Democrats Fast-Track Bill To Override Hobby Lobby Decision

That is NOT what the Hobby Lobby decision did.

Meanwhile, you condemn employers dictating their employees' health coverage...but DEMAND that government dictate citizens' health coverage.

Can you explain the incredibly obvious dichotomy?

It's called Nazi liberalism; allowing the government to intrude on the lives of Americans, dictating what they SHALL do - and their freedom be damned.

To paraphrase H.L. Mencken:

"Liberalism: The haunting fear that someone, somewhere, may be free."

"The demagogue is one who preaches doctrines he knows to be untrue to men he knows to be idiots."
H.L. Mencken

"Although it is not true that all conservatives are stupid people,
it is true that most stupid people are conservative."
- John Stuart Mill
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The practice of religious beliefs do not trump the laws of the land. just as there are limits to free speech, there are limits to religious practices. Let us just get that fact, that nugget of truth out there bozos

@JoeB131 @Geaux4it @Lakhota @rightwinger @PredFan @idb @TakeAStepBack @daveman @Stephanie @skookerasbil

One simple, basic question:
Isn't the real issue at it's most basic whether religious beliefs should trump the law of the land?

Two telling responses which are representative of opposition to the PPACA:
What a dummy.

Religious beliefs are the law of the land. That's the point.

HOLY FUCK......some people need to be over posting on!!:D:D


One very basic statement:
No one was denying the owners of HL the freedom to practice their religion.

One representative answer:
Yes they were idiot.

No one was denying the employees of HL contraception.


But what were the real legal arguments presented before the court and what did the court have to say about those arguments?


and one might need a refresher course on: Religious Freedom Restoration Act - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Do you have some kind of point here?

Didn't think so.
From your very first link

English as a second language huh?
I know it's tough.

Little Davey and his Dawg Golliath took a special yellow bus to school.

Of course he isn't lying when he's lying. He's trying very hard to compete with normal people

I think he's doing very well.
He should be very, very pleased with himself.
Someone should give him a certificate.
Maybe you could give me one of your many, many participation medals.
The practice of religious beliefs do not trump the laws of the land. just as there are limits to free speech, there are limits to religious practices. Let us just get that fact, that nugget of truth out there bozos

[MENTION=31057]JoeB131[/MENTION] [MENTION=19543]Geaux4it[/MENTION] [MENTION=31132]Lakhota[/MENTION] [MENTION=20321]rightwinger[/MENTION] [MENTION=33194]PredFan[/MENTION] [MENTION=27296]idb[/MENTION] [MENTION=29021]TakeAStepBack[/MENTION] [MENTION=23991]daveman[/MENTION] [MENTION=1668]Stephanie[/MENTION] [MENTION=20360]skookerasbil[/MENTION]

One simple, basic question:
Isn't the real issue at it's most basic whether religious beliefs should trump the law of the land?

Two telling responses which are representative of opposition to the PPACA:
What a dummy.

Religious beliefs are the law of the land. That's the point.

HOLY FUCK......some people need to be over posting on!!:D:D


One very basic statement:
No one was denying the owners of HL the freedom to practice their religion.

One representative answer:
Yes they were idiot.

No one was denying the employees of HL contraception.


But what were the real legal arguments presented before the court and what did the court have to say about those arguments?


and one might need a refresher course on: Religious Freedom Restoration Act - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The butthurt is strong with this one...
Little Davey and his Dawg Golliath took a special yellow bus to school.

Of course he isn't lying when he's lying. He's trying very hard to compete with normal people

I think he's doing very well.
He should be very, very pleased with himself.
Someone should give him a certificate.
Maybe you could give me one of your many, many participation medals.

I get can hear me coming from miles away.
It's called Nazi liberalism; allowing the government to intrude on the lives of Americans, dictating what they SHALL do - and their freedom be damned.

To paraphrase H.L. Mencken:

"Liberalism: The haunting fear that someone, somewhere, may be free."

