Democrats Fast-Track Bill To Override Hobby Lobby Decision

Yes, Joe's a liar. What's he even talking about? You just go to the doctor, get the MRI and file a claim. Who goes to their insurance company and asks for an MRI for their knee first? He's not only a liar, but a shallow and obvious one.

Uh, I wasn't going in for a very expensive MRI unless i knew these cheap fucks were going to pay for it in advance.

They insisted I try "physical therapy" first.
Joe, I have no idea who you're trying to fool with your drivel.
You go to your own Doctor....he either refers you to a specialist or he himself will order up an MRI. His or the specialist's office will set up the appointment for the MRI. They call and let you know when and where to go for the MRI.
That's how it works in the real world....I've had several MRI's and never once had an issue.

I've had PT and cortisone shots on occasions before I had an MRI. But never once did I have an issue with what YOU would call "substandard insurance coverage". Go figure, now run along

My wife's doctor told her that she could go wherever she wanted...but yeah, no issue.

No, you wanted your insurance company to be! Ding, ding, ding! Why do you suppose they wanted you to try physical therapy first???

LOL, the money insurance companies comes from the sky, right Joe? You paid for a policy, now they should throw money at you whenever you ask.

Yes, that is EXACTLY what it means. I paid for a policy through payroll deductions or labor.

That means I expect them to pay for whatever my doctor rules is expedient and the best course of treatment.

Dude, you remind me of someone who buys the cheapest liability-only coverage on his car, then gets pissed off when it gets stolen & the insurance won't pay.
There is only one drug approved to induce abortion. It is called RU-486 (mifepristone) and is not on the FDA's list of approved contraception. It is available only by prescription and no employer is forced to pay for it as part of an employee health plan.

MUCH MORE: What an abortifacient is -- and what it isn't | National Catholic Reporter

Much very good information for those who care to know.

Well Joe, that isn't backed up by the numbers. The most efficient, profitable companies make a profit margin of 5% or less. I know math isn't your strong suit. Or logic, reading, history, finance, energy or a whole lot of other things. You are good at hating Mormons and Jews, other than that I got nothing. But back to the 5%. That means they can't pay out much more and stay in business, Joe.

Okay, guy, you really think an industry that pays its CEO's NINE FIGURE Salaries is hurting for money? Really?

Ed Hanaway, after he murdered Nataline Sarkisyan, got a retirement package worth Nine figures. Now where do you think that money came from, guy?

Oh, our process is whacked, your beloved Democrats are making it worse. The problem is we have a health care "insurance" strategy when insurance should not be to provide service but to insure against catastrophic losses we can't afford. The problem are skin flints like you who want them to pay every bill so you can spend your money on booze and cigarettes and your car instead of your healthcare. And the Democrats use it to lure the you and the rest of the greedy liberals and keep you under thumb.

Again, guy, the Canadians spend half what we do and they get far better results. Oh, yeah, no one gets a Nine Figure Salary and rich people have to share hospital rooms with poor people.

OMG, a 5% margin get quick rich scheme. That's actually a get rich very, very slowly scheme, guy.

Like I said. Hanaway got a nine-Figure retirement package. The CEO of United Health Care got something similiar.


Dude, you remind me of someone who buys the cheapest liability-only coverage on his car, then gets pissed off when it gets stolen & the insurance won't pay.

And of course, as usual, you'd be wrong.

I purchased the most expensive plan they offered in 2003, because I knew I was getting at the age where health issues would be more frequent.

In 2007, I had all the operations that ran up all the money.

Later that year, they tried to switch me to the cheaper plan. I refused.

Then they stopped offering the better plan.

Then they "discovered" my position was no longer necessary.

And here's the thing. Employers don't want to be managing this shit any more than we want to be buying from them.

But if they sold it to individuals, the system would collapse, and if you let the Gummit run it, they'd make these cocksuckers play fair.

No, you wanted your insurance company to be! Ding, ding, ding! Why do you suppose they wanted you to try physical therapy first???

LOL, the money insurance companies comes from the sky, right Joe? You paid for a policy, now they should throw money at you whenever you ask.

