Democrats Fast-Track Bill To Override Hobby Lobby Decision

Why don't I believe that?

Oh, because you never post the truth.

Yes, Joe's a liar. What's he even talking about? You just go to the doctor, get the MRI and file a claim. Who goes to their insurance company and asks for an MRI for their knee first? He's not only a liar, but a shallow and obvious one.

Uh, I wasn't going in for a very expensive MRI unless i knew these cheap fucks were going to pay for it in advance.

They insisted I try "physical therapy" first.
Joe, I have no idea who you're trying to fool with your drivel.
You go to your own Doctor....he either refers you to a specialist or he himself will order up an MRI. His or the specialist's office will set up the appointment for the MRI. They call and let you know when and where to go for the MRI.
That's how it works in the real world....I've had several MRI's and never once had an issue.

I've had PT and cortisone shots on occasions before I had an MRI. But never once did I have an issue with what YOU would call "substandard insurance coverage". Go figure, now run along
Major Doctors' Group Endorses Hobby Lobby Override Bill

A doctors' association representing 90 percent of board-certified U.S. gynecologists has endorsed Democrat-sponsored legislation to override the Supreme Court's recent Hobby Lobby birth control decision.

The Protect Women’s Health From Corporate Interference Act, introduced last week in the House and Senate, would prevent for-profit companies from opting out of covering the full range of contraception for their employees. The bill would effectively override the Supreme Court's recent ruling in Burwell v. Hobby Lobby Stores, Inc., which said closely held corporations should be able to claim a religious exemption from having to cover contraceptives to which they morally object.

The American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, a professional physicians' association with more than 55,000 members, said in a statement last week that it supports the bill because "a woman’s boss has no role to play in her personal health care decisions."

“The value of family planning, including contraception, is clear," ACOG wrote. "It allows women to time and space their pregnancies, leading to more optimal health outcomes for mother and for baby. And it helps to prevent unintended pregnancy; in America, nearly one half of all pregnancies are unintended."

But the public benefits of contraception are useless if women cannot afford it, the group said.

“It is also essential that when an ob-gyn prescribes the appropriate contraceptive for each individual patient, he or she can trust that the patient will have access to that treatment option," wrote ACOG. "Restrictions to this access are an unnecessary, inappropriate impediment in the patient/physician relationship. By ensuring contraceptive coverage for workers insured under their employer-provided plan, this bill would put birth control within reach for more American women, regardless of their financial situation. This will improve the health of more women and families, and it will improve our overall health care system, as well."

MORE: Major Doctors' Group Endorses Hobby Lobby Override Bill

Protect Women’s Health From Corporate Interference Act

ACOG Statement In Support of the Protect Women's Health From Corporate Interference Act - ACOG

It's nice to see open-minded, influential, intelligent medical professionals providing such beneficial input without a religious slant. Healthcare should be secular. Period.
Major Doctors' Group Endorses Hobby Lobby Override Bill

A doctors' association representing 90 percent of board-certified U.S. gynecologists has endorsed Democrat-sponsored legislation to override the Supreme Court's recent Hobby Lobby birth control decision.

The Protect Women’s Health From Corporate Interference Act, introduced last week in the House and Senate, would prevent for-profit companies from opting out of covering the full range of contraception for their employees. The bill would effectively override the Supreme Court's recent ruling in Burwell v. Hobby Lobby Stores, Inc., which said closely held corporations should be able to claim a religious exemption from having to cover contraceptives to which they morally object.

The American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, a professional physicians' association with more than 55,000 members, said in a statement last week that it supports the bill because "a woman’s boss has no role to play in her personal health care decisions."

“The value of family planning, including contraception, is clear," ACOG wrote. "It allows women to time and space their pregnancies, leading to more optimal health outcomes for mother and for baby. And it helps to prevent unintended pregnancy; in America, nearly one half of all pregnancies are unintended."

But the public benefits of contraception are useless if women cannot afford it, the group said.

“It is also essential that when an ob-gyn prescribes the appropriate contraceptive for each individual patient, he or she can trust that the patient will have access to that treatment option," wrote ACOG. "Restrictions to this access are an unnecessary, inappropriate impediment in the patient/physician relationship. By ensuring contraceptive coverage for workers insured under their employer-provided plan, this bill would put birth control within reach for more American women, regardless of their financial situation. This will improve the health of more women and families, and it will improve our overall health care system, as well."

MORE: Major Doctors' Group Endorses Hobby Lobby Override Bill

Protect Women’s Health From Corporate Interference Act

ACOG Statement In Support of the Protect Women's Health From Corporate Interference Act - ACOG

It's nice to see open-minded, influential, intelligent medical professionals providing such beneficial input without a religious slant. Healthcare should be secular. Period.

