Democrats? Did Trump Just Piss In Your Kool-Aid?

Once in a great while and I do mean seldom, VERY seldom something happens in politics. Raw un-sugar coated HONESTY enters. And so we saw that this last week. Will it result in a Trump win? I think not but the effect is truly left to unfold.

Trump made a comment about ILLEGAL immigration and his comment is backed by stats from the DOJ and DHS and the FBI plus our prison system. PC does NOT trump FACT {pun intended} and Democrats despite their PC complaints SAW an 8 point rise in Trump's numbers in 24 hours.

The man is now LEADING in a half dozen poles and at least THREE states. Not bad for somebody who just started. Was it a demographic shift? No, it was a demographic speaking up and supporting and don't think for a minute EVERY person running against him did not notice.

You have other people out there who would gladly give one million dollars for an 8 point jump. But they CAN'T buy it they are going to have to SAY it. Trump made a statement and AMERICA made it a front burner issue. So the issue NOBODY wanted to really talk about is now the issue NOBODY can run from.

You see somebody ELSE running is going to want that 8 point jump. Somebody ELSE running wants those Trump supporters. And with an 8 point jump and supporters comes MONEY and who cannot use that?

So Democrats DID Trump just piss in your Kool-Aid? Yes and he and MANY Americans are smiling. Because given the chance he's going to crap in YOUR Corn Flakes as well.

Trump may not win BUT honesty and FACT just TRUMPED PC and sugar coating. And once you take away PC and sugar coating democrats have NO platform. Trump is laughing at you democrats and NOW more and more of America is as well.


I hope he wins the primaries !!! Then the white christian party will get clocked big time in the general election!!
Oh the rabid dog makes mistakes yes. But IF he bites you just right the result is YOUR loss no matter if he is there at the finish or not.
The rabid dog is doomed.
Yes they are but so are the others he bites. Can you just picture Trump tearing into Hillary's finances?
Trump is a national joke. If you want to invest him with credibility, that's fine. But your credibility rides right along with Trump's.

Trump is a firebrand, a demagogue, a clown. And he will be no where to be found a year from today. By that time,. the Republicans will have a nominee and it could be anyone but Trump, Carson, Jihndal, Santorum, and Paul.

The Republicans may be crazy, but they're not stupid.

Do you really believe Trump is a clown? He has a first-class education; he has been in business for over 44 years, amassing a fortune; he's been on the New York Times Best Seller List; and, he had the number one television show. You really can't be stupid and have his qualifications.
While I'm not a fan, I do listen to what he has to say because I've been taught to listen to all sides before I make my decisions. One thing for sure, he has most people's attention and is giving them a reason to think.
Trump, no doubt, does what he does very successfully. But his manner in the political arena is amateurish at best, divisive at worst. He is public ally demonstrating what sort of leader he would be. And that's a pathetic image.

Trump, like all rabid right wingers, ignores the census and demography. If he thinks it is a good idea to offend the Latino voting base, will the Republican National Party go along? Even as the Republicans took a good hard think about that very issue?

Who was the presidential candidate who could not remember the three things he was running on?
As I said, I'm not a fan of Trump's, but I would like to see him debating the other candidates because he does answer the questions. I give him a lot of credit for shining the spotlight on 'sanctuary cities,' who are in defiance of federal law, but no one is doing anything about it.
Trump is a winner, not a loser.
Once in a great while and I do mean seldom, VERY seldom something happens in politics. Raw un-sugar coated HONESTY enters. And so we saw that this last week. Will it result in a Trump win? I think not but the effect is truly left to unfold.

Trump made a comment about ILLEGAL immigration and his comment is backed by stats from the DOJ and DHS and the FBI plus our prison system. PC does NOT trump FACT {pun intended} and Democrats despite their PC complaints SAW an 8 point rise in Trump's numbers in 24 hours.

The man is now LEADING in a half dozen poles and at least THREE states. Not bad for somebody who just started. Was it a demographic shift? No, it was a demographic speaking up and supporting and don't think for a minute EVERY person running against him did not notice.

You have other people out there who would gladly give one million dollars for an 8 point jump. But they CAN'T buy it they are going to have to SAY it. Trump made a statement and AMERICA made it a front burner issue. So the issue NOBODY wanted to really talk about is now the issue NOBODY can run from.

You see somebody ELSE running is going to want that 8 point jump. Somebody ELSE running wants those Trump supporters. And with an 8 point jump and supporters comes MONEY and who cannot use that?

