Democrats caused recession in 2007

No, it was in direct reference to that you wanted to calculate the time value of money for a Big Mac, which is like a week.

You never had a lucid argument. What difference does the CAGR make on the graph? What does it show relevant to the price of a Big Mac?

Put another way, if you look at the graph, the CPI goes up, a Big Mac goes up more. What difference do the exact rates they go up make to the discussion? tvm function is a tool which can be employed in many applications involving compound growth...

The twin idiocies of

a) failing to understand what the Big Mac index was invented to do

b) using a single good as a gauge of inflation

notwithstanding, O's chart relies on a blind acceptance that it accurately relates the current price of a Big Mac.....As loath as I am to patronize McDs, $5.11 for that item didn't seem research suggests that the actual price is 3.99.....

If this is true, what does it mean for the impression left by O's chart? Certainly that it misrepresent the extent of the divergence between CPI and changes in the price of a Big Mac.....a reasonable question to ask is to what a price of 3.99 does to this alleged divergence.....

I have a rough idea what annual inflation has been running since 2009, and the price of a Big Mac for that year is available (3.55).....if you assume that the entire increase is due to inflation, how do you calculate the compound annual rate of inflation implied by the 2009 and 2016 prices?

If you are an idiot you try to figure out the 7th root of 3.99/3.55, and subtract 1.......if I were that idiot, I wouldn't have time left in the day to maintain my magnificent conk.
There would not be time left in my life for O to do so....the most readily accessible tool for him to get that done would be a tvm calculator. He surely doesn't own one, but there are plenty available on the Innertubes.

When I did this, I found that a change between 2009 and 2016 of 44 cents, suggests an avg annual (compound) rate of 1.6%.......roughly in line with the CPI....

Ya follah?

You know, Excel will tell you the 7th root of 3.99/3.55 and subtract 1 in a few key clicks. Here's the formula: +((3.99/3.55)^(1/7)) - 1

I know I put in extra parens, but as I said besides math and business I've a major and masters in computer science, defaults always scare me.

Then gain, I used to derive statistics equations while I took the test. I like doing it that way because it's more intuitive. Actually it's funny, my bud from college who was in my wedding party 28 years ago still brings that up once in a while.

Why haven't you memorized the formulas for the exam, kaz? It's OK, if I need them I'll just derive them during the exam. LOL

I always told him it's not as hard as it sounds, it's a lot easier if you know calculus (he didn't). That never satisfied him though...
When you sit for CFA level I, you have 90 seconds per learn the value of maximizing all the tools at your disposal....

That's the difference, I'm not a CFA, I'm an expert in capital markets.

I did nail that one. I said the only people who use TVM calculators are financial salesmen and marketers. You're the former

That's the difference, I'm not a CFA, I'm an expert in capital markets.

I think you misspelled "braying jackass"......

I said the only people who use TVM calculators are financial salesmen and marketers.

Sure....but you're a braying jackass.......the modeling and spreadsheet work is assigned to grunts (1st,2nd,3rd year associates)......the swinging dicks wield 12cs (though I'm inclined to believe that they probably switch to a TI as they get older......that screen is kinda puny)

let's see what people holding the charter do.....


Research & Data

You see many "sales&marketing" types listed?

When you sit for the exam you aren't given the luxury of bringing you laptop loaded with can bring pencils, erasers, and a has to be either a TI BA II (or Professional) or an HP12c.......when you enter the hall, you must clear the memory in front of a monitor....You can't even use scrap paper....

The program has been in existence for a little more than 35 years......there are roughly 150,000 charterholders WORLDWIDE.......Only 5% of those who begin the process secure the an average of 5 years........each level requires in excess of 250 hrs of preparation...The pass rate for Levels 1 and 2 hovers in the range of 35-40%...and that is out of a pool of fairly ambitious and driven types

I am actually IN capital markets (neither sales nor marketing).......I've met 3 people in sales&marketing with CFAs.......3 are Top national accounts people in helps because they occasionally have to interact with relatively sophisticated people at Family Offices, Endowments, Foundations and the like...

Sales types may have a series 6 or 7 (There has been a trend away from having marketing types hold 7s as this makes them "fiduciaries" with the attendant liabilities), these are FINRA registrations, I've got a stack of those ranging from the relatively pedestrian to perhaps the most esoteric.........they are LIGHTYEARS removed from the CFA......CPAs are considered among the more challenging professional designations.....people of my acquaintance who have endured both have told me that the CFA is worse......

