Democrats: Get it straight what “bipartisan” means!

excuse me? WHAT DID YOU SAY? "There is no enabling of 5,000 illegals a day in the document. Did you read it?"
YES, IT DOES. Now you are talking asylum?

View attachment 911683
There is no part of that legislation that enables 5,000 people to come in the country. You are simply a fuckwad retard who can’t read. I explained to you what the words mean. Only a coward like you would ignore the written word.

I know 100% why you are single and poor and living off my generous tax payments.
There is no part of that legislation that enables 5,000 people to come in the country. You are simply a fuckwad retard who can’t read. I explained to you what the words mean. Only a coward like you would ignore the written word.

I know 100% why you are single and poor and living off my generous tax payments.
Hole, what part do I not understand?

Page 212 of that bill states "‘‘(B) MANDATORY ACTIVATION.—The Secretary shall activate the border emergency authority if— ‘‘(i) during a period of 7 consecutive calendar days, there is an average of 5,000 or more aliens who are encountered each day; or ‘‘(ii) on any 1 calendar day, a combined total of 8,500 or more aliens are en10 countered. ‘‘(C) CALCULATION OF ACTIVATION.—

Hole, I got bad news for you. Biden is going to be judged on voting day and found GUILTY and this CLOWN SHOW can't come to an end fast enough!
Biden stopped like 90 of Trumps EO's concerning the Border. Then Biden claims "I can't close the border" :doubt:
Lying and crying again. Do the same EO's as Trump did and force the INVADERS to return to MEXICO and wait for a court date!
Traitors… work to import millions of semi-literate lowlifes from third-world countries in order to intentionally weaken ours.
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Hole, what part do I not understand?

Page 212 of that bill states "‘‘(B) MANDATORY ACTIVATION.—The Secretary shall activate the border emergency authority if— ‘‘(i) during a period of 7 consecutive calendar days, there is an average of 5,000 or more aliens who are encountered each day; or ‘‘(ii) on any 1 calendar day, a combined total of 8,500 or more aliens are en10 countered. ‘‘(C) CALCULATION OF ACTIVATION.—

Hole, I got bad news for you. Biden is going to be judged on voting day and found GUILTY and this CLOWN SHOW can't come to an end fast enough!
If the election is held honestly and fairly, Trump wins in a landslide. But I still worry about the cheating they’ll do.
If the election is held honestly and fairly, Trump wins in a landslide. But I still worry about the cheating they’ll do.
Me too! We should go back to mostly 1 election day with absentee ballots only for the disabled and people who are away. If voting is important to you, you will find a way to vote on election day.
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Me too! We should go back to mostly 1 election day with absentee ballots only for the disabled and people who are away. If voting is important to you, you will find a way to vote on election day.
Yup. Why should people too lacking in motivation to get to the polls have a say? As you say, if you feel strongly about voting, you find a way.
As is proper. We have to know who’s coming in.

Except they knew that 7 years ago when she applied for asylum.

Here's what we should have submitted. Our Marriage Certificate. Done.

Except, leave them outside the US while their fake claims are considered.

Not what our laws call for. don't like the law, too bad, it's still the current law.

The benefit of MPP was that it made it harder to get asylum.
No, the benefit of MPP is allowed Trump to claim he was doing something when he accomplished very little.

Only 70K people were actually dumb enough to fall for MPP. The rest kept sneaking across the border.
Me too! We should go back to mostly 1 election day with absentee ballots only for the disabled and people who are away. If voting is important to you, you will find a way to vote on election day.

Mailing in a ballot is a way.

Here's the problem... it should be EASY to vote, not hard.

Because this country has a long history of things like Poll Taxes, Literacy tests, and voter intimidation to keep "those people" from voting when they had every right to.

If you guys put half the effort into getting people to vote for you that you put into trying to prevent them from voting, you might even win some elections.
Except they knew that 7 years ago when she applied for asylum.

Here's what we should have submitted. Our Marriage Certificate. Done.

Not what our laws call for. don't like the law, too bad, it's still the current law.

No, the benefit of MPP is allowed Trump to claim he was doing something when he accomplished very little.

Only 70K people were actually dumb enough to fall for MPP. The rest kept sneaking across the border.

Not what our laws call for.

The law says we have to let them in for the years and years it takes until their fake claim is heard? Show me.

No, the benefit of MPP is allowed Trump to claim he was doing something

He was doing something; he was keeping illegal aliens with fake asylum claims out of the country. Biden should have tried to do something like that as well. He wouldn't be losing on the border like he is now.

Only 70K people were actually dumb enough to fall for MPP. The rest kept sneaking across the border.

And now they don't even have to sneak.
The law says we have to let them in for the years and years it takes until their fake claim is heard? Show me.

No, the law says they are supposed to have their claims adjudicated in 180 days. The problem is that we have millions of asylum seekers and only 1500 Asylum judges and caseworkers

He was doing something; he was keeping illegal aliens with fake asylum claims out of the country. Biden should have tried to do something like that as well. He wouldn't be losing on the border like he is now.

Again, when Trump tanked the border deal, he had nothing to stand on.
And it doesn't really matter at the rate Trump is dementing. Yesterday he thought that Obama was still President.

And now they don't even have to sneak.