So Democrats DID Trump just piss in your Kool-Aid? Yes and he and MANY Americans are smiling. Because given the chance he's going to crap in YOUR Corn Flakes as well.

Trump may not win BUT honesty and FACT just TRUMPED PC and sugar coating. And once you take away PC and sugar coating democrats have NO platform. Trump is laughing at you democrats and NOW more and more of America is as well.

Trump practices Knee Jerk Politics, that is; he says what he feels, the things we all feel when we are totally discussed with Washington. Build a wall across the southern border and make the Mexicans pay for it. Bomb the Arab oil fields to cut off the money to ISIS. How many times have we heard people say nuke the bastard, send them all back to Africa, Mexico, or wherever. When a politician, or should I say a showman such as Trump expresses the frustrations we all feel, he get's our attention. However, for a presidential candidate to succeed, he must have policies and plans that will stand up under scrutiny. That Trump does not have.

I certainly hope he makes it to the debates. It would be the show of the year.
I am not saying Trump will win. I AM saying Trump will shake things up for BOTH sides and THAT is a good idea.
Trump will bow out of the race just as he did in 2008 and 2012 and his impact will be no greater today than it was then.
He may well bow out later, but given his 8 point jump?
Could be much later and plenty of time to tear things up a bit.
I NEVER said he was going to win, but he WILL change the dynamics of the fight.

Got to love the irony in Dark Fury's signature.

The greatest threat to the world is Islam.
The greatest threat to our nation is Democrats


Heritage not HATE
Hillary FOR Prison 2016!

The greatest threat to the world is Islam.
The greatest threat to our nation is Democrats
Hillary FOR Prison 2016!

So he says three hate filled sentences and then says 'Heritage not HATE'
Once in a great while and I do mean seldom, VERY seldom something happens in politics. Raw un-sugar coated HONESTY enters. And so we saw that this last week. Will it result in a Trump win? I think not but the effect is truly left to unfold.

Trump made a comment about ILLEGAL immigration and his comment is backed by stats from the DOJ and DHS and the FBI plus our prison system. PC does NOT trump FACT {pun intended} and Democrats despite their PC complaints SAW an 8 point rise in Trump's numbers in 24 hours.

The man is now LEADING in a half dozen poles and at least THREE states. Not bad for somebody who just started. Was it a demographic shift? No, it was a demographic speaking up and supporting and don't think for a minute EVERY person running against him did not notice.

You have other people out there who would gladly give one million dollars for an 8 point jump. But they CAN'T buy it they are going to have to SAY it. Trump made a statement and AMERICA made it a front burner issue. So the issue NOBODY wanted to really talk about is now the issue NOBODY can run from.

You see somebody ELSE running is going to want that 8 point jump. Somebody ELSE running wants those Trump supporters. And with an 8 point jump and supporters comes MONEY and who cannot use that?

So Democrats DID Trump just piss in your Kool-Aid? Yes and he and MANY Americans are smiling. Because given the chance he's going to crap in YOUR Corn Flakes as well.

Trump may not win BUT honesty and FACT just TRUMPED PC and sugar coating. And once you take away PC and sugar coating democrats have NO platform. Trump is laughing at you democrats and NOW more and more of America is as well.


I hope he wins the primaries !!! Then the white christian party will get clocked big time in the general election!!
Shove off clown trash. NOBODY reads you or wants you.
Once in a great while and I do mean seldom, VERY seldom something happens in politics. Raw un-sugar coated HONESTY enters. And so we saw that this last week. Will it result in a Trump win? I think not but the effect is truly left to unfold.

Trump made a comment about ILLEGAL immigration and his comment is backed by stats from the DOJ and DHS and the FBI plus our prison system. PC does NOT trump FACT {pun intended} and Democrats despite their PC complaints SAW an 8 point rise in Trump's numbers in 24 hours.

The man is now LEADING in a half dozen poles and at least THREE states. Not bad for somebody who just started. Was it a demographic shift? No, it was a demographic speaking up and supporting and don't think for a minute EVERY person running against him did not notice.

You have other people out there who would gladly give one million dollars for an 8 point jump. But they CAN'T buy it they are going to have to SAY it. Trump made a statement and AMERICA made it a front burner issue. So the issue NOBODY wanted to really talk about is now the issue NOBODY can run from.

You see somebody ELSE running is going to want that 8 point jump. Somebody ELSE running wants those Trump supporters. And with an 8 point jump and supporters comes MONEY and who cannot use that?

