Democrats Fast-Track Bill To Override Hobby Lobby Decision

Yes and that's why we should have universal healthcare provided by the government. You know like EVERY OTHER FIRST WORLD NATION. Which have managed to have better health outcomes and lower costs than the US.

its comical you don't trust corporations yet blindly trust the government to be able to do something like universal healthcare competently.

Anything the government touches except when it comes to blowing something up (we are very good at that) becomes mired in bureaucracy and sloth.

Corporations, despite opinions to the contrary, are not people...but the government is. It even says so in our founding documents. Of, for, by...

And then there's that whole "profit margin" thing...which, yes, does tend to make me trust the government more than a corporation when it comes to healthcare.

Award for most fallacies in one post.
Corporations are persons, based on many opinions of the Supreme Court going back nearly 100 years.
Government is not a person. The very document you quote, which is actually Lincoln's Gettysburg Address so irrelevant to law, distinguishes government from people.
Profit margin should make you trust corporations. You know what their incentive is to do whatever. Government's only incentive is to accrue power to itself.
Then name specific policies that directly led to the high costs of healthcare. Saying a broad statement like "left wing policies" might get low information, less educated citizens to believe you but not me. So name them.

Hmm, let's see,
Tort system that promotes suing doctors merely for bad outcomes.
Third party payer systems that encourage over use of medical care
Reimbursements from Medicare/Medicaid that are below the cost of the service and must be made up for by private party insurance
Food stamp programs that encourage obesity and poor eating habits
Regulatory regime that makes introducing new drugs and procedures prohibitively expensive

That would account for a lot of it. Some of the cost is simply because health care is worlds better now than it was even 20 years ago. But what I outlined contributes a lot to it.

1. Torts is law 101. Which means that someone caused HARM to another individual and thus should be held accountable. And it's not just bad outcomes, it's doctor's negligent in some cases. If a bad doctor screwed up a surgery, that doctor should be held liable for their actions. Tort reform rewards bad doctors for bad work and hurts people.

2. I would say our patent laws help promote high drug costs. They get 20 years to charge whatever they want for that drug then it goes generic. That should be cut to 5 years in my opinion and a cap on how much they can charge a person (co payments can't exceed 5% of AGI for all drugs) which would keep a cap on out of pocket costs to incomes. That way they couldn't gouge prices within those 5 years. So yes in that sense the regulatory structure PROMOTES high costs of drugs.

3. Food stamps are a necessity. But I do agree with the sentiment that it encourages poor eating habits and thus obesity. However that's because they have a set amount of money each month. So to stretch it out, what do you do? Buy the cheapest food. The cheapest food is usually bad for you. However the options in poor neighborhoods are usually gas stations and cheap grocery stores with little to no fresh vegetables. So that's it. We need to promote farmers market with EBT card accepting payments in those areas. Fresh fruits and vegetables are the way to reduce obesity on the poor.

I know I didn't address all points but fixing our healthcare system isn't going to be easy nor cheap. There are many areas that need to be addressed. However, in my opinion, doing nothing isn't the solution.

Sorry. I quit reading after I was into the second point. You are simply wrong on facts. The patent period is 5 years not 20, and was revised in the 90s allegedly to make drugs cheaper and of course did the opposite.
I cannot argue with someone who makes up facts to suit his beliefs. Not gonna do it.
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The music you hear in Hobby Lobby Stores is provided through a Signature Channel, delivered by satellite to each store location. The musical selections are carefully chosen to enhance your shopping experience.

Hobby Lobby music covers a variety of styles. You may hear such artists and selections as John Tesh performing Avalon; Jim Brickman - If You Believe; Vince Gill - Amazing Grace; Steve Devick - Precious Memories; Phil Keaggy - Spend My Life With You; Zoe Girl - With All My Heart, and The Brentwood Jazz Quartet with Praise To The Lord The Almighty. Other recognized artists such as Yo -Yo Ma, Sam Levine, Kirk Whalum, Don Moen, and Christopher Parkening help to weave a wonderful mix of classical, light jazz, contemporary, and bluegrass styles.

Our customers have told us for years that Hobby Lobby is a favorite place to browse. We work hard to create a pleasant environment that is clean and orderly, in which beautiful products are displayed in an attractive manner. We desire to create an atmosphere that is not only beautiful but relaxing to the senses. What better way to lift your spirits than with music, creating the perfect audio ambience
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so-called conservatives think wacko theocrats should be able to dictate the healthcare permitted to their employees.

We also think that our neighbors should be able to decide what flavor of ice cream they buy.

You of the Khmer Rouge demand that GLORIOUS peoples rulers will decide what health care benefits the peasants will spend there money on. Our rulers will decide if Hobby Lobby or any other concern will provide abortion, GLORIOUS peoples ruler, Comrade Obama will determine what the private owners of HL are permitted to believe.

Naturally, all will buy the flavor of Ice Cream that Dear Leader desires.

so if some wackjob doesn't believe in medical care b/c if you die, it's G-d's will, that's hunky dory by you nut cases.