But you are well suited to being a "management consultant", you are possessed of that special conceit which convinces you that you actually know should save your rap for those who are susceptible to it.....If you find yourself in the company of a capital markets professional, I strongly urge you not to run your mouth - they will strip you naked and haul you away in a net.....

I'm not sure what all this crap is. You admitted that all you are trained to do is sell high load trust funds that pay you a mint and the company you work for a bunch of times more than that. And?
Everything you said was wrong

"No it wasn't."

Your jibber jabber regarding lettuce had nothing to do with any comment I was something for which you reached as you were drowning in a preceding inanity.

No, it was in direct reference to that you wanted to calculate the time value of money for a Big Mac, which is like a week.

You never had a lucid argument. What difference does the CAGR make on the graph? What does it show relevant to the price of a Big Mac?

Put another way, if you look at the graph, the CPI goes up, a Big Mac goes up more. What difference do the exact rates they go up make to the discussion?
Cruelly, I'm not even sure Of the point of the discussion. What is the point of comparing change in price of the Big Mac to the CPI? It doesn't tell us anything useful.

It wasn't intended to. O was just screwing with Slim

You are grossly overrating O......he really believes that chart.........hey, he might be a client-in-waiting....

He's made clear he's laughing his fucking ass off at you.

So anyway, I said if you don't stop the yes you are/no you're not crap I'm done with you. You in your simpleton thought that meant I wouldn't respond to you. Being what you always are .. wrong .. I meant I was going to adapt your yes you are/no you aren't crap. Do you concede it would actually be more interesting to discuss issues and when I say something you agree with, you decide not to be a dick about it? tvm function is a tool which can be employed in many applications involving compound growth...

The twin idiocies of

a) failing to understand what the Big Mac index was invented to do

b) using a single good as a gauge of inflation

notwithstanding, O's chart relies on a blind acceptance that it accurately relates the current price of a Big Mac.....As loath as I am to patronize McDs, $5.11 for that item didn't seem research suggests that the actual price is 3.99.....

If this is true, what does it mean for the impression left by O's chart? Certainly that it misrepresent the extent of the divergence between CPI and changes in the price of a Big Mac.....a reasonable question to ask is to what a price of 3.99 does to this alleged divergence.....

I have a rough idea what annual inflation has been running since 2009, and the price of a Big Mac for that year is available (3.55).....if you assume that the entire increase is due to inflation, how do you calculate the compound annual rate of inflation implied by the 2009 and 2016 prices?

If you are an idiot you try to figure out the 7th root of 3.99/3.55, and subtract 1.......if I were that idiot, I wouldn't have time left in the day to maintain my magnificent conk.
There would not be time left in my life for O to do so....the most readily accessible tool for him to get that done would be a tvm calculator. He surely doesn't own one, but there are plenty available on the Innertubes.

When I did this, I found that a change between 2009 and 2016 of 44 cents, suggests an avg annual (compound) rate of 1.6%.......roughly in line with the CPI....

Ya follah?

You know, Excel will tell you the 7th root of 3.99/3.55 and subtract 1 in a few key clicks. Here's the formula: +((3.99/3.55)^(1/7)) - 1

I know I put in extra parens, but as I said besides math and business I've a major and masters in computer science, defaults always scare me.

Then gain, I used to derive statistics equations while I took the test. I like doing it that way because it's more intuitive. Actually it's funny, my bud from college who was in my wedding party 28 years ago still brings that up once in a while.

Why haven't you memorized the formulas for the exam, kaz? It's OK, if I need them I'll just derive them during the exam. LOL

I always told him it's not as hard as it sounds, it's a lot easier if you know calculus (he didn't). That never satisfied him though...
When you sit for CFA level I, you have 90 seconds per learn the value of maximizing all the tools at your disposal....

That's the difference, I'm not a CFA, I'm an expert in capital markets.

I did nail that one. I said the only people who use TVM calculators are financial salesmen and marketers. You're the former

That's the difference, I'm not a CFA, I'm an expert in capital markets.

I think you misspelled "braying jackass"......

I said the only people who use TVM calculators are financial salesmen and marketers.

Sure....but you're a braying jackass.......the modeling and spreadsheet work is assigned to grunts (1st,2nd,3rd year associates)......the swinging dicks wield 12cs (though I'm inclined to believe that they probably switch to a TI as they get older......that screen is kinda puny)

let's see what people holding the charter do.....


Research & Data

You see many "sales&marketing" types listed?

When you sit for the exam you aren't given the luxury of bringing you laptop loaded with can bring pencils, erasers, and a has to be either a TI BA II (or Professional) or an HP12c.......when you enter the hall, you must clear the memory in front of a monitor....You can't even use scrap paper....

