Democrats Get The Ball Rolling

Rahamm Emmanuel famously said: "Never let a crisis go to waste."
Too many of these horrible events have gone unaddressed. It's time.

I mean, if it didn’t happen after Sandy Hook…I doubt anything will happen here. Especially in an election year.

I learned a lesson a long time ago in school. We were on the golf team. The girl I was playing with had a sunburn and didn’t want to carry her bag. So I carried her clubs in my bag. I was mistaken for the caddy even though I was winning every hole.

But then again, part of being a Southerner (besides thinking distilling liquor in your back yard should be an Olympic Sport) is hating being beholden to anyone. I think you were to scratch a lot of these dopes who hold seats from East Texas (you have to under stand East Texas starts in Texas and stops somewhere in the Atlantic), you’d find that they hate having to agree with the NRA’s press released down to every syllable even if they actually do.

Lesson: If you look like a caddy; you’re the caddy.
Lesson: If you look like you’re a puppet of the NRA, you’re a puppet of the NRA.

I’m wondering if this may be an opportunity for some of these puppets to try to assert their independence given that we’re inside of 5 months from election day.

I doubt it. But I’m willing to be surprised.

Thanks for confirming why I'm a NRA LIFE Member. And I need to send them a check soon

Rahamm Emmanuel famously said: "Never let a crisis go to waste."
Too many of these horrible events have gone unaddressed. It's time.

Time for what?

For Republicans to do some work for the people. They've been sitting on their hands for too long. Also, why is Trump talking with the NRA? Last I knew they don't influence policy. They are the last ones who should be influencing policy.

Wrong. They are the first ones who should be influencing policy when the second amendment is involved.
Rahamm Emmanuel famously said: "Never let a crisis go to waste."
Too many of these horrible events have gone unaddressed. It's time.

Time for what?

For Republicans to do some work for the people. They've been sitting on their hands for too long. Also, why is Trump talking with the NRA? Last I knew they don't influence policy. They are the last ones who should be influencing policy.

The NRA represents over 5 million gun owners is one reason. Laws will not reduce or change a thing. The law effects the lawful, not the unlawful

How would you know, you all have been railing against any gun laws. The banning of automatic weapons and attending to that watch list are two significant ways to start.

Its already harder than ever to buy an 'automatic' gun. The government definitely knows you very well if you applied for a auto license and were approved

Rahamm Emmanuel famously said: "Never let a crisis go to waste."
Too many of these horrible events have gone unaddressed. It's time.

Time for what?

For Republicans to do some work for the people. They've been sitting on their hands for too long. Also, why is Trump talking with the NRA? Last I knew they don't influence policy. They are the last ones who should be influencing policy.

The NRA represents over 5 million gun owners is one reason. Laws will not reduce or change a thing. The law effects the lawful, not the unlawful

How would you know, you all have been railing against any gun laws. The banning of automatic weapons and attending to that watch list are two significant ways to start.

Wrong. Automatic weapons are already banned, and as far as the watch list goes? Do you lefties also hate due process?
Rahamm Emmanuel famously said: "Never let a crisis go to waste."
Too many of these horrible events have gone unaddressed. It's time.

Time for what?

For Republicans to do some work for the people. They've been sitting on their hands for too long. Also, why is Trump talking with the NRA? Last I knew they don't influence policy. They are the last ones who should be influencing policy.

Wrong. They are the first ones who should be influencing policy when the second amendment is involved.
I don't want them speaking for me and I'm sure they aren't elected to congress to have any say at all. Trump's letting a lot of people speak for him already. What if he gets into office? :ack-1:
Too many of these horrible events have gone unaddressed. It's time.

Time for what?

For Republicans to do some work for the people. They've been sitting on their hands for too long. Also, why is Trump talking with the NRA? Last I knew they don't influence policy. They are the last ones who should be influencing policy.

The NRA represents over 5 million gun owners is one reason. Laws will not reduce or change a thing. The law effects the lawful, not the unlawful

How would you know, you all have been railing against any gun laws. The banning of automatic weapons and attending to that watch list are two significant ways to start.

Wrong. Automatic weapons are already banned, and as far as the watch list goes? Do you lefties also hate due process?
Yeah...he is right...but some Americans are too easily duped to see what their government intends.

In Defense of Self-Defense
By Andrew P. Napolitano
Most of the mass killings by gun in the United States in recent years — Columbine, Virginia Tech, Aurora, Newtown, Charleston, San Bernardino and now Orlando — took place in venues where local or state law prohibited carrying guns, even by those lawfully licensed to do so. The government cheerfully calls these venues “gun-free zones.” They should be called killing zones.

