Democrats Continue Push To Take Democracy Away

Independent thinker

Diamond Member
Oct 15, 2015
First it was trying to take Trump off the ballots. Now it has moved on to trying to take all third party candidates off the ballots. I don't see Trump trying to take democracy away. I see democrats trying to take democracy away. Democrats want as many people to vote as possible, just as long as there is only one candidate on the ballot. Even Russia has more than one candidate on their ballots.

First it was trying to take Trump off the ballots. Now it has moved on to trying to take all third party candidates off the ballots. I don't see Trump trying to take democracy away. I see democrats trying to take democracy away. Democrats want as many people to vote as possible, just as long as there is only one candidate on the ballot. Even Russia has more than one candidate on their ballots.

Nah, Trump only tried to relitigate the election on the day of recording the Electoral votes, disregarding those he does not like and substitute fake electors, no picked by the voters, and if that does not work, gin up a mob to march on the capital, to stop the vote and convince house and senate the election was rigged, (though every agency of his administration, all courts, and most of his cabinet say it wasn't as there was no proof. He has said electors should be picked by governor or state legislatures. He wanted to have military seize voting machines and do the election over, but obviously the military (upholding their oath to the constitution [unlike him]) would not go along with it. Now he wants to get rid of 95% of civil servants, make those post political appointees, to avoid getting ratted out, when he want to break the law, since last time, nobody would go along with him, when he wanted to have leaders executed. He does not have many ties to democratic forms of government, as all his heroes are Communists or totalitarian controllers, and he has little use for the democratically elected leaders of most of our allies.
Nah, Trump only tried to relitigate the election on the day of recording the Electoral votes, disregarding those he does not like and substitute fake electors, no picked by the voters, and if that does not work, gin up a mob to march on the capital, to stop the vote and convince house and senate the election was rigged,
Not true White, there's a ton of evidence to prove that the election was stolen from Trump.
Nobody wants to see violence to take it back and so it will have to be closely monitored by Trump's people.
Nah, Trump only tried to relitigate the election on the day of recording the Electoral votes, disregarding those he does not like and substitute fake electors, no picked by the voters, and if that does not work, gin up a mob to march on the capital, to stop the vote and convince house and senate the election was rigged, (though every agency of his administration, all courts, and most of his cabinet say it wasn't as there was no proof. He has said electors should be picked by governor or state legislatures. He wanted to have military seize voting machines and do the election over, but obviously the military (upholding their oath to the constitution [unlike him]) would not go along with it. Now he wants to get rid of 95% of civil servants, make those post political appointees, to avoid getting ratted out, when he want to break the law, since last time, nobody would go along with him, when he wanted to have leaders executed. He does not have many ties to democratic forms of government, as all his heroes are Communists or totalitarian controllers, and he has little use for the democratically elected leaders of most of our allies.
Spoken like a true traitor and America-hater.
Nothing they won’t do as we’ve seen 2008-2012 throwing tens of millions out of work, out of homes, causing divorce, suicide, homelessness and more. Then they launched and spread a virus killing millions of elderly, now killing millions globally from the vaccie “the cure”, then bankrupting, harrassing (using rigged courts) of any opposition, jailing first-time non-violent J6 Capitol observers (destroying hundreds of families) children left w/o one or both parents) over very little compared to marxist riots over 50 years. Yes, all D and all middlers OK with D are Evil dirty puppy-kicking, child-beating, black crank sucking scum despite their refusal to admit to it.
Not true White, there's a ton of evidence to prove that the election was stolen from Trump.
Nobody wants to see violence to take it back and so it will have to be closely monitored by Trump's people.
There was not a ton of evidence. What evidence that was submitted was bullsh#t. He simply lost by a large margin, just like everybody in his administration told him. He admits it.

First it was trying to take Trump off the ballots. Now it has moved on to trying to take all third party candidates off the ballots. I don't see Trump trying to take democracy away. I see democrats trying to take democracy away. Democrats want as many people to vote as possible, just as long as there is only one candidate on the ballot. Even Russia has more than one candidate on their ballots.