Move along, Lakhota, the highest court sided with Hobby Lobby. It's the law of the land now.
Congress isn't going to change it.
Major Doctors' Group Endorses Hobby Lobby Override Bill

A doctors' association representing 90 percent of board-certified U.S. gynecologists has endorsed Democrat-sponsored legislation to override the Supreme Court's recent Hobby Lobby birth control decision.

The Protect Women’s Health From Corporate Interference Act, introduced last week in the House and Senate, would prevent for-profit companies from opting out of covering the full range of contraception for their employees. The bill would effectively override the Supreme Court's recent ruling in Burwell v. Hobby Lobby Stores, Inc., which said closely held corporations should be able to claim a religious exemption from having to cover contraceptives to which they morally object.

The American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, a professional physicians' association with more than 55,000 members, said in a statement last week that it supports the bill because "a woman’s boss has no role to play in her personal health care decisions."

“The value of family planning, including contraception, is clear," ACOG wrote. "It allows women to time and space their pregnancies, leading to more optimal health outcomes for mother and for baby. And it helps to prevent unintended pregnancy; in America, nearly one half of all pregnancies are unintended."

But the public benefits of contraception are useless if women cannot afford it, the group said.

“It is also essential that when an ob-gyn prescribes the appropriate contraceptive for each individual patient, he or she can trust that the patient will have access to that treatment option," wrote ACOG. "Restrictions to this access are an unnecessary, inappropriate impediment in the patient/physician relationship. By ensuring contraceptive coverage for workers insured under their employer-provided plan, this bill would put birth control within reach for more American women, regardless of their financial situation. This will improve the health of more women and families, and it will improve our overall health care system, as well."

MORE: Major Doctors' Group Endorses Hobby Lobby Override Bill

Protect Women’s Health From Corporate Interference Act

ACOG Statement In Support of the Protect Women's Health From Corporate Interference Act - ACOG

It's nice to see open-minded, influential, intelligent medical professionals providing such beneficial input without a religious slant. Healthcare should be secular. Period.

Move along, Lakhota, the highest court sided with Hobby Lobby. It's the law of the land now.
Congress isn't going to change it.

Maybe not, but at least a strong message is being sent regarding some of the Bible-thumping neocon loons on the Supreme Court.



Last edited by a moderator:
Major Doctors' Group Endorses Hobby Lobby Override Bill

A doctors' association representing 90 percent of board-certified U.S. gynecologists has endorsed Democrat-sponsored legislation to override the Supreme Court's recent Hobby Lobby birth control decision.

The Protect Women’s Health From Corporate Interference Act, introduced last week in the House and Senate, would prevent for-profit companies from opting out of covering the full range of contraception for their employees. The bill would effectively override the Supreme Court's recent ruling in Burwell v. Hobby Lobby Stores, Inc., which said closely held corporations should be able to claim a religious exemption from having to cover contraceptives to which they morally object.

The American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, a professional physicians' association with more than 55,000 members, said in a statement last week that it supports the bill because "a woman’s boss has no role to play in her personal health care decisions."

“The value of family planning, including contraception, is clear," ACOG wrote. "It allows women to time and space their pregnancies, leading to more optimal health outcomes for mother and for baby. And it helps to prevent unintended pregnancy; in America, nearly one half of all pregnancies are unintended."

But the public benefits of contraception are useless if women cannot afford it, the group said.

“It is also essential that when an ob-gyn prescribes the appropriate contraceptive for each individual patient, he or she can trust that the patient will have access to that treatment option," wrote ACOG. "Restrictions to this access are an unnecessary, inappropriate impediment in the patient/physician relationship. By ensuring contraceptive coverage for workers insured under their employer-provided plan, this bill would put birth control within reach for more American women, regardless of their financial situation. This will improve the health of more women and families, and it will improve our overall health care system, as well."

MORE: Major Doctors' Group Endorses Hobby Lobby Override Bill

Protect Women’s Health From Corporate Interference Act

ACOG Statement In Support of the Protect Women's Health From Corporate Interference Act - ACOG

It's nice to see open-minded, influential, intelligent medical professionals providing such beneficial input without a religious slant. Healthcare should be secular. Period.

Move along, Lakhota, the highest court sided with Hobby Lobby. It's the law of the land now.
Congress isn't going to change it.

Maybe not, but at least a strong message is being sent regarding some of the Bible-thumping neocon loons on the Supreme Court.