As unspeakable and horrific as is the recent slaughter in Orlando, it has become just another example of the tragic consequences of government’s interfering with the exercise of fundamental liberties. After a while, these events cease to shock; but they should not cease to cause us to re-examine what the government has done to us.

We know from forensics that the killer was a poor shot. We can deduce from that knowledge that he was a slow reloader. One learns to shoot first and reload later. It is likely that it took between three and seven seconds each time he reloaded the handgun and longer with the rifle. In those time periods, any trained person carrying a handgun in that Orlando nightclub could have wounded or killed him — and stopped the slaughter.

Don’t expect to hear that argument from the gun control crowd in the government. It is the same crowd that has given us the killing zones. It is the same crowd that does not trust you to protect yourself. It is the same crowd that ignores the reality that in the post-World War II era, there is not one recorded an example in the U.S. of a person in a restaurant or bar getting drunk and shooting his lawfully carried handgun.

Hillary Clinton called the rifle the Orlando killer carried a “weapon of war.” It is not. It is the same rifle that her Secret Service detail carries. Many of her acolytes have called it an assault rifle. It is not. It fires one round for each trigger pull. True assault rifles — not those that the politicians have renamed assault rifles because they have a collapsible stock and a bayonet holder (I know this sounds ridiculous, but it is true) — fire numerous rounds per trigger pull. They have been outlawed on U.S. soil since 1934.

What do we have here?

We have a government here that is heedless of its obligation to protect our freedoms. We have a government that, in its lust to have us reliant upon it, has created areas in the U.S. where innocent folks living their lives in freedom are made defenseless prey to monsters — as vulnerable as fish in a barrel. And we have mass killings of defenseless innocents — over and over and over again.

How dumb are these politicians who want to remove the right to self-defense? There are thousands of crazies in the U.S. who are filled with hate — whether motivated by politics, self-loathing, religion or fear. If they want to kill, they will find a way to do so. The only way to stop them is by superior firepower. Disarming their law-abiding victims not only violates the natural law and the Constitution but also is contrary to all reason.

(bold type by gipper)
Rahamm Emmanuel famously said: "Never let a crisis go to waste."
Too many of these horrible events have gone unaddressed. It's time.

I mean, if it didn’t happen after Sandy Hook…I doubt anything will happen here. Especially in an election year.

I learned a lesson a long time ago in school. We were on the golf team. The girl I was playing with had a sunburn and didn’t want to carry her bag. So I carried her clubs in my bag. I was mistaken for the caddy even though I was winning every hole.

But then again, part of being a Southerner (besides thinking distilling liquor in your back yard should be an Olympic Sport) is hating being beholden to anyone. I think you were to scratch a lot of these dopes who hold seats from East Texas (you have to under stand East Texas starts in Texas and stops somewhere in the Atlantic), you’d find that they hate having to agree with the NRA’s press released down to every syllable even if they actually do.

Lesson: If you look like a caddy; you’re the caddy.
Lesson: If you look like you’re a puppet of the NRA, you’re a puppet of the NRA.

I’m wondering if this may be an opportunity for some of these puppets to try to assert their independence given that we’re inside of 5 months from election day.

I doubt it. But I’m willing to be surprised.

Thanks for confirming why I'm a NRA LIFE Member. And I need to send them a check soon


Fools and their money…soon parted.
Rahamm Emmanuel famously said: "Never let a crisis go to waste."
Too many of these horrible events have gone unaddressed. It's time.

Time for what?

For Republicans to do some work for the people. They've been sitting on their hands for too long. Also, why is Trump talking with the NRA? Last I knew they don't influence policy. They are the last ones who should be influencing policy.

Wrong. They are the first ones who should be influencing policy when the second amendment is involved.
I don't want them speaking for me and I'm sure they aren't elected to congress to have any say at all. Trump's letting a lot of people speak for him already. What if he gets into office? :ack-1:

He'd be better than the criminal Hillary.

I will agree with you that theNRA shouldn't be influencing policy only if all special interest groups are prevented from influencing policy.
Too many of these horrible events have gone unaddressed. It's time.

Time for what?

For Republicans to do some work for the people. They've been sitting on their hands for too long. Also, why is Trump talking with the NRA? Last I knew they don't influence policy. They are the last ones who should be influencing policy.

