Democrats: Get it straight what “bipartisan” means!

non responsive.
What is the legislative limit on admitting people claiming asylum now?
Simple question and, a question you could answer if the GOP would do it's job rather than whining about Biden trying to do it for them.
Hole, start a new thread.
Hole, start a new thread.
You were saying?

Here are the FACTS

‘‘(B) MANDATORY ACTIVATION.—The Secretary shall activate the border emergency authority if— ‘‘(i) during a period of 7 consecutive calendar days, there is an average of 5,000 or more aliens who are encountered each day; or ‘‘(ii) on any 1 calendar day, a combined total of 8,500 or more aliens are encountered. ‘‘(C) CALCULATION OF ACTIVATION.—

HOW YOU LIKE THEM FACTS ? :abgg2q.jpg:
Why wasn’t it zero under Trump when you lot were idolizing his border policies?
Catch and send back to Mexico to wait their turn.
You do know the #1 issue on voters minds is the Border Crisis and YOUR President is going to be TRIED at the Ballot box and found GUILTY by the voters.
Seems the limpett unable to answer a question in response to his own artifact doesn't get to declare victory. That is, unless, of course, you've finally mastered bedwetting. But that would be off topic.
You are right, the actual number was even LOWER than that.

By June 2019, over 12,000 migrants had been returned to Mexico under the policy.[7] By September 2019, 47,000 people had been returned;[14] and 57,000 by December 2019.[15] Human Rights First found that at least 636 of those returned were victims of violent crimes in Mexico, including kidnapping, rape, torture, and assault.[15] As of September 2019, fewer than 10,000 migrants in the program had their cases reviewed: 11 had been granted asylum; 5,085 cases were denied; and 4,471 cases were dismissed without being evaluated, often on procedural grounds. The asylum admission rate for the program, 0.1%, is dramatically lower than the 20% among other arriving immigrants.[14]
What does returned have to do with remain in Mexico?
Human rights first? How long did it take you to find that kook site?
Stop lying to yourself dipshit.
Seems the limpett unable to answer a question in response to his own artifact doesn't get to declare victory. That is, unless, of course, you've finally mastered bedwetting. But that would be off topic.
The laws are not a suicide pact, and that’s how dems are defending his intentional throwing open the border to 10 million? Traitorous.
They bend over backwards to twist the law into something that allows them to import as many lowlife third-worlders as possible. Remember how Biden wanted to stop Title 42 ASAP, and the SCOTUS prevented it? The Dems were actually fighting the Court to get illegals in here, by the millions.
In 2019 the US courts including the conservative SCOTUS bitch slapped trumps illegal attempts to not adhere to current immigration laws. They said if you want to do that you need to pass a law. The Republicans did nothing after that and immigration spiked under Trump to decade highs. Much higher than Obama. Now Joe comes in with the same laws Trump was bitch slapped with and negotiates with Republicans for the current bill to fix it. They go apeshit like you.. .ignorant of the law and court ruling because you and your ilk are stupid.

You just want to be a whiny bitch and are not interested in fixing anything. Like Trump you are a simpleton who doesnt bother understanding laws and indict yourself with every word you type or mutter.
They want to think that they're the people in charge of defining "bipartisan".

They also want to think that a Republican who doesn't happily bend over for the Orange High Hard One™ isn't really a Republican, so their votes don't count towards bipartisanship.

The alternate universe lives.
No, it doesn't.

What we should do is follow our own laws.

Our current law requires that an asylum claim be adjudicated in 180 days.
Two things here…

1. You have that pesky National Security clause from 1958 to explain away. Biden intentionally fightiing ANY measure that would fix that problem, is proof that his actions are in direct contradiction to that. That’s treason.

2. Any immigration bill needs to be stand alone, and not some part of any “comprehensive“ spending spree. Those need to stop.
Well, I can tell you this. My wife claimed asylum from China in 2017. She was still waiting for her asylum hearing last year when we got married. Now we are going for a marriage sponsorship. That will only take a year to get resolved.
I’m not an unreasonable man. Countries like China should be considered for asylum. With a valid claim, and background check…What we‘re seeing is NOT that. Claims that include “a better life, job, or other family members already here” are NOT asylum claims…Fang fang can apply to come in legally and wait her turn.
It is REPUBLICANS a refusing to do anything about the border
Wrong…See, this is how dems dishonestly approach the arguments in here…Republicans had NO hand in crafting this garbage. The put this latest bait and switch into a giant spending bill giveaway, then find one or two weak Republicans to throw up their hands and say “well, it’s the best they could get” then blame it on Republicans as a whole when it backfires.

That‘s not bipartisanship, that’s trickery.
They can be sealed a hell of a lot better than they are now.
Meh, not really. they'll just figure out more ways around it. More people got past it under Trump than Obama.

It's true, we need more than a simple wall or fence. It requires personnel and a president who won't give the illegals a ride into the interior.

Except you guys killed the bill that would assign more personnel and expedite asylum hearings.

Biden owned it when he said they should surge the border. And every day since when he made things worse. Just listen to our fellow Chicagoans, the black ones.

They're kinda pissed that Brandon is giving the illegals their stuff.

actually, most Chicagoans are pretty compassionate... but I don't think you understand that word.
Two things here…

1. You have that pesky National Security clause from 1958 to explain away. Biden intentionally fightiing ANY measure that would fix that problem, is proof that his actions are in direct contradiction to that. That’s treason.

2. Any immigration bill needs to be stand alone, and not some part of any “comprehensive“ spending spree. Those need to stop.

It was REPUBLICANS who insisted on linking Ukraine and Israel aid to the border. then they killed their own bill when Cheeto Jesus realized that fixing the problem would benefit Biden.

’m not an unreasonable man. Countries like China should be considered for asylum. With a valid claim, and background check…What we‘re seeing is NOT that. Claims that include “a better life, job, or other family members already here” are NOT asylum claims…Fang fang can apply to come in legally and wait her turn.

As part of our marriage visa application, my wife and I had to submit 265 pages of documentation. It's cost us $3750 in fees and lawyers.

Wrong…See, this is how dems dishonestly approach the arguments in here…Republicans had NO hand in crafting this garbage. The put this latest bait and switch into a giant spending bill giveaway, then find one or two weak Republicans to throw up their hands and say “well, it’s the best they could get” then blame it on Republicans as a whole when it backfires.

That‘s not bipartisanship, that’s trickery.
You have it in reverse. Republicans were the ones who refused to consider aid to Ukraine and Israel without a border bill. When they got one, they realized that it would deprive the Orange Shitgibbon of a talking point for November.

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