Democrats Fast-Track Bill To Override Hobby Lobby Decision

The 'religious belief' you refer to is backed up by medical science. Killing a potential baby with a pill is a medical fact.


According to the Food and Drug Administration, those methods -- Plan B, Ella, and two IUDs -- do not prevent the implantation of a fertilized egg into the uterus but rather prevent fertilization.

Supreme Court sets dangerous precedent with Hobby Lobby ruling


If that is true why doesn't your link lead to the FDA website?

Look, this clown would tell you that the sun rises in the West if he thought that it would somehow help that clown in DC.

He's a bootlicker of the highest order.
Maybe not, but at least a strong message is being sent regarding some of the Bible-thumping neocon loons on the Supreme Court.

Who haven't banned a single form of birth control, nor prevented any woman from accessing it. How loony of them.

Apparently you failed to read the fine print between the lines. Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg did.


No, you wanted your insurance company to be! Ding, ding, ding! Why do you suppose they wanted you to try physical therapy first???

LOL, the money insurance companies comes from the sky, right Joe? You paid for a policy, now they should throw money at you whenever you ask.

Yes, that is EXACTLY what it means. I paid for a policy through payroll deductions or labor.

That means I expect them to pay for whatever my doctor rules is expedient and the best course of treatment.
Joe, I have no idea who you're trying to fool with your drivel.
You go to your own Doctor....he either refers you to a specialist or he himself will order up an MRI. His or the specialist's office will set up the appointment for the MRI. They call and let you know when and where to go for the MRI.
That's how it works in the real world....I've had several MRI's and never once had an issue.

I've had PT and cortisone shots on occasions before I had an MRI. But never once did I have an issue with what YOU would call "substandard insurance coverage". Go figure, now run along

Then again, you've never dealt with these assholes.

This is fucking Cigna, the guys who paid their CEO 9 figures to retire while they let Nataline Sarkisyan die.

And, yes, getting every test out of these guys was pretty much a wrestling match.
I was charged $600 for an MRI that I paid for out of pocket in 2001. I probably could have got it cheaper, but I was in a hurry.

By the way, the first MRI was built in 1977. That means they weren't all that new 30 years later, when you allegedly got your MRI.

Like I said earlier, nothing you post is true.

$600.00 is a lot of money for me, dude. It as more than I made in a week at the time. It is a lot more than I paid for food.

Here's my view. I don't think I should have to pay anything for health care if I am already paying for health insurance. I'm funny like that. I don't believe in paying for the same thing twice.

And if the Private Health Care system can't meet that low standard, scrap the whole fucking thing and go to single payer.

But here's an interesting article.

Why an MRI costs $1,080 in America and $280 in France - The Washington Post

Yes, an MRI that costs $1080 in the US costs only $280 in France. Now why is that, i wonder?

Which is a lot cheaper than paying for physical therapy.

Sent from my iPad using an Android.

The PT was cheap. Not sure what you're talking about.

but I noticed you avoided the point about why MRI's cost $280 in France and over a thousand in the US.

It was a lot of money for me too, but I needed the MRI, and I paid for it. Maybe you should stop whinging and man up.

If you want to know why an MRI costs more here, blame the government. If, on the other hand, you want to pretend you have a point, blame Bush.

MRI costs more here because the private sector is greedier than shit, and when it comes to "Supply and Demand", when it's your health at stake, sellers hold all the cards.

It's why health inflation is three times regular inflation and it's been that way for years.

Now, as inhumane as the insurance companies are, they are reacting to the fact that inflation is so high that they can't just write checks. They have to fight patients on tests to keep costs down.

Single Payer. Government sets fair prices. It's how the rest of the world does it.

In Canada, the rich come to the US for treatment because as Joe said they have to wait in line and if they have a serious condition they end up dead before they get treatment. In Canada, you are more likely to die of cancer or heart disease than in the US.

And Joe, you consider that positive? Equal lack of access to timely care? The same is better than better treatment?

Cancer is what kills you when you manage to survive everything else.

Canada has a longer life expectency than we do, and a lower infant mortality rate. They spend half of what we do.

But, boo-hoo, a rich person has to share a hospital room with a poor person and that's just awful.
I know, I had an MRI, it was hundreds, not thousands. I'd pay that for my knee if I were having issues without blinking. But it's more fun to keep Joe talking and get him deeper in his lies. He's so bad at it. He thinks we're stupid and doesn't realize how stupid he looks because of it.

Ye4ah, it is fun arguing with someone that thinks he is entitled to have other people pay for everything.

And is truly outraged when we don't!

No, what outrages me is that you guys think it's perfectly okay to let children die if they are poor or working class, and you have the FUCKING NERVE to call yourselves "Christians".

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No, you wanted your insurance company to be! Ding, ding, ding! Why do you suppose they wanted you to try physical therapy first???

LOL, the money insurance companies comes from the sky, right Joe? You paid for a policy, now they should throw money at you whenever you ask.

Yes, that is EXACTLY what it means. I paid for a policy through payroll deductions or labor.

That means I expect them to pay for whatever my doctor rules is expedient and the best course of treatment.

OK, well that's easy then. Show them where in the policy it shows your MRI is covered and appeal the decision. I've worked for multiple insurance companies, when you appeal, you get their better adjusters. The first wave is trained to err on the side of denying coverage because realistically they can pay later, but they aren't likely to get money back paid in error.

Have you found the part in the policy showing it's covered? That's the place to start.

