Democrats: Gerrymandering a threat to democracy...


Diamond Member
Aug 30, 2008
... while they Gerrymander five Republican seats out of existence in New York.

Bet you didn't hear about that in the leftist controlled media...

Or that Democrats have flipped more seats through redistricting this election cycle than Republican have...

Shhh... Media say Dems good ... Republicans bad...

Let me explain it to you like you're stupid, and that way many of the right-wingers who read this thread will also understand it:

Democrats have been trying to get Republicans to agree on a bill that eliminates gerrymandering for years. Republicans keep saying no. In the Freedom To Vote Act, which has not come up for a vote yet, eliminates gerrymandering. Not one Republican has said they will vote for it.

In the meantime, Democrats are not going to unilaterally disarm while Republicans gerrymander their states. Come to the table, pass the bill, and eliminate gerrymandering.
Ending Gerrymandering is a great idea. The gerrymandered districts are absurd.

But replace it with what? If the party in power doesn't draw district boundaries, who does? How will we prevent whoever that is from imposing their own version of Gerrymandering?

What about when districts formerly Gerrymandered to ensure minorities will be elected go away, and then there are far fewer minority representatives? Will the courts go along with that?
I don’t care which side invented it or which side does it more.

it’s stupid and wrong.

Voters should choose their representatives.
Gerrymandering allows Representatives to choose their voter.
Let me explain it to you like you're stupid, and that way many of the right-wingers who read this thread will also understand it:

Democrats have been trying to get Republicans to agree on a bill that eliminates gerrymandering for years. Republicans keep saying no. In the Freedom To Vote Act, which has not come up for a vote yet, eliminates gerrymandering. Not one Republican has said they will vote for it.

In the meantime, Democrats are not going to unilaterally disarm while Republicans gerrymander their states. Come to the table, pass the bill, and eliminate gerrymandering.

Bullshit, they will keep gerrymandering and pretend they are not. All the law would do is make it illegal for Republicans to do it.
Let me explain it to you like you're stupid, and that way many of the right-wingers who read this thread will also understand it:

Democrats have been trying to get Republicans to agree on a bill that eliminates gerrymandering for years. Republicans keep saying no. In the Freedom To Vote Act, which has not come up for a vote yet, eliminates gerrymandering. Not one Republican has said they will vote for it.

In the meantime, Democrats are not going to unilaterally disarm while Republicans gerrymander their states. Come to the table, pass the bill, and eliminate gerrymandering.

Let me explain it to you real simple.

If Gerrymandering is wrong, then those who are railing against it are fucking hypocrites if they persist in it.


If you refuse to live by the same laws you advocate for others, you are the worst kind of hypocrite.

The late , great prohibition activist, Cary Nation, lived by her own code and refused to drink alcohol. Would she have succeeded if he owned a chain of liquor stores and continued to complain?
Let me explain it to you like you're stupid, and that way many of the right-wingers who read this thread will also understand it:

Democrats have been trying to get Republicans to agree on a bill that eliminates gerrymandering for years. Republicans keep saying no. In the Freedom To Vote Act, which has not come up for a vote yet, eliminates gerrymandering. Not one Republican has said they will vote for it.

In the meantime, Democrats are not going to unilaterally disarm while Republicans gerrymander their states. Come to the table, pass the bill, and eliminate gerrymandering.
States aren't going to give more power to the federal government.
Apparently "threat to democracy" is the latest version of racist/supremacist/nazi/insurrectionist/blah-blah-blah.
IOW, just the latest term the useful idiots have been fed to parrot ad nauseam.
Let me explain it to you like you're stupid, and that way many of the right-wingers who read this thread will also understand it:

Democrats have been trying to get Republicans to agree on a bill that eliminates gerrymandering for years. Republicans keep saying no. In the Freedom To Vote Act, which has not come up for a vote yet, eliminates gerrymandering. Not one Republican has said they will vote for it.

