what all this crap is. You admitted that all you are trained to do is sell high load trust funds that pay you a mint and the company you work for a bunch of times more than that. And?

Why is it that whenever your ignorance is exposed you segue to another blatant lie?

Where have I "admitted" anything of the sort?

I said you're a financial salesman or a marketer. And you agreed. You're a financial salesman. What are you not getting?

No...I did NOT this as many times as necessary

I am actually IN capital markets (neither sales nor marketing)

Then why are you taking exams to be a Financial Salesman?
After I stopped beating my wife, I found myself with a lot of time to kill....
Whenever democrats want to say that it was the economic policies of the repubican party that led to the recession of 2008, 2009, 2010, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, and 2016 then someone should just point out this video

There are plenty of other videos of democrats preventing people from addressing the issues that led to the housing bubble and collapse.

The Democrats didn't cause the collapse, but they had a chance to head it off and did nothing. In fact they were warned by Bush and he asked them to act 5 times. Each time they said no. They wanted it to happen so they could blame Bush and win elections.

You are clearly entirely unfamiliar with the FCIC report.....

Look who's calling the kettle BLACK, no pun intended...

The Housing Crisis / Mortgage Meltdown was directly linked to the belief you could own an asset of a home for no money of your own being invested, this mentality was born under CRA. Nothing prior to CRA allowed you to purchase a home without your own hard earned cash. The FCIC Report is another attempt to spread blame to Bush. The Sub Prime loan product was originally a very solid loan that required 70% to 80% LTV with rates at +3% to +4% over par for the borrower who had poor credit. In '96 Clinton created FHA DPA loans, essentially a Zero Down product with an inflated appraisal to cover the down payment and all closing cost. This loan had a long life until the Crisis had a major meltdown in late 2007. The repeal of Glass - Steagall in 1999 was the beginning of the commercial banks assault on Sub Prime lending. This alone blew the envelope wide open. You don't allow this type of lender into the residential mortgage business. We had millions of borrowers who had no business owning a home, but the combination of DC and Wall Street opened Pandora's Box to everyone.

The birth of the Zero Down Home Loan (which was CRA) is the basis for every bit of this mentality, deny it all you want, but Carter & Clinton made this possible...

The birth of the Zero Down Home Loan (which was CRA)

There is little in this screed which comports with Reality.....

Can you provide any support (not another Bold Assertion, please) for this claim?
I'm sure you're familiar enough with Senate to know how it functions. The only procedure available in the hands of the minority party to block a bill is to filibuster.

That didn't happen.

Even though Democrats were wrong on the issue, they didn't block any any GSE reform bills. They didn't have to. Senate leadership is where those bills were blocked.

If you followed the evidence of the procedure of the committee, they were looking to put a regulations bill in place from the Senate Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs Committee. I don't see where Democrats have allowed such regulation legislative action to continue. Unless you have such evidence through a link to the contrary, that democrats allowed such regulator legislation to continue, you do really have anything at all supportive to your argument. Government records of the proceedings cares a bit more weight than a news article
Democrats passed GSE reform in the House in 2007 and in the Senate in 2008. Bush signed it into law.

But you know I'm talking about years prior to that. When such legislation was desperately needed. Democrats were wrong on the issue but Republicans were running the government.

Well that's what I'm talking about here, the committee was hoping they can agree on creating a bill to establish legislation on strict oversight reform of both government agencies for a vote. The Senate Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs already had a hearing, and they hope a consensus can be reached where they can FORMULATE legislation that can be voted upon in the senate. Did you not read the statement that was made by Richard Shelby? It's clearly written what their responsibility was in black and white, you can't get any more plain English than that. Democrats had to be on board and want to have stricter regulations, President Clinton clearly admitted to that in his statement. Are you now calling President Bill Clinton a liar?
Republicans didn't need Democrats to be on board. They could have passed GSE reform had they only written a decent bill and let the full Senate vote on it. But Republican leadership in the Senate wouldn't let that happen. No matter how hard you try, you can never get past that. There was even one bill which passed in the House. The Senate wouldn't vote on that one either and it was so poorly written, even Bush panned it.

Based on what government supported documented facts that involved sponsoring and formulated the bill, and where it originated? Links.

I already provided a government public record source, that clearly shows the bill that was being formulated was coming out of the Senate Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs Committee, who's job and task included GSE surrounding any established government oversight and regulation of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac that effects housing. What putpose do you think the government had behind the establishment of the Banking Housing and Urban Affairs Committee?

"With cooperation and consensus, I am hopeful that THIS COMMITTEE can pass a meaningful bill"

- Richard Shelby
of the Senate Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs Committee - "Regulatory Reform of the Housing Government-Sponsored Enterprises (GSE)"

Source: U.S. Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs

A meaningful bill that would be formulated and sent to be voted upon by the senate. Are you that ignorant to the government process with regard to who was given the responsibility of the GSE, and where the crafting of such legislation originates? I mean the title of the committee should provide any simpleton a real big clue.

