Democrats Change 181 Year-Old Rule To Allow Ilhan Omar To Wear Hijab In The House

Why is it sad?
I don't believe we should be in an uproar over people peacefully practicing their religion. Not even Islam.

So that judge who was ordered to remove the ten commandments from his court room wasn't peacefully practicing his religion?

See , this is what happens when people pick and choose which liberties they will defend rather than defending ALL liberty.
Hanging up a plaque advertising your religion in a government space is not the same as abiding by a rule of your religion. There is no rule saying that every Christian will hang a religious plaque in their home or place of business. Pretty sure about that.

wearing the clothing of Medieval days in Arabia is not a religious
requirement of any religion. That clothing is a COSTUME
Isn't Sharia Law part of the Muslim faith? Why is it that in Muslim countries that are not secular, women are REQUIRED to wear a headscarf?
Are you SURE it is not a rule of the religion? Or at least some branches of it?

I think it's actually a red herring to discuss whether or not her religion officially requires the hijab as a tenet of their beliefs, for the simple reason that it STILL leads us down the path of requiring people to vet their personal exercise of religion through other people.

As a Christian, I believe that it would be a sin for me to deliberately choose not to do something that God wants me to do. That applies even if it is not something that is universally and officially considered sinful by the church and other Christians. The sin is in the deliberate choice to disobey God.

Therefore, it would be a violation of my free exercise of religion to require me to do the opposite of what God wants of me, because you would basically be forcing me to commit a sin.

I'm not going to violate someone else's rights by forcing them to do something they would consider disobedience to their god without an extremely compelling reason to do so.
Except it was not changed for a Jew with generations of American-ness behind him, but for a newcomer.
Dumbfuck, with the lone exception of running for president of the United States of America, a citizen with “generations of American-ness” behind them are entitled to ALL the same rights and privileges as a citizen who was naturalized.

Just admit it, you hate Muslims and it’s driving you apeshit that a Muslim is going to get to wear a hijab in Congress.


Changing the rules for an individual's personal convenience is NOT a privilege that Americans have. If it was, we basically wouldn't have any rules.

And good choice of the word "Privilege", because that is what we are seeing in the quest for "diversity" and "tolerance".

Some people get special treatment, with the rules being changed or just ignored for their convenience or benefit.

I'm curious, are you also as upset or offended by the fact that the Senate changed their rules about family members on the floor to accommodate a representative (Tammy Duckworth) with a newborn she needed to breast feed?

Sen. Tammy Duckworth Can Now Breastfeed on Senate Floor Due to Rule Change

Well, as a native born American, she is not an immigrant demanding that we adapt to her, so not really relevant to the point I made.

But well I am not "upset" about it, I do disagree with it. Hand the kid off to someone for Christ's sake.

How is whether or not someone is native born relevant to the idea that "Changing the rules for an individual's personal convenience is NOT a privilege that Americans have"?

I believe I asked the same question, and have not yet received an answer. If we at some point started to have one set of rights for native-born citizens and another set for naturalized citizens, no one told me.
There are different sects of Islam just like Christianity and Judaism....the more orthodox Jewish men wear a yalmuke.....not all do. Are you going after them next?
That's an asinine question. Jews have served in Congress without feeling the need to wear their yarmulke or change
long standing House rules. You can do better than that...or perhaps not.

Can you name a single Orthodox Jew who has served in the House?

Do you even know the difference between an Orthodox Jew and other sorts of Jews?

Do you know the definition of the word "orthodox"?
The hijab is a sign of a woman’s submission to a man’s religion. Plus, she looks stupid.
Some men allege, women have to cover up, because there is not enough moral fortitude to go around.
Yes, Daniel, Muslim men have sex on the brain more than any religion I ever saw. Almost all their rules have to do with keeping their women from straying or from other men stealing them. lol

And in fact , most Muslim sects would forbid this woman from being a politician anyway. She's a Muslim when it's convenient for her, which isn't that unusual for religious people, but certainly takes away from the argument that this change HAD to be made so she didn't violate her religion, since her religion actually forbids her from serving anything except dinner anyway.

Yeah, or maybe her personal religious convictions are, y'know, personalized.

