Democrats Fast-Track Bill To Override Hobby Lobby Decision

Where are they claiming that contraception is being denied?

I'll give you a hint - claiming that contraception insurance coverage is being denied is not the same as claiming that contraception is being denied.
Not such a minor difference at all it?
Read for comprehension - it's amazing what you'll find.

This is exactly why thinking people get bored with arguing with you zealots.
You said, and I quote: "No one is claiming that the the employees were denied contraception."

I provided links of people saying exactly that.

You don't get to move the goalposts, Skippy.

From your very first link
The Oklahoma-based crafts store Hobby Lobby has won a temporary injunction against Obamacare’s birth control requirement, allowing the for-profit company to withhold contraceptive coverage from its 13,000 employees
English as a second language huh?
I know it's tough.
Senate Democrats are expediting legislation that would override the Supreme Court's decision in the Hobby Lobby case and compel for-profit employers to cover the full range of contraception for their employees, as required by the Affordable Care Act.

The bill, which is co-authored by Sens. Patty Murray (D-Wash.) and Mark Udall (D-Colo.), would ban for-profit companies from refusing to cover any federally guaranteed health benefits for religious reasons, including all 20 forms of contraception detailed in the Affordable Care Act. It would preserve the contraception mandate's current exemption for churches and accommodation for non-profit religious organizations, such as certain hospitals and schools.

A Senate aide told HuffPost that the bill will be introduced as soon as Tuesday night and go directly to the Senate floor as early as next week, without being considered in committee.

"The U.S. Supreme Court's Hobby Lobby decision opened the door to unprecedented corporate intrusion into our private lives. Coloradans understand that women should never have to ask their bosses for a permission slip to access common forms of birth control or other critical health services," Udall said in a statement. "My common-sense proposal will keep women's private health decisions out of corporate board rooms, because your boss shouldn't be able to dictate what is best for you and your family."

MORE: Democrats Fast-Track Bill To Override Hobby Lobby Decision

Sounds good. Get it done.

So they will monkey see, monkey do -- like the GOP House?

great, pass a bill in the US Senate that has no chance of passing the US House and getting to the President's desk


So now they put out their little "ads"...

It's bullshit posturing...


when the GOP House or the Dem Senate do it

"Gimme, gimme, gimme, and make that guy over there pay for it."

Acceding to this constant demand is how we have now arrived to the point where there are dipshits who actually believe it is okay to force someone else to give them something, and if that someone else resists, they are intruding into the lives of the dipshits.

Incredible. Absolutely incredible.

No, people should have the freedom to choose what they want to put into their own bodies. Not a corporation deciding for you. That's what the Hobby Lobby decision did. It opened the door to employers dictating their employees health coverage. Considering they save money when they can dictate what medicine you get, it could lead to the needless deaths of millions.

That's the true death panel, the corporate board room.
That is NOT what the Hobby Lobby decision did.

Meanwhile, you condemn employers dictating their employees' health coverage...but DEMAND that government dictate citizens' health coverage.

Can you explain the incredibly obvious dichotomy?
on edit:

Senate Democrats are expediting legislation that would override the Supreme Court's decision in the Hobby Lobby case and compel for-profit employers to cover the full range of contraception for their employees, as required by the Affordable Care Act.

The bill, which is co-authored by Sens. Patty Murray (D-Wash.) and Mark Udall (D-Colo.), would ban for-profit companies from refusing to cover any federally guaranteed health benefits for religious reasons, including all 20 forms of contraception detailed in the Affordable Care Act. It would preserve the contraception mandate's current exemption for churches and accommodation for non-profit religious organizations, such as certain hospitals and schools.

A Senate aide told HuffPost that the bill will be introduced as soon as Tuesday night and go directly to the Senate floor as early as next week, without being considered in committee.

"The U.S. Supreme Court's Hobby Lobby decision opened the door to unprecedented corporate intrusion into our private lives. Coloradans understand that women should never have to ask their bosses for a permission slip to access common forms of birth control or other critical health services," Udall said in a statement. "My common-sense proposal will keep women's private health decisions out of corporate board rooms, because your boss shouldn't be able to dictate what is best for you and your family."