"The demagogue is one who preaches doctrines he knows to be untrue to men he knows to be idiots."
H.L. Mencken

"Although it is not true that all conservatives are stupid people,
it is true that most stupid people are conservative."
- John Stuart Mill
"I'm an attention whore. Pay attention to me, or I'll cry!!"

- Dante


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If you don't like the insurance your company is providing why the fuck do you support the government limiting your fucking options? Is it because you are actually so stupid you don't know that by supporting Obamacare you are getting the exact same thing you claim to hate?

Because I trust the government more than I trust my employer or their insurance company.

Finally, you admit you are an idiot.

Or did you forget that the government you claim is more trustworthy passed what you describe as an awful law? How the fuck does your brain hold all the contradictions you need to be able to look in the mirror?

Trustworthy people make good faith mistakes, which is what RFRA clearly was.

The intent behind it was actually pretty good. Obviously, it needed to be "Scalia-Proofed".

Still trust them more than I'd trust an insurance company that would let Nataline Sarkisyan die for lack of an operation, but were happy to pay their CEO 9 figures for coming up with the policy that allowed it.
Because I trust the government more than I trust my employer or their insurance company.

Finally, you admit you are an idiot.

Or did you forget that the government you claim is more trustworthy passed what you describe as an awful law? How the fuck does your brain hold all the contradictions you need to be able to look in the mirror?

Trustworthy people make good faith mistakes, which is what RFRA clearly was.

The intent behind it was actually pretty good. Obviously, it needed to be "Scalia-Proofed".

Still trust them more than I'd trust an insurance company that would let Nataline Sarkisyan die for lack of an operation, but were happy to pay their CEO 9 figures for coming up with the policy that allowed it.
...but you deny the VA has a problem, when it lets veterans die without getting an appointment and gives its top managers performance bonuses.
Finally, you admit you are an idiot.

Or did you forget that the government you claim is more trustworthy passed what you describe as an awful law? How the fuck does your brain hold all the contradictions you need to be able to look in the mirror?

Trustworthy people make good faith mistakes, which is what RFRA clearly was.

The intent behind it was actually pretty good. Obviously, it needed to be "Scalia-Proofed".

Still trust them more than I'd trust an insurance company that would let Nataline Sarkisyan die for lack of an operation, but were happy to pay their CEO 9 figures for coming up with the policy that allowed it.
...but you deny the VA has a problem, when it lets veterans die without getting an appointment and gives its top managers performance bonuses.

Actually, you could put all the "bonuses" VA managers got, and they wouldn't add up to the retirement package Ed Hanaway got for leaving Cigna.

That's the point, guy.

And it's not like I've seen your side come up with any solutions after you created the problem to start with.
Because I trust the government more than I trust my employer or their insurance company.

Finally, you admit you are an idiot.

Or did you forget that the government you claim is more trustworthy passed what you describe as an awful law? How the fuck does your brain hold all the contradictions you need to be able to look in the mirror?

Trustworthy people make good faith mistakes, which is what RFRA clearly was.

The intent behind it was actually pretty good. Obviously, it needed to be "Scalia-Proofed".

Still trust them more than I'd trust an insurance company that would let Nataline Sarkisyan die for lack of an operation, but were happy to pay their CEO 9 figures for coming up with the policy that allowed it.

You mean the teenager that UCSF said wouldn't be eligible for an transplant because it would be a waste of limited resources (a healthy liver) that should be used for people with a better chance of survival?

Maybe you should figure out a better example of the evils of insurance companies, especially considering that Cigna faced no out of pocket expenses if they had approved the surgery.
Trustworthy people make good faith mistakes, which is what RFRA clearly was.

The intent behind it was actually pretty good. Obviously, it needed to be "Scalia-Proofed".

Still trust them more than I'd trust an insurance company that would let Nataline Sarkisyan die for lack of an operation, but were happy to pay their CEO 9 figures for coming up with the policy that allowed it.
...but you deny the VA has a problem, when it lets veterans die without getting an appointment and gives its top managers performance bonuses.