So Democrats DID Trump just piss in your Kool-Aid? Yes and he and MANY Americans are smiling. Because given the chance he's going to crap in YOUR Corn Flakes as well.

Trump may not win BUT honesty and FACT just TRUMPED PC and sugar coating. And once you take away PC and sugar coating democrats have NO platform. Trump is laughing at you democrats and NOW more and more of America is as well.


I hope he wins the primaries !!! Then the white christian party will get clocked big time in the general election!!
Shove off clown trash. NOBODY reads you or wants you.

Sorry Dark Fury but Guno has a lot more credibility than you.

I don't think you get it Trump is a god send fro the Democratic party... The guy is a clown and the republicans have him 2nd in the polls... Independents are running...

Looking ahead to the general election, Clinton continues to hold significant leads over Bush (54% Clinton to 41% Bush) and Christie (56% Clinton to 37% Christie). She has also opened up wide leads over Rubio (56% Clinton to 39% Rubio) and Walker (57% Clinton to 38% Walker), as those two have slipped among independents. Clinton's clearest advantage, however, is over Donald Trump, 59% say they would vote for Clinton if the 2016 match-up were between her and Trump, 34% say they would back Trump.

So Clinton holds very dominative positions over all the GOP candidates.
The family/friends and a lot of Americans are NOT laughing about the FIVE TIME deported ILLEGAL that KILLED an American CITIZEN now are they?

Nor do they seem to be laughing at 'sanctuary cities.' By the way, do sanctuary cities defy federal law?

Of course they do!!

Now go tell the people who actually argued for them that they can't do that!

A little history can save you a lot of pain.

Is history alleviating the pain being experienced by Kathryn Steinle's family?

Don't know
Ask your religious leader--he probably had more to do with sanctuary cities than any Democrat!!o_O

Again, a little history will save you all some pain.

Hint--churches used to provide sanctuary.

Separation of church and state ring a bell?

Thank you
Now tell those damn christian conservatives that. Point the finger to those who imposed these policies upon us--the christian wing of the damn Republican party!

Got it? Good!
Trump's ratings went up so fast because he is truly what the right wants.....A crazy arrogant hypocrite who has no chance of doing anything but hurt his own party.
And that's exactly why the GOP is doing everything it can to see Trump never appears in the primary debates. The last thing the GOP needs is Trump on the debate stage, telling the moderator to shut up and telling Ted Cruz that he shouldn't be on the stage because he's not a native born American.
America has quit caring about PC. This country is SO polarized that a good hard scrap might just be the cure INSIDE the parties and BETWEEN the parties.
A good hard scrap has been going on in Washington for years and has helped keep the country polarized. We certainly don't need any more it which is what Trump stands for. He insults and antagonizing people and he's a bully, just about the worst characteristics you can have in a US president.

I can understand Trumps appeal to many people. They want someone that will set Congress straight and not take any shit off anybody. However, that won't work, not with Congress, heads of state, nor the Media. You don't get the cooperation of the Pres. of Mexico on boarder issues by accusing him of sending rapist and murders into the US. Tell Putin too sit down and shut and you can end up starting a war.
Once in a great while and I do mean seldom, VERY seldom something happens in politics. Raw un-sugar coated HONESTY enters. And so we saw that this last week. Will it result in a Trump win? I think not but the effect is truly left to unfold.

Trump made a comment about ILLEGAL immigration and his comment is backed by stats from the DOJ and DHS and the FBI plus our prison system. PC does NOT trump FACT {pun intended} and Democrats despite their PC complaints SAW an 8 point rise in Trump's numbers in 24 hours.

The man is now LEADING in a half dozen poles and at least THREE states. Not bad for somebody who just started. Was it a demographic shift? No, it was a demographic speaking up and supporting and don't think for a minute EVERY person running against him did not notice.

You have other people out there who would gladly give one million dollars for an 8 point jump. But they CAN'T buy it they are going to have to SAY it. Trump made a statement and AMERICA made it a front burner issue. So the issue NOBODY wanted to really talk about is now the issue NOBODY can run from.

You see somebody ELSE running is going to want that 8 point jump. Somebody ELSE running wants those Trump supporters. And with an 8 point jump and supporters comes MONEY and who cannot use that?

So Democrats DID Trump just piss in your Kool-Aid? Yes and he and MANY Americans are smiling. Because given the chance he's going to crap in YOUR Corn Flakes as well.