MORE: Democrats Fast-Track Bill To Override Hobby Lobby Decision

Sounds good. Get it done.

So they will monkey see, monkey do -- like the GOP House?

great, pass a bill in the US Senate that has no chance of passing the US House and getting to the President's desk
Because I trust the government more than I trust my employer or their insurance company.

And that is what makes you a total fucking moron.

How? Government is by the people FOR THE PEOPLE. Do corporations do what's best for the people or their bottom line? Let's see if you answer honestly.
All throughout history, governments have killed millions of their own people.

Your faith in government is seriously misplaced.
"Gimme, gimme, gimme, and make that guy over there pay for it."

Acceding to this constant demand is how we have now arrived to the point where there are dipshits who actually believe it is okay to force someone else to give them something, and if that someone else resists, they are intruding into the lives of the dipshits.

Incredible. Absolutely incredible.

No, people should have the freedom to choose what they want to put into their own bodies. Not a corporation deciding for you. That's what the Hobby Lobby decision did. It opened the door to employers dictating their employees health coverage. Considering they save money when they can dictate what medicine you get, it could lead to the needless deaths of millions.

That's the true death panel, the corporate board room.
That is NOT what the Hobby Lobby decision did.

Meanwhile, you condemn employers dictating their employees' health coverage...but DEMAND that government dictate citizens' health coverage.

Can you explain the incredibly obvious dichotomy?

It's called Nazi liberalism; allowing the government to intrude on the lives of Americans, dictating what they SHALL do - and their freedom be damned.
There can be no doubt that the women that work at HL are disadvantaged compared to women employed at other firms - as far as insurance coverage for contraception is concerned.
Because of the religious beliefs of the owners of the company.

Sure, if you compare from firm to firm. That's not how business is done in the court based on "fair" or "advantage". If they do not like it, they may go work at a firm that offers that. It's the same as any other scenario regarding employment. Some firms offer free lunch too. I'm at a disadvantage based on that. No free lunch here.


"Will not provide" does not equate with "can not have".

I've heard that at Google they give free massages and even send a bus to pick you up and drive you to work. Perhaps the libtuds believe the SC should decide to force every corporation to provide these benefits. Otherwise, people who work elsewhere will be "disadvantaged."

I can get a free massage once a month here at the company I work for. They also, at discretion of a manager, reward good work with lunch vouchers to the cafeteria here. They also have a pretty cool health program where by participating I can get almost $1000 in incentives to use towards health costs per year. I guess it pays to work for one of them evil giant Fortune 500 corporate-greed-monster companies.
Sure, if you compare from firm to firm. That's not how business is done in the court based on "fair" or "advantage". If they do not like it, they may go work at a firm that offers that. It's the same as any other scenario regarding employment. Some firms offer free lunch too. I'm at a disadvantage based on that. No free lunch here.


"Will not provide" does not equate with "can not have".

I've heard that at Google they give free massages and even send a bus to pick you up and drive you to work. Perhaps the libtuds believe the SC should decide to force every corporation to provide these benefits. Otherwise, people who work elsewhere will be "disadvantaged."

I can get a free massage once a month here at the company I work for. They also, at discretion of a manager, reward good work with lunch vouchers to the cafeteria here. They also have a pretty cool health program where by participating I can get almost $1000 in incentives to use towards health costs per year. I guess it pays to work for one of them evil giant Fortune 500 corporate-greed-monster companies.

We don't get massages, but the occasional voucher for a hooker....


Just kidding.

I take my people to lunch once a month. We have some pretty good benefits.
its comical you don't trust corporations yet blindly trust the government to be able to do something like universal healthcare competently.

Anything the government touches except when it comes to blowing something up (we are very good at that) becomes mired in bureaucracy and sloth.

Corporations, despite opinions to the contrary, are not people...but the government is. It even says so in our founding documents. Of, for, by...

And then there's that whole "profit margin" thing...which, yes, does tend to make me trust the government more than a corporation when it comes to healthcare.

Award for most fallacies in one post.
Corporations are persons, based on many opinions of the Supreme Court going back nearly 100 years.
Government is not a person. The very document you quote, which is actually Lincoln's Gettysburg Address so irrelevant to law, distinguishes government from people.
Profit margin should make you trust corporations. You know what their incentive is to do whatever. Government's only incentive is to accrue power to itself.
“Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience.”