The program has been in existence for a little more than 35 years......there are roughly 150,000 charterholders WORLDWIDE.......Only 5% of those who begin the process secure the an average of 5 years........each level requires in excess of 250 hrs of preparation...The pass rate for Levels 1 and 2 hovers in the range of 35-40%...and that is out of a pool of fairly ambitious and driven types

I am actually IN capital markets (neither sales nor marketing).......I've met 3 people in sales&marketing with CFAs.......3 are Top national accounts people in helps because they occasionally have to interact with relatively sophisticated people at Family Offices, Endowments, Foundations and the like...

Sales types may have a series 6 or 7 (There has been a trend away from having marketing types hold 7s as this makes them "fiduciaries" with the attendant liabilities), these are FINRA registrations, I've got a stack of those ranging from the relatively pedestrian to perhaps the most esoteric.........they are LIGHTYEARS removed from the CFA......CPAs are considered among the more challenging professional designations.....people of my acquaintance who have endured both have told me that the CFA is worse......

But you are well suited to being a "management consultant", you are possessed of that special conceit which convinces you that you actually know should save your rap for those who are susceptible to it.....If you find yourself in the company of a capital markets professional, I strongly urge you not to run your mouth - they will strip you naked and haul you away in a net.....

I'm not sure what all this crap is. You admitted that all you are trained to do is sell high load trust funds that pay you a mint and the company you work for a bunch of times more than that. And?

Why is it that whenever your ignorance is exposed you segue to another blatant lie?

Where have I "admitted" anything of the sort?
"No it wasn't."

Your jibber jabber regarding lettuce had nothing to do with any comment I was something for which you reached as you were drowning in a preceding inanity.

No, it was in direct reference to that you wanted to calculate the time value of money for a Big Mac, which is like a week.

You never had a lucid argument. What difference does the CAGR make on the graph? What does it show relevant to the price of a Big Mac?

Put another way, if you look at the graph, the CPI goes up, a Big Mac goes up more. What difference do the exact rates they go up make to the discussion?
Cruelly, I'm not even sure Of the point of the discussion. What is the point of comparing change in price of the Big Mac to the CPI? It doesn't tell us anything useful.

It wasn't intended to. O was just screwing with Slim

You are grossly overrating O......he really believes that chart.........hey, he might be a client-in-waiting....

He's made clear he's laughing his fucking ass off at you.

So anyway, I said if you don't stop the yes you are/no you're not crap I'm done with you. You in your simpleton thought that meant I wouldn't respond to you. Being what you always are .. wrong .. I meant I was going to adapt your yes you are/no you aren't crap. Do you concede it would actually be more interesting to discuss issues and when I say something you agree with, you decide not to be a dick about it?

It wasn't even addressed to me originally......

Democrats caused recession in 2007

Note how O the Imbecile heaps praise on it.....

If you want to engage in an "interesting discussion", you might suppress your manifest predisposition to mendacity.
Last edited:
Lest there remain any confusion on the question, in my opinion, the bulk of the actively managed mutual fund complex is a criminal of the several great things Obama has done is to sic DOL on the 401k business......another is the rule relating to fiduciaries....
The Bush administration raised red flags starting in April 2001. Their 2002 Budget Request declared that the size of mortgage giants Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae is "a potential problem" because financial trouble in either one of them "could cause strong repercussions in financial markets".

Listen to the words of George Bush, specifically his plan to eliminate down-payments for the poor and his clearly stated mandate that Fannie/Freddie help in his aggressive expansion of homeownership among the poor. He took mechanisms created by the Left and put them on steroids.

Little Acorn,

The fact that you don't know Bush's role in the housing meltdown makes you look stupid.

The fact that you don't know the full list of culprits also makes you look stupid. In addition to Fanny/Freddie, there were:

  • Private mortgage lenders who were incentivized not by government but because they could make a killing selling those loans to
  • Private financial institutions who securitized and derivatized those securities, and who made a killing selling instruments they knew to be garbage.

We were told to trust those PRIVATE INSTITUTIONS because the magic pixie dust of the free market (aka unregulated self-interest) would cause these PRIVATE INSTITUTIONS to protect their consumers/investors.

Does Bill Clinton share blame? Absolutely. See Glass-Stegall.

But here is your real problem.

If you admitted Bush's role, than there would be less of a reason to vote Republican because your side's raison d'être is sound fiscal management (whereas the Dems run on fairytale notions like social justice).

