Democrats Celebrate 'Illegal People's Day'


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
And, in honor.....dishonor.....of the Democrats, it should be called "Hypocrite's Day."

Here we have every Democrat elite saying exactly what Trump has made as his nary a squawk from the any Leftist, Democrat, Liberal, Progressive, whatever...

How'd like Schumer referring to 'illegal immigrants'....yet the hypocrites refer to a national "Day Without Immigrants," when it clearly refers to ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS.....i.e., CRIMINALS.

Those of us who are legal immigrants are repulsed by these hypocrites.
And, in honor.....dishonor.....of the Democrats, it should be called "Hypocrite's Day."

Here we have every Democrat elite saying exactly what Trump has made as his nary a squawk from the any Leftist, Democrat, Liberal, Progressive, whatever...

How'd like Schumer referring to 'illegal immigrants'....yet the hypocrites refer to a national "Day Without Immigrants," when it clearly refers to ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS.....i.e., CRIMINALS.

Those of us who are legal immigrants are repulsed by these hypocrites.

Since the Democrat Party has been executing born and unborn babies in the millions, their voting base has dwindled down to a select moronic few, and back under Obama realized that if they didn't bring in slave labor(you know like the Democrats did before the civil war) soon, the Democrats would never again achieve power. Problem for them is, that now there is a President in office who actually wants to make America Great Again. This is why the leftwing Nutters are out in force, yet today, we will show those illegals that the US can live on, without them.
Purposely ignoring/avoiding the "illegal" part of the phrase has been fabulously successful for them.

Not honest, of course, but successful.
. certainly allows them to claim that Bill's wife won the popular vote.

"It's Official: Clinton's Popular Vote Win Came Entirely From California
If you take California out of the popular vote equation, then Trump wins the rest of the country by 1.4 million votes.
.... if you look at every other measure, Trump was the clear and decisive winner in this election."
It's Official: Clinton's Popular Vote Win Came Entirely From California

Think California is loaded with illegal alien voters??????

You betcha'!!!!

California has the largest number of illegal immigrants in the United States, with an estimated 2.4 million unauthorized immigrants making up about 6.3 percent of the state's total population, according to the Pew Research Center.Sep 14, 2015

Illegal Immigration Statistics in California -
And, in honor.....dishonor.....of the Democrats, it should be called "Hypocrite's Day."

Here we have every Democrat elite saying exactly what Trump has made as his nary a squawk from the any Leftist, Democrat, Liberal, Progressive, whatever...

How'd like Schumer referring to 'illegal immigrants'....yet the hypocrites refer to a national "Day Without Immigrants," when it clearly refers to ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS.....i.e., CRIMINALS.

Those of us who are legal immigrants are repulsed by these hypocrites.

Since the Democrat Party has been executing born and unborn babies in the millions, their voting base has dwindled down to a select moronic few, and back under Obama realized that if they didn't bring in slave labor(you know like the Democrats did before the civil war) soon, the Democrats would never again achieve power. Problem for them is, that now there is a President in office who actually wants to make America Great Again. This is why the leftwing Nutters are out in force, yet today, we will show those illegals that the US can live on, without them.

"...their voting base has dwindled down to a select moronic few,...."

A conscious decision on their part....
"The Future of the Obama Coalition
By THOMAS B. EDSALL NOVEMBER 27, 2011 11:34 PM November 27, 2011 11:34 pm
For decades, Democrats have suffered continuous and increasingly severe losses among white voters. But preparations by Democratic operatives for the 2012 election make it clear for the first time that the party will explicitly abandon the white working class."
"NEW YORK/WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Activists are calling on immigrants to protest President Donald Trump's tough stance on immigration [read as 'Illegal Immigrants] by staying home from work or school on Thursday, not shopping and not eating out, in an effort to highlight the vital role they play in U.S. society."

Gee....I didn't notice any change, much less any " vital role they play in U.S. society."

The Illegal People's Day protest was an unmitigated flop. fairness, it was a flop because the illegal immigrants didn't have an opportunity to do what they were brought here to to do: vote.

No elections today.

On the other hand, the Democrats would never have told illegals to stay home on an election day....would they.

I'm thinking the progressives need a national violent riot day to celebrate also.

They call for the right to look to secular law instead of religious laws to follow yet when the conservatives attempt to enforce said secular laws the progressives wish to burn down the town.

In many ways they are like children and don't know what they want.