Christians practice their faith with an enormous spectrum of variety. Doesn't make one "more Christian" than another; just means they each have a different view of what God requires from them. And depending on the issue, they may actually all be right.

Likewise, not all Muslims are hardline fundamentalists, but even more . . . reformed, for lack of a better word, Muslim women still hold to a lot of the modesty requirements.

Bottom line, it's between her and Allah. If you aren't either of those people, your judgement is irrelevant.
The hijab is a wonderful example of submission and deference to the patriarchal culture that comprises Islam (and all the non believers that are all potential rape victims of it) and I imagine all the little girls who will be watching Ilhan Omar go about her business now will one day suddenly get the paradox of the DNC backing Omar and simultaneously pretending to be a champion of women's rights and a defender of their bodies in all ways.

What a great day that will be when the light bulb goes off in their heads.
The apparel concerned is not a requirement of the named religion. It is a symbol of the repression of women implicit in that religion.

The decision in question is not yours to make, so your opinion is irrelevant.

All you need to know is that SHE considers it necessary, and that it affects you not in the slightest.
The hijab is a sign of a woman’s submission to a man’s religion. Plus, she looks stupid.
Some men allege, women have to cover up, because there is not enough moral fortitude to go around.
Yes, Daniel, Muslim men have sex on the brain more than any religion I ever saw. Almost all their rules have to do with keeping their women from straying or from other men stealing them. lol

And in fact , most Muslim sects would forbid this woman from being a politician anyway. She's a Muslim when it's convenient for her, which isn't that unusual for religious people, but certainly takes away from the argument that this change HAD to be made so she didn't violate her religion, since her religion actually forbids her from serving anything except dinner anyway.

Yeah, or maybe her personal religious convictions are, y'know, personalized.

Christians practice their faith with an enormous spectrum of variety. Doesn't make one "more Christian" than another; just means they each have a different view of what God requires from them. And depending on the issue, they may actually all be right.

Likewise, not all Muslims are hardline fundamentalists, but even more . . . reformed, for lack of a better word, Muslim women still hold to a lot of the modesty requirements.

Bottom line, it's between her and Allah. If you aren't either of those people, your judgement is irrelevant.
So if she thinks that chopping off a robber's hand is ok (as per sharia), that's ok with you?
The apparel concerned is not a requirement of the named religion. It is a symbol of the repression of women implicit in that religion.

The decision in question is not yours to make, so your opinion is irrelevant.

All you need to know is that SHE considers it necessary, and that it affects you not in the slightest.
So if SHE considers it necessary to worship a prophet who was a pedophile, and wants to marry off HER 9 year old daughter to an old guy, you're ok with that?
No offense, but I don't accept anyone else's word for anything, ...

Can I tell your husband? :desk:

I don't know what sort of relationships YOU have, but my husband is not just "anyone". He is a separate, unique, special entity; almost an entire different and more highly-evolved species unto himself.

And I still don't take his word for things sometimes. And he's well aware of it.
Over 940 posts on a topic of no importance. Right wing frothing at its very best.
And now you have added your worthless opinion comprised of a mix of animal dung and ignorance.Well done.
Actually the issue is very important and filled with Constitutional issues but how could you possibly know that?
So then it would be ok for Republican Reps wear MAGA Caps, Fair is Fair

Not unless you can make a credible claim that your religious beliefs require it. As much as I think some people worship Trump, I still doubt anyone will take it seriously.
There are different sects of Islam just like Christianity and Judaism....the more orthodox Jewish men wear a yalmuke.....not all do. Are you going after them next?
That's an asinine question. Jews have served in Congress without feeling the need to wear their yarmulke or change
long standing House rules. You can do better than that...or perhaps not.

Can you name a single Orthodox Jew who has served in the House?

Do you even know the difference between an Orthodox Jew and other sorts of Jews?

