Democrats Fast-Track Bill To Override Hobby Lobby Decision

Uh, I wasn't going in for a very expensive MRI unless i knew these cheap fucks were going to pay for it in advance.

They insisted I try "physical therapy" first.
Joe, I have no idea who you're trying to fool with your drivel.
You go to your own Doctor....he either refers you to a specialist or he himself will order up an MRI. His or the specialist's office will set up the appointment for the MRI. They call and let you know when and where to go for the MRI.
That's how it works in the real world....I've had several MRI's and never once had an issue.

I've had PT and cortisone shots on occasions before I had an MRI. But never once did I have an issue with what YOU would call "substandard insurance coverage". Go figure, now run along

My wife's doctor told her that she could go wherever she wanted...but yeah, no issue.

Not me. We have to do everything "in network." Even so, my son had an MRI when he broke his leg - I didn't even know they used them for broken bones, but I guess it shows things that an x-ray doesn't. No hassle, we just had to drive a few blocks to another facility.
JoeB: I shouldn't have to read contracts I sign.

Lawyer: It doesn't work that way, if you signed it you read it.

JoeB: I am going to complain to Obama.

Lawyer: Good luck.

I've read them. and frankly, nope, if we all need lawyers to get our insurance companies to do what they promised, that's a good excuse to get rid of insurance companies.

If it was in the contract you wouldn't need a lawyer, would you? Besides, you already admitted you don't read before you buy/sign.
Guy, I shouldn't have to read through a damned policy.
It's rare to see someone so proud of being stupid and lazy.

Dumbass, the policy is a contract. If the insurer fails to live up to the contract they signed, there is legal recourse.

But you have to not be stupid and lazy.

What happened to you is your own damn fault, because you let them get away with it.

That's wonderful, guy. I didn't make that contract.

That's the whole point. The contract between insurers and employers, and the courts have ruled the patients have no standing. That was the whole point of why they let the Sarkisyan girl die. Her father didn't have standing.

Now, yeah, I guess i could have sued them, and eventually I got the treatment I needed anyway. (I finally did get the treatment after fighting with them for a year and a half), but frankly, what you guys don't get because you are kind of stupid is, why should the rest of us put up with sub-standard treatment after we've paid for it?

It's like you all don't even understand why ObamaCare got passed to start with. Amazing.

They never once ruled that, but feel free to keep lying.
Actually, when I've dealt with the VA, it's been a wonderful experience.

Of course, I'm not grabbing government benefits with both hands and then bitching about the government like you do.
Note for the progressivism impaired:

Your limited experience does not define reality. Veterans have died waiting for appointments.

But that embarrasses Big Nanny Government, so you pretend it doesn't happen.


People have died waiting for private insurance to approve treatments.

And frankly, nothing stopped those veterans from paying for those treatments out of pocket, right? Isn't that what you guys have spent the last six pages telling me I should have done for my knee surgery?

People have dies waiting for Obamacare to approve treatments. In fact, Obamacare denied me a CT/PEt scan earlier this year. After I had the scan.

Personally, I don't give a fuck if Obamacare ever ponies up, I got the scan, and the hospital is free to fight them, or not.

If you were half as smart as you think I am you would know you can go ahead and get the MRI and argue after words over who will pay.
Oh, I work plenty hard. You simply can't recognize it because you're a stupid lazy bastard.

And there you go again, excusing your rulers. Typical.

You're nothing more than a serf.

Guy, if you work for the government and you think government is worthless, doesn't that make you worthless? I find it amusing the guys who bitch about the government the loudest are the ones grabbing that government money with both hands.

Incidentally, I think ObamaCare is a mess because instead of going to Single Payer, it built on top of the corrupt private insurance system that even the insurance industry admits can't go on as it is.

Um... I'd take government money right now, if you are stupid enough to let me. Absolutely!

If you told me today, that you are going to hand out your hard earned money to anyone who says they need it, I'll send you certified mail, with my "need it" note before the end of the day. I'll take your money, and think you are a moron, the entire time.

You morons on the left, don't seem to grasp this. You can take advantage of a system, that you don't agree with. The two are not mutually exclusive.

You drive up the cost of health insurance, and then are shocked people drop the health care coverage they did have, to get free insurance from the government. Many of those people might even oppose government run health insurance, but because you idiots made private insurance too expensive, we take what we have to. I, myself, am an example of this.

Mr too, the only problem is how shitty they are at approving meds. I have fucking cancer, the chemo makes me nauseous, and Obamacare thinks I only need 10 pills for the entire fucking month, which wouldn't get me through a week.