The NRA represents over 5 million gun owners is one reason. Laws will not reduce or change a thing. The law effects the lawful, not the unlawful

How would you know, you all have been railing against any gun laws. The banning of automatic weapons and attending to that watch list are two significant ways to start.

Wrong. Automatic weapons are already banned, and as far as the watch list goes? Do you lefties also hate due process?
How did the shooter own one legally then? However you identify the things, people don't need to own an automatic military grade weapon. He killed 50 people with a legal automatic rifle.
Time for what?

For Republicans to do some work for the people. They've been sitting on their hands for too long. Also, why is Trump talking with the NRA? Last I knew they don't influence policy. They are the last ones who should be influencing policy.

The NRA represents over 5 million gun owners is one reason. Laws will not reduce or change a thing. The law effects the lawful, not the unlawful

How would you know, you all have been railing against any gun laws. The banning of automatic weapons and attending to that watch list are two significant ways to start.

Wrong. Automatic weapons are already banned, and as far as the watch list goes? Do you lefties also hate due process?
How did the shooter own one legally then? However you identify the things, people don't need to own an automatic military grade weapon. He killed 50 people with a legal automatic rifle.

He did not buy an 'automatic' weapon. It is 'semi auto' Big difference

Much is left to do but I'm proud of my Ohio senator, Sherrod Brown and the others who got this Republican congress to take a baby step.

Filibuster Ends After GOP Agrees to Allow Gun Control Votes: Senator

Senate Democrats ended a nearly 15-hour filibuster early Thursday after Republican Party leaders reportedly agreed to allow votes on two proposed gun control measures.

Sen. Chris Murphy, a Democrat from Connecticut, said that a compromise had been reached. Votes would be held on whether to ban people on the government's terrorist watch list from obtaining gun licenses and whether to expand background checks to gun shows and internet sales, he added.

"We did not have that commitment when we started today," Murphy said.

GOP to Allow Gun Control Votes After 15-Hour Filibuster: Senator

Shame we don't still have the magazine limits and assault weapon ban we got with Clinton. Many lives would have been saved. By now hi cap magazines would be hard to come by. Just another huge mistake by the repubs.
For Republicans to do some work for the people. They've been sitting on their hands for too long. Also, why is Trump talking with the NRA? Last I knew they don't influence policy. They are the last ones who should be influencing policy.

The NRA represents over 5 million gun owners is one reason. Laws will not reduce or change a thing. The law effects the lawful, not the unlawful

How would you know, you all have been railing against any gun laws. The banning of automatic weapons and attending to that watch list are two significant ways to start.

Wrong. Automatic weapons are already banned, and as far as the watch list goes? Do you lefties also hate due process?
How did the shooter own one legally then? However you identify the things, people don't need to own an automatic military grade weapon. He killed 50 people with a legal automatic rifle.

He did not buy an 'automatic' weapon. It is 'semi auto' Big difference

Not a big difference, it still killed a lot of people in a short amount of time. Nobody needs to be accomplishing that in America.
Much is left to do but I'm proud of my Ohio senator, Sherrod Brown and the others who got this Republican congress to take a baby step.

Filibuster Ends After GOP Agrees to Allow Gun Control Votes: Senator

Senate Democrats ended a nearly 15-hour filibuster early Thursday after Republican Party leaders reportedly agreed to allow votes on two proposed gun control measures.

Sen. Chris Murphy, a Democrat from Connecticut, said that a compromise had been reached. Votes would be held on whether to ban people on the government's terrorist watch list from obtaining gun licenses and whether to expand background checks to gun shows and internet sales, he added.

"We did not have that commitment when we started today," Murphy said.

GOP to Allow Gun Control Votes After 15-Hour Filibuster: Senator

Shame we don't still have the magazine limits and assault weapon ban we got with Clinton. Many lives would have been saved. By now hi cap magazines would be hard to come by. Just another huge mistake by the repubs.

The Clinton assault ban was proven to be unproductive therefore, allowed to expire

The NRA represents over 5 million gun owners is one reason. Laws will not reduce or change a thing. The law effects the lawful, not the unlawful

How would you know, you all have been railing against any gun laws. The banning of automatic weapons and attending to that watch list are two significant ways to start.

Wrong. Automatic weapons are already banned, and as far as the watch list goes? Do you lefties also hate due process?
How did the shooter own one legally then? However you identify the things, people don't need to own an automatic military grade weapon. He killed 50 people with a legal automatic rifle.

He did not buy an 'automatic' weapon. It is 'semi auto' Big difference

Not a big difference, it still killed a lot of people in a short amount of time. Nobody needs to be accomplishing that in America.