Do you know the definition of the word "orthodox"?
Wait til an ultra-orthodox Jew is elected.....they will lose their minds!
The hijab is a sign of a woman’s submission to a man’s religion. Plus, she looks stupid.
Some men allege, women have to cover up, because there is not enough moral fortitude to go around.
Yes, Daniel, Muslim men have sex on the brain more than any religion I ever saw. Almost all their rules have to do with keeping their women from straying or from other men stealing them. lol

And in fact , most Muslim sects would forbid this woman from being a politician anyway. She's a Muslim when it's convenient for her, which isn't that unusual for religious people, but certainly takes away from the argument that this change HAD to be made so she didn't violate her religion, since her religion actually forbids her from serving anything except dinner anyway.
It's definitely a blend of culture and old religious laws. She was no doubt raised that it is the proper thing to do. It's like Rosie said, it wouldn't be lady-like to go around with her hair hanging out in public What our mama taught us can stick with us forever, ya know.

I mean I'm cool with it, I don't think it's something to get worked up about at all, but the fact remains she can't claim "my religion says I have to cover my head so change the rules" when her religion tells her she shouldn't be there in the first place........

Which is why I earlier was surprised that this was limited to religious head wear.

The truth is, this is yet another subject that is neither worth defending nor attacking.

The fact remains that YOU can't decide what she can and can't do. Your whole post is predicated on the idea that someone else gets to be the arbiter of "Yes, your religious belief is correct" and "No, your religion doesn't really teach that".

The truth is, your understanding of Islam - or any other religion - is irrelevant to someone else's beliefs. If SHE believes she can hold elected office but still needs to wear a hijab, then guess what? HER beliefs are not up for a vote.
Why not as a judge? It's gonna be covered by his robes anyways.
Because is anyone ever saw the shirt beneath the robes, a court clerk, a bystander, anyone, then Moore would be wide open to all the censures that the court handed down to him due to his posting of the Ten Commandments in his courthouse which is what brought him such legal disdain to begin with.
He isn't supposed to be bringing his religious fervor into the courthouse in any manner at all. It violates separation of church and state.
But now that concept has been broken by the democrats on behalf of Ilhan Omar so perhaps we will see the Ten Commandments in the court room once more.
Nope....but nice illustration of your fear fear FEAR!
Yeah, I have to wonder when accommodating the Constitutional rights of US citizens became "special treatment". I was pretty sure that was something that was supposed to be done for everyone.

Could a member of Congress carry a gun into a session of Congress?

The answer is no, rendering your argument that she has a Constitutional right to wear her hijjab as stupid as you are.

No, absolutely NO member of Congress - or staffer, or anyone else who isn't law enforcement - can carry a gun in the Capitol. What the fuck that has to do with changing the dress code so she can wear her hijab is beyond anyone rational.

Seriously, between you and Eric, I have to wonder if the local mental hospital didn't just get a new computer in the dayroom or something.

Dude. He crushed you.

Dude, all that means is "He agreed with me, so it was OBVIOUSLY a win."

And I'm not a dude.

No, I crushed your "Congress can't restrict her RIGHT" argument to pieces by pointing out that Congress doesn't permit it's members to carry firearms into chambers. That you are an idiot and didn't understand that point is of little concern to me..

No, you THOUGHT you crushed it, because you THOUGHT you made a valid point. Your opinion on that subject, like your opinion on whether or not Ms. Omar's beliefs are "real Islam", holds no weight.

That you are an idiot and refuse to hear anything but your own voice is of no concern to me whatsoever.

Your "brilliant" parallel of "a headscarf is JUST LIKE A GUN!" remains marginally less ludicrous than your long-lost twin Eric's attempt to equate a headscarf and a multi-ton statue, but that's literally the only good point about it.

Call me when you finally sack up enough to answer the question of, "What's the compelling interest in a woman's personal clothing beyond the fact that a handful of anti-Muslim bigots don't like it?" Because if I really have to treat the emanations from your face sphincter as though they're serious, thoughtful, and intelligent, then let's do this thing and get it over with.
Over 940 posts on a topic of no importance. Right wing frothing at its very best.
And now you have added your worthless opinion comprised of a mix of animal dung and ignorance.Well done.
Actually the issue is very important and filled with Constitutional issues but how could you possibly know that?
It really isnt. You just hate muslims and dont want to accomodate them. It makes you look small and mean spirited.The nasty party.

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