If you admitted the failure of private institutions to self-regulate and protect shareholders based on rational self-interest, than you'd have to admit that the market is prone to deep corruption and profit-driven hysteria, which means that it is in need of government oversight, e.g., there should have been government regulators in the room when Enron was working with Arthur Anderson. There should have been government regulators in the room when AIG was placing bets it could never cover.

In other words, you're either bluffing with a bad hand (because you know that both Bush and the private sector have blood on their hands), of you actually believe the Republican Talking Points, which were paid for by the very private sector forces which sank the system.

Once you look at how many private institutions joined the orgy, a sad story emerges. It goes like this. We trusted free consumers to make rational decisions about how much home they could afford, and we trusted private corporations to buy / securitize / insure those loans. The king of the Free Market, aka Reagan's Maestro, aka the Great Collaborator of the Libertarian Queen Ayn Rand, Allan Greenspan, said that regulation wasn't necessary because government couldn't possibly know more than all those consumers and corporations (buyers and sellers). Let the market provide, we were told. Let the innovators deliver a way for average people to finance a home, to break free of the bondage of the 30yr fixed.

So we did.

And it turned into the biggest ponzi scheme in American history. Wall Street - the pinnacle of Free Market Capitalism - proved that corruption and hysteria always win when the profit motive is left unregulated.
Last edited:
You know, Excel will tell you the 7th root of 3.99/3.55 and subtract 1 in a few key clicks. Here's the formula: +((3.99/3.55)^(1/7)) - 1

I know I put in extra parens, but as I said besides math and business I've a major and masters in computer science, defaults always scare me.

Then gain, I used to derive statistics equations while I took the test. I like doing it that way because it's more intuitive. Actually it's funny, my bud from college who was in my wedding party 28 years ago still brings that up once in a while.

Why haven't you memorized the formulas for the exam, kaz? It's OK, if I need them I'll just derive them during the exam. LOL

I always told him it's not as hard as it sounds, it's a lot easier if you know calculus (he didn't). That never satisfied him though...
When you sit for CFA level I, you have 90 seconds per learn the value of maximizing all the tools at your disposal....

That's the difference, I'm not a CFA, I'm an expert in capital markets.

I did nail that one. I said the only people who use TVM calculators are financial salesmen and marketers. You're the former

That's the difference, I'm not a CFA, I'm an expert in capital markets.

I think you misspelled "braying jackass"......

I said the only people who use TVM calculators are financial salesmen and marketers.

Sure....but you're a braying jackass.......the modeling and spreadsheet work is assigned to grunts (1st,2nd,3rd year associates)......the swinging dicks wield 12cs (though I'm inclined to believe that they probably switch to a TI as they get older......that screen is kinda puny)

let's see what people holding the charter do.....


Research & Data

You see many "sales&marketing" types listed?

When you sit for the exam you aren't given the luxury of bringing you laptop loaded with can bring pencils, erasers, and a has to be either a TI BA II (or Professional) or an HP12c.......when you enter the hall, you must clear the memory in front of a monitor....You can't even use scrap paper....

The program has been in existence for a little more than 35 years......there are roughly 150,000 charterholders WORLDWIDE.......Only 5% of those who begin the process secure the an average of 5 years........each level requires in excess of 250 hrs of preparation...The pass rate for Levels 1 and 2 hovers in the range of 35-40%...and that is out of a pool of fairly ambitious and driven types

I am actually IN capital markets (neither sales nor marketing).......I've met 3 people in sales&marketing with CFAs.......3 are Top national accounts people in helps because they occasionally have to interact with relatively sophisticated people at Family Offices, Endowments, Foundations and the like...

Sales types may have a series 6 or 7 (There has been a trend away from having marketing types hold 7s as this makes them "fiduciaries" with the attendant liabilities), these are FINRA registrations, I've got a stack of those ranging from the relatively pedestrian to perhaps the most esoteric.........they are LIGHTYEARS removed from the CFA......CPAs are considered among the more challenging professional designations.....people of my acquaintance who have endured both have told me that the CFA is worse......

But you are well suited to being a "management consultant", you are possessed of that special conceit which convinces you that you actually know should save your rap for those who are susceptible to it.....If you find yourself in the company of a capital markets professional, I strongly urge you not to run your mouth - they will strip you naked and haul you away in a net.....

I'm not sure what all this crap is. You admitted that all you are trained to do is sell high load trust funds that pay you a mint and the company you work for a bunch of times more than that. And?

Why is it that whenever your ignorance is exposed you segue to another blatant lie?