It is why I have refused to call them the DEMOCRATIC PARTY for some years now. I was censored once on a website because I refuse to use that term when there is nothing democratic about them. The should be relabeled the AUTOCRATIC PARTY since they probably wouldn't go for NEOMARXIST.

There are still some sensible and thoughtful Democrats out there who are genuinely good people, good citizens, good neighbors, etc. I think they either just shut the evil in their party out of their minds--are in a state of denial--or stay with the party out of force of habit or because they have always been Democrats. But there are many who are abandoning that party for the same reason I did long ago--the party no longer represents them but rather represents something they want no part of and do not wish to be associated with. Or they see something better in the philosophy of those who reject the evil that the Democrat base has become.
Spoken like a true traitor and America-hater.
Nah. I am not like you and Trump. You are the traitors. I served my country, and saluted our flag in this country and others, as an Officer and a gentleman, never forsaking my oath to the country and the constitution, unlike Donald Trump.
There was not a ton of evidence. What evidence that was submitted was bullsh#t. He simply lost by a large margin, just like everybody in his administration told him. He admits it.

The majority don't agree with you. And now Trump has blown the whistle on America starting the war against Russia.

Trump's supporters are coming out in the thousands to support his proof! And Biden's people are now afraid to even address the facts. Are you?
There are still some sensible and thoughtful Democrats out there who are genuinely good people, good citizens, good neighbors, etc. I think they either just shut the evil in their party out of their minds--are in a state of denial--or stay with the party out of force of habit or because they have always been Democrats

Not on this site or any outside that self identify. They are lockstep goons. Apparently too low in intelligence to realize what they actually support. Even a Police state situation does not phase them. Intentionally Killing citizens they ignore. On and on.
They ignore video evidence, vote spikes at 3AM in six states, 1000s affidavits, missing data, deleted scans, sig review ignored, tens of millions bogus names on voter rolls, flood of mai-in ballots, un-monitored drop boxes, corrupted courts, judges, etc. too stupid to come in from the rain….they must be dragged. #nomercy #allhate #alldayeverday. Including the phony enablers claiming middle lol!
Not on this site or any outside that self identify. They are lockstep goons. Apparently too low in intelligence to realize what they actually support. Even a Police state situation does not phase them. Intentionally Killing citizens they ignore. On and on.
I agree the vast majority are as you describe. I don't know how many of them there are actually though as I suspect many, maybe most, are socks. But I disagree there are no common sense Democrats posting at USMB as I count several as friends. I may not agree with and may argue passionately against their point of view, but they do not deserve to be lumped in with the trolls.
The majority don't agree with you. And now Trump has blown the whistle on America starting the war against Russia.

Trump's supporters are coming out in the thousands to support his proof! And Biden's people are now afraid to even address the facts. Are you?
The majority agree with me. Trump tried to change the outcome, after the election was over, having failed in the recounts, the state houses, the courts. He lost. You idiots failed to overthrow it.
First it was trying to take Trump off the ballots. Now it has moved on to trying to take all third party candidates off the ballots. I don't see Trump trying to take democracy away. I see democrats trying to take democracy away. Democrats want as many people to vote as possible, just as long as there is only one candidate on the ballot. Even Russia has more than one candidate on their ballots.

Wow have you ever got that backwards.

Why is it that you kids with "thinker" in your screen name seem to avoid doing much of it?

RFK is a brain worm victim and tRump a convicted felon. Neither one qualifies for the presidency.

Hell neither one qualifies for dog catcher.
Nah. I am not like you and Trump. You are the traitors. I served my country, and saluted our flag in this country and others, as an Officer and a gentleman, never forsaking my oath to the country and the constitution, unlike Donald Trump.
So why do you hate the Republic?

Every single time there is a half-way viable third choice the dems have tried to move heaven and earth to keep them off of state ballots.....Hell I think NY has a handbook on the practice.

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