Democrats Fast-Track Bill To Override Hobby Lobby Decision

Why is it that the conservatives are against contraception being provided for under healthcare plans, yet are perfectly happy in allowing Viagra?

Your employer should not be buying your insurance, period.

YOU should be buying your own insurance, you overly dependent stooge. You get a paycheck, you buy your insurance. With or without Viagra. YOUR CHOICE.

no. we should make sure our people can obtain affordable health care like in every other civilized nation.

get a grip.
and I see Geaux has his "Stupid Flag" up.

Seriously, whenever I see that flag, I think, "Man, I'll bet that's a really stupid person."

Well now you've done it. I actually selected the wrong avatar but since you're so upset I added it back. :lol:


I think it suits you.

NOthing says, "I'm a dumb redneck who votes against my own economic interest because I am easily manipulated by rich douchebags" better than the Confederate Flag.

The original case of dumb rednecks dying in mass because a bunch of rich douchebags manipulated them.
Retard Communists have no business dictating what normal people's economic interests are.
Why is it that the conservatives are against contraception being provided for under healthcare plans, yet are perfectly happy in allowing Viagra?

Why is it Communists are against civil liberty? Sorry comrade, you don't get to dictate the religious views of others - deal with the horror.

actually they ARE dictating that their extreme religious ideology be imposed on their workers.

the 1st amendment protects YOUR right to follow your own religious dictates. it does NOT allow you do force ME to follow your religious dictates.

you're confused.

Excuse me, fuckwad, until it is taxed as compensation it is not compensation. You really need to stop lying about what health insurance provided by employers is.

Most of your pay isn't taxed as income, either, if you make below a certain amount. Remember the whole 47% thing?

Health INsurance is compensation, it is not a gift. Ergo, it should be regulated at compensation.

Or we should do the breathtakingly rational thing of going to single payer.
Except not really applicable to this case.

Here's the thing. The insurance companies had no problem providing this kind of birth control compared to other kinds of birth control. They all cost about the same and birth control is STILL cheaper than paying for a live birth and years of subsequent pediatric medicine.

The problem here was not cost. The problem here is that the superstitious idiots who run Hobby Lobby think that certain kinds of birth control make their Invisible Pixie in the Sky cry.

Which is not the basis for sound policy.
Why not? You have exactly the same kind of faith in government.

Except yours is misplaced.

No, I can prove Government exists.

You can't prove God exists. (Spoiler Alert, he doesn't)
Yet your view of Government is as a deity. Government is all-knowing, all-powerful, omnipresent, and benevolent.

None of which is true, although progressives are doing their damnedest to make sure the first three happen. And useful idiots like you are stupid enough to believe the last point, despite the entirety of human history.
This thread is a freaking mind bender. Left wing whackos have gone off the deep end.

What's cracking me up thru this debate is that feminazis are demanding to be taken care of. I'm an old school feminist.

The last thing on the planet I fought for when the movement first started was to have someone else take care of me. Good grief. That's what we fought against.

We wanted equality so we could make our own way. Unreal.

They aren't asking someone to take care of them. They are asking someone to do what they promised.

If anything, young women are probably being cheated in the whole Medical Insurance Scam.

The cost of providing an individual insurance policy for an employee is about $5,000. Usually $1000 paid out of pocket by the employee and the rest covered by the employer. But it ONLY exists because that employee is producing what she is worth in labor/service plus a bit more to make a profit for the company.

How many young women have $5000 a year in medical expenses that aren't related to OB/GYN issues?

Yes, OLDER workers usually end up costing more than that 5k a year. But that's the point, it all balances out in a group program.
The at the VA's scandals. Look at the IRS scandals. Do you REALLY want the government making your health care decisions?

With single payer, if the government doesn't like you, you'll be dead. Only an utter fool does not believe that.

Wow, I'd ask what kind of paranoid loon you are, but then I remembered who I was talking to.

The only "Scandal" with the VA is you guys fought a 12 year war and didn't plan for the veterans that would result. Up until Bush came along, the VA system was considered the best in the country.

IRS Scandal. Boo-hoo, Granny Teabag didn't get her fraudelent tax deduction. Bitch ought to be in jail for that kind of fraud.
Yes, we're all aware of your programming. No need to mindlessly repeat it. Or do you get paid per post?

Good really DO see the government as a benevolent god, don't you? :cuckoo:
Why is it that the conservatives are against contraception being provided for under healthcare plans, yet are perfectly happy in allowing Viagra?

Why is it Communists are against civil liberty? Sorry comrade, you don't get to dictate the religious views of others - deal with the horror.

actually they ARE dictating that their extreme religious ideology be imposed on their workers.

the 1st amendment protects YOUR right to follow your own religious dictates. it does NOT allow you do force ME to follow your religious dictates.

you're confused.
HL is forcing no one, Princess. You won't get fired if you go buy an IUD or Plan B on your own.

Dial down the crazy.
Do workers have the right to collective bargaining?

And it's a matter of enforcement. The law is backed up by enforcement. A labor contract can be broken by either party.

As a question of law, in some states workers have the right to collective bargaining.
A contract is backed up by courts and anyone breakng the contract is liable for damages.
Do employers with fewer than 100 workers negotiate contracts with each individual worker? Would those contracts include worker health and safety provisions? Are the workers aware of pertinent health and safety regulations? Do employers have an legal obligation to inform employees of health and safety standards, or will most employers gloss over such items?

Do you trust companies to uphold and enforce the law, or do you think most labor laws should be repealed? If so, why?

Do you think contracts include every thing under the sun?
And they aren't telling women what they can't have.

Hobby Lobby is. Because they are totally against abortion unless you are a Chinese Fetus. then you are kind of on your own.