You Communists are quite insane. Allowing 1st Amendment rights does not deny medical attention to anyone. There is absolutely nothing that stops a Hobbly Lobby employee from getting an abortion - and tax payers will pay for it.

Even a fake lawyer should be able to grasp the difference between forcing someone to pay for a procedure, and outlawing that procedure.
no. we should make sure our people can obtain affordable health care like in every other civilized nation.

get a grip.

How is sticking a gun to the head of another to pay the bill "making sure it is affordable?"

Comrade, explain this?


Watch Obamacare Make Health-Care Costs Soar - Bloomberg View

It appears to me that you Communists have made health care LESS affordable than any time in history....
actually they ARE dictating that their extreme religious ideology be imposed on their workers.

Actually, that is a blatant lie Comrade.

You of the Khmer Rouge offer nothing other than lies.

Private owners of businesses may not be forced to purchase products that violate their religion.

It's a 1st Amendment protection. You Communists did your best to end the 1st, but you failed.

the 1st amendment protects YOUR right to follow your own religious dictates. it does NOT allow you do force ME to follow your religious dictates.

you're confused.

Not being forced to pay for your abortion is not forcing you to do anything, Comrade. You are still welcome to have an abortion, you just can't hole a gun to my head and demand I pay for it.

Even a fake lawyer should be able to grasp this.

How many times do I have to point out that the fucking law disagrees with your assessment of health insurance as compensation?

In short, everything you claim is based on a lie.

Look on the bright side. With ObamaCare, you can finally get those meds you obviously need.

I had all the meds I needed before Obamacare.

Now, thanks to Obamacare, I have to spend most of my free time arguing with my insurance to get the meds I actually need, even if they are prescribed by my oncologist. But, please, keep telling me how much Obamacare has fucking helped me.

A bill to 'override Hobby Lobby Decision." Are the members of congress that ignorant about what the three branches of government actually do. You can’t 'override' the court with a law. That is not how it works. If you want to supersede the court you need to change the constitution.

Sure - get it done and show how little they understand their own fucking job.

The Court based its decision on the Restoration of Religious Freedom Act, something Congress passed and can modify. And probably should because it was an awful law.

Which is why only 3 people in Congress voted against it.

If you don't like the insurance your company is providing why the fuck do you support the government limiting your fucking options? Is it because you are actually so stupid you don't know that by supporting Obamacare you are getting the exact same thing you claim to hate?

Because I trust the government more than I trust my employer or their insurance company.

Finally, you admit you are an idiot.

Or did you forget that the government you claim is more trustworthy passed what you describe as an awful law? How the fuck does your brain hold all the contradictions you need to be able to look in the mirror?
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If you are actually in your 70s you can get free insurance through the fucking government, not to mention your VA benefits, so ranting about the fact that insurance wouldn't cover you just proves you aren't capable of dealing with facts.

Exactly my point. We spend trillions of dollars making big insurance richer, including outright scams like Medicare Part C, and in the end, when you get old enough, the government ends up taking care of you anyway.

So why not just get rid of private insurance altogether?

You are the idiot that supports Obamacare, not me. In other words, you are the fucking problem.
"Gimme, gimme, gimme, and make that guy over there pay for it."

Acceding to this constant demand is how we have now arrived to the point where there are dipshits who actually believe it is okay to force someone else to give them something, and if that someone else resists, they are intruding into the lives of the dipshits.

Incredible. Absolutely incredible.

No, people should have the freedom to choose what they want to put into their own bodies. Not a corporation deciding for you. That's what the Hobby Lobby decision did. It opened the door to employers dictating their employees health coverage. Considering they save money when they can dictate what medicine you get, it could lead to the needless deaths of millions.

That's the true death panel, the corporate board room.

Damn, still stuck on lies. The sad part of this is that I have read actual intelligent arguments against the Hobby Lobby decision, and not a single one of them has percolated down to the idiots on this board. Would it help if I linked you to some well thought out arguments, or will you continue to spout nonsense and lies?
Because I trust the government more than I trust my employer or their insurance company.

And that is what makes you a total fucking moron.

How? Government is by the people FOR THE PEOPLE. Do corporations do what's best for the people or their bottom line? Let's see if you answer honestly.

Seriously? Does that include the corporations that work for the progressive agenda?

ArCompany ? Social Justice: 10 Special Companies Doing Loads of Social Good
No, people should have the freedom to choose what they want to put into their own bodies. Not a corporation deciding for you. That's what the Hobby Lobby decision did. It opened the door to employers dictating their employees health coverage. Considering they save money when they can dictate what medicine you get, it could lead to the needless deaths of millions.

That's the true death panel, the corporate board room.

Which is why healthcare should never have been tied to employment.

Yes and that's why we should have universal healthcare provided by the government. You know like EVERY OTHER FIRST WORLD NATION. Which have managed to have better health outcomes and lower costs than the US.