In Canada, the rich come to the US for treatment because as Joe said they have to wait in line and if they have a serious condition they end up dead before they get treatment. In Canada, you are more likely to die of cancer or heart disease than in the US.

And Joe, you consider that positive? Equal lack of access to timely care? The same is better than better treatment?

Cancer is what kills you when you manage to survive everything else.

Canada has a longer life expectency than we do, and a lower infant mortality rate. They spend half of what we do.

But, boo-hoo, a rich person has to share a hospital room with a poor person and that's just awful.

Yeah ... um ... no. We're not sharing a room, Joe. I'll pay for my own room.
Ye4ah, it is fun arguing with someone that thinks he is entitled to have other people pay for everything.

And is truly outraged when we don't!

No, what outrages me is that you guys think it's perfectly okay to let children die if they are poor or working class,

and you have the FUCKING NERVE to call yourselves "Christians


Got anything related to anything I actually say?

The difference between you and a Christian is:

- Christians think it's their job to help people, not the government's

- You think it's government's job to give to you, fuck everyone
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No, you wanted your insurance company to be! Ding, ding, ding! Why do you suppose they wanted you to try physical therapy first???

LOL, the money insurance companies comes from the sky, right Joe? You paid for a policy, now they should throw money at you whenever you ask.

Yes, that is EXACTLY what it means. I paid for a policy through payroll deductions or labor.

That means I expect them to pay for whatever my doctor rules is expedient and the best course of treatment.

OK, well that's easy then. Show them where in the policy it shows your MRI is covered and appeal the decision. I've worked for multiple insurance companies, when you appeal, you get their better adjusters. The first wave is trained to err on the side of denying coverage because realistically they can pay later, but they aren't likely to get money back paid in error.

Have you found the part in the policy showing it's covered? That's the place to start.

Guy, I shouldn't have to read through a damned policy. I shouldn't have to fight with an insurance company to get a treatment my doctors says is necessary. And I shouldn't have to delay a surgery by a month because my employer wanted me on standby because they were doing a computer transition.

And you know what, guy, fuck the insurance industry.

Yes, that is EXACTLY what it means. I paid for a policy through payroll deductions or labor.

That means I expect them to pay for whatever my doctor rules is expedient and the best course of treatment.

OK, well that's easy then. Show them where in the policy it shows your MRI is covered and appeal the decision. I've worked for multiple insurance companies, when you appeal, you get their better adjusters. The first wave is trained to err on the side of denying coverage because realistically they can pay later, but they aren't likely to get money back paid in error.

Have you found the part in the policy showing it's covered? That's the place to start.

Guy, I shouldn't have to read through a damned policy. I shouldn't have to fight with an insurance company to get a treatment my doctors says is necessary. And I shouldn't have to delay a surgery by a month because my employer wanted me on standby because they were doing a computer transition.

And you know what, guy, fuck the insurance industry.


Do you notice some policies cost more than others? Why do you suppose that is, Joe?

In Canada, the rich come to the US for treatment because as Joe said they have to wait in line and if they have a serious condition they end up dead before they get treatment. In Canada, you are more likely to die of cancer or heart disease than in the US.

And Joe, you consider that positive? Equal lack of access to timely care? The same is better than better treatment?

Cancer is what kills you when you manage to survive everything else.

Canada has a longer life expectency than we do, and a lower infant mortality rate. They spend half of what we do.

But, boo-hoo, a rich person has to share a hospital room with a poor person and that's just awful.

Yeah ... um ... no. We're not sharing a room, Joe. I'll pay for my own room.

As long as I'm getting the treatment I need, I don't care who I have to share a room with.

Maybe if the rich got the same care as the poor and working folks did in this country, they'd care more about the problems.

Do you notice some policies cost more than others? Why do you suppose that is, Joe?

What I notice is big insurance is very good at taking people's money and very bad at giving it back.

I'm just wondering what value they add to the process. Every other industrial democracy has single payer, they spend less, live longer, less of their babies die and everyone is covered.

YOu see, that's what happens when you treat health care like a public service rather than a Get-rich scheme.

Do you notice some policies cost more than others? Why do you suppose that is, Joe?

What I notice is big insurance is very good at taking people's money and very bad at giving it back.

Well Joe, that isn't backed up by the numbers. The most efficient, profitable companies make a profit margin of 5% or less. I know math isn't your strong suit. Or logic, reading, history, finance, energy or a whole lot of other things. You are good at hating Mormons and Jews, other than that I got nothing. But back to the 5%. That means they can't pay out much more and stay in business, Joe.

I'm just wondering what value they add to the process. Every other industrial democracy has single payer, they spend less, live longer, less of their babies die and everyone is covered.

Oh, our process is whacked, your beloved Democrats are making it worse. The problem is we have a health care "insurance" strategy when insurance should not be to provide service but to insure against catastrophic losses we can't afford. The problem are skin flints like you who want them to pay every bill so you can spend your money on booze and cigarettes and your car instead of your healthcare. And the Democrats use it to lure the you and the rest of the greedy liberals and keep you under thumb.

YOu see, that's what happens when you treat health care like a public service rather than a Get-rich scheme.

OMG, a 5% margin get quick rich scheme. That's actually a get rich very, very slowly scheme, guy.
Quick look at a local radiologist has them starting at $339.

"Starting at".

That's like saying cars start at $10,000.

I didn't call them and ask...I couldn't, since I do not know exactly what you needed done. Also, you simply are not important enough for me to bother them.

When Liz needed an MRI (left knee), I recall it cost about $400.

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