Actually, you could put all the "bonuses" VA managers got, and they wouldn't add up to the retirement package Ed Hanaway got for leaving Cigna.

That's the point, guy.

And it's not like I've seen your side come up with any solutions after you created the problem to start with.

The point is that you trust a government that has been proven to not care about anyone or anything but itself.

By the way, the government is the one that created the problem. That includes your side, not mine.
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You mean the teenager that UCSF said wouldn't be eligible for an transplant because it would be a waste of limited resources (a healthy liver) that should be used for people with a better chance of survival?

Maybe you should figure out a better example of the evils of insurance companies, especially considering that Cigna faced no out of pocket expenses if they had approved the surgery.

Actually, as usual, you don't know what you are talking about.

She wasn't being treated at UCSF, so why should what they had to say make any difference? She was being treated at

Death of Nataline Sarkisyan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Diagnosed with leukemia at age 14, Sarkisyan had health insurance coverage under the employer coverage of her parents. Physicians informed the family and insurance company[when?], Cigna HealthCare, that patients in similar circumstances have a six-month survival rate of 65% after a liver transplant.[

The chief of the Baylor Regional Transplant Institute in Dallas, Dr. Goran Klintmalm, said[when?] this particular operation was a "very high-risk transplant." Dr. Klintmalm did state that he would consider the same operation on a similar patient

UCLA declined two livers while waiting for insurance approval from Cigna.

The point is that you trust a government that has been proven to not care about anyone or anything but itself.

By the way, the government is the one that created the problem. That includes your side, not mine.

Uh, no, we arent' the ones who started a war with a country that wasn't our enemy over weapons that didn't exist, and then send men in to fight it with inadequate body and vehicle armor.
Trustworthy people make good faith mistakes, which is what RFRA clearly was.

The intent behind it was actually pretty good. Obviously, it needed to be "Scalia-Proofed".

Still trust them more than I'd trust an insurance company that would let Nataline Sarkisyan die for lack of an operation, but were happy to pay their CEO 9 figures for coming up with the policy that allowed it.
...but you deny the VA has a problem, when it lets veterans die without getting an appointment and gives its top managers performance bonuses.

Actually, you could put all the "bonuses" VA managers got, and they wouldn't add up to the retirement package Ed Hanaway got for leaving Cigna.

That's the point, guy.

And it's not like I've seen your side come up with any solutions after you created the problem to start with.
You need to get a new schtick. Your "The Man is keeping me down!!" act is threadworn.

How many veterans could those VA manager bonuses have treated?

Not that you give a shit, of course.

How many times do I have to point out that the fucking law disagrees with your assessment of health insurance as compensation?

In short, everything you claim is based on a lie.

Look on the bright side. With ObamaCare, you can finally get those meds you obviously need.

I had all the meds I needed before Obamacare.

Now, thanks to Obamacare, I have to spend most of my free time arguing with my insurance to get the meds I actually need, even if they are prescribed by my oncologist. But, please, keep telling me how much Obamacare has fucking helped me.
I never had any issues with insurance. It was working well. Until this year. This year I have spent hours on the phone over and over again dealing with insurance and doctors.
...but you deny the VA has a problem, when it lets veterans die without getting an appointment and gives its top managers performance bonuses.

Actually, you could put all the "bonuses" VA managers got, and they wouldn't add up to the retirement package Ed Hanaway got for leaving Cigna.

That's the point, guy.

And it's not like I've seen your side come up with any solutions after you created the problem to start with.
You need to get a new schtick. Your "The Man is keeping me down!!" act is threadworn.

How many veterans could those VA manager bonuses have treated?

Not that you give a shit, of course.

Probably not all that many. The total number of bonuses given out were 108 million over a three year period to thousands of managers. Some of those managers probably actually made decisions and took actions that were valid. The average bonus was a whopping $1848.00. The top bonus was $62,000.

By comparison, Ed Hanaway got 100 million to retire on.

And I really love how guys like you and Mudwhistle just hate you the government while grabbing that government money with both hands. It amuses the shit out of me.

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