Trump may not win BUT honesty and FACT just TRUMPED PC and sugar coating. And once you take away PC and sugar coating democrats have NO platform. Trump is laughing at you democrats and NOW more and more of America is as well.

Trump practices Knee Jerk Politics, that is; he says what he feels, the things we all feel when we are totally discussed with Washington. Build a wall across the southern border and make the Mexicans pay for it. Bomb the Arab oil fields to cut off the money to ISIS. How many times have we heard people say nuke the bastard, send them all back to Africa, Mexico, or wherever. When a politician, or should I say a showman such as Trump expresses the frustrations we all feel, he get's our attention. However, for a presidential candidate to succeed, he must have policies and plans that will stand up under scrutiny. That Trump does not have.

I certainly hope he makes it to the debates. It would be the show of the year.
I am not saying Trump will win. I AM saying Trump will shake things up for BOTH sides and THAT is a good idea.
Trump will bow out of the race just as he did in 2008 and 2012 and his impact will be no greater today than it was then.
He may well bow out later, but given his 8 point jump?
Could be much later and plenty of time to tear things up a bit.
I NEVER said he was going to win, but he WILL change the dynamics of the fight.
If Trump does well in some primaries and get's into the debates, the media is going to make him the the face of the Republican Party. All the lunatic quotes, threats, and insults are going to comeback on the party. That's why the GOP is doing everything in it's power to stop him. I wouldn't be surprised if Trump was getting contributions from Democrat PACS..
Once in a great while and I do mean seldom, VERY seldom something happens in politics. Raw un-sugar coated HONESTY enters. And so we saw that this last week. Will it result in a Trump win? I think not but the effect is truly left to unfold.

Trump made a comment about ILLEGAL immigration and his comment is backed by stats from the DOJ and DHS and the FBI plus our prison system. PC does NOT trump FACT {pun intended} and Democrats despite their PC complaints SAW an 8 point rise in Trump's numbers in 24 hours.

The man is now LEADING in a half dozen poles and at least THREE states. Not bad for somebody who just started. Was it a demographic shift? No, it was a demographic speaking up and supporting and don't think for a minute EVERY person running against him did not notice.

You have other people out there who would gladly give one million dollars for an 8 point jump. But they CAN'T buy it they are going to have to SAY it. Trump made a statement and AMERICA made it a front burner issue. So the issue NOBODY wanted to really talk about is now the issue NOBODY can run from.

You see somebody ELSE running is going to want that 8 point jump. Somebody ELSE running wants those Trump supporters. And with an 8 point jump and supporters comes MONEY and who cannot use that?

So Democrats DID Trump just piss in your Kool-Aid? Yes and he and MANY Americans are smiling. Because given the chance he's going to crap in YOUR Corn Flakes as well.

Trump may not win BUT honesty and FACT just TRUMPED PC and sugar coating. And once you take away PC and sugar coating democrats have NO platform. Trump is laughing at you democrats and NOW more and more of America is as well.

Trump practices Knee Jerk Politics, that is; he says what he feels, the things we all feel when we are totally discussed with Washington. Build a wall across the southern border and make the Mexicans pay for it. Bomb the Arab oil fields to cut off the money to ISIS. How many times have we heard people say nuke the bastard, send them all back to Africa, Mexico, or wherever. When a politician, or should I say a showman such as Trump expresses the frustrations we all feel, he get's our attention. However, for a presidential candidate to succeed, he must have policies and plans that will stand up under scrutiny. That Trump does not have.

I certainly hope he makes it to the debates. It would be the show of the year.
I am not saying Trump will win. I AM saying Trump will shake things up for BOTH sides and THAT is a good idea.
Trump will bow out of the race just as he did in 2008 and 2012 and his impact will be no greater today than it was then.
He may well bow out later, but given his 8 point jump?
Could be much later and plenty of time to tear things up a bit.
I NEVER said he was going to win, but he WILL change the dynamics of the fight.
If Trump does well in some primaries and get's into the debates, the media is going to make him the the face of the Republican Party. All the lunatic quotes, threats, and insults are going to comeback on the party. That's why the GOP is doing everything in it's power to stop him. I wouldn't be surprised if Trump was getting contributions from Democrat PACS..
The 8 point jump in ratings means he hit the right button on immigration. Let him hit another button and we can judge it then. Maybe his luck was one time but then again maybe not.
I can't WAIT for the debates.

It's going to be fuckin' awesome!

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