― C.S. Lewis
Where are they claiming that contraception is being denied?

I'll give you a hint - claiming that contraception insurance coverage is being denied is not the same as claiming that contraception is being denied.
Not such a minor difference at all it?
Read for comprehension - it's amazing what you'll find.

This is exactly why thinking people get bored with arguing with you zealots.
You said, and I quote: "No one is claiming that the the employees were denied contraception."

I provided links of people saying exactly that.

You don't get to move the goalposts, Skippy.

From your very first link
The Oklahoma-based crafts store Hobby Lobby has won a temporary injunction against Obamacare’s birth control requirement, allowing the for-profit company to withhold contraceptive coverage from its 13,000 employees
English as a second language huh?
I know it's tough.

Little Davey and his Dawg Golliath took a special yellow bus to school.

Of course he isn't lying when he's lying. He's trying very hard to compete with normal people
And that is what makes you a total fucking moron.

How? Government is by the people FOR THE PEOPLE. Do corporations do what's best for the people or their bottom line? Let's see if you answer honestly.
All throughout history, governments have killed millions of their own people.

Your faith in government is seriously misplaced.

Governments don't kill people, people kill people
You said, and I quote: "No one is claiming that the the employees were denied contraception."

I provided links of people saying exactly that.

You don't get to move the goalposts, Skippy.

From your very first link
The Oklahoma-based crafts store Hobby Lobby has won a temporary injunction against Obamacare’s birth control requirement, allowing the for-profit company to withhold contraceptive coverage from its 13,000 employees
English as a second language huh?
I know it's tough.

Little Davey and his Dawg Golliath took a special yellow bus to school.

Of course he isn't lying when he's lying. He's trying very hard to compete with normal people

I think he's doing very well.
He should be very, very pleased with himself.
Someone should give him a certificate.
I've heard that at Google they give free massages and even send a bus to pick you up and drive you to work. Perhaps the libtuds believe the SC should decide to force every corporation to provide these benefits. Otherwise, people who work elsewhere will be "disadvantaged."

I can get a free massage once a month here at the company I work for. They also, at discretion of a manager, reward good work with lunch vouchers to the cafeteria here. They also have a pretty cool health program where by participating I can get almost $1000 in incentives to use towards health costs per year. I guess it pays to work for one of them evil giant Fortune 500 corporate-greed-monster companies.

We don't get massages, but the occasional voucher for a hooker....


Just kidding.

I take my people to lunch once a month. We have some pretty good benefits.

We had to get rid of our hooker when the recession hit.
All we can afford now is a free hair-combing for all staff every second Wednesday.
Still...they seem to like it.
Where are they claiming that contraception is being denied?

I'll give you a hint - claiming that contraception insurance coverage is being denied is not the same as claiming that contraception is being denied.
Not such a minor difference at all it?
Read for comprehension - it's amazing what you'll find.

This is exactly why thinking people get bored with arguing with you zealots.
You said, and I quote: "No one is claiming that the the employees were denied contraception."

I provided links of people saying exactly that.

You don't get to move the goalposts, Skippy.

From your very first link
The Oklahoma-based crafts store Hobby Lobby has won a temporary injunction against Obamacare’s birth control requirement, allowing the for-profit company to withhold contraceptive coverage from its 13,000 employees
English as a second language huh?
I know it's tough.
Blame the retards at Can'tThinkPreventProgress. You know -- leftists.
Second link:
Hobby Lobby is the Oklahoma-based chain of craft stores that is challenging the Affordable Care Act (ACA), claiming that the health-care reform law violates the corporation’s free exercise of religion by requiring it to provide their employees with a health plan that covers the intrauterine device (IUD) and oral contraceptive pills. Hobby Lobby asserts, without medical foundation, that these contraceptive are really abortifacients.

While Hobby Lobby opposes offering contraceptive coverage...​
That's a lie. HL does not oppose contraceptives.