The Supreme Court Justices base their decisions on the Constitution, not the Bible.
Uh, no, guy, they were actually pretty expensive in 2007 when I got this done. Has the technology become cheaper since then?

I did notice the MRI office had a much nicer and more expensive office than my GP, though.

I was charged $600 for an MRI that I paid for out of pocket in 2001. I probably could have got it cheaper, but I was in a hurry.

By the way, the first MRI was built in 1977. That means they weren't all that new 30 years later, when you allegedly got your MRI.

Like I said earlier, nothing you post is true.

$600.00 is a lot of money for me, dude. It as more than I made in a week at the time. It is a lot more than I paid for food.

Here's my view. I don't think I should have to pay anything for health care if I am already paying for health insurance. I'm funny like that. I don't believe in paying for the same thing twice.

And if the Private Health Care system can't meet that low standard, scrap the whole fucking thing and go to single payer.

But here's an interesting article.

Why an MRI costs $1,080 in America and $280 in France - The Washington Post

Yes, an MRI that costs $1080 in the US costs only $280 in France. Now why is that, i wonder?

It was a lot of money for me too, but I needed the MRI, and I paid for it. Maybe you should stop whinging and man up.

If you want to know why an MRI costs more here, blame the government. If, on the other hand, you want to pretend you have a point, blame Bush.
Major Doctors' Group Endorses Hobby Lobby Override Bill

A doctors' association representing 90 percent of board-certified U.S. gynecologists has endorsed Democrat-sponsored legislation to override the Supreme Court's recent Hobby Lobby birth control decision.

The Protect Women’s Health From Corporate Interference Act, introduced last week in the House and Senate, would prevent for-profit companies from opting out of covering the full range of contraception for their employees. The bill would effectively override the Supreme Court's recent ruling in Burwell v. Hobby Lobby Stores, Inc., which said closely held corporations should be able to claim a religious exemption from having to cover contraceptives to which they morally object.

The American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, a professional physicians' association with more than 55,000 members, said in a statement last week that it supports the bill because "a woman’s boss has no role to play in her personal health care decisions."

“The value of family planning, including contraception, is clear," ACOG wrote. "It allows women to time and space their pregnancies, leading to more optimal health outcomes for mother and for baby. And it helps to prevent unintended pregnancy; in America, nearly one half of all pregnancies are unintended."

But the public benefits of contraception are useless if women cannot afford it, the group said.

“It is also essential that when an ob-gyn prescribes the appropriate contraceptive for each individual patient, he or she can trust that the patient will have access to that treatment option," wrote ACOG. "Restrictions to this access are an unnecessary, inappropriate impediment in the patient/physician relationship. By ensuring contraceptive coverage for workers insured under their employer-provided plan, this bill would put birth control within reach for more American women, regardless of their financial situation. This will improve the health of more women and families, and it will improve our overall health care system, as well."

MORE: Major Doctors' Group Endorses Hobby Lobby Override Bill

Protect Women’s Health From Corporate Interference Act

ACOG Statement In Support of the Protect Women's Health From Corporate Interference Act - ACOG

It's nice to see open-minded, influential, intelligent medical professionals providing such beneficial input without a religious slant. Healthcare should be secular. Period.

Move along, Lakhota, the highest court sided with Hobby Lobby. It's the law of the land now.
Congress isn't going to change it.

Maybe not, but at least a strong message is being sent regarding some of the Bible-thumping neocon loons on the Supreme Court.

Who haven't banned a single form of birth control, nor prevented any woman from accessing it. How loony of them.
Uh, I wasn't going in for a very expensive MRI unless i knew these cheap fucks were going to pay for it in advance.

They insisted I try "physical therapy" first.

Expensive MRI? Seriously? You do know that you can get one for less than you spend on food for a month, don't you? One would think that a person who is as smart as you are would know that, if one actually thought you were as smart as you think you are.

I know, I had an MRI, it was hundreds, not thousands. I'd pay that for my knee if I were having issues without blinking. But it's more fun to keep Joe talking and get him deeper in his lies. He's so bad at it. He thinks we're stupid and doesn't realize how stupid he looks because of it.

Yeah, it is fun arguing with someone that thinks he is entitled to have other people pay for everything.
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Move along, Lakhota, the highest court sided with Hobby Lobby. It's the law of the land now.
Congress isn't going to change it.

Maybe not, but at least a strong message is being sent regarding some of the Bible-thumping neocon loons on the Supreme Court.

Who haven't banned a single form of birth control, nor prevented any woman from accessing it. How loony of them.

