Democrats Fast-Track Bill To Override Hobby Lobby Decision


A bill to 'override Hobby Lobby Decision." Are the members of congress that ignorant about what the three branches of government actually do. You can’t 'override' the court with a law. That is not how it works. If you want to supersede the court you need to change the constitution.

Sure - get it done and show how little they understand their own fucking job.

The Court based its decision on the Restoration of Religious Freedom Act, something Congress passed and can modify. And probably should because it was an awful law.

If you don't like the insurance your company is providing why the fuck do you support the government limiting your fucking options? Is it because you are actually so stupid you don't know that by supporting Obamacare you are getting the exact same thing you claim to hate?

Because I trust the government more than I trust my employer or their insurance company.
In the long run, you are telling the 99% of women who use contraception that their choices are dependent on the religious whims of their employers.

I seriously think you guys should run on that in 2014 and 2016.

oh i hope so.

STFU Schillian.

You can kiss the Senate good-bye.

I'll blame it on gerrymandering. :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:


No, we'll blame it on the fact too many Democrats from small red states retired this year.

The problem is that 2014 is the Special Olympics for Republicans. Even if you win, you are still retarded.

You won't win in big states like New York, California, Pennsylvania or Illinois.

You are going to win in states like South Dakota, Montana and Alaska, states that have more Senators than Representatives.

And you'll all pat yourselves on the backs about how people like you, they really like you, and not address the problems you have with minorities, women and working folks.

And then be surprised when you take a real schellacking in 2016 when Hillary wins and takes out all those crazy teabaggers who won in 2010.

If you are actually in your 70s you can get free insurance through the fucking government, not to mention your VA benefits, so ranting about the fact that insurance wouldn't cover you just proves you aren't capable of dealing with facts.

Exactly my point. We spend trillions of dollars making big insurance richer, including outright scams like Medicare Part C, and in the end, when you get old enough, the government ends up taking care of you anyway.

So why not just get rid of private insurance altogether?
"...or prohibiting the free exercise thereof..."

You lose. Accept it.

In the long run, you are telling the 99% of women who use contraception that their choices are dependent on the religious whims of their employers.

I seriously think you guys should run on that in 2014 and 2016.

You mean things wouldn't be no different before Obamacare and no woman in this country every complained about it then?

Um, women did complain about it, that's why it was part of the ACA.

You see, this is what is particularly retarded about this issue. You guys aren't just complaining about abortion, which is really pretty stupid by itself, you are complaining about contraception, an issue we resolved 50 years ago, and most sexually active women use.

"Pay for your own damned contraception, you slut!" Is not a campaign slogan you guys are going to win many people over with.
No it doesn't, asshole. If I don't t like the benefits one auto insurance company is offering, I can choose another. THere's no rule that says I have to take X, Y, Z benefits for my car insurance. In fact, most car insurance companies allow you to choose from a smorgasboard of benefits. So long as you purchase the state required minimums, you can get pretty much whatever you want.

You theory insurance "collectivization" is obvious horseshit. It only obtains when government sticks its nose into the arrangement.

Here's the thing. If I don't like the insurance Allstate is giving me for my car, I can go to Progressive or Geico or State Farm.

If I don't like the insurance Cigna is giving me at my job, my only real option is to quit my job and then hope that my employer is not going to offer a form of insurance that sucks just as bad or maybe a little worse.

Of course, all insurance is collectivization. And frankly, most states REQUIRE you to get insurance if you want to drive a car.

Your theory was that since insurance was a form of "collectivization," that mean you had to take whatever benefits they crammed down your throat. Now that you've had your panced pulled down around your ankles on that issue, you're trying to move the goal posts.

That wasn't my theory at all. I'd explain it to you again, but you probably still wouldn't understand it.

Go back and read the totality of my posts, then have someone help you with the big words.

A bill to 'override Hobby Lobby Decision." Are the members of congress that ignorant about what the three branches of government actually do. You can’t 'override' the court with a law. That is not how it works. If you want to supersede the court you need to change the constitution.

Sure - get it done and show how little they understand their own fucking job.

The Court based its decision on the Restoration of Religious Freedom Act, something Congress passed and can modify. And probably should because it was an awful law.


And the ruling may help bring that about.

But that anger may actually work in Democrats' favor, come fall, in courting the votes and participation of single female voters.

