Democrats Get The Ball Rolling

Yes, this lone killer had a conceal/carry permit. They need to get serious about their data base and checks on that watch list.

The FBI removed him from the watch list. They could have checked it forever and found nothing.

they dont care

Yep, don't care about the Constitution either. If you noticed, I got no response either time I brought it up.
I don't know how many ways I have to say it, I don't want people owning assault weapons. I would love to have all of them rounded up and melted down forever.

You and your guns are archaic, we need for the violence to stop and it won't if someone doesn't stand up and get the ball rolling.

It doesn't matter what you don't want, or what right you choose not to implement. What does matter is what rights we CHOOSE to execute. My need outweighs your lack of need

We'll see then. If you're so sure, why all the arguing?
The FBI removed him from the watch list. They could have checked it forever and found nothing.

they dont care

Yep, don't care about the Constitution either. If you noticed, I got no response either time I brought it up.
I don't know how many ways I have to say it, I don't want people owning assault weapons. I would love to have all of them rounded up and melted down forever.

You and your guns are archaic, we need for the violence to stop and it won't if someone doesn't stand up and get the ball rolling.

It doesn't matter what you don't want, or what right you choose not to implement. What does matter is what rights we CHOOSE to execute. My need outweighs your lack of need

We'll see then. If you're so sure, why all the arguing?

Why are you so willing to throw the Constitution out the window?
Gun control is a moot point since there is a big black market out th
He passed all the gun control rules for buying a gun. That's how he bought it.

If the FBI hadn't dropped the ball he would have been flagged when he tried to buy a gun.

They investigated the man for two years and they say there wasn't enough evidence to go further.

The gun is the tool. The person using it is the weapon. Gun control is bullshit. You can buy a gun on the black market, no rules, as long as you have the money.
Sure but he was on a watch list. He had a big mouth and I realize you can't prove anything from some guy spouting off but he is on that list for a reason.

They should have had the wherewithall to hold up that sale.
Oh FDA, this lie again? How many times does it have to be debunked? He WAS NOT ON THE TERROR LIST when he bought the gun. He was taken off the list because the FBI determined that it was just islamophobia that caused people to complain about him.

We still need the law. I can't debunk what you are saying because I heard that he was on a watch list and a terror list at one time so until I get some time to read more about it, I will let it go. We still need the gun laws and to get rid of assault guns/rifles. You all will have to explain why you need those types of weapons for hunting, etc...

Do you not care about our right to due process?

Gun laws never do anything but get people killed and take away our rights.

I use my AR-15 for hunting and sport.

I don't have to "need" them. It is a "Bill of Rights" not the "Bill of Needs".

Why are you arguing something you don't have time to look into?
No I don;t care, I have been pro gun control for many years. A family member was shot when she was just in high school. My thread was about the filibuster and how proud I am of the senators at least trying to get some control.

29 people killed with a knife. Maybe it was a full auto knife?
China mass stabbing: Deadly knife attack in Kunming - BBC News
The FBI removed him from the watch list. They could have checked it forever and found nothing.

they dont care

Yep, don't care about the Constitution either. If you noticed, I got no response either time I brought it up.
I don't know how many ways I have to say it, I don't want people owning assault weapons. I would love to have all of them rounded up and melted down forever.

You and your guns are archaic, we need for the violence to stop and it won't if someone doesn't stand up and get the ball rolling.

It doesn't matter what you don't want, or what right you choose not to implement. What does matter is what rights we CHOOSE to execute. My need outweighs your lack of need

We'll see then. If you're so sure, why all the arguing?

I'm not arguing with you Sara. Just trying to point out your need that you must do something is an emotional response. Rational responses are we need more armed citizens.

Much is left to do but I'm proud of my Ohio senator, Sherrod Brown and the others who got this Republican congress to take a baby step.

Filibuster Ends After GOP Agrees to Allow Gun Control Votes: Senator

Senate Democrats ended a nearly 15-hour filibuster early Thursday after Republican Party leaders reportedly agreed to allow votes on two proposed gun control measures.

