Democrats: Get it straight what “bipartisan” means!

0.1% sounds about right.

Reject the 99.9% fake ones before they enter the US.

Except once they enter the US, they are entitled to a hearing.

The problem with MPP was that it made it harder to get asylum, which is why very few people went along with it before Mexico decided, they weren't playing along, either.
Here are the FACTS

‘‘(B) MANDATORY ACTIVATION.—The Secretary shall activate the border emergency authority if— ‘‘(i) during a period of 7 consecutive calendar days, there is an average of 5,000 or more aliens who are encountered each day; or ‘‘(ii) on any 1 calendar day, a combined total of 8,500 or more aliens are encountered. ‘‘(C) CALCULATION OF ACTIVATION.—

HOW YOU LIKE THEM FACTS ? :abgg2q.jpg:
Sergeant Bill. Let me explain those words to you. It grants zero asylum for people under 5,000 or over. What it says if a whole bunch of people show up at the border, and it defines a whole bunch as 5,000 a day, well then the president gets more powers because it’s too many at once. Whether there are 3 people who show up that day or 5,003 they ALL have the same process to apply for asylum. ZERO part of this bill makes it easier for people to get in. There is not absolution for people under 5,000 a day. There is a 5,000 number in the bill but it doesnt do what they are telling you. They are lying to you. Did you read it?
Wrong…See, this is how dems dishonestly approach the arguments in here…Republicans had NO hand in crafting this garbage. The put this latest bait and switch into a giant spending bill giveaway, then find one or two weak Republicans to throw up their hands and say “well, it’s the best they could get” then blame it on Republicans as a whole when it backfires.

That‘s not bipartisanship, that’s trickery.

More lies ….but I guess you say what you are told.

Democrats did not want a border bill at this time but that was the price they had to pay to free up funding for Ukraine and Israel.

The border policies in the bill were what Republicans demanded to free up funding
It was REPUBLICANS who insisted on linking Ukraine and Israel aid to the border. then they killed their own bill when Cheeto Jesus realized that fixing the problem would benefit Biden.
That‘s utter horseshit narrative. Dismissed.
As part of our marriage visa application, my wife and I had to submit 265 pages of documentation. It's cost us $3750 in fees and lawyers.
As is proper. We have to know who’s coming in.
You have it in reverse. Republicans were the ones who refused to consider aid to Ukraine and Israel without a border bill. When they got one, they realized that it would deprive the Orange Shitgibbon of a talking point for November.
Again, horseshit narrative, parroted by dem dupes. If I want the MSNBC lies, I’ll tune in.
More lies ….but I guess you say what you are told.

Democrats did not want a border bill at this time but that was the price they had to pay to free up funding for Ukraine and Israel.

The border policies in the bill were what Republicans demanded to free up funding
Ukraine must be examined as to where the previous money went before another dime is freely given.

The border must be stand alone.
Ukraine must be examined as to where the previous money went before another dime is freely given.

The border must be stand alone.

I have to laugh at Republicans

When Bush invaded Afghanistan, we spent trillions of dollars propping up a corrupt government.
Not ONCE in twenty years did Republicans demand an accounting of where the money went.

With Ukraine, they want an accounting of every penny
I have to laugh at Republicans

When Bush invaded Afghanistan, we spent trillions of dollars propping up a corrupt government.
Not ONCE in twenty years did Republicans demand an accounting of where the money went.

With Ukraine, they want an accounting of every penny
Well, I'm glad you brought that up...So, tell me, why is it, that this is any different than what you were bitching about under Bush? Because a 'D' is behind the name? You blithering idiot...You just admitted that you don't really care about the money spent in Afghanistan, rather just wanted an issue to use against a Republican President....You're a joke...
More lies ….but I guess you say what you are told.

Democrats did not want a border bill at this time but that was the price they had to pay to free up funding for Ukraine and Israel.

The border policies in the bill were what Republicans demanded to free up funding
Well, I'm glad you brought that up...So, tell me, why is it, that this is any different than what you were bitching about under Bush? Because a 'D' is behind the name? You blithering idiot...You just admitted that you don't really care about the money spent in Afghanistan, rather just wanted an issue to use against a Republican President....You're a joke...

Bush deployed hundreds of thousands of US troops to prop up a Government that lasted two weeks after we left.
We spent trillions and lost 7000 lives for Bush’s Democracy building

Republicans never demanded an accounting of where the money went
Bush deployed hundreds of thousands of US troops to prop up a Government that lasted two weeks after we left.
We spent trillions and lost 7000 lives for Bush’s Democracy building

Republicans never demanded an accounting of where the money went
You've had Biden in office for over 3 years now...Why hasn't he demanded one?
You've had Biden in office for over 3 years now...Why hasn't he demanded one?
Because it it something rarely done with military aid

Can you show where Republicans ever demanded an audit of military aid they provide?

Bush invaded two countries and spent trillions
Where was the GOP audit?
Because it it something rarely done with military aid

Can you show where Republicans ever demanded an audit of military aid they provide?

Bush invaded two countries and spent trillions
Where was the GOP audit?
Where’s Biden’s audit for Ukraine? Throwing taxpayer money at Ukraine isn’t working…But, you want to argue “Johnny did it too?” GTFOH.
There is no enabling of 5,000 illegals a day in the document. Did you read it?

It’s funny you start a thread about lies with lies.

Sergeant Bill. Let me explain those words to you. It grants zero asylum for people under 5,000 or over. What it says if a whole bunch of people show up at the border, and it defines a whole bunch as 5,000 a day, well then the president gets more powers because it’s too many at once. Whether there are 3 people who show up that day or 5,003 they ALL have the same process to apply for asylum. ZERO part of this bill makes it easier for people to get in. There is not absolution for people under 5,000 a day. There is a 5,000 number in the bill but it doesnt do what they are telling you. They are lying to you. Did you read it?

excuse me? WHAT DID YOU SAY? "There is no enabling of 5,000 illegals a day in the document. Did you read it?"
YES, IT DOES. Now you are talking asylum?

They bend over backwards to twist the law into something that allows them to import as many lowlife third-worlders as possible. Remember how Biden wanted to stop Title 42 ASAP, and the SCOTUS prevented it? The Dems were actually fighting the Court to get illegals in here, by the millions.
Biden stopped like 90 of Trumps EO's concerning the Border. Then Biden claims "I can't close the border" :doubt:
Lying and crying again. Do the same EO's as Trump did and force the INVADERS to return to MEXICO and wait for a court date!
Meh, not really. they'll just figure out more ways around it. More people got past it under Trump than Obama.

Except you guys killed the bill that would assign more personnel and expedite asylum hearings.

actually, most Chicagoans are pretty compassionate... but I don't think you understand that word.

Except you guys killed the bill that would assign more personnel and expedite asylum hearings.

More personnel to escort illegals into the interior quicker isn't a fix.

actually, most Chicagoans are pretty compassionate...

Yeah, most of the blacks are pretty pissed that illegals are being dumped into their neighborhoods.
Except once they enter the US, they are entitled to a hearing.

The problem with MPP was that it made it harder to get asylum, which is why very few people went along with it before Mexico decided, they weren't playing along, either.

Except once they enter the US, they are entitled to a hearing.

Except, leave them outside the US while their fake claims are considered.

The problem with MPP was that it made it harder to get asylum,

The benefit of MPP was that it made it harder to get asylum.

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