Democrats Fast-Track Bill To Override Hobby Lobby Decision

Which is why healthcare should never have been tied to employment.

Yes and that's why we should have universal healthcare provided by the government. You know like EVERY OTHER FIRST WORLD NATION. Which have managed to have better health outcomes and lower costs than the US.

its comical you don't trust corporations yet blindly trust the government to be able to do something like universal healthcare competently.

Anything the government touches except when it comes to blowing something up (we are very good at that) becomes mired in bureaucracy and sloth.

Did you miss Iraq? We are not even good at that anymore…
It's funny the way you expect us to believe you'd ever vote for anyone but the Alpha Democrat. :lol:

You're a good Party drone, dutifully and mindlessly pulling the D lever, and that's all you'll ever be.

Actually, I pulled that lever for Republican candidates for president in every election between 1980 and 2008.

Even thought McCain was a good guy.


What figures?

That when you have a war hero who wants us to all work together for the betterment of the country, man, fuck that guy. We need to impose our religious crazy on other people, just like Jesus would do!
Bullshit. You're just a D-lever-pullin' robot. Period.

No, guy, I voted for republicans when they didn't nominate people who think they are wearing magic underwear or think the word "Rape" needs to be qualified with an adjective in order to justify their whacky views on abortion.

I mean, you do realize that your party has lost its fucking mind, right?

2012- you nominated a guy who thinks he's going to rule a planet in the afterlife and he was the LEAST crazy guy you had.
Actually, I pulled that lever for Republican candidates for president in every election between 1980 and 2008.

Even thought McCain was a good guy.


What figures?

That when you have a war hero who wants us to all work together for the betterment of the country, man, fuck that guy. We need to impose our religious crazy on other people, just like Jesus would do!

It figures that authoritarian statist attitudes transcend party boundaries. Libertarian values do too.
But government is?

I hope Obamacare covers your fucked-in-the-headness.

Um, where did I say "government" is people?

Government REFLECTS the people it rules.

Not all of them. The rest, it coerces. It shouldn't be allowed to do that unless it's really necessary.

I disagree. I think at a certain point, you have to go with majority rule.

99% of women use contraception. Their choice should not be dictated by rich 1%ers who believe in magic sky fairies.
The free practice of religious beliefs IS the law of the land.

Refusing to pay for abortion pills violates NO ONE'S rights.

Forcing someone to pay for other people's abortion pills when it violates their religious beliefs denies that person their rights.

It's not too hard to figure out.
Bullshit. You're just a D-lever-pullin' robot. Period.

No, guy, I voted for republicans when they didn't nominate people who think they are wearing magic underwear or think the word "Rape" needs to be qualified with an adjective in order to justify their whacky views on abortion.

I mean, you do realize that your party has lost its fucking mind, right?

2012- you nominated a guy who thinks he's going to rule a planet in the afterlife and he was the LEAST crazy guy you had.
People who espouse Communist ideals have no business questioning others' sanity.

And now, to make your vacuous head explode:

Poll: Americans say we'd be better off if Mitt Romney won in 2012 | Early & Often
"Would Mitt (Romney) have been a better fit? More voters in hindsight say yes," Malloy said.

Overall, 45 percent of voters say America would be better off if the White House went to the Republicans in 2012, compared to 38 percent who said we'd be worse off.​

:eek: Heretics! Unbelievers! Outcast unclean! They DARE question your little tin god!
The free practice of religious beliefs IS the law of the land.

Refusing to pay for abortion pills violates NO ONE'S rights.

Forcing someone to pay for other people's abortion pills when it violates their religious beliefs denies that person their rights.

It's not too hard to figure out.

Uh, no, not really.

Employers aren't "paying" for their employee's insurance.

Employee's are EARNING that insurance. They create the money to pay for it through their labor and time.

Now, besides the fact they call these "abortion pills" exposed their PROFOUND ignorance of all things medical, the fact is, they didn't give this insurance out as a gift.

They gave it out as compensation.

If every employer just paid their employees the amount it costs to buy a group plan, a 25 year old woman (regardless of how many men she was banging) would have an easier time getting a policy for $5000 than a middle aged executive.

And the fact that many of the systems are catastrophes! (See: Britain's NHS.)

Yet a majority of Brits approve of NHS.

The poll, published by the King’s Fund think-tank, found that 61% of people were satisfied with the NHS, compared with 58% in 2011 and 70% in 2010.
NHS approval ratings constant after fall last year | Public Finance ? official CIPFA magazine

Doesn't change the fact that it leaves people dying in hallways, just like the VA, does it?
It's funny the way you expect us to believe you'd ever vote for anyone but the Alpha Democrat. :lol:

You're a good Party drone, dutifully and mindlessly pulling the D lever, and that's all you'll ever be.

Actually, I pulled that lever for Republican candidates for president in every election between 1980 and 2008.

Even thought McCain was a good guy.

Then you fools nominated a fucking Mormon.

I also will probably vote for Bruce Rauner this year for Gov. of IL, because I don't think Quinn has what it takes to do the job.