And Joe thinks he can persuade me how wonderful it is that the government is in charge of my health insurance now.
Says the guy with the no-work government job who is collecting a government pension. But you're not a subject at all.

Guy, that's pretty fucking idiotic.

"Hey, How Dare Congress exempt itself from ObamaCare when their coverage more than met standards!"

Here's an idea. We just take the plan Congress has and give it to every American. That would work.
Oh, I work plenty hard. You simply can't recognize it because you're a stupid lazy bastard.

And there you go again, excusing your rulers. Typical.

You're nothing more than a serf.

Guy, if you work for the government and you think government is worthless, doesn't that make you worthless? I find it amusing the guys who bitch about the government the loudest are the ones grabbing that government money with both hands.

Incidentally, I think ObamaCare is a mess because instead of going to Single Payer, it built on top of the corrupt private insurance system that even the insurance industry admits can't go on as it is.
I don't think government is worthless, and nothing I have EVER said could lead a rational person to that conclusion.

And then there's you.

Government is bloated far larger than it needs to be. Morons like you think - sorry, wrong word -- FEEL that it's not big enough.

There is little in government right now that you can point to and claim is efficient, responsive, and beneficial to the citizens of the United States.

You will try, but you will be wrong.
Actually, when I've dealt with the VA, it's been a wonderful experience.

Of course, I'm not grabbing government benefits with both hands and then bitching about the government like you do.
Note for the progressivism impaired:

Your limited experience does not define reality. Veterans have died waiting for appointments.

But that embarrasses Big Nanny Government, so you pretend it doesn't happen.


People have died waiting for private insurance to approve treatments.

And frankly, nothing stopped those veterans from paying for those treatments out of pocket, right? Isn't that what you guys have spent the last six pages telling me I should have done for my knee surgery?
And somehow, we're assholes for telling you that, but it's dandy when you say it to veterans?

At least you're no longer pretending to care about veterans.

Meanwhile, I'd like to remind the audience at home that you told me you had legal recourse to fall back on when you were wrongfully terminated...BUT CHOSE NOT TO PURSUE IT.

In summary, your defining characteristics are greed, laziness, willful ignorance, and just plain stupidity.
Yes, that is EXACTLY what it means. I paid for a policy through payroll deductions or labor.

That means I expect them to pay for whatever my doctor rules is expedient and the best course of treatment.
The government sure as hell wouldn't if we had single-payer.

I'd point you towards the VA, but you're willfully blind to the way they've been not treating veterans.

He won't admit that, he's got this lie that he's a veteran. He can't admit he doesn't know what he's talking about with the VA because he'd have to admit his lie.
I have no problem accepting his veteran status...with the caveat that he turned in his balls to the quartermaster when me mustered out.
Note for the progressivism impaired:

Your limited experience does not define reality. Veterans have died waiting for appointments.

But that embarrasses Big Nanny Government, so you pretend it doesn't happen.


People have died waiting for private insurance to approve treatments.

And frankly, nothing stopped those veterans from paying for those treatments out of pocket, right? Isn't that what you guys have spent the last six pages telling me I should have done for my knee surgery?
And somehow, we're assholes for telling you that, but it's dandy when you say it to veterans?

At least you're no longer pretending to care about veterans.

Meanwhile, I'd like to remind the audience at home that you told me you had legal recourse to fall back on when you were wrongfully terminated...BUT CHOSE NOT TO PURSUE IT.

In summary, your defining characteristics are greed, laziness, willful ignorance, and just plain stupidity.

And those are just his good points!

And frankly, nothing stopped those veterans from paying for those treatments out of pocket, right? Isn't that what you guys have spent the last six pages telling me I should have done for my knee surgery?

We also told you that you should have read what your policy covers when you signed up for it. And that you should read it now since you still say you don't know.

You don't even understand what insurance is. They give you a list of, we will cover X, Y, Z, ... and pay this much for it. You think you can buy the cheapest crap policy and they have to cover everything. It's a contract. Here's a thought, read it...
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Maybe they aren't so stupid, maybe they shopped around for the best deal they could by reading what was and wasn't offered. Obummercare's one size fits all is just stupid....

The best deal for who?

You see, you might have blundered into the best argument against Employer provided health care. It really works best for the employer, not the employee.

Now, a point I've hit on when it comes to agreements, is that when I was at this company, they changed their "plan" three times and the provider once. One of them even tried to talk us into using THEIR dentists rather than the dentists we had developed relationships with. After I had the first of my two surgeries (the more expensive one), they got rid of the Point of Service Plan that I and others had used.

but overall- only 75% are adequately covered, you are one layoff from being not covered at all. (COBRA is a bad joke) we spend twice per capita what the "Socialist" countries, but have lower life expectencies and a higher infant mortality rate.

