Democrats caused recession in 2007

So, you're thinking we are in 2017 now? :lol:
Did they stop selling the item Jan 1st?
So, you're saying its January 1, 2017? Fascinating.....:lol:
"Did" is past tense, Bripat's Moron-in-Waiting....

Have the suspended quoting Big Mac pricing for 2016?

Are buyers leaving stores with them but not paying until 2017 pricing is announced?

Does your mom insist on leaving the vinyl cover on your couch?
I can't answer you, 2016 is not over yet....

I loved the vinyl couch cover, my mom put it on the couch because I used to have a lot of liberal friends like you over....:lo,:

But Big Macs ARE being sold, right?

For money?
Did they stop selling the item Jan 1st?
So, you're saying its January 1, 2017? Fascinating.....:lol:
"Did" is past tense, Bripat's Moron-in-Waiting....

Have the suspended quoting Big Mac pricing for 2016?

Are buyers leaving stores with them but not paying until 2017 pricing is announced?

Does your mom insist on leaving the vinyl cover on your couch?
I can't answer you, 2016 is not over yet....

I loved the vinyl couch cover, my mom put it on the couch because I used to have a lot of liberal friends like you over....:lo,:

But Big Macs ARE being sold, right?

For money?

Are they hiding current quotes from you?
Why would we care about current quotes with respect to this graph? Oh, don't understand the graph....:lol:
View attachment 84371 Why would we care about current quotes with respect to this graph? Oh, don't understand the graph....:lol:
No wonder you're too embarrassed to post a link to that chart. I just bought a Big Mac and paid substantially less...

What the fuck are you talking about? You can't be this stupid, even without a GED....:lol:

The discussion is on this graph....let us know when you think you can participate....:lol:
View attachment 84377
View attachment 84371 Why would we care about current quotes with respect to this graph? Oh, don't understand the graph....:lol:
No wonder you're too embarrassed to post a link to that chart. I just bought a Big Mac and paid substantially less...

What the fuck are you talking about? You can't be this stupid, even without a GED....:lol:

The discussion is on this graph....let us know when you think you can participate....:lol:
There is no discussion on the graph: you refuse to state what you think the graph means. I don't blame you, since you're wrong about what it means.
View attachment 84377
View attachment 84371 Why would we care about current quotes with respect to this graph? Oh, don't understand the graph....:lol:
No wonder you're too embarrassed to post a link to that chart. I just bought a Big Mac and paid substantially less...

What the fuck are you talking about? You can't be this stupid, even without a GED....:lol:

The discussion is on this graph....let us know when you think you can participate....:lol:

Why would I believe the phony numbers in the chart you present, which you're too embarrassed to link, over what McDonald's just charged me for a Big Mac?


How lucky are you that thinking isn't mandatory to post here?
View attachment 84349
The blue line?

He's still trying to figure out the discount rate to figure out the time value of money of buying lettuce and tomatoes and beef and selling them the next week. He's very intelligent. You have to let him work through his process before he can be coherent.
I wonder why he doesn't use this graph to just look up the cost of a Big Mac is any given year, it's far more accurate....

But you see what I mean, liberals like him love to complicate simple issues to a stupid level to obfuscate....

Using a hard indicator, or 'basket of goods' as slim refers to them as, the Cost of a Big Mac is something people understand, and as inflated dramatically under Slims Obama....
Kaz has insisted that O is making this argument in jest......then when O restates his commitment to it, Kaz offers agreement.. .

Is there a word to describe this?


I would say it's, "kazzing," but that might get me thrown on his iggie.

Oh, the horror! :ack-1:
If you lay it across a "Triple Word Score", it will get you, like, 60 points....
Make that 90 points....
View attachment 84377
View attachment 84371 Why would we care about current quotes with respect to this graph? Oh, don't understand the graph....:lol:
No wonder you're too embarrassed to post a link to that chart. I just bought a Big Mac and paid substantially less...

What the fuck are you talking about? You can't be this stupid, even without a GED....:lol:

The discussion is on this graph....let us know when you think you can participate....:lol:
There is no discussion on the graph: you refuse to state what you think the graph means. I don't blame you, since you're wrong about what it means.
It's self explanatory....sorry you're so stupid...good luck with that....
View attachment 84377
View attachment 84371 Why would we care about current quotes with respect to this graph? Oh, don't understand the graph....:lol:
No wonder you're too embarrassed to post a link to that chart. I just bought a Big Mac and paid substantially less...