In the meantime, Democrats are not going to unilaterally disarm while Republicans gerrymander their states. Come to the table, pass the bill, and eliminate gerrymandering.
Lol. That has to be the craziest statement today. They want to end gerrymandering by making it illegal to gerrymandere areas that they will gerrymander with the law.
You just can not get any crazier then that.
I'm sorry to hear that your Google is broken. Here's the summary.

Freedom to Vote Act

This bill addresses voter registration and voting access, election integrity and security, redistricting, and campaign finance.

Specifically, the bill expands voter registration (e.g., automatic and same-day registration) and voting access (e.g., vote-by-mail and early voting). It also limits removing voters from voter rolls.

Next, the bill establishes Election Day as a federal holiday.

The bill declares that the right of a U.S. citizen to vote in any election for federal office shall not be denied or abridged because that individual has been convicted of a criminal offense unless, at the time of the election, such individual is serving a felony sentence.

The bill establishes certain federal criminal offenses related to voting. In particular, the bill establishes a new criminal offense for conduct (or attempted conduct) to corruptly hinder, interfere with, or prevent another person from registering to vote or helping someone register to vote.

Additionally, the bill sets forth provisions related to election security, including by requiring states to conduct post-election audits for federal elections.

The bill outlines criteria for congressional redistricting and generally prohibits mid-decade redistricting.

The bill addresses campaign finance, including by expanding the prohibition on campaign spending by foreign nationals, requiring additional disclosure of campaign-related fundraising and spending, requiring additional disclaimers regarding certain political advertising, and establishing an alternative campaign funding system for certain federal offices.
I'm sorry to hear that your Google is broken. Here's the summary.
You're selling it. You can dig it up.
Freedom to Vote Act

This bill addresses voter registration and voting access, election integrity and security, redistricting, and campaign finance.

Specifically, the bill expands voter registration (e.g., automatic and same-day registration) and voting access (e.g., vote-by-mail and early voting). It also limits removing voters from voter rolls.

Next, the bill establishes Election Day as a federal holiday.

The bill declares that the right of a U.S. citizen to vote in any election for federal office shall not be denied or abridged because that individual has been convicted of a criminal offense unless, at the time of the election, such individual is serving a felony sentence.

The bill establishes certain federal criminal offenses related to voting. In particular, the bill establishes a new criminal offense for conduct (or attempted conduct) to corruptly hinder, interfere with, or prevent another person from registering to vote or helping someone register to vote.

Additionally, the bill sets forth provisions related to election security, including by requiring states to conduct post-election audits for federal elections.

The bill outlines criteria for congressional redistricting and generally prohibits mid-decade redistricting.

The bill addresses campaign finance, including by expanding the prohibition on campaign spending by foreign nationals, requiring additional disclosure of campaign-related fundraising and spending, requiring additional disclaimers regarding certain political advertising, and establishing an alternative campaign funding system for certain federal offices.
but you failed. This doesn't say how they intend to eliminate gerrymandering.

I'm gonna assume - because I'm sure as fuck not going on research quest - that their "solution" to gerrymandering is the same old same old, "bipartisan committees". ie Republicans and Democrats - the same twats who created the problem in the first place. No thanks.
You're selling it. You can dig it up.

but you failed. This doesn't say how they intend to eliminate gerrymandering.

I'm gonna assume - because I'm sure as fuck not going on research quest - that their "solution" to gerrymandering is the same old same old, "bipartisan committees". ie Republicans and Democrats - the same twats who created the problem in the first place. No thanks.
Because it's a summary. Read the fucking bill.
States don't have a choice when the Federal government makes a law.

Are you even a fucking American? How do you not know this?

Sure the sovereign states absolutely have a choice. They can sue the federal government for usurping their constitutional powers. The Federal Government isn't all powerful like it is in liberal paradises like North Korea or Cuba.
Fuck no. It's written by Dems in DC (or more likely, their lobbyists). I'm going to assume its shit until proven otherwise.

That's exactly true. There was no bipartisanship at all in writing this Atrocity.

Instead it was completely written by liberal staffers, with zero GOP input.

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