Where have I "admitted" anything of the sort?

I said you're a financial salesman or a marketer. And you agreed. You're a financial salesman. What are you not getting?
No, it was in direct reference to that you wanted to calculate the time value of money for a Big Mac, which is like a week.

You never had a lucid argument. What difference does the CAGR make on the graph? What does it show relevant to the price of a Big Mac?

Put another way, if you look at the graph, the CPI goes up, a Big Mac goes up more. What difference do the exact rates they go up make to the discussion?
Cruelly, I'm not even sure Of the point of the discussion. What is the point of comparing change in price of the Big Mac to the CPI? It doesn't tell us anything useful.

It wasn't intended to. O was just screwing with Slim

You are grossly overrating O......he really believes that chart.........hey, he might be a client-in-waiting....

He's made clear he's laughing his fucking ass off at you.

So anyway, I said if you don't stop the yes you are/no you're not crap I'm done with you. You in your simpleton thought that meant I wouldn't respond to you. Being what you always are .. wrong .. I meant I was going to adapt your yes you are/no you aren't crap. Do you concede it would actually be more interesting to discuss issues and when I say something you agree with, you decide not to be a dick about it?

It wasn't even addressed to me originally......

Democrats caused recession in 2007

Note how O the Imbecile heaps praise on it.....

If you want to engage in an "interesting discussion", you might suppress your manifest predisposition to mendacity.

I have no such predisposition to mendicancy. You said you want to continue the yes it is/no it isn't argument. I simply granted you your request. So ... are you ready to let go of your crap and have an honest discussion????
No, it was in direct reference to that you wanted to calculate the time value of money for a Big Mac, which is like a week.

You never had a lucid argument. What difference does the CAGR make on the graph? What does it show relevant to the price of a Big Mac?

Put another way, if you look at the graph, the CPI goes up, a Big Mac goes up more. What difference do the exact rates they go up make to the discussion?
Cruelly, I'm not even sure Of the point of the discussion. What is the point of comparing change in price of the Big Mac to the CPI? It doesn't tell us anything useful.

It wasn't intended to. O was just screwing with Slim

You are grossly overrating O......he really believes that chart.........hey, he might be a client-in-waiting....

He's made clear he's laughing his fucking ass off at you.

So anyway, I said if you don't stop the yes you are/no you're not crap I'm done with you. You in your simpleton thought that meant I wouldn't respond to you. Being what you always are .. wrong .. I meant I was going to adapt your yes you are/no you aren't crap. Do you concede it would actually be more interesting to discuss issues and when I say something you agree with, you decide not to be a dick about it?

It wasn't even addressed to me originally......

Democrats caused recession in 2007

Note how O the Imbecile heaps praise on it.....

If you want to engage in an "interesting discussion", you might suppress your manifest predisposition to mendacity.

Agreed. Your original request was for yes it is. No it isn't. Waste of time if you fucking ask me. but you didn't
When you sit for CFA level I, you have 90 seconds per learn the value of maximizing all the tools at your disposal....

That's the difference, I'm not a CFA, I'm an expert in capital markets.

I did nail that one. I said the only people who use TVM calculators are financial salesmen and marketers. You're the former

That's the difference, I'm not a CFA, I'm an expert in capital markets.

I think you misspelled "braying jackass"......

I said the only people who use TVM calculators are financial salesmen and marketers.

Sure....but you're a braying jackass.......the modeling and spreadsheet work is assigned to grunts (1st,2nd,3rd year associates)......the swinging dicks wield 12cs (though I'm inclined to believe that they probably switch to a TI as they get older......that screen is kinda puny)

let's see what people holding the charter do.....


Research & Data

You see many "sales&marketing" types listed?

When you sit for the exam you aren't given the luxury of bringing you laptop loaded with can bring pencils, erasers, and a has to be either a TI BA II (or Professional) or an HP12c.......when you enter the hall, you must clear the memory in front of a monitor....You can't even use scrap paper....

The program has been in existence for a little more than 35 years......there are roughly 150,000 charterholders WORLDWIDE.......Only 5% of those who begin the process secure the an average of 5 years........each level requires in excess of 250 hrs of preparation...The pass rate for Levels 1 and 2 hovers in the range of 35-40%...and that is out of a pool of fairly ambitious and driven types

I am actually IN capital markets (neither sales nor marketing).......I've met 3 people in sales&marketing with CFAs.......3 are Top national accounts people in helps because they occasionally have to interact with relatively sophisticated people at Family Offices, Endowments, Foundations and the like...