Single women make up one of the fastest growing voter demographics in the U.S.—they now comprise a quarter of the electorate. A recent Stan Greenberg poll posits that unmarried women can "make or break" the 2014 elections. And, as Mara Liasson wrote in May, they are firmly in Democrats' camp. But Democrats have a problem: Like most everyone else in the electorate, young women are less likely to turn out to vote in midterm elections. A Supreme Court case doesn't necessarily change that: Getting young female voters fired up about a decision is one thing; getting them to vote is another.
Luckily, contraception coverage is an issue young women care about. A March*poll*conducted by Hart Research Associates (and commissioned by Planned Parenthood) found that a large majority of female voters—81 percent—believe prescription birth control should be covered as a preventive health service, at no additional cost to prescribers.

For single women, birth-control coverage presents a trinity of issues they care about—health care, reproductive issues, and pay equity (after all, this is an issue that men don't really have to worry about). The*Hobby Lobby*decision may not be a silver bullet, but it could be enough to energize support among female voters who are suddenly worried that their employers could stop covering their birth control.

Why the Supreme Court?s Hobby Lobby Decision Could Be Good News for Democrats -
True enough. ANd the word "Corporations" isn't there, either.

ANd since Hobby Lobby isn't an "establishment of religion", it can't claim a religious privilage.
"...or prohibiting the free exercise thereof..."

You lose. Accept it.

In the long run, you are telling the 99% of women who use contraception that their choices are dependent on the religious whims of their employers.

I seriously think you guys should run on that in 2014 and 2016.
I seriously think you should go see a mental health professional.
And yet the left claims the American health care industry won't have any problems absorbing millions of patients newly-covered by Obamacare.

I see you agree with us thinking people that it's going to be a disaster. :eusa_clap:

The American Health care system is ALREADY absorbing the uninsured.

Those fucking poor people, they just refuse to fucking die because they are poor.

They show up at Emergency Rooms and expect to be treated. And when they skip out on their bills, the Hospitals end up passing the costs along to those of us who can pay.

Going back to that $50,000 of medical bills that cost me my last job and cured me of Republican Stupidity.

They charged me $50.00 for a dose of Tylanol for pain post-op.

Did it cost $50.00? nope. But that covered the cost of all them poor people.
So you object to the pre-ACA system because everyone else has to cover poor people's expenses.

And ACA is awesome because everyone else has to cover poor people's expenses.

Take your time. Sputter and fume a few minutes. I can tell you haven't given this any thought -- at all.
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Where are they claiming that contraception is being denied?

I'll give you a hint - claiming that contraception insurance coverage is being denied is not the same as claiming that contraception is being denied.
Not such a minor difference at all it?
Read for comprehension - it's amazing what you'll find.

This is exactly why thinking people get bored with arguing with you zealots.
You said, and I quote: "No one is claiming that the the employees were denied contraception."

I provided links of people saying exactly that.

You don't get to move the goalposts, Skippy.

If you don't like the insurance your company is providing why the fuck do you support the government limiting your fucking options? Is it because you are actually so stupid you don't know that by supporting Obamacare you are getting the exact same thing you claim to hate?

Because I trust the government more than I trust my employer or their insurance company.

And that is what makes you a total fucking moron.
Well, of course it does.

If Hobby Lobby wanted to fire an employee for not belonging to their religion, or for living a lifestyle they didn't approve of, their "religious expression" would go right out the window. That would be discrimination.

Hobby Lobby wants to dictate how a third party (their insurance company) manages health care based on a religous belief.

Hobby Lobby isnt doing anything to an employee. That's just it. The Federal government is doing things to the hobby lobby owners. By forcing them to violate their free exercise of religion.

Hobby Lobby doesn't have the right to prevent anyone from using birth control. In fact, they offer 16 different kinds of birth control to their employees. They don't even have the right to prevent people from using the abortion pills they won't cover. And they would have no idea if an employee had used them.

They do have a right to pay for or not pay for whatever they want consistent with their religious beliefs. And why i know you have a completely irrational fear of religious expression, most people don't have the issues you have and are quite happy with letting people exercise their religious freedom.
"...or prohibiting the free exercise thereof..."

You lose. Accept it.

In the long run, you are telling the 99% of women who use contraception that their choices are dependent on the religious whims of their employers.

I seriously think you guys should run on that in 2014 and 2016.
I seriously think you should go see a mental health professional.

Especially considering the fact that he cannot comprehend that no ones choices are limited to the religious whims of their employers. Especially since they can spend their money and purchase choices the employers dont offer.

Self government is the furthest thing from his mind though. He want control
"Gimme, gimme, gimme, and make that guy over there pay for it."

Acceding to this constant demand is how we have now arrived to the point where there are dipshits who actually believe it is okay to force someone else to give them something, and if that someone else resists, they are intruding into the lives of the dipshits.