Yes, that is EXACTLY what it means. I paid for a policy through payroll deductions or labor.

That means I expect them to pay for whatever my doctor rules is expedient and the best course of treatment.

Dude, you remind me of someone who buys the cheapest liability-only coverage on his car, then gets pissed off when it gets stolen & the insurance won't pay.

That's joe. He paid for a policy, he doesn't even need to read it. He has a policy, they pay for everything now, right?

No, you wanted your insurance company to be! Ding, ding, ding! Why do you suppose they wanted you to try physical therapy first???

LOL, the money insurance companies comes from the sky, right Joe? You paid for a policy, now they should throw money at you whenever you ask.

Yes, that is EXACTLY what it means. I paid for a policy through payroll deductions or labor.

That means I expect them to pay for whatever my doctor rules is expedient and the best course of treatment.

Were you taxed for that policy? If not, you didn't pay for it, someone else did. Perhaps you should have considered actually paying for a policy instead of letting other people pick your policy for you, and handing it to you on a silver platter.

It was a lot of money for me too, but I needed the MRI, and I paid for it. Maybe you should stop whinging and man up.

If you want to know why an MRI costs more here, blame the government. If, on the other hand, you want to pretend you have a point, blame Bush.

MRI costs more here because the private sector is greedier than shit, and when it comes to "Supply and Demand", when it's your health at stake, sellers hold all the cards.

It's why health inflation is three times regular inflation and it's been that way for years.

Now, as inhumane as the insurance companies are, they are reacting to the fact that inflation is so high that they can't just write checks. They have to fight patients on tests to keep costs down.

Single Payer. Government sets fair prices. It's how the rest of the world does it.

Which explains why I can get an MRI for less than the government pays how, exactly?
Yes, that is EXACTLY what it means. I paid for a policy through payroll deductions or labor.

That means I expect them to pay for whatever my doctor rules is expedient and the best course of treatment.

OK, well that's easy then. Show them where in the policy it shows your MRI is covered and appeal the decision. I've worked for multiple insurance companies, when you appeal, you get their better adjusters. The first wave is trained to err on the side of denying coverage because realistically they can pay later, but they aren't likely to get money back paid in error.

Have you found the part in the policy showing it's covered? That's the place to start.

Guy, I shouldn't have to read...


That is your entire problem.

There is only one drug approved to induce abortion. It is called RU-486 (mifepristone) and is not on the FDA's list of approved contraception. It is available only by prescription and no employer is forced to pay for it as part of an employee health plan.

MUCH MORE: What an abortifacient is -- and what it isn't | National Catholic Reporter

Much very good information for those who care to know.

Not true.

List of drugs used for Abortion (Induced Abortion ) / Abortion (Induced Abortion ) Medicines | Medindia
Guy, I shouldn't have to read...


That is your entire problem.


NO, guy, I really shouldn't have to read every bit of fine print to see how they are thinking up ways to screw me.

I deal with contracts and purchase orders and agreements all day. A lot of those are predicated on everyone being honest with each other.

this is how the world should work.

when the premise is, "You work for us, we give you health coverage", that should not mean, "Well, but only after we challenge your trained medical professional, make you go through a lot of unncessary treatments, and then check with our IMAGINARY FRIEND IN THE SKY to make sure what you want doesn't offend him."

Dude, you remind me of someone who buys the cheapest liability-only coverage on his car, then gets pissed off when it gets stolen & the insurance won't pay.

And of course, as usual, you'd be wrong.

I purchased the most expensive plan they offered in 2003, because I knew I was getting at the age where health issues would be more frequent.

In 2007, I had all the operations that ran up all the money.

Later that year, they tried to switch me to the cheaper plan. I refused.

Then they stopped offering the better plan.

Then they "discovered" my position was no longer necessary.

And here's the thing. Employers don't want to be managing this shit any more than we want to be buying from them.

But if they sold it to individuals, the system would collapse, and if you let the Gummit run it, they'd make these cocksuckers play fair.

Guy, I shouldn't have to read...


That is your entire problem.


NO, guy, I really shouldn't have to read every bit of fine print to see how they are thinking up ways to screw me.

