Democrats’ extremism, incivility, gaslighting precludes civil response

Democrats, and especially liberal progressives in here don't want a civility...They dream, as leading figures like Hillary call for interment camps for those that oppose their sick, warped ideology, this is nothing new....

From George Bernard Shaw in the 20s, to Alinsky, and Ayres in the 70s, to now the likes of party leaders like Clinton today, they are sociopaths that would go as far as to murder those who refuse to bend the knee to their ideological vision, and pledge allegiance....They are worse than the Nazi's of the 30s, they are the destroyers of freedom...
They seem very Truman-like to me.

He was a monstrous psychopath who supported Hitler & committed the greatest acts of terrorism in human history.
The original Republicans would not recognize this party, particularly post-Civil War Radical Republicans. You know, the ones that stood up for blacks and opposed white privilege!
I don't know, they might feel right at home. The Grant administration might go down as the most corrupt in American History. Credit Mobilier, Black Friday, the Whiskey Ring, and the Indian Ring.

Hayes sure didn't stand up for blacks. He ended Reconstruction, albeit as part of the deal that handed the disputed presidency to him. Interestingly enough, his deal with the Southern states was eerily similar to Trump's deal with the Taliban. The Southern states "promised" they would respect and protect the rights of African-Americans, LOL.
Democrats, and especially liberal progressives in here don't want a civility...They dream, as leading figures like Hillary call for interment camps for those that oppose their sick, warped ideology, this is nothing new....

From George Bernard Shaw in the 20s, to Alinsky, and Ayres in the 70s, to now the likes of party leaders like Clinton today, they are sociopaths that would go as far as to murder those who refuse to bend the knee to their ideological vision, and pledge allegiance....They are worse than the Nazi's of the 30s, they are the destroyers of freedom...
Don't start nothing, there won't be nothing.
Democrats, and especially liberal progressives in here don't want a civility...They dream, as leading figures like Hillary call for interment camps for those that oppose their sick, warped ideology, this is nothing new....

From George Bernard Shaw in the 20s, to Alinsky, and Ayres in the 70s, to now the likes of party leaders like Clinton today, they are sociopaths that would go as far as to murder those who refuse to bend the knee to their ideological vision, and pledge allegiance....They are worse than the Nazi's of the 30s, they are the destroyers of freedom...
Total USMBcon horseshit.
Who attacked the capitol
The FBI and AntiFa on a false flag mission...
staged an insurrection
Tell me who was charged with insurrection? Anyone? No.
and tried to install a dictator?
Trump wasn't a dictator at all, that is just extremist rhetoric.
It sure as fuck wasn't the Democrats.
Ever hear of CHOP/CHAZ? Now that WAS an insurrection.
You post is worse than garbage, it's a lie.
Nope, you just don't like the truth.
Hillary and the other democrats do have some programs to help the average Americans. Republicans wouldn't piss on the average working stiff. Add this murderous trump piece of shit to the republican mix and we get a dictator ship. Notice how trump felt more more at home with the likes of Putin and other dictators like the Arabs? Hell, they even gave a couple of billion to trump's son in law. And all the republicans can come up with is Bidens son.
If you can't use enough common sense to see that your drooling mental basket case is a puppet of China, bought and paid for, then there is nothing you can add to this thread other than your hurt feelings.
Alinsky was a radical and liberals are not radicals.

“Liberals like people with their head,” Alinsky wrote, while “radicals like people with both their head and their heart.”

Liberals today are exactly radicals....And employ Alinsky's Rules daily.
I know my history, not the revisionist crap you people come up with...
What's revisionist about calling Washington and Jefferson, slavers and Jefferson a rapist? Go ahead and explain to us how little you know. 😄

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