You still think you can ramble on with your little assumptions of who's job it is to formulate GSE legislation without backing it up with a government source that agrees with you BS?

Let's just see if you can show everyone here what you can actually prove behind what you THINK you really know, Faun.
I'm not sure what you think that means since some bills made it out of committee and one even passed in the House and was sent to the Senate -- but Senate Republican leadership, whose responsibility it was as the party in charge to move those bills to the legislative calendar for a full up/down vote on the Senate floor, refused to do so.

You can't blame Democrats for that. I don't care how wrong they were on the issue.
View attachment 84349

I will, but if you continue the contradicting instead of debating crap, I will pull out. A debate is where you process and rationally respond to my points. You are contradicting. You just argue anything I say. If I said water is wet or concrete is hard, you would argue I'm wrong. It gets really dull after awhile. Note I'm not asking you a question here. I am informing you to cut the crap.....

I am not explaining this to you again. Either get it and we move on or we're done now. Next step is up to you. But I'm not repeating this step again

No it doesn't

There's truth to heroic efforts notwithstanding, you remain the uninformed imbecile you were yesterday ..

The blue line?

He's still trying to figure out the discount rate to figure out the time value of money of buying lettuce and tomatoes and beef and selling them the next week. He's very intelligent. You have to let him work through his process before he can be coherent.

I wonder why he doesn't use this graph to just look up the cost of a Big Mac is any given year, it's far more accurate....

But you see what I mean, liberals like him love to complicate simple issues to a stupid level to obfuscate....

Using a hard indicator, or 'basket of goods' as slim refers to them as, the Cost of a Big Mac is something people understand, and as inflated dramatically under Slims Obama....

Kaz has insisted that O is making this argument in jest......then when O restates his commitment to it, Kaz offers agreement.. .

Is there a word to describe this?


View attachment 84349
No it doesn't

There's truth to heroic efforts notwithstanding, you remain the uninformed imbecile you were yesterday ..
The blue line?

He's still trying to figure out the discount rate to figure out the time value of money of buying lettuce and tomatoes and beef and selling them the next week. He's very intelligent. You have to let him work through his process before he can be coherent.
I wonder why he doesn't use this graph to just look up the cost of a Big Mac is any given year, it's far more accurate....

But you see what I mean, liberals like him love to complicate simple issues to a stupid level to obfuscate....

Using a hard indicator, or 'basket of goods' as slim refers to them as, the Cost of a Big Mac is something people understand, and as inflated dramatically under Slims Obama....
Kaz has insisted that O is making this argument in jest......then when O restates his commitment to it, Kaz offers agreement.. .

Is there a word to describe this?


Bueller? and you're liberal friends here are fucking clueless? :lol:

Oh, and for what year do you need to know the cost of Big Macs?

And, were you able to follow the blue line to the end yet? Or is that sskimg far too much of your cognitive abilities? :lol:
You are grossly overrating O......he really believes that chart.........hey, he might be a client-in-waiting....

He's made clear he's laughing his fucking ass off at you.

So anyway, I said if you don't stop the yes you are/no you're not crap I'm done with you. You in your simpleton thought that meant I wouldn't respond to you. Being what you always are .. wrong .. I meant I was going to adapt your yes you are/no you aren't crap. Do you concede it would actually be more interesting to discuss issues and when I say something you agree with, you decide not to be a dick about it?

It wasn't even addressed to me originally......

Democrats caused recession in 2007

Note how O the Imbecile heaps praise on it.....

If you want to engage in an "interesting discussion", you might suppress your manifest predisposition to mendacity.

Agreed. Your original request was for yes it is. No it isn't. Waste of time if you fucking ask me. but you didn't

No...I invited YOU to provide any evidence that the dollar had been "devalued" by policies of the last few is your habit, you favor of boldly reasserting that it is so....


So why had the cost of a big mac gone up again ... then ... ?
GUBMINT cheese has crowded out private cheese.....
View attachment 84349
No it doesn't

There's truth to heroic efforts notwithstanding, you remain the uninformed imbecile you were yesterday ..
The blue line?

He's still trying to figure out the discount rate to figure out the time value of money of buying lettuce and tomatoes and beef and selling them the next week. He's very intelligent. You have to let him work through his process before he can be coherent.
I wonder why he doesn't use this graph to just look up the cost of a Big Mac is any given year, it's far more accurate....

But you see what I mean, liberals like him love to complicate simple issues to a stupid level to obfuscate....

Using a hard indicator, or 'basket of goods' as slim refers to them as, the Cost of a Big Mac is something people understand, and as inflated dramatically under Slims Obama....
Kaz has insisted that O is making this argument in jest......then when O restates his commitment to it, Kaz offers agreement.. .

Is there a word to describe this?


I would say it's, "kazzing," but that might get me thrown on his iggie.

Oh, the horror! :ack-1:

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