What the fuck are you talking about? You can't be this stupid, even without a GED....:lol:

The discussion is on this graph....let us know when you think you can participate....:lol:

Why would I believe the phony numbers in the chart you present, which you're too embarrassed to link, over what McDonald's just charged me for a Big Mac?


How lucky are you that thinking isn't mandatory to post here?
what is phony about the numbers?
View attachment 84377
View attachment 84371 Why would we care about current quotes with respect to this graph? Oh, don't understand the graph....:lol:
No wonder you're too embarrassed to post a link to that chart. I just bought a Big Mac and paid substantially less...

What the fuck are you talking about? You can't be this stupid, even without a GED....:lol:

The discussion is on this graph....let us know when you think you can participate....:lol:
There is no discussion on the graph: you refuse to state what you think the graph means. I don't blame you, since you're wrong about what it means.
Which part of the graph is wrong?
View attachment 84402
View attachment 84377
View attachment 84371 Why would we care about current quotes with respect to this graph? Oh, don't understand the graph....:lol:
No wonder you're too embarrassed to post a link to that chart. I just bought a Big Mac and paid substantially less...

What the fuck are you talking about? You can't be this stupid, even without a GED....:lol:

The discussion is on this graph....let us know when you think you can participate....:lol:
There is no discussion on the graph: you refuse to state what you think the graph means. I don't blame you, since you're wrong about what it means.
Which part of the graph is wrong?
The CPI is not calculated or presented in dollar amounts, so that your graph does so makes it wrong right there. And the sample universe for the CPI cannot have been duplicated by the Big Mac index, so the two cannot be honestly compared.

Why did you not know that?
View attachment 84402
View attachment 84377
View attachment 84371 Why would we care about current quotes with respect to this graph? Oh, don't understand the graph....:lol:
No wonder you're too embarrassed to post a link to that chart. I just bought a Big Mac and paid substantially less...

What the fuck are you talking about? You can't be this stupid, even without a GED....:lol:

The discussion is on this graph....let us know when you think you can participate....:lol:
There is no discussion on the graph: you refuse to state what you think the graph means. I don't blame you, since you're wrong about what it means.
Which part of the graph is wrong?
The CPI is not calculated or presented in dollar amounts, so that your graph does so makes it wrong right there. And the sample universe for the CPI cannot have been duplicated by the Big Mac index, so the two cannot be honestly compared.

Why did you not know that?
Well..... I have to thank you for your courage in confirming for everyone that you are indeed an idiot....:lol:

Carry on.....
View attachment 84402
View attachment 84377
No wonder you're too embarrassed to post a link to that chart. I just bought a Big Mac and paid substantially less...

What the fuck are you talking about? You can't be this stupid, even without a GED....:lol:

The discussion is on this graph....let us know when you think you can participate....:lol:
There is no discussion on the graph: you refuse to state what you think the graph means. I don't blame you, since you're wrong about what it means.
Which part of the graph is wrong?
The CPI is not calculated or presented in dollar amounts, so that your graph does so makes it wrong right there. And the sample universe for the CPI cannot have been duplicated by the Big Mac index, so the two cannot be honestly compared.

Why did you not know that?
Well..... I have to thank you for your courage in confirming for everyone that you are indeed an idiot....:lol:

Carry on.....
Ah, you're funny.
What are you claiming I've said that is wrong? Oh, wait, your answer will be "everything" and then you'll insult me without saying anything meaningful
View attachment 84402
View attachment 84377 What the fuck are you talking about? You can't be this stupid, even without a GED....:lol:

The discussion is on this graph....let us know when you think you can participate....:lol:
There is no discussion on the graph: you refuse to state what you think the graph means. I don't blame you, since you're wrong about what it means.
Which part of the graph is wrong?
The CPI is not calculated or presented in dollar amounts, so that your graph does so makes it wrong right there. And the sample universe for the CPI cannot have been duplicated by the Big Mac index, so the two cannot be honestly compared.

Why did you not know that?
Well..... I have to thank you for your courage in confirming for everyone that you are indeed an idiot....:lol:

Carry on.....
Ah, you're funny.
What are you claiming I've said that is wrong? Oh, wait, your answer will be "everything" and then you'll insult me without saying anything meaningful
I love that owebo agrees that he would not say anything meaningful.
As a DNC hating progressive I have no problem admitting Bill Clinton caused the recession. Now George Bush may could have managed the collapse had he not been so focused on catching evil doers, but it was rather inevitable.
That would be S. 1508: Federal Enterprise Regulatory Reform Act of 2003

A bill you claim was blocked by Democrats.