Here's the thing. As long as the GOP is dominated by corporate stooges appealing to religious crazies and racist assholes to keep what little corners they still hold, it is unlikely they'll get my vote.

Beyond that, I expect that Republicans will fight Single Payer up until the point it is instituted, and then claim to be its protectors.

Kind of like what they've done with Medicare and Social Security.

What the fuck does Romney being Mormon have to do with his political views? Does your brain actually work, or do you just type randomly on the keyboard on the hope that it makes sense?
Businesses aren't people.

But government is?

I hope Obamacare covers your fucked-in-the-headness.

Um, where did I say "government" is people?

Government REFLECTS the people it rules.

Except when it conflicts with your views, right? Because, believe it or not, more people support the RFRA than oppose it, yet you think that the RFRA is a bad law because you are a fucking bigot that hates people who don't think the same fucking way you do.
Um, where did I say "government" is people?

Government REFLECTS the people it rules.

Not all of them. The rest, it coerces. It shouldn't be allowed to do that unless it's really necessary.

I disagree. I think at a certain point, you have to go with majority rule.

Sure. When conformity is critical, when people deciding for themselves is intolerable, we use majority rule to settle on some kind of consensus. But in most cases, diversity and freedom of choice is a better way to go.

99% of women use contraception. Their choice should not be dictated by rich 1%ers who believe in magic sky fairies.

Only government can dictate. Rich people have no such power. As long as we can maintain a free society, we can tell them to go fly a kite. And all they can do about it is sit on their piles of money and pout. Fuck them.
Um, where did I say "government" is people?

Government REFLECTS the people it rules.

Not all of them. The rest, it coerces. It shouldn't be allowed to do that unless it's really necessary.

I disagree. I think at a certain point, you have to go with majority rule.

99% of women use contraception. Their choice should not be dictated by rich 1%ers who believe in magic sky fairies.

If 99% of women use contraception why do we need the government to force other people to pay for it?
The free practice of religious beliefs IS the law of the land.

Refusing to pay for abortion pills violates NO ONE'S rights.

Forcing someone to pay for other people's abortion pills when it violates their religious beliefs denies that person their rights.

It's not too hard to figure out.

Uh, no, not really.

Employers aren't "paying" for their employee's insurance.

Employee's are EARNING that insurance. They create the money to pay for it through their labor and time.

Now, besides the fact they call these "abortion pills" exposed their PROFOUND ignorance of all things medical, the fact is, they didn't give this insurance out as a gift.

They gave it out as compensation.

If every employer just paid their employees the amount it costs to buy a group plan, a 25 year old woman (regardless of how many men she was banging) would have an easier time getting a policy for $5000 than a middle aged executive.

Yes really. The employers are providing that insurance. When providing it violates their religious beliefs, they do not have to provide it. That is the law of the land.

And it is an abortion pill, that is the medical reality. I am extremely knowledgeable in all things medical.
The free practice of religious beliefs IS the law of the land.

Refusing to pay for abortion pills violates NO ONE'S rights.

Forcing someone to pay for other people's abortion pills when it violates their religious beliefs denies that person their rights.

It's not too hard to figure out.

Uh, no, not really.

Employers aren't "paying" for their employee's insurance.

Employee's are EARNING that insurance. They create the money to pay for it through their labor and time.

Now, besides the fact they call these "abortion pills" exposed their PROFOUND ignorance of all things medical, the fact is, they didn't give this insurance out as a gift.

They gave it out as compensation.

If every employer just paid their employees the amount it costs to buy a group plan, a 25 year old woman (regardless of how many men she was banging) would have an easier time getting a policy for $5000 than a middle aged executive.

Why do you keep lying about who pays for the insurance? If you actually had an argument that was based on reality I would have no trouble with you expressing it, but all you have is a bunch of lies. Would it help if I linked you to some actual people that know how to think that can offer reasonable arguments against the Hobby Lobby decision, or do you want to stay with the stupid shit? I am serious here, I would love to see someone actually argue this question using actual facts and sound logical reasoning. I guess I have to stick with living with idiocy though.
The free practice of religious beliefs IS the law of the land.

Refusing to pay for abortion pills violates NO ONE'S rights.

Forcing someone to pay for other people's abortion pills when it violates their religious beliefs denies that person their rights.

It's not too hard to figure out.

Uh, no, not really.

Employers aren't "paying" for their employee's insurance.

Employee's are EARNING that insurance. They create the money to pay for it through their labor and time.

Now, besides the fact they call these "abortion pills" exposed their PROFOUND ignorance of all things medical, the fact is, they didn't give this insurance out as a gift.

They gave it out as compensation.

If every employer just paid their employees the amount it costs to buy a group plan, a 25 year old woman (regardless of how many men she was banging) would have an easier time getting a policy for $5000 than a middle aged executive.

Yes really. The employers are providing that insurance. When providing it violates their religious beliefs, they do not have to provide it. That is the law of the land.

Which is stupid law. The point of the first amendment isn't to give special privilege to religious belief. It's to protect it from persecution. Do you stand behind that idea generally? Do you really think religious people should be exempt from any laws that impede on their religious beliefs?

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