I deal with contracts and purchase orders and agreements all day. A lot of those are predicated on everyone being honest with each other.

this is how the world should work.

when the premise is, "You work for us, we give you health coverage", that should not mean, "Well, but only after we challenge your trained medical professional, make you go through a lot of unncessary treatments, and then check with our IMAGINARY FRIEND IN THE SKY to make sure what you want doesn't offend him."
The honesty goes both ways and so far, what I have read from you is nothing but dishonest BS and out right lies.
The honesty goes both ways and so far, what I have read from you is nothing but dishonest BS and out right lies.

Why, because I had a reasonable expectation that if I slipped on some ice and wrecked my knee, I had some silly notion that I could get surgery to fix that after an MRI determined my knee was seriously damaged?

That doesn't sound like an unreasonable expectation. At least not to me.

That's joe. He paid for a policy, he doesn't even need to read it. He has a policy, they pay for everything now, right?

I had a policy, and it was presented to me that it would cover most situations.

I paid more out of pocket to get the Point Of Service Plan because it covered more than the HMO plan they initially offered.

Here's the thing. WHen HMO's first came out, people thought they were horrible.

Then I had a Pre-ObamaCare situation where our cheif of Human Resources remarked that she was glad her husband had an HMO instead of the shitty plan we had.

Seriously, guy, the thing is, why should I vote to continue this shit? Take this shit and like it, when I can vote for what I wanted to start with?

It's kind of like you dumb fucking Southern Shits who vote against Unions and for More work for less pay.
Again, guy, the Canadians spend half what we do and they get far better results. Oh, yeah, no one gets a Nine Figure Salary and rich people have to share hospital rooms with poor people.

Again, STFU

While it may be that the federal government does not pay its CEO 15 million dollars . the massive bureaucracy is even more expensive and will bring the collapse of the US economy.

Horseshit. If you taxed the wealthy at Pre-Reagan levels, you wouldn't have any issues with meeting our obligations.
There is only one drug approved to induce abortion. It is called RU-486 (mifepristone) and is not on the FDA's list of approved contraception. It is available only by prescription and no employer is forced to pay for it as part of an employee health plan.

MUCH MORE: What an abortifacient is -- and what it isn't | National Catholic Reporter

Much very good information for those who care to know.

Not true.

List of drugs used for Abortion (Induced Abortion ) / Abortion (Induced Abortion ) Medicines | Medindia

Not true? Really? You actually take the word of a website launched from India in 1999 over the American Food and Drug Administration founded in 1906?
Guy, I shouldn't have to read...


That is your entire problem.


NO, guy, I really shouldn't have to read every bit of fine print to see how they are thinking up ways to screw me.

I deal with contracts and purchase orders and agreements all day. A lot of those are predicated on everyone being honest with each other.

this is how the world should work.

when the premise is, "You work for us, we give you health coverage", that should not mean, "Well, but only after we challenge your trained medical professional, make you go through a lot of unncessary treatments, and then check with our IMAGINARY FRIEND IN THE SKY to make sure what you want doesn't offend him."

JoeB: I shouldn't have to read contracts I sign.

Lawyer: It doesn't work that way, if you signed it you read it.

JoeB: I am going to complain to Obama.

Lawyer: Good luck.
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No, you wanted your insurance company to be! Ding, ding, ding! Why do you suppose they wanted you to try physical therapy first???

LOL, the money insurance companies comes from the sky, right Joe? You paid for a policy, now they should throw money at you whenever you ask.

Yes, that is EXACTLY what it means. I paid for a policy through payroll deductions or labor.

That means I expect them to pay for whatever my doctor rules is expedient and the best course of treatment.
The government sure as hell wouldn't if we had single-payer.

I'd point you towards the VA, but you're willfully blind to the way they've been not treating veterans.
The honesty goes both ways and so far, what I have read from you is nothing but dishonest BS and out right lies.

Why, because I had a reasonable expectation that if I slipped on some ice and wrecked my knee, I had some silly notion that I could get surgery to fix that after an MRI determined my knee was seriously damaged?

That doesn't sound like an unreasonable expectation. At least not to me.

No, because you think reading is beneath you.

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