Sales types may have a series 6 or 7 (There has been a trend away from having marketing types hold 7s as this makes them "fiduciaries" with the attendant liabilities), these are FINRA registrations, I've got a stack of those ranging from the relatively pedestrian to perhaps the most esoteric.........they are LIGHTYEARS removed from the CFA......CPAs are considered among the more challenging professional designations.....people of my acquaintance who have endured both have told me that the CFA is worse......

But you are well suited to being a "management consultant", you are possessed of that special conceit which convinces you that you actually know should save your rap for those who are susceptible to it.....If you find yourself in the company of a capital markets professional, I strongly urge you not to run your mouth - they will strip you naked and haul you away in a net.....

I'm not sure what all this crap is. You admitted that all you are trained to do is sell high load trust funds that pay you a mint and the company you work for a bunch of times more than that. And?

Why is it that whenever your ignorance is exposed you segue to another blatant lie?

Where have I "admitted" anything of the sort?

I said you're a financial salesman or a marketer. And you agreed. You're a financial salesman. What are you not getting?

No...I did NOT this as many times as necessary

I am actually IN capital markets (neither sales nor marketing)
Cruelly, I'm not even sure Of the point of the discussion. What is the point of comparing change in price of the Big Mac to the CPI? It doesn't tell us anything useful.

It wasn't intended to. O was just screwing with Slim

You are grossly overrating O......he really believes that chart.........hey, he might be a client-in-waiting....

He's made clear he's laughing his fucking ass off at you.

So anyway, I said if you don't stop the yes you are/no you're not crap I'm done with you. You in your simpleton thought that meant I wouldn't respond to you. Being what you always are .. wrong .. I meant I was going to adapt your yes you are/no you aren't crap. Do you concede it would actually be more interesting to discuss issues and when I say something you agree with, you decide not to be a dick about it?

It wasn't even addressed to me originally......

Democrats caused recession in 2007

Note how O the Imbecile heaps praise on it.....

If you want to engage in an "interesting discussion", you might suppress your manifest predisposition to mendacity.

I have no such predisposition to mendicancy. You said you want to continue the yes it is/no it isn't argument. I simply granted you your request. So ... are you ready to let go of your crap and have an honest discussion????

This is, unambiguously, a fucking lie

You admitted that all you are trained to do is sell high load trust funds that pay you a mint and the company you work for a bunch of times more than that.

Though I welcome you to post any evidence you believe supports it.......we've been here before, haven't we?
Cruelly, I'm not even sure Of the point of the discussion. What is the point of comparing change in price of the Big Mac to the CPI? It doesn't tell us anything useful.

It wasn't intended to. O was just screwing with Slim

You are grossly overrating O......he really believes that chart.........hey, he might be a client-in-waiting....

He's made clear he's laughing his fucking ass off at you.

So anyway, I said if you don't stop the yes you are/no you're not crap I'm done with you. You in your simpleton thought that meant I wouldn't respond to you. Being what you always are .. wrong .. I meant I was going to adapt your yes you are/no you aren't crap. Do you concede it would actually be more interesting to discuss issues and when I say something you agree with, you decide not to be a dick about it?

It wasn't even addressed to me originally......

Democrats caused recession in 2007

Note how O the Imbecile heaps praise on it.....

If you want to engage in an "interesting discussion", you might suppress your manifest predisposition to mendacity.

Agreed. Your original request was for yes it is. No it isn't. Waste of time if you fucking ask me. but you didn't

No...I invited YOU to provide any evidence that the dollar had been "devalued" by policies of the last few is your habit, you favor of boldly reasserting that it is so....
That's the difference, I'm not a CFA, I'm an expert in capital markets.

I did nail that one. I said the only people who use TVM calculators are financial salesmen and marketers. You're the former

That's the difference, I'm not a CFA, I'm an expert in capital markets.

I think you misspelled "braying jackass"......

I said the only people who use TVM calculators are financial salesmen and marketers.

Sure....but you're a braying jackass.......the modeling and spreadsheet work is assigned to grunts (1st,2nd,3rd year associates)......the swinging dicks wield 12cs (though I'm inclined to believe that they probably switch to a TI as they get older......that screen is kinda puny)

let's see what people holding the charter do.....


Research & Data

You see many "sales&marketing" types listed?

When you sit for the exam you aren't given the luxury of bringing you laptop loaded with can bring pencils, erasers, and a has to be either a TI BA II (or Professional) or an HP12c.......when you enter the hall, you must clear the memory in front of a monitor....You can't even use scrap paper....