"Some Local Restaurants Closed For National ‘Day Without Immigrants’"
Some Local Restaurants Closed For National 'Day Without Immigrants'

Consumers should take note of which restaurants closed in solidarity with invaders of this nation, and keep that in mind when choosing venues for future dinners.
Back in 2006 When George Bush was in office, and the debate over illegal immigration was continuing, Ruth Chris Steak House proudly acclaimed that they used illegals because some of the Dishwashing, no respectable US citizen wanted to do. So they use illegals because Ruth Chris doesn't respect them? I have ever since , not gone to that Steak House, and tell others not to frequent it either. The more US citizens do not participle in businesses who use illegals, then those businesses will eventually change their ways. 1 Customer at a time.
"Activists who oppose the president have started yet another online “movement” in an attempt to disrupt normal services. In a highly dishonest and misleading campaign, they have declared today to be “a day without immigrants.” (New York Times)

The campaign, spread on social media and messaging apps, has called for a “day without immigrants.” It asks foreign-born people nationwide, regardless of legal status, not to go to work or go shopping in a demonstration of the importance of their labor and consumer spending to the United States’ economy.

.....the entire premise of this campaign is fundamentally fraudulent. The organizers are encouraging everyone who is an immigrant “regardless of their legal status” to stay home from work today. The clear implication here is that all immigrants should be opposed to Donald Trump’s policies regarding illegal immigration.

This is not simply misleading, but rather an act of fraud. I have yet to meet a single person among the ranks of conservatives concerned about border security who is opposed to legal immigration...."
It’s time for the duplicitous “day without immigrants” - Hot Air
"Activists who oppose the president have started yet another online “movement” in an attempt to disrupt normal services. In a highly dishonest and misleading campaign, they have declared today to be “a day without immigrants.” (New York Times)

The campaign, spread on social media and messaging apps, has called for a “day without immigrants.” It asks foreign-born people nationwide, regardless of legal status, not to go to work or go shopping in a demonstration of the importance of their labor and consumer spending to the United States’ economy.

.....the entire premise of this campaign is fundamentally fraudulent. The organizers are encouraging everyone who is an immigrant “regardless of their legal status” to stay home from work today. The clear implication here is that all immigrants should be opposed to Donald Trump’s policies regarding illegal immigration.

This is not simply misleading, but rather an act of fraud. I have yet to meet a single person among the ranks of conservatives concerned about border security who is opposed to legal immigration...."
It’s time for the duplicitous “day without immigrants” - Hot Air
A joke I heard back in the late 1990's
A jet is flying over the Atlantic Ocean going from England to New York.
About 1/2 through the flight, the cockpit crew realize that they don't have enough fuel to make it all the way.
The Co-pilot heads to the back and throws out all the luggage, lightening the jet, but still isn't enough to make it.
They figure out that it would take 3 people to lighten the load for them to barely make it there.
So the Pilot asks for volunteers.
An English gentleman stands up and says "For the Queen" and throws himself off the plane.
A French man stands up and says "Viva La France" and throws himself off the plane.
A Texan stands up, grabs the Mexican sitting next to him and throws the Mexican off the plane, yelling "Remember the Alamo".

These illegals have no clue(along with the liberals who support them) how much they are playing with fire. Their time is coming.....
"Activists who oppose the president have started yet another online “movement” in an attempt to disrupt normal services. In a highly dishonest and misleading campaign, they have declared today to be “a day without immigrants.” (New York Times)

The campaign, spread on social media and messaging apps, has called for a “day without immigrants.” It asks foreign-born people nationwide, regardless of legal status, not to go to work or go shopping in a demonstration of the importance of their labor and consumer spending to the United States’ economy.

.....the entire premise of this campaign is fundamentally fraudulent. The organizers are encouraging everyone who is an immigrant “regardless of their legal status” to stay home from work today. The clear implication here is that all immigrants should be opposed to Donald Trump’s policies regarding illegal immigration.

This is not simply misleading, but rather an act of fraud. I have yet to meet a single person among the ranks of conservatives concerned about border security who is opposed to legal immigration...."
It’s time for the duplicitous “day without immigrants” - Hot Air
A joke I heard back in the late 1990's
A jet is flying over the Atlantic Ocean going from England to New York.
About 1/2 through the flight, the cockpit crew realize that they don't have enough fuel to make it all the way.
The Co-pilot heads to the back and throws out all the luggage, lightening the jet, but still isn't enough to make it.
They figure out that it would take 3 people to lighten the load for them to barely make it there.
So the Pilot asks for volunteers.
An English gentleman stands up and says "For the Queen" and throws himself off the plane.
A French man stands up and says "Viva La France" and throws himself off the plane.
A Texan stands up, grabs the Mexican sitting next to him and throws the Mexican off the plane, yelling "Remember the Alamo".

These illegals have no clue(along with the liberals who support them) how much they are playing with fire. Their time is coming.....

But...but.....the "Day Without [Illegal] Immigrants" brought this nation to a screaming halt!!

Oh...wait.... one even noticed.
"Activists who oppose the president have started yet another online “movement” in an attempt to disrupt normal services. In a highly dishonest and misleading campaign, they have declared today to be “a day without immigrants.” (New York Times)

The campaign, spread on social media and messaging apps, has called for a “day without immigrants.” It asks foreign-born people nationwide, regardless of legal status, not to go to work or go shopping in a demonstration of the importance of their labor and consumer spending to the United States’ economy.