But let's take a look at what actually happened to that bill, shall we...?

Last action:
Reported by Committee
A committee has issued a report to the full chamber recommending that the bill be considered further. Only about 1 in 4 bills are reported out of committee.​

So the bill was sent to Senate leadership with the recommendation of further consideration, which had Senate leadership wanted, could have put the bill on the Senate's legislative calendar to be put to an up/down vote by the full Senate.

That never happened.

So who blocked the bill from being put to an up/.down vote by the full Senate? You claim it was Democrats. But were Democrats in charge of the Senate in 2003/2004? No, of course not. Republicans were and Bill Frist R-TN was the Senate Majority Leader who squashed that bill.

We'll just file this under 'A' -- for Another brain dead conservative regurgitating bullshit on the forum.

Again several key Democrats saw nothing wrong with Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. There was not one ounce of "documented reported rhetoric" coming from among the party, particularly Barnie Frank and Maxine Waters. Why wasn't Democrats really all that concerned with these two government giants that they had to try and convince the rest of congress, and the American people, that they were really quite solid and no kind of economic impact could result from a lack of oversight?

Top Recipients of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac in the form of Campaign Contributions, 1989-2008

( 1 ) Dodd, Christopher Sen - CT D $133,900
( 2 ) Kerry, John Sen - MA D $111,000
( 3 ) Obama, Barack Sen - IL D $105,849
( 4 ) Clinton, Hillary Sen - NY D $75,550

OpenSecrets | Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac Invest in Democrats - Capital Eye

Republicans controlled the Congress. You can't blame Democrats because Republicans wouldn't do their job.

I find it interesting how this perception of "doing their job" changes when it's liberals claim republicans have gotten in the way when Harry Reed failed at his job in passing a stronger economic jobs bill in creating more jobs to help strengthen the economy. .... or blaming republicans of hindering the ACA vote. Yet the democrats were the party in charge of it all, who could pass whatever they wanted and send it to the desk of Obama, I'm sure.
If Republicans had actually blocked those, then it would be reasonable to say the majority party Democrats failed to pass them because the minority party blocked them. That works that way for both parties regardless who's in charge.

I can only hope you're capable of comprehending that's not what happened regarding GSE reform as the minority party Democrats did not block any GSE reform bills. Though they were on the wrong side of the issue, it was Senate leadership who wouldn't allow any GSE reform bills to be put to a vote by the full Senate.

You can't blame Democrats for that.

The problem is, you are not aware of the process that actually took place in the senate in trying to create meaningful legislation to place that strict oversight on Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.

Hearing of the Senate Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs Committee - "Regulatory Reform of the Housing Government-Sponsored Enterprises"
By: Richard Shelby
Date: April 21, 2004
Location: Washington, DC

This morning the Committee concludes its series of hearings on reforming the regulatory system for Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac and the Federal Home Loan Bank System."

The Committee has conducted a comprehensive set of hearings on the Housing GSEs, and we have heard testimony from a range of witnesses representing different perspectives in the Housing GSE reform debate.

Following today's hearing, the Committee will begin to consider legislation to create a new regulatory structure for the Housing GSEs. As evidenced by the hearings, there are a number of difficult issues to confront and resolve. I am hopeful that consensus will develop. With cooperation and consensus, I am hopeful that this Committee can pass a meaningful bill--- and I am only interested in producing meaningful regulatory reform.

Source: U.S. Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs



• Richard Shelby (Ala) - Ranking Member
• Robert Bernetti (Utah)
• Jim Bunning (KY)
• Mike Crapo (Idaho)
•. Mel Martinez (Fla)
• Bob Corker (Tenn)

This clearly shows that a vote along party lines in allowing the committee to agree on any strict legislative action would quickly die in the senate without the bipartisan support it needed to move forward. So yes, it was blocked by Democrats.

I think that the responsibility that the Democrats had may rest more in resisting any efforts by Republicans in the Congress, or by me when I was President, to put some standards and tighten up a little on Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.”Former President Bill Clinton (D-AR), September 25, 2008

Perhaps your information in placing the responsibility on Republicans "not doing its job" was based by a source unfamiliar with the investigative hearings and legislative process at the time, or its from a biased news source that was looking to spin and politicize such action for political gains during an election year?
You mean like the FCIC?
As a DNC hating progressive I have no problem admitting Bill Clinton caused the recession. Now George Bush may could have managed the collapse had he not been so focused on catching evil doers, but it was rather inevitable.
Yeah, he may have been "not that concerned", but that Dimwit sure was focused

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