Now, you probably think this is a good thing, and no doubt you will blurt out some horseshit about "Freedom" and "Founding Fathers" or some such shit I have no patience for.

Joe can't decide if he has the money or not. First he said his employer shit canned him because he filed too many medical claims. I pointed out that apparently he wasn't very good at his job since he wasn't worth the bills, then he changed his story that he made his employer money hand over fist, and he ended up fine and his employer didn't. Though apparently his employer also had no problem replacing him, even though he couldn't replace him.

I was great at my job. Unfortunately, I wasn't working at a meritocracy.

And of course, the fact that the management (not Joe) lost 65% of their business in a year probably had a lot to do with that. (A combination of their largest customer cancelling their contract plus the implosion of the Housing market). The Management decided that hey, we need to get rid of our senior employees first because they make more money. Especially the ones that had medical issues.

Joe also used to be a Republican, until he became a Democrat and agreed with Democrats on every issue and every talking point and he doesn't even remember why he thought what he did or what he ever thought, so he can't explain to Republicans the source of his epiphany, he just realized the Democrats were right on every issue and for the reason they think it.

I've explained to you my reasons very clearly. You just don't want to understand them.

I'll give you the short version. After FOUR recessions on Republican Watches, I've concluded that the Republicans just don't know what they are doing on the economy. for the social issues, I've concluded that the GOP is just playing you for fools by waiving shiny objects. Here's a hint. Abortion is still legal.

He also isn't anti-Semetic, but he wants every Jew in Israel to die.

NO, i want them to go back to Europe where they came from, and stop pissing off the Arabs, because we keep getting hit with the backsplash from that.

[ He admits he hates Mormons, apparently the guy who shit canned him in the beginning of the story was a Mormon who fired him for sucking even though he made him money hand over fist and Joe ended up fine and he didn't, even though he had no problem replacing Joe.

You see, here's where you just don't read very well. The guy who fired me also thought Romney was a wonderful candidate in 2008. He didn't share Romney's crazy religion, and like most of the people who run your party he has contempt for Religion. (He threatened to vote for Hillary if Huckabee won the nomination. He also used the "N-word" once to describe Obama. Then tried to act like he was just kidding.)

This guy did end up fine because the company was looking to fire him (which is what happens when you lose 65% of your business in a year) so he jumped to get a job with one of our vendors.

Then the guy had the nerve to try to sell to me at my current job.

Joe also used to be in the military and he loves guns, he's shot every gun known to man. He also hates guns because no one ever shoots one except to kill a person or train to kill a person. There is no other reason he can think of to fire a projectile. He's not sick or anything though, he didn't pretend to be killing people when he shot guns. It's the rest of us. We scare him.

This is why Joe's a hoot. He's a terrible liar.

Where did I say I 'loved" guns? I have respect for guns, I think they should only be in the hands of trained individuals who have a purpose for having them. (i.e. Military and Cops). They should not be in the hands of someone who just can't wait to plug him a negro trying to steal his TV.

And frankly, listening to you people talk about all the folks you just can't wait to murder, i think we should be scared of you.

Wouldn't it be nice if the world worked that way?

But it doesn't. Insurance companies don't have unlimited cash. Neither does the government.

If you want the absolute best possible care, the only way to get it, is to pay for it yourself.

You don't have the money? Then you are at the mercy of the insurance company, or the government.

So which one is worse? Depends on perspective, I suppose.


I'm not even going to slog through the rest of your word cloud, life's too short.

No, there isn't "unlimited" cash.

But here's the thing. the US spends over $8000 per person on health care, about 17% of our GDP.


Japan spends a little over $3000 per person on health care. Japan has a single payer, government system that they've had since the end of WWII.

There is not one health care metric that we beat the Japanese on. An average Japanese lives 82 years compared to 78 for an American. Their infant mortality rate is 1.9/100,000 births compared to our 6/100,000 births. So how can we spend so much more and get much worse results?

The Japanese have a word for it. "muda" - literally translates as "waste".

It describes anything in a process that adds no value to the finished product.

It describes the three employees in your doctor's office whose only job is to sort through insurance claims and fight with insurance companies.

It describes the unneeded therapies the insurance companies insist doctors try first.

It describes dividends paid to shareholders and 8 figure salaries paid to executives for finding ways not to pay for service.

It's the extra expense of a poor person going to an emergency room at five times the costs of a GP and then the hospitals finding creative ways to spread that around to the paying customers. (During my surgery, they gave me a bottle of liquid tylanol that they charged my insurance company $85.00 for.)