I would disprove that lie, again, but I know you wouldn't be able to follow the math.
Which is why healthcare should never have been tied to employment.

Yes and that's why we should have universal healthcare provided by the government. You know like EVERY OTHER FIRST WORLD NATION. Which have managed to have better health outcomes and lower costs than the US.

Yeah, but this is America where profit is king...fuck "the people".

Thanks to people like you.
Yes and that's why we should have universal healthcare provided by the government. You know like EVERY OTHER FIRST WORLD NATION. Which have managed to have better health outcomes and lower costs than the US.

its comical you don't trust corporations yet blindly trust the government to be able to do something like universal healthcare competently.

Anything the government touches except when it comes to blowing something up (we are very good at that) becomes mired in bureaucracy and sloth.

Corporations, despite opinions to the contrary, are not people...but the government is. It even says so in our founding documents. Of, for, by...

That has to be the single dumbest post ever made, and that is saying a lot. I honestly think you just set the bar so fucking low that no one will ever be bale to crawl under it and say something even more stupid.
No because as data proves our cost of healthcare was sky high before ACA. ACA has stemmed the increase by a lot. And these evil socialized gave been able to keep down the cost of healthcare in their countries so how would it possible be left wing policies are driving up the costs?

You are right.. The cost was high. Why?? Because of Left Wing Policies.

You are forgetting the unbelievable tax rate the people in those countries pay to support those socialized medical policies.

Then name specific policies that directly led to the high costs of healthcare. Saying a broad statement like "left wing policies" might get low information, less educated citizens to believe you but not me. So name them.

Tying health insurance to employment.

The idea that insurance should cover routine expenses.

The concept that anything is free.

I could go on for hours, but you will continue to miss the point.
The government forces you to buy insurance. That is an intrusion into your private life.

The government forces your employer to buy you insurance. That is an intrusion into private life.

The government decides which companies get to sell you insurance on the exchange.

The government decides how much profit those companies are allowed to make.

And yet the dumbasses with seven pounds of brain damage are, "Intrusion? What intrusion?"

Nope. Still not an intrusion. Just out of curiosity, do you agree with the following?

The government forces you to not murder people. That is an intrusion into your private life.

The government forces your employer to report you if you murder people. That is an intrusion into private life.

The government decides which police officers get to arrest you if you are caught murdering people.

The government decides how much funding those officers are allowed to have.

And yet the dumbasses with seven pounds of brain damage say, "hurr durr wut introoshun, healthcare iz 4 librulls, all i needs is gunz, hyuck hyuck!"

Yeah, cuz those are SOOO similar. :cuckoo:
The US Government isn't supposed to "fast track" ANYTHING!

It's set up as a deliberative body and is supposed to take it's time on legislation to make sure it's written very carefully as NOT to infringe on the rights of ANY American.

Indeed. That was the INTENT of the founding Fathers. Doesn't matter with these Nazi pussies. Something happens that they don't "approve" of? Fast track it to get their way.

The idea of taking time so as not to infringe on Americans rights doesn't apply to the left any longer. The only RIGHTS that they care for are theirs. Nothing more and to hell with the rest of America. After all, THEY and THEY ALONE, know what's "best" for us.
Senate Democrats are expediting legislation that would override the Supreme Court's decision in the Hobby Lobby case and compel for-profit employers to cover the full range of contraception for their employees, as required by the Affordable Care Act.

The bill, which is co-authored by Sens. Patty Murray (D-Wash.) and Mark Udall (D-Colo.), would ban for-profit companies from refusing to cover any federally guaranteed health benefits for religious reasons, including all 20 forms of contraception detailed in the Affordable Care Act. It would preserve the contraception mandate's current exemption for churches and accommodation for non-profit religious organizations, such as certain hospitals and schools.

A Senate aide told HuffPost that the bill will be introduced as soon as Tuesday night and go directly to the Senate floor as early as next week, without being considered in committee.

"The U.S. Supreme Court's Hobby Lobby decision opened the door to unprecedented corporate intrusion into our private lives. Coloradans understand that women should never have to ask their bosses for a permission slip to access common forms of birth control or other critical health services," Udall said in a statement. "My common-sense proposal will keep women's private health decisions out of corporate board rooms, because your boss shouldn't be able to dictate what is best for you and your family."

MORE: Democrats Fast-Track Bill To Override Hobby Lobby Decision

Sounds good. Get it done.

So they will monkey see, monkey do -- like the GOP House?

great, pass a bill in the US Senate that has no chance of passing the US House and getting to the President's desk


So now they put out their little "ads" before the ass-stomping in November and tell all the low-information women voters that they are "championing" their cause and the bullshit "war on women".

It's bullshit posturing - nothing more and nothing less. As long as that piece of human excrement Harry "Howdy Doody" Reid is in control - nothing will EVER get done. Thankfully, after November he will be assigned to checking coats at the Senate cloak room.

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