How is me telling you I won't pay for your food denying you food? Can't you buy it yourself?

Is food included as a benefit of employment like health insurance is?

That depends on where you work, just like everything else.

Any other stupid questions in an attempt to deflect from the fact that all you have is lies to back up your argument?
Do employers with fewer than 100 workers negotiate contracts with each individual worker? Would those contracts include worker health and safety provisions? Are the workers aware of pertinent health and safety regulations? Do employers have an legal obligation to inform employees of health and safety standards, or will most employers gloss over such items?

Do you trust companies to uphold and enforce the law, or do you think most labor laws should be repealed? If so, why?

What is ithis? 20 questions?
THe employer-employee relationship is one that should be governed by mutually agreed on contracts, not statutes emanating out of Washington DC.
Why is that hard to understand?
If the workplace is not safe, is it the employer's responsibility to make it so? And who is to say what efforts make a workplace safe if not federal regulations? Would you go back to 1914 when there were no federal regulations and thousands of miners died each year? Would you repeal federal regulations so the health and safety of workers was seen by employers as a negative cost of doing business?

What rights do workers have?

Would you be capable of making an honest argument?
If the workplace is not safe, is it the employer's responsibility to make it so? And who is to say what efforts make a workplace safe if not federal regulations? Would you go back to 1914 when there were no federal regulations and thousands of miners died each year? Would you repeal federal regulations so the health and safety of workers was seen by employers as a negative cost of doing business?

What rights do workers have?
Its the employer's property ergo his responsibility. If he continues to ignore the problem and someone gets hurt he will be liable tremendous damages. WHo is in a better position to gauge the safety of a workplace, the employer and employess or some bureaucrat in Washington who may never have set foot in even a similar plant?
The bureaucrat armed with science. Industrial hygiene is not just sweeping up. The employer may be aware of health concerns, but with holds that information. I've never worked in a lumber treating facility, but I know more about the hazards present there than most employees. I've conducted the studies. I've seen the results. Should what I know be withheld from both employers and employees?

Bureaucrats are not armed with science they are armed with guns.
The internet does not provide sampling results for each and every industrial hygiene survey. What's the PEL for lead based paint? For asbestos? for copper sulfate? How many decibels can a human be exposed to for what period before permanent hearing loss occurs? What's the percentage of O2 that is considered unhealthy? Lethal?

Without bureaucrats, this WOULD be the 1920s.

You're describing standards not regulations.
And the 1920s, an era marked by widespread prosperity and increasing life spans would be far preferable to this economic hell hole the Dems have created.
Would you eliminate OSHA? How about NIOSH? How about collective bargaining rights? How about overtime pay or paid family leave? How about eliminating the eight hour work day or the five day work week? What rights do workers have? Or are the only rights that count held by the employers?

What about standards? Who do you think e4stablishes them? Employers? Or bureaucrats armed with science? And why is it so common among Conservatives to first screw the working man blue then dismiss relevant science as "junk" science?

Standards are set by idiots who ignore science, and I can prove it.

EPA Draft Stirs Fears of Radically Relaxed Radiation Guidelines - Forbes
Except not really applicable to this case.

Here's the thing. The insurance companies had no problem providing this kind of birth control compared to other kinds of birth control. They all cost about the same and birth control is STILL cheaper than paying for a live birth and years of subsequent pediatric medicine.

The problem here was not cost. The problem here is that the superstitious idiots who run Hobby Lobby think that certain kinds of birth control make their Invisible Pixie in the Sky cry.

Which is not the basis for sound policy.
Why not? You have exactly the same kind of faith in government.

Except yours is misplaced.

No, I can prove Government exists.

You can't prove God exists. (Spoiler Alert, he doesn't)
You need Jesus in your life.
Would you eliminate OSHA? How about NIOSH? How about collective bargaining rights? How about overtime pay or paid family leave? How about eliminating the eight hour work day or the five day work week? What rights do workers have? Or are the only rights that count held by the employers?

What about standards? Who do you think e4stablishes them? Employers? Or bureaucrats armed with science? And why is it so common among Conservatives to first screw the working man blue then dismiss relevant science as "junk" science?

Yup every one of them would be gone.
Now tell me how we'll go back to sweat shops and employers paying 10 cents an hour if we do that. I double dare you.
The question is; why wouldn't we go back to sweat shops and a dime an hour?

Without the force of regulations, employers would revert to those conditions without a second thought.

After you eliminate federal workplace safety regulations, the very next move from Conservatives would be tort reform, thus eliminating any recourse by neglected, abused and dead employees.

Except they wouldn't, because there aren't enough people as dumb as you to work for them under those circumstances.
Some here seem unaware of the uniqueness of contraceptives and postconception abortion pills. HL gladly provides payment of means for their liberal employees to prevent becoming pregnant...16 types, I think.

It's the 4 abortion pills they cannot abide...even for the dreaded liberals on staff.
Why is it that the conservatives are against contraception being provided for under healthcare plans, yet are perfectly happy in allowing Viagra?

Why is it Communists are against civil liberty? Sorry comrade, you don't get to dictate the religious views of others - deal with the horror.

actually they ARE dictating that their extreme religious ideology be imposed on their workers.

the 1st amendment protects YOUR right to follow your own religious dictates. it does NOT allow you do force ME to follow your religious dictates.

you're confused.

Is Hobby Lobby forcing people to attend the Assemblies of God church service?


Is Hobby Lobby forcing people to believe in speaking in tongues?


Is the government forcing people to buy things that they neither want or need?


Which side is forcing their views on the other side?

Hint, it isn't Hobby Lobby.

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