Democrats’ extremism, incivility, gaslighting precludes civil response

Gee, that's just an outright lie. Never a good way to start a thread yet all too common among The Following.
Please hypocrite....Look at your posting history....
What's revisionist about calling Washington and Jefferson, slavers and Jefferson a rapist? Go ahead and explain to us how little you know. 😄
Because it lacks context...But you know this...
They seem very Truman-like to me.

He was a monstrous psychopath who supported Hitler & committed the greatest acts of terrorism in human history.
I'm sure every Republican to you seems so....
What's revisionist about calling Washington and Jefferson, slavers and Jefferson a rapist? Go ahead and explain to us how little you know. 😄
Nah, I'll just let your stupidity stand on its own, and let it be here in black and white for all to see your disdain for America...
Nah, I'll just let your stupidity stand on its own, and let it be here in black and white for all to see your disdain for America...
I'm more than happy for it to stay there as your admission that they were slavers and rapists and you crying about the lack of context that you thinks makes those atrocious acts acceptable. I notice how you bitched out on giving that context though....
How you want to frame them being slavers and rapists is your business, I'm only stating factually that they were. That's not revisionist, it's just objectively true.

I'm more than happy for it to stay there as your admission that they were slavers and rapists and you crying about the lack of context that you thinks makes those atrocious acts acceptable. I notice how you bitched out on giving that context though....
Your disgusting statements say loud and clear what you are...
The FBI and AntiFa on a false flag mission...
We know you hate the country already.....No need to continue to demonstrate it...
Nope. Just the slavers and their ignorant idolaters. Harriet Tubman was just about one of the greatest Americans to ever live. That's the America I celebrate. Not the deplorable mutant slavers.
See for yourself...

All of these posts were by your fellow Confederates who can’t stop thinking of pedophilia....

All are from the past 7 days. What is it with you guys and thinking about naked kids? I know you’re all INCELs but have some decency
Hey, you're the one that elected the pedophile. Don't whine to us.
Nope. Just the slavers and their ignorant idolaters. Harriet Tubman was just about one of the greatest Americans to ever live. That's the America I celebrate. Not the deplorable mutant slavers.
Without those men, there wouldn't be America.
Without those men, there wouldn't be America.
Nothing that exists now would exist without what came before. If things happened differently in the past then they would be different today. You could make the same exact argument about Hitler. Without Hitler and the Nazis we wouldn't have the world we have today. We don't have the state of Israel. We wouldn't have the so called "greatest generation". That doesn't mean we have to celebrate Hitler.

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