.....the entire premise of this campaign is fundamentally fraudulent. The organizers are encouraging everyone who is an immigrant “regardless of their legal status” to stay home from work today. The clear implication here is that all immigrants should be opposed to Donald Trump’s policies regarding illegal immigration.

This is not simply misleading, but rather an act of fraud. I have yet to meet a single person among the ranks of conservatives concerned about border security who is opposed to legal immigration...."
It’s time for the duplicitous “day without immigrants” - Hot Air
A joke I heard back in the late 1990's
A jet is flying over the Atlantic Ocean going from England to New York.
About 1/2 through the flight, the cockpit crew realize that they don't have enough fuel to make it all the way.
The Co-pilot heads to the back and throws out all the luggage, lightening the jet, but still isn't enough to make it.
They figure out that it would take 3 people to lighten the load for them to barely make it there.
So the Pilot asks for volunteers.
An English gentleman stands up and says "For the Queen" and throws himself off the plane.
A French man stands up and says "Viva La France" and throws himself off the plane.
A Texan stands up, grabs the Mexican sitting next to him and throws the Mexican off the plane, yelling "Remember the Alamo".

These illegals have no clue(along with the liberals who support them) how much they are playing with fire. Their time is coming.....

But...but.....the "Day Without [Illegal] Immigrants" brought this nation to a screaming halt!!

Oh...wait.... one even noticed.

The Liberals want all immigrants to "appear" united, when, in fact, that is simply not true. The LEGAL Hispanic immigrants are not in favor of the ILLEGALS coming in and taking THEIR jobs and undercutting their wages.
"Activists who oppose the president have started yet another online “movement” in an attempt to disrupt normal services. In a highly dishonest and misleading campaign, they have declared today to be “a day without immigrants.” (New York Times)

The campaign, spread on social media and messaging apps, has called for a “day without immigrants.” It asks foreign-born people nationwide, regardless of legal status, not to go to work or go shopping in a demonstration of the importance of their labor and consumer spending to the United States’ economy.

.....the entire premise of this campaign is fundamentally fraudulent. The organizers are encouraging everyone who is an immigrant “regardless of their legal status” to stay home from work today. The clear implication here is that all immigrants should be opposed to Donald Trump’s policies regarding illegal immigration.

This is not simply misleading, but rather an act of fraud. I have yet to meet a single person among the ranks of conservatives concerned about border security who is opposed to legal immigration...."
It’s time for the duplicitous “day without immigrants” - Hot Air
A joke I heard back in the late 1990's
A jet is flying over the Atlantic Ocean going from England to New York.
About 1/2 through the flight, the cockpit crew realize that they don't have enough fuel to make it all the way.
The Co-pilot heads to the back and throws out all the luggage, lightening the jet, but still isn't enough to make it.
They figure out that it would take 3 people to lighten the load for them to barely make it there.
So the Pilot asks for volunteers.
An English gentleman stands up and says "For the Queen" and throws himself off the plane.
A French man stands up and says "Viva La France" and throws himself off the plane.
A Texan stands up, grabs the Mexican sitting next to him and throws the Mexican off the plane, yelling "Remember the Alamo".

These illegals have no clue(along with the liberals who support them) how much they are playing with fire. Their time is coming.....

But...but.....the "Day Without [Illegal] Immigrants" brought this nation to a screaming halt!!

Oh...wait.... one even noticed.

The Liberals want all immigrants to "appear" united, when, in fact, that is simply not true. The LEGAL Hispanic immigrants are not in favor of the ILLEGALS coming in and taking THEIR jobs and undercutting their wages.

Truth certainly isn't high.....or even the Liberal constellation.
And, in honor.....dishonor.....of the Democrats, it should be called "Hypocrite's Day."

Here we have every Democrat elite saying exactly what Trump has made as his nary a squawk from the any Leftist, Democrat, Liberal, Progressive, whatever...

How'd like Schumer referring to 'illegal immigrants'....yet the hypocrites refer to a national "Day Without Immigrants," when it clearly refers to ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS.....i.e., CRIMINALS.

Those of us who are legal immigrants are repulsed by these hypocrites.

Is this a joke or are Dem's really celebrating foreigners breaking our laws?
And, in honor.....dishonor.....of the Democrats, it should be called "Hypocrite's Day."

Here we have every Democrat elite saying exactly what Trump has made as his nary a squawk from the any Leftist, Democrat, Liberal, Progressive, whatever...

How'd like Schumer referring to 'illegal immigrants'....yet the hypocrites refer to a national "Day Without Immigrants," when it clearly refers to ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS.....i.e., CRIMINALS.

Those of us who are legal immigrants are repulsed by these hypocrites.

Is this a joke or are Dem's really celebrating foreigners breaking our laws?

And....what's truly telling is that it was such a flop that you never noticed it!

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