What if his vest was not a prop and he had no guns....

Too many of these horrible events have gone unaddressed. It's time.

Time for what?

For Republicans to do some work for the people. They've been sitting on their hands for too long. Also, why is Trump talking with the NRA? Last I knew they don't influence policy. They are the last ones who should be influencing policy.

The NRA represents over 5 million gun owners is one reason. Laws will not reduce or change a thing. The law effects the lawful, not the unlawful

How would you know, you all have been railing against any gun laws. The banning of automatic weapons and attending to that watch list are two significant ways to start.

Its already harder than ever to buy an 'automatic' gun. The government definitely knows you very well if you applied for a auto license and were approved


And it should be the same way for high capacity semi autos. As was clearly displayed, they are far too dangerous just like machine guns.
Time for what?

For Republicans to do some work for the people. They've been sitting on their hands for too long. Also, why is Trump talking with the NRA? Last I knew they don't influence policy. They are the last ones who should be influencing policy.

The NRA represents over 5 million gun owners is one reason. Laws will not reduce or change a thing. The law effects the lawful, not the unlawful

How would you know, you all have been railing against any gun laws. The banning of automatic weapons and attending to that watch list are two significant ways to start.

Its already harder than ever to buy an 'automatic' gun. The government definitely knows you very well if you applied for a auto license and were approved


And it should be the same way for high capacity semi autos. As was clearly displayed, they are far too dangerous just like machine guns.

No they're not. They are all acceptable risk we face every day in life.

Much is left to do but I'm proud of my Ohio senator, Sherrod Brown and the others who got this Republican congress to take a baby step.

Filibuster Ends After GOP Agrees to Allow Gun Control Votes: Senator

Senate Democrats ended a nearly 15-hour filibuster early Thursday after Republican Party leaders reportedly agreed to allow votes on two proposed gun control measures.

Sen. Chris Murphy, a Democrat from Connecticut, said that a compromise had been reached. Votes would be held on whether to ban people on the government's terrorist watch list from obtaining gun licenses and whether to expand background checks to gun shows and internet sales, he added.

"We did not have that commitment when we started today," Murphy said.

GOP to Allow Gun Control Votes After 15-Hour Filibuster: Senator

Shame we don't still have the magazine limits and assault weapon ban we got with Clinton. Many lives would have been saved. By now hi cap magazines would be hard to come by. Just another huge mistake by the repubs.

The Clinton assault ban was proven to be unproductive therefore, allowed to expire


See the Orlando shooting. Would have limited the damage greatly. It has been proven we need a ban.
Much is left to do but I'm proud of my Ohio senator, Sherrod Brown and the others who got this Republican congress to take a baby step.

Filibuster Ends After GOP Agrees to Allow Gun Control Votes: Senator

Senate Democrats ended a nearly 15-hour filibuster early Thursday after Republican Party leaders reportedly agreed to allow votes on two proposed gun control measures.

Sen. Chris Murphy, a Democrat from Connecticut, said that a compromise had been reached. Votes would be held on whether to ban people on the government's terrorist watch list from obtaining gun licenses and whether to expand background checks to gun shows and internet sales, he added.

"We did not have that commitment when we started today," Murphy said.

GOP to Allow Gun Control Votes After 15-Hour Filibuster: Senator

Shame we don't still have the magazine limits and assault weapon ban we got with Clinton. Many lives would have been saved. By now hi cap magazines would be hard to come by. Just another huge mistake by the repubs.

The Clinton assault ban was proven to be unproductive therefore, allowed to expire


See the Orlando shooting. Would have limited the damage greatly. It has been proven we need a ban.

And what happened in Orlando is acceptable risk to live in America

For Republicans to do some work for the people. They've been sitting on their hands for too long. Also, why is Trump talking with the NRA? Last I knew they don't influence policy. They are the last ones who should be influencing policy.

The NRA represents over 5 million gun owners is one reason. Laws will not reduce or change a thing. The law effects the lawful, not the unlawful

How would you know, you all have been railing against any gun laws. The banning of automatic weapons and attending to that watch list are two significant ways to start.

Its already harder than ever to buy an 'automatic' gun. The government definitely knows you very well if you applied for a auto license and were approved


And it should be the same way for high capacity semi autos. As was clearly displayed, they are far too dangerous just like machine guns.

No they're not. They are all acceptable risk we face every day in life.


50 dead and 50 injured in one shooting is not acceptable. Sad you value life so little. I'm confident the majority agree with me.

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