Democrats Fast-Track Bill To Override Hobby Lobby Decision

The internet does not provide sampling results for each and every industrial hygiene survey. What's the PEL for lead based paint? For asbestos? for copper sulfate? How many decibels can a human be exposed to for what period before permanent hearing loss occurs? What's the percentage of O2 that is considered unhealthy? Lethal?

Without bureaucrats, this WOULD be the 1920s.

You're describing standards not regulations.
And the 1920s, an era marked by widespread prosperity and increasing life spans would be far preferable to this economic hell hole the Dems have created.
Would you eliminate OSHA? How about NIOSH? How about collective bargaining rights? How about overtime pay or paid family leave? How about eliminating the eight hour work day or the five day work week? What rights do workers have? Or are the only rights that count held by the employers?

What about standards? Who do you think e4stablishes them? Employers? Or bureaucrats armed with science? And why is it so common among Conservatives to first screw the working man blue then dismiss relevant science as "junk" science?

Yup every one of them would be gone.
Now tell me how we'll go back to sweat shops and employers paying 10 cents an hour if we do that. I double dare you.
You're describing standards not regulations.
And the 1920s, an era marked by widespread prosperity and increasing life spans would be far preferable to this economic hell hole the Dems have created.
Would you eliminate OSHA? How about NIOSH? How about collective bargaining rights? How about overtime pay or paid family leave? How about eliminating the eight hour work day or the five day work week? What rights do workers have? Or are the only rights that count held by the employers?

What about standards? Who do you think e4stablishes them? Employers? Or bureaucrats armed with science? And why is it so common among Conservatives to first screw the working man blue then dismiss relevant science as "junk" science?

Yup every one of them would be gone.
Now tell me how we'll go back to sweat shops and employers paying 10 cents an hour if we do that. I double dare you.
The question is; why wouldn't we go back to sweat shops and a dime an hour?

Without the force of regulations, employers would revert to those conditions without a second thought.

After you eliminate federal workplace safety regulations, the very next move from Conservatives would be tort reform, thus eliminating any recourse by neglected, abused and dead employees.
Would you eliminate OSHA? How about NIOSH? How about collective bargaining rights? How about overtime pay or paid family leave? How about eliminating the eight hour work day or the five day work week? What rights do workers have? Or are the only rights that count held by the employers?

What about standards? Who do you think e4stablishes them? Employers? Or bureaucrats armed with science? And why is it so common among Conservatives to first screw the working man blue then dismiss relevant science as "junk" science?

Yup every one of them would be gone.
Now tell me how we'll go back to sweat shops and employers paying 10 cents an hour if we do that. I double dare you.
The question is; why wouldn't we go back to sweat shops and a dime an hour?

Without the force of regulations, employers would revert to those conditions without a second thought.

After you eliminate federal workplace safety regulations, the very next move from Conservatives would be tort reform, thus eliminating any recourse by neglected, abused and dead employees.

I knew it.
Would you work for a dime an hour in a sweat shop? Would any member of your family or anyone you know?
Would you eliminate OSHA? How about NIOSH? How about collective bargaining rights? How about overtime pay or paid family leave? How about eliminating the eight hour work day or the five day work week? What rights do workers have? Or are the only rights that count held by the employers?

What about standards? Who do you think e4stablishes them? Employers? Or bureaucrats armed with science? And why is it so common among Conservatives to first screw the working man blue then dismiss relevant science as "junk" science?

Yup every one of them would be gone.
Now tell me how we'll go back to sweat shops and employers paying 10 cents an hour if we do that. I double dare you.
The question is; why wouldn't we go back to sweat shops and a dime an hour?

Without the force of regulations, employers would revert to those conditions without a second thought.

After you eliminate federal workplace safety regulations, the very next move from Conservatives would be tort reform, thus eliminating any recourse by neglected, abused and dead employees.

That's a pile of manure. Liberals keep pretending that injured workes don't sue their employers. Injury lawsuits cost employers and their insurance companies. If the government didn't enforce safety standards, the insurance companies would. When I worked construction, it wasn't the federal government that came out to the job site to make sure the fireproofing was installed correctly and that the construction elevators were in good working order, it was representatives from the insurance companies.
Yup every one of them would be gone.
Now tell me how we'll go back to sweat shops and employers paying 10 cents an hour if we do that. I double dare you.
The question is; why wouldn't we go back to sweat shops and a dime an hour?

Without the force of regulations, employers would revert to those conditions without a second thought.

After you eliminate federal workplace safety regulations, the very next move from Conservatives would be tort reform, thus eliminating any recourse by neglected, abused and dead employees.

I knew it.
Would you work for a dime an hour in a sweat shop? Would any member of your family or anyone you know?
If there were no other jobs available...