The program has been in existence for a little more than 35 years......there are roughly 150,000 charterholders WORLDWIDE.......Only 5% of those who begin the process secure the an average of 5 years........each level requires in excess of 250 hrs of preparation...The pass rate for Levels 1 and 2 hovers in the range of 35-40%...and that is out of a pool of fairly ambitious and driven types

I am actually IN capital markets (neither sales nor marketing).......I've met 3 people in sales&marketing with CFAs.......3 are Top national accounts people in helps because they occasionally have to interact with relatively sophisticated people at Family Offices, Endowments, Foundations and the like...

Sales types may have a series 6 or 7 (There has been a trend away from having marketing types hold 7s as this makes them "fiduciaries" with the attendant liabilities), these are FINRA registrations, I've got a stack of those ranging from the relatively pedestrian to perhaps the most esoteric.........they are LIGHTYEARS removed from the CFA......CPAs are considered among the more challenging professional designations.....people of my acquaintance who have endured both have told me that the CFA is worse......

But you are well suited to being a "management consultant", you are possessed of that special conceit which convinces you that you actually know should save your rap for those who are susceptible to it.....If you find yourself in the company of a capital markets professional, I strongly urge you not to run your mouth - they will strip you naked and haul you away in a net.....

I'm not sure what all this crap is. You admitted that all you are trained to do is sell high load trust funds that pay you a mint and the company you work for a bunch of times more than that. And?

Why is it that whenever your ignorance is exposed you segue to another blatant lie?

Where have I "admitted" anything of the sort?

I said you're a financial salesman or a marketer. And you agreed. You're a financial salesman. What are you not getting?

No...I did NOT this as many times as necessary

I am actually IN capital markets (neither sales nor marketing)

Then why are you taking exams to be a Financial Salesman?
It wasn't intended to. O was just screwing with Slim

You are grossly overrating O......he really believes that chart.........hey, he might be a client-in-waiting....

He's made clear he's laughing his fucking ass off at you.

So anyway, I said if you don't stop the yes you are/no you're not crap I'm done with you. You in your simpleton thought that meant I wouldn't respond to you. Being what you always are .. wrong .. I meant I was going to adapt your yes you are/no you aren't crap. Do you concede it would actually be more interesting to discuss issues and when I say something you agree with, you decide not to be a dick about it?

It wasn't even addressed to me originally......

Democrats caused recession in 2007

Note how O the Imbecile heaps praise on it.....

If you want to engage in an "interesting discussion", you might suppress your manifest predisposition to mendacity.

I have no such predisposition to mendicancy. You said you want to continue the yes it is/no it isn't argument. I simply granted you your request. So ... are you ready to let go of your crap and have an honest discussion????

This is, unambiguously, a fucking lie

You admitted that all you are trained to do is sell high load trust funds that pay you a mint and the company you work for a bunch of times more than that.

Though I welcome you to post any evidence you believe supports it.......we've been here before, haven't we?

No it isn't. Or sorry, is it time for yes it is?
It wasn't intended to. O was just screwing with Slim

You are grossly overrating O......he really believes that chart.........hey, he might be a client-in-waiting....

He's made clear he's laughing his fucking ass off at you.

So anyway, I said if you don't stop the yes you are/no you're not crap I'm done with you. You in your simpleton thought that meant I wouldn't respond to you. Being what you always are .. wrong .. I meant I was going to adapt your yes you are/no you aren't crap. Do you concede it would actually be more interesting to discuss issues and when I say something you agree with, you decide not to be a dick about it?

It wasn't even addressed to me originally......

Democrats caused recession in 2007

Note how O the Imbecile heaps praise on it.....

If you want to engage in an "interesting discussion", you might suppress your manifest predisposition to mendacity.

Agreed. Your original request was for yes it is. No it isn't. Waste of time if you fucking ask me. but you didn't

No...I invited YOU to provide any evidence that the dollar had been "devalued" by policies of the last few is your habit, you favor of boldly reasserting that it is so....


So why had the cost of a big mac gone up again ... then ... ?
George w Bush like Harding and Hover both deregulated in places they shouldn't have and caused great economic problems. Democrats like Obama have recovered us from their messes. No more republican messes.

Thanks for proving you have no clue. Why don't you get some of that education that you think is so important to have.
I have consistently said it had many causes and not one party or group is to blame. Here is a partial list from

So who is to blame? There’s plenty of blame to go around, and it doesn’t fasten only on one party or even mainly on what Washington did or didn’t do. As The Economist magazine noted recently, the problem is one of "layered irresponsibility … with hard-working homeowners and billionaire villains each playing a role." Here’s a partial list of those alleged to be at fault:
The Federal Reserve, which slashed interest rates after the dot-com bubble burst, making credit cheap.