Apparently you failed to read the fine print between the lines. Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg did.
Major Doctors' Group Endorses Hobby Lobby Override Bill

A doctors' association representing 90 percent of board-certified U.S. gynecologists has endorsed Democrat-sponsored legislation to override the Supreme Court's recent Hobby Lobby birth control decision.

The Protect Women’s Health From Corporate Interference Act, introduced last week in the House and Senate, would prevent for-profit companies from opting out of covering the full range of contraception for their employees. The bill would effectively override the Supreme Court's recent ruling in Burwell v. Hobby Lobby Stores, Inc., which said closely held corporations should be able to claim a religious exemption from having to cover contraceptives to which they morally object.

The American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, a professional physicians' association with more than 55,000 members, said in a statement last week that it supports the bill because "a woman’s boss has no role to play in her personal health care decisions."

“The value of family planning, including contraception, is clear," ACOG wrote. "It allows women to time and space their pregnancies, leading to more optimal health outcomes for mother and for baby. And it helps to prevent unintended pregnancy; in America, nearly one half of all pregnancies are unintended."

But the public benefits of contraception are useless if women cannot afford it, the group said.

“It is also essential that when an ob-gyn prescribes the appropriate contraceptive for each individual patient, he or she can trust that the patient will have access to that treatment option," wrote ACOG. "Restrictions to this access are an unnecessary, inappropriate impediment in the patient/physician relationship. By ensuring contraceptive coverage for workers insured under their employer-provided plan, this bill would put birth control within reach for more American women, regardless of their financial situation. This will improve the health of more women and families, and it will improve our overall health care system, as well."

MORE: Major Doctors' Group Endorses Hobby Lobby Override Bill

Protect Women’s Health From Corporate Interference Act

ACOG Statement In Support of the Protect Women's Health From Corporate Interference Act - ACOG

It's nice to see open-minded, influential, intelligent medical professionals providing such beneficial input without a religious slant. Healthcare should be secular. Period.

Let me get this straight, a trade group wants free money from the government, and you support them because you think the government should hand out money.

What a surprise.
Expensive MRI? Seriously? You do know that you can get one for less than you spend on food for a month, don't you? One would think that a person who is as smart as you are would know that, if one actually thought you were as smart as you think you are.

I know, I had an MRI, it was hundreds, not thousands. I'd pay that for my knee if I were having issues without blinking. But it's more fun to keep Joe talking and get him deeper in his lies. He's so bad at it. He thinks we're stupid and doesn't realize how stupid he looks because of it.

Ye4ah, it is fun arguing with someone that thinks he is entitled to have other people pay for everything.

And is truly outraged when we don't!
The SCOTUS decision sets a dangerous precedent and opens the door for all kinds of crazy religious shit in the future. The ruling was based on religious "beliefs" - not medical science.

Supreme Court sets dangerous precedent with Hobby Lobby ruling

No, it was based on the law, and the fact that Obama had already handed out exceptions to the law willy nilly, thus proving that the law did not meet a compelling government interest, and that it wasn't the best way to get what the government wanted.

But keep lying, it is all you have.
Maybe not, but at least a strong message is being sent regarding some of the Bible-thumping neocon loons on the Supreme Court.

Who haven't banned a single form of birth control, nor prevented any woman from accessing it. How loony of them.

Apparently you failed to read the fine print between the lines. Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg did.

She "read between the lines" and said, "wait a minute, you're not paying for this woman's birth control, that's denying her access to birth control!"
The SCOTUS decision sets a dangerous precedent and opens the door for all kinds of crazy religious shit in the future. The ruling was based on religious "beliefs" - not medical science.

Supreme Court sets dangerous precedent with Hobby Lobby ruling

The 'religious belief' you refer to is backed up by medical science. Killing a potential baby with a pill is a medical fact.


According to the Food and Drug Administration, those methods -- Plan B, Ella, and two IUDs -- do not prevent the implantation of a fertilized egg into the uterus but rather prevent fertilization.

Supreme Court sets dangerous precedent with Hobby Lobby ruling
The SCOTUS decision sets a dangerous precedent and opens the door for all kinds of crazy religious shit in the future. The ruling was based on religious "beliefs" - not medical science.

Supreme Court sets dangerous precedent with Hobby Lobby ruling

The 'religious belief' you refer to is backed up by medical science. Killing a potential baby with a pill is a medical fact.


According to the Food and Drug Administration, those methods -- Plan B, Ella, and two IUDs -- do not prevent the implantation of a fertilized egg into the uterus but rather prevent fertilization.

Supreme Court sets dangerous precedent with Hobby Lobby ruling


If that is true why doesn't your link lead to the FDA website?

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