But the seat shop would entice immigrants. Aren't you digging a hole?
The question is; why wouldn't we go back to sweat shops and a dime an hour?

Without the force of regulations, employers would revert to those conditions without a second thought.

After you eliminate federal workplace safety regulations, the very next move from Conservatives would be tort reform, thus eliminating any recourse by neglected, abused and dead employees.

I knew it.
Would you work for a dime an hour in a sweat shop? Would any member of your family or anyone you know?
If there were no other jobs available...

But the seat shop would entice immigrants. Aren't you digging a hole?

How many people willing to work for 10cents/day could do your job? How many computer programmers will work for 10cents/day? How many electricians? What employer would hire someone based solely on how much they could be paid? No one in his right mind.
You have failed to think past Stage One. WHich is typical for libs.
Senate Democrats are expediting legislation that would override the Supreme Court's decision in the Hobby Lobby case and compel for-profit employers to cover the full range of contraception for their employees, as required by the Affordable Care Act.

The bill, which is co-authored by Sens. Patty Murray (D-Wash.) and Mark Udall (D-Colo.), would ban for-profit companies from refusing to cover any federally guaranteed health benefits for religious reasons, including all 20 forms of contraception detailed in the Affordable Care Act. It would preserve the contraception mandate's current exemption for churches and accommodation for non-profit religious organizations, such as certain hospitals and schools.

A Senate aide told HuffPost that the bill will be introduced as soon as Tuesday night and go directly to the Senate floor as early as next week, without being considered in committee.

"The U.S. Supreme Court's Hobby Lobby decision opened the door to unprecedented corporate intrusion into our private lives. Coloradans understand that women should never have to ask their bosses for a permission slip to access common forms of birth control or other critical health services," Udall said in a statement. "My common-sense proposal will keep women's private health decisions out of corporate board rooms, because your boss shouldn't be able to dictate what is best for you and your family."

MORE: Democrats Fast-Track Bill To Override Hobby Lobby Decision

Sounds good. Get it done.

hopefully the house will dead track it.
Senate Democrats are expediting legislation that would override the Supreme Court's decision in the Hobby Lobby case and compel for-profit employers to cover the full range of contraception for their employees, as required by the Affordable Care Act.

The bill, which is co-authored by Sens. Patty Murray (D-Wash.) and Mark Udall (D-Colo.), would ban for-profit companies from refusing to cover any federally guaranteed health benefits for religious reasons, including all 20 forms of contraception detailed in the Affordable Care Act. It would preserve the contraception mandate's current exemption for churches and accommodation for non-profit religious organizations, such as certain hospitals and schools.

A Senate aide told HuffPost that the bill will be introduced as soon as Tuesday night and go directly to the Senate floor as early as next week, without being considered in committee.

"The U.S. Supreme Court's Hobby Lobby decision opened the door to unprecedented corporate intrusion into our private lives. Coloradans understand that women should never have to ask their bosses for a permission slip to access common forms of birth control or other critical health services," Udall said in a statement. "My common-sense proposal will keep women's private health decisions out of corporate board rooms, because your boss shouldn't be able to dictate what is best for you and your family."

MORE: Democrats Fast-Track Bill To Override Hobby Lobby Decision

Sounds good. Get it done.

hopefully the house will dead track it.

They dont need to do that. They need no Congressional action whatsoever to "fix" this problem. The Supreme Court made that clear. If Obama issues an EO directing insurance companies to cover those 4 methods at no cost then the "problem" is fixed. But he wont. Because he doesnt want to fix a problem, he wants to grandstand the issue so low information idiots like the people posting here will continiue
I know Harry Reid (D-USSR) can do it. In exactly the same way Obama Hellcare was adopted.

Convene a SENATE SESSION on December 24th at 1 AM. Allow 6 objections and then make sure through parliamentary maneuvers that all those objections are reserved for democrats.

And presto, Obama Hellcare will apply to everybody.


LMAO thats just how that asshole would do it too. LOL

I know Harry Reid (D-USSR) can do it. In exactly the same way Obama Hellcare was adopted.

Convene a SENATE SESSION on December 24th at 1 AM. Allow 6 objections and then make sure through parliamentary maneuvers that all those objections are reserved for democrats.

And presto, Obama Hellcare will apply to everybody

And why not?

He got away with murder the first time around

“It’s obvious why the majority has cooked up this amendment in secret, has introduced it in the middle of a snowstorm, has scheduled the Senate to come in session at midnight, has scheduled a vote for 1 a.m., is insisting that it be passed before Christmas — because they don’t want the American people to know what’s in it,” said

Senator Lamar Alexander, Republican of Tennessee.
Why is it that the conservatives are against contraception being provided for under healthcare plans, yet are perfectly happy in allowing Viagra?

My understanding was that the case was brought the court on the basis of religious freedom and was upheld.