Works for me. My father was an immigrant and my wife is an immigrant. I'm fine with immigrants.
No, the law says they are supposed to have their claims adjudicated in 180 days. The problem is that we have millions of asylum seekers and only 1500 Asylum judges and caseworkers

Again, when Trump tanked the border deal, he had nothing to stand on.
And it doesn't really matter at the rate Trump is dementing. Yesterday he thought that Obama was still President.

Works for me. My father was an immigrant and my wife is an immigrant. I'm fine with immigrants.

Cool. When can Texas send you a bus load?
There is no part of that legislation that enables 5,000 people to come in the country. You are simply a fuckwad retard who can’t read. I explained to you what the words mean. Only a coward like you would ignore the written word.

I know 100% why you are single and poor and living off my generous tax payments.

Hole, what part do I not understand?

Page 212 of that bill states "‘‘(B) MANDATORY ACTIVATION.—The Secretary shall activate the border emergency authority if— ‘‘(i) during a period of 7 consecutive calendar days, there is an average of 5,000 or more aliens who are encountered each day; or ‘‘(ii) on any 1 calendar day, a combined total of 8,500 or more aliens are en10 countered. ‘‘(C) CALCULATION OF ACTIVATION.—

Hole, I got bad news for you. Biden is going to be judged on voting day and found GUILTY and this CLOWN SHOW can't come to an end fast enough!

Except they knew that 7 years ago when she applied for asylum.

Here's what we should have submitted. Our Marriage Certificate. Done.
Well, why didn’t you then? Your situation is not what we’re talking about.
Not what our laws call for. don't like the law, too bad, it's still the current law.

No, the benefit of MPP is allowed Trump to claim he was doing something when he accomplished very little.

Only 70K people were actually dumb enough to fall for MPP. The rest kept sneaking across the border.
Well, why didn’t you then? Your situation is not what we’re talking about.

I didn't know her 7 years ago.

Seven years ago, though, the government knew everything they needed to know to process her asylum application. She was from China and she was part of an underground church whose members have been arrested and detained by the Chinese government.

yet every few years, they kept kicking her application down the road.
Democrats keep calling the bill that enables 5,000 illegals in a day as “bipartisan.” It is quite misleading to call a bill bipartisan just because a minority of Republicans voted for it. The way you people talk, if a Democrat bill has a few Rhinos that go along with it, then it’s bipartisan.

The Bill was negotiated by and WRITTEN by Republicans. It contains everything Republicans have been asking for. And enough Republicans voted for it to pass the Senate.

I love how the Phi Beta Kappa is so stupid she can't define "bipartisan". Tell us again how smart you are. I need the laugh.
Me too! We should go back to mostly 1 election day with absentee ballots only for the disabled and people who are away. If voting is important to you, you will find a way to vote on election day.
People have job, kids, lack transportation and can’t always wait in line for up to a few hours.

People like voting by mail. If it’s good enough for disabled and people far away, it’s good enough for the rest of us.
People have job, kids, lack transportation and can’t always wait in line for up to a few hours.

People like voting by mail. If it’s good enough for disabled and people far away, it’s good enough for the rest of us.
More to the point, the government is fine with Census forms and tax returns being delivered by mail, so why not their ballots?
The Bill was negotiated by and WRITTEN by Republicans. It contains everything Republicans have been asking for. And enough Republicans voted for it to pass the Senate.
Their obvious mistake was not getting the cult leader's permission to try and get something positive done.

They could have saved a lot of wasted effort.
While the Left is entirely comprised of liars and cheats and scumbags, this immigration "debate" takes the cake. They lie their figurative asses off at every turn. Here's a reality check:

(1). No new legislation is required in order to "seal the border." The President merely has to enforce the existing laws. Indeed, he could completely seal the border by using the Armed Forces, if he chose to do so. No new legislation required. The fact that it has been done in the past - the RECENT past - is all the proof that is needed.

(2). Essentially ALL of those presenting themselves at the border are "illegal," in the sense that there is no statute or international laws that give them anything even resembling a "right" gain entry, in spite of what Sleepy Joe occasionally says. "Wanting a better life" is not grounds for asylum status. And for the record, calling them, "Newcomers" is an assault on law and language.

(3). The Democrat plan for immigration has been in existence since at least 2005 (prior to which they occasionally stated that illegal immigration was a problem), when they decided that they could take over national politics with the introduction of a few million wretched bastards from overseas, and making them voting citizens. The CODE WORDS for this program are "comprehensive immigration reform," which means (a) complete and total amnesty, followed by (b) naturalization of every last one of them, even as they suck the country dry through our "safety net." Notice when the VP states that the "solution" to the "immigration crisis" is a "path to citizenship." Compare this to President Eisenhower's solution..."Operation Wetback." [mass deportation].

(4). Democrat leadership believes that American voters are toooooooooo fucking stupid to recognize that the entire "immigration crisis" was intentionally created and nurtured by President Biden and Secretary Mayorkas (sp?), hence their preposterous claims that the problem is a Republic creation, caused by Republicans' refusal to pass the recent bullshit "immigration" bill. Parentheticaly, that "bi-partisan" piece of shit was Senator McConnell's suicide pill. One can only hope that he resigns from the Senate forthwith.

By the way, getting a couple of turncoat Republicans to sign on to something doesn't make it a "bi-partisan" bill...or even a bipartisan committee.

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