Incredible. Absolutely incredible.

No, people should have the freedom to choose what they want to put into their own bodies. Not a corporation deciding for you. That's what the Hobby Lobby decision did. It opened the door to employers dictating their employees health coverage. Considering they save money when they can dictate what medicine you get, it could lead to the needless deaths of millions.

That's the true death panel, the corporate board room.
In the long run, you are telling the 99% of women who use contraception that their choices are dependent on the religious whims of their employers.

I seriously think you guys should run on that in 2014 and 2016.

You mean things wouldn't be no different before Obamacare and no woman in this country every complained about it then?

Um, women did complain about it, that's why it was part of the ACA.

You see, this is what is particularly retarded about this issue. You guys aren't just complaining about abortion, which is really pretty stupid by itself, you are complaining about contraception, an issue we resolved 50 years ago, and most sexually active women use.

"Pay for your own damned contraception, you slut!" Is not a campaign slogan you guys are going to win many people over with.

It's part of Obamacare because the radical feminists have Obama's ear. Please post a single example of a woman complaining about her insurance not covering birth control prior to the passage of Obamacare.
"Gimme, gimme, gimme, and make that guy over there pay for it."

Acceding to this constant demand is how we have now arrived to the point where there are dipshits who actually believe it is okay to force someone else to give them something, and if that someone else resists, they are intruding into the lives of the dipshits.

Incredible. Absolutely incredible.

No, people should have the freedom to choose what they want to put into their own bodies. Not a corporation deciding for you. That's what the Hobby Lobby decision did. It opened the door to employers dictating their employees health coverage. Considering they save money when they can dictate what medicine you get, it could lead to the needless deaths of millions.

That's the true death panel, the corporate board room.

Employers have always had the ability to dictate their employees' healthcare. So that claim is pure crap.
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If you don't like the insurance your company is providing why the fuck do you support the government limiting your fucking options? Is it because you are actually so stupid you don't know that by supporting Obamacare you are getting the exact same thing you claim to hate?

Because I trust the government more than I trust my employer or their insurance company.

And that is what makes you a total fucking moron.

:eusa_clap: :eusa_clap: :eusa_clap: :eusa_clap: :eusa_clap: :eusa_clap:
Senate Democrats are expediting legislation that would override the Supreme Court's decision in the Hobby Lobby case and compel for-profit employers to cover the full range of contraception for their employees, as required by the Affordable Care Act.

The bill, which is co-authored by Sens. Patty Murray (D-Wash.) and Mark Udall (D-Colo.), would ban for-profit companies from refusing to cover any federally guaranteed health benefits for religious reasons, including all 20 forms of contraception detailed in the Affordable Care Act. It would preserve the contraception mandate's current exemption for churches and accommodation for non-profit religious organizations, such as certain hospitals and schools.

A Senate aide told HuffPost that the bill will be introduced as soon as Tuesday night and go directly to the Senate floor as early as next week, without being considered in committee.

"The U.S. Supreme Court's Hobby Lobby decision opened the door to unprecedented corporate intrusion into our private lives. Coloradans understand that women should never have to ask their bosses for a permission slip to access common forms of birth control or other critical health services," Udall said in a statement. "My common-sense proposal will keep women's private health decisions out of corporate board rooms, because your boss shouldn't be able to dictate what is best for you and your family."

MORE: Democrats Fast-Track Bill To Override Hobby Lobby Decision

Sounds good. Get it done.

name the "health benefits" in killing a normal healthy baby ?
"Gimme, gimme, gimme, and make that guy over there pay for it."

Acceding to this constant demand is how we have now arrived to the point where there are dipshits who actually believe it is okay to force someone else to give them something, and if that someone else resists, they are intruding into the lives of the dipshits.

Incredible. Absolutely incredible.

No, people should have the freedom to choose what they want to put into their own bodies. Not a corporation deciding for you. That's what the Hobby Lobby decision did. It opened the door to employers dictating their employees health coverage. Considering they save money when they can dictate what medicine you get, it could lead to the needless deaths of millions.

That's the true death panel, the corporate board room.

Which is why healthcare should never have been tied to employment.

If you don't like the insurance your company is providing why the fuck do you support the government limiting your fucking options? Is it because you are actually so stupid you don't know that by supporting Obamacare you are getting the exact same thing you claim to hate?

Because I trust the government more than I trust my employer or their insurance company.

And that is what makes you a total fucking moron.

How? Government is by the people FOR THE PEOPLE. Do corporations do what's best for the people or their bottom line? Let's see if you answer honestly.

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