I'm no expert in law unlike so many here so I'm happy to be corrected.

Your understanding is wrong, the entire challenge was based on the RFRA, not religious freedom. The 1st Amendment was never dealt with in the decision, just statutory law that bound the government to actually defend its actions when they did something that infringed on people's rights. Frankly, anyone that places freedom above tyranny should be rejoicing int he decision, but you chose to defend tyranny. That makes you wrong, period.

Yes - and this is why it's so ironic.
Dems passed the RFRA in 1993 and was signed by President Clinton.
Then Dems passed the AHCA in 2010 signed by President Obama.
Clinton's bill trumped Obama's bill. :lmao:
Dems wrote a bill that canceled their own bill and then blame the repubs. :lol:
...and the idiotic bill in the OP is unconstitutional as was Obama's Executive Order.

Libs hate the Constitution because it gets in the way of what they call "progress".
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So you think whether you live or die should be based on whether someone else makes a profit on it?

Really? Frankly, having been screwed over a couple of times by employers looking at "profits" (and getting it wrong) I'm not sure I'd want them running health care for me.

Every other industrialized democracy has single payer. They spend less, they have longer life expectencies, their infant mortality rates are lower. More to the point, they are more competitive in their businesses because the cost of health care isn't tacked on to every product they make.
The at the VA's scandals. Look at the IRS scandals. Do you REALLY want the government making your health care decisions?

With single payer, if the government doesn't like you, you'll be dead. Only an utter fool does not believe that.
Conservative Roman Catholic men have decided that a business that is based on buying products from a country that has forced abortions, the highest abortion rates in the world and mandatory contraception have decided that that the business has a Constitutional right to impose the business owners alleged anti contraception beliefs on it's employees. Apparently the overwhelming and obvious hypocrisy of the business owners was not noticed by the conservative Roman Catholic old men.
HL has the freedom to do business with China if they want to.

They did NOT have the freedom to decide to cover abortifacients.

Not that progressives give a damn about freedom...

Bottom line- When someone receives a service or product from the government for 'free' it unarguably came at a cost to someone else.


Except not really applicable to this case.

Here's the thing. The insurance companies had no problem providing this kind of birth control compared to other kinds of birth control. They all cost about the same and birth control is STILL cheaper than paying for a live birth and years of subsequent pediatric medicine.

The problem here was not cost. The problem here is that the superstitious idiots who run Hobby Lobby think that certain kinds of birth control make their Invisible Pixie in the Sky cry.

Which is not the basis for sound policy.
Why not? You have exactly the same kind of faith in government.

Except yours is misplaced.
Why is it that the conservatives are against contraception being provided for under healthcare plans, yet are perfectly happy in allowing Viagra?

You're confused. Conservatives are not against contraception. Hobby Lobby doesn't want to offer the morning after pill that kills the embryo.

so-called conservatives think wacko theocrats should be able to dictate the healthcare permitted to their employees.

so if some wackjob doesn't believe in medical care b/c if you die, it's G-d's will, that's hunky dory by you nut cases.
Would one of our resident liberals please explain why government funded abortion on demand is the most important issue to you?

Of all the problems in this country, why is abortion your number one concern?

Why is killing an unborn human being your primary political issue?

1) Nobody is discussing abortion in this thread.

2) No one has suggested the government should pay for them (ALthough it's not a bad idea.)

Here's the real question. Why is your party still trying to fight questions that were settled 40-50 years ago - abortion and contraception.

Bottom line- When someone receives a service or product from the government for 'free' it unarguably came at a cost to someone else.


Except not really applicable to this case.

Here's the thing. The insurance companies had no problem providing this kind of birth control compared to other kinds of birth control. They all cost about the same and birth control is STILL cheaper than paying for a live birth and years of subsequent pediatric medicine.

The problem here was not cost. The problem here is that the superstitious idiots who run Hobby Lobby think that certain kinds of birth control make their Invisible Pixie in the Sky cry.

Which is not the basis for sound policy.
Why not? You have exactly the same kind of faith in government.

Except yours is misplaced.

No, I can prove Government exists.

You can't prove God exists. (Spoiler Alert, he doesn't)
The at the VA's scandals. Look at the IRS scandals. Do you REALLY want the government making your health care decisions?

With single payer, if the government doesn't like you, you'll be dead. Only an utter fool does not believe that.

Wow, I'd ask what kind of paranoid loon you are, but then I remembered who I was talking to.

The only "Scandal" with the VA is you guys fought a 12 year war and didn't plan for the veterans that would result. Up until Bush came along, the VA system was considered the best in the country.

IRS Scandal. Boo-hoo, Granny Teabag didn't get her fraudelent tax deduction. Bitch ought to be in jail for that kind of fraud.
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