None of these contribute to health of the patient, but they are part of that 17% we spend under 'Health Care".
Note for the progressivism impaired:

Your limited experience does not define reality. Veterans have died waiting for appointments.

But that embarrasses Big Nanny Government, so you pretend it doesn't happen.


People have died waiting for private insurance to approve treatments.

And frankly, nothing stopped those veterans from paying for those treatments out of pocket, right? Isn't that what you guys have spent the last six pages telling me I should have done for my knee surgery?
And somehow, we're assholes for telling you that, but it's dandy when you say it to veterans?

At least you're no longer pretending to care about veterans.

NO, guy, I wouldn't say that, that's the point.

I think the VA has issues that need to be addressed, but unfortunately, first we have to get through the din of the "OH MY GOD THERE'S A NEGRO IN THE WHITE HOUSE AND ITS HIS FAULT" screaming your side does.

Meanwhile, I'd like to remind the audience at home that you told me you had legal recourse to fall back on when you were wrongfully terminated...BUT CHOSE NOT TO PURSUE IT.

In summary, your defining characteristics are greed, laziness, willful ignorance, and just plain stupidity.

NO, I just decided there was no benefit. I had gotten my treatment (finally) and they paid me a big bag of "Please don't sue us money." (About six weeks of my salary in severence pay on top of another four weeks of back vacation they owed me because I never take vacations.

so could I have sued? Yup. And what would have that gotten me?

A year of litigation.

Putting my friends on the spot of making them testify we all worked for assholes? (Not a good thing for the ones who got to work for the assholes. Of course most of them were fired three months later after the stock market crashed while i was already at a new job.

Now, I know you want to make it about me and how I should have did this or that or the other, but you are kind of missing the point.

The point is, i shouldn't have to sue my employer to get what I earned.
I don't think government is worthless, and nothing I have EVER said could lead a rational person to that conclusion.

And then there's you.

Government is bloated far larger than it needs to be. Morons like you think - sorry, wrong word -- FEEL that it's not big enough.

There is little in government right now that you can point to and claim is efficient, responsive, and beneficial to the citizens of the United States.

You will try, but you will be wrong.

You know, getting back to my earlier point about why I think the GOP is full of shit, you talk all this smack about "bloated" government, but your side grows government just as fast as the Democrats do. The Bushes between them have created four new cabinet level departments, one of them being - wait for it - the VA.

So i'll caveat my earlier statement. You think the government is wonderful when it gives you money. It sucks when it provides health care for a poor black child.

I don't think that sounds much better, come to think of it.
People have died waiting for private insurance to approve treatments.

And frankly, nothing stopped those veterans from paying for those treatments out of pocket, right? Isn't that what you guys have spent the last six pages telling me I should have done for my knee surgery?
And somehow, we're assholes for telling you that, but it's dandy when you say it to veterans?

At least you're no longer pretending to care about veterans.

NO, guy, I wouldn't say that, that's the point.

I think the VA has issues that need to be addressed, but unfortunately, first we have to get through the din of the "OH MY GOD THERE'S A NEGRO IN THE WHITE HOUSE AND ITS HIS FAULT" screaming your side does.
I'm going to stop reading your posts when you say something stupid.
I don't think government is worthless, and nothing I have EVER said could lead a rational person to that conclusion.

And then there's you.

Government is bloated far larger than it needs to be. Morons like you think - sorry, wrong word -- FEEL that it's not big enough.

There is little in government right now that you can point to and claim is efficient, responsive, and beneficial to the citizens of the United States.

You will try, but you will be wrong.

You know, getting back to my earlier point about why I think the GOP is full of shit, you talk all this smack about "bloated" government, but your side grows government just as fast as the Democrats do. The Bushes between them have created four new cabinet level departments, one of them being - wait for it - the VA.

So i'll caveat my earlier statement. You think the government is wonderful when it gives you money. It sucks when it provides health care for a poor black child.

I don't think that sounds much better, come to think of it.
Looks like I was right: There is little in government right now that you can point to and claim is efficient, responsive, and beneficial to the citizens of the United States.

You didn't even try.
And somehow, we're assholes for telling you that, but it's dandy when you say it to veterans?

At least you're no longer pretending to care about veterans.

NO, guy, I wouldn't say that, that's the point.

I think the VA has issues that need to be addressed, but unfortunately, first we have to get through the din of the "OH MY GOD THERE'S A NEGRO IN THE WHITE HOUSE AND ITS HIS FAULT" screaming your side does.
I'm going to stop reading your posts when you say something stupid.

Everything he says is stupid.

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