Third link:
The Supreme Court has rendered its verdict on Hobby Lobby’s asinine battle against providing birth control to women–and, unfortunately, sense and decency lost: Thanks to a 5-4 ruling, businesses are able to refuse to provide contraception coverage if they claim a “sincerely held religious belief.”​
Again, a lie. No one in the case opposed all contraception coverage.

Fourth link:
The Supreme Court says corporations can hold religious objections that allow them to opt out of the new health law requirement that they cover contraceptives for women.

The justices’ 5-4 decision Monday is the first time that the high court has ruled that profit-seeking businesses can hold religious views under federal law. And it means the Obama administration must search for a different way of providing free contraception to women who are covered under objecting companies’ health insurance plans.​
The same old lie. One could easily get the impression that progressives merely repeat what they're told.

Seriously, dood, you're arguing a distinction without a distinction.
No, people should have the freedom to choose what they want to put into their own bodies. Not a corporation deciding for you. That's what the Hobby Lobby decision did. It opened the door to employers dictating their employees health coverage. Considering they save money when they can dictate what medicine you get, it could lead to the needless deaths of millions.

That's the true death panel, the corporate board room.
That is NOT what the Hobby Lobby decision did.

Meanwhile, you condemn employers dictating their employees' health coverage...but DEMAND that government dictate citizens' health coverage.

Can you explain the incredibly obvious dichotomy?

It's called Nazi liberalism; allowing the government to intrude on the lives of Americans, dictating what they SHALL do - and their freedom be damned.

To paraphrase H.L. Mencken:

"Liberalism: The haunting fear that someone, somewhere, may be free."
You said, and I quote: "No one is claiming that the the employees were denied contraception."

I provided links of people saying exactly that.

You don't get to move the goalposts, Skippy.

From your very first link
The Oklahoma-based crafts store Hobby Lobby has won a temporary injunction against Obamacare’s birth control requirement, allowing the for-profit company to withhold contraceptive coverage from its 13,000 employees
English as a second language huh?
I know it's tough.

Little Davey and his Dawg Golliath took a special yellow bus to school.

Of course he isn't lying when he's lying. He's trying very hard to compete with normal people
When I want your opinion, I'll...I'll...

Well, damn. I really can't see myself ever wanting your opinion.
How? Government is by the people FOR THE PEOPLE. Do corporations do what's best for the people or their bottom line? Let's see if you answer honestly.
All throughout history, governments have killed millions of their own people.

Your faith in government is seriously misplaced.

Governments don't kill people, people kill people
Then perhaps you idiots should stop worshiping it.
The practice of religious beliefs do not trump the laws of the land. just as there are limits to free speech, there are limits to religious practices. Let us just get that fact, that nugget of truth out there bozos

[MENTION=31057]JoeB131[/MENTION] [MENTION=19543]Geaux4it[/MENTION] [MENTION=31132]Lakhota[/MENTION] [MENTION=20321]rightwinger[/MENTION] [MENTION=33194]PredFan[/MENTION] [MENTION=27296]idb[/MENTION] [MENTION=29021]TakeAStepBack[/MENTION] [MENTION=23991]daveman[/MENTION] [MENTION=1668]Stephanie[/MENTION] [MENTION=20360]skookerasbil[/MENTION]

One simple, basic question:
Isn't the real issue at it's most basic whether religious beliefs should trump the law of the land?

Two telling responses which are representative of opposition to the PPACA:
What a dummy.

Religious beliefs are the law of the land. That's the point.

HOLY FUCK......some people need to be over posting on!!:D:D
The free practice of religious beliefs is guaranteed by the Constitution...the law of the land.

SCOTUS upheld that.


One very basic statement:
No one was denying the owners of HL the freedom to practice their religion.

One representative answer:
Yes they were idiot.

No one was denying the employees of HL contraception.


But what were the real legal arguments presented before the court and what did the court have to say about those arguments?


and one might need a refresher course on: Religious Freedom Restoration Act - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Last edited:
But what were the real legal arguments presented before the court and what did the court have to say about those arguments?


and one might need a refresher course on: Religious Freedom Restoration Act - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You leftists overplayed your hand. You tried to take out the 1st Amendment, while 5 Constitutionalists remain on the court.

You fought the 1st and the, 1st won...

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