Home buyers, who took advantage of easy credit to bid up the prices of homes excessively.

Congress, which continues to support a mortgage tax deduction that gives consumers a tax incentive to buy more expensive houses.

Real estate agents, most of whom work for the sellers rather than the buyers and who earned higher commissions from selling more expensive homes.

The Clinton administration, which pushed for less stringent credit and downpayment requirements for working- and middle-class families.

Mortgage brokers, who offered less-credit-worthy home buyers subprime, adjustable rate loans with low initial payments, but exploding interest rates.

Former Federal Reserve chairman Alan Greenspan, who in 2004, near the peak of the housing bubble, encouraged Americans to take out adjustable rate mortgages.

Wall Street firms, who paid too little attention to the quality of the risky loans that they bundled into Mortgage Backed Securities (MBS), and issued bonds using those securities as collateral.

The Bush administration, which failed to provide needed government oversight of the increasingly dicey mortgage-backed securities market.

An obscure accounting rule called mark-to-market, which can have the paradoxical result of making assets be worth less on paper than they are in reality during times of panic.

Collective delusion, or a belief on the part of all parties that home prices would keep rising forever, no matter how high or how fast they had already gone up.

The U.S. economy is enormously complicated. Screwing it up takes a great deal of cooperation. Claiming that a single piece of legislation was responsible for (or could have averted) the crisis is just political grandstanding. We have no advice to offer on how best to solve the financial crisis. But these sorts of partisan caricatures can only make the task more difficult.
–by Joe Miller and Brooks Jackson

Only partisan whackadoodles believe it was one party or the other party's fault. That is why we are doomed to repeat it, we haven't learned.

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Whenever democrats want to say that it was the economic policies of the repubican party that led to the recession of 2008, 2009, 2010, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, and 2016 then someone should just point out this video

There are plenty of other videos of democrats preventing people from addressing the issues that led to the housing bubble and collapse.

The Democrats didn't cause the collapse, but they had a chance to head it off and did nothing. In fact they were warned by Bush and he asked them to act 5 times. Each time they said no. They wanted it to happen so they could blame Bush and win elections.

You are clearly entirely unfamiliar with the FCIC report.....

Look who's calling the kettle BLACK, no pun intended...

The Housing Crisis / Mortgage Meltdown was directly linked to the belief you could own an asset of a home for no money of your own being invested, this mentality was born under CRA. Nothing prior to CRA allowed you to purchase a home without your own hard earned cash. The FCIC Report is another attempt to spread blame to Bush. The Sub Prime loan product was originally a very solid loan that required 70% to 80% LTV with rates at +3% to +4% over par for the borrower who had poor credit. In '96 Clinton created FHA DPA loans, essentially a Zero Down product with an inflated appraisal to cover the down payment and all closing cost. This loan had a long life until the Crisis had a major meltdown in late 2007. The repeal of Glass - Steagall in 1999 was the beginning of the commercial banks assault on Sub Prime lending. This alone blew the envelope wide open. You don't allow this type of lender into the residential mortgage business. We had millions of borrowers who had no business owning a home, but the combination of DC and Wall Street opened Pandora's Box to everyone.

The birth of the Zero Down Home Loan (which was CRA) is the basis for every bit of this mentality, deny it all you want, but Carter & Clinton made this possible...
I remember in the 90's mortgage companies popping up all over the place, wanting you to refi your home at over 25% the homes current value. People would then take all their debt and combine it under the mortgage. So. A car that was a five year loan got rolled over into a 33 year loan. Appraisers would make the value down for whatever the bank was asking for. It was insane. Then we had the dot com bubble, where company's with absolutely zero assets were selling stocks on Wall St. that were way overvalued. Then it came crashing down in 2000 resulting in the March 2001 recession. The bubble continued into the housing market further. People with bad credit, not enough income were buying homes that they couldn't afford. It had to end someday.

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Only partisan whackadoodles believe it was one party or the other party's fault. That is why we are doomed to repeat it, we haven't learned.

I agree with most of this, my experience though taught me a very clear lesson which is a constant in housing, you cannot allow anyone to purchase an asset with the value of a home for no money down and the lending guidelines for this type of product was made available to the public under the behest of Democrat Administrations.

I agree Bush should have done more to stop the eventual disaster, but I know the birth of this mentality falls under Carter and Clinton...

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