Sen. Chris Murphy, a Democrat from Connecticut, said that a compromise had been reached. Votes would be held on whether to ban people on the government's terrorist watch list from obtaining gun licenses and whether to expand background checks to gun shows and internet sales, he added.

"We did not have that commitment when we started today," Murphy said.

GOP to Allow Gun Control Votes After 15-Hour Filibuster: Senator
Never mind that those Democrats are protected by the Secret Service, by people with guns. They are hypocrites of the highest order.

They'll allow men with guns to protect them, but won't allow the common man to bear arms in his own defense.

That measure will never pass the House , then all their whining and braying like spooked horses will have been for naught.

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Much is left to do but I'm proud of my Ohio senator, Sherrod Brown and the others who got this Republican congress to take a baby step.

Filibuster Ends After GOP Agrees to Allow Gun Control Votes: Senator

Senate Democrats ended a nearly 15-hour filibuster early Thursday after Republican Party leaders reportedly agreed to allow votes on two proposed gun control measures.

Sen. Chris Murphy, a Democrat from Connecticut, said that a compromise had been reached. Votes would be held on whether to ban people on the government's terrorist watch list from obtaining gun licenses and whether to expand background checks to gun shows and internet sales, he added.

"We did not have that commitment when we started today," Murphy said.

GOP to Allow Gun Control Votes After 15-Hour Filibuster: Senator
Never mind that those Democrats are protected by the Secret Service, by people with guns. They are hypocrites of the highest order.

They'll allow men with guns to protect them, but won't allow the common man to bear arms in his own defense.

That measure will never pass the House , then all their whining and braying like spooked horses will have been for naught.

That's great, granted we have some crazy cops who get in under the radar but the authorities for the most part should have guns and so should you if you want them.

Just not assault weapons and just don't let too many mentally ill mass murderers get them.
Much is left to do but I'm proud of my Ohio senator, Sherrod Brown and the others who got this Republican congress to take a baby step.

Filibuster Ends After GOP Agrees to Allow Gun Control Votes: Senator

Senate Democrats ended a nearly 15-hour filibuster early Thursday after Republican Party leaders reportedly agreed to allow votes on two proposed gun control measures.

Sen. Chris Murphy, a Democrat from Connecticut, said that a compromise had been reached. Votes would be held on whether to ban people on the government's terrorist watch list from obtaining gun licenses and whether to expand background checks to gun shows and internet sales, he added.

"We did not have that commitment when we started today," Murphy said.

GOP to Allow Gun Control Votes After 15-Hour Filibuster: Senator
More gun control laws that don't work, that's the ticket.
It will work with a good database of people on the watch list. We have to learn to work with large groups of people and monitoring their activities on the computer.

Explain, in detail, EXACTLY what due process is required to put someone on a "watch list". Be specific.
Much is left to do but I'm proud of my Ohio senator, Sherrod Brown and the others who got this Republican congress to take a baby step.

Filibuster Ends After GOP Agrees to Allow Gun Control Votes: Senator

Senate Democrats ended a nearly 15-hour filibuster early Thursday after Republican Party leaders reportedly agreed to allow votes on two proposed gun control measures.

Sen. Chris Murphy, a Democrat from Connecticut, said that a compromise had been reached. Votes would be held on whether to ban people on the government's terrorist watch list from obtaining gun licenses and whether to expand background checks to gun shows and internet sales, he added.

"We did not have that commitment when we started today," Murphy said.

GOP to Allow Gun Control Votes After 15-Hour Filibuster: Senator
More gun control laws that don't work, that's the ticket.
It will work with a good database of people on the watch list. We have to learn to work with large groups of people and monitoring their activities on the computer.

Explain, in detail, EXACTLY what due process is required to put someone on a "watch list". Be specific.
HaHa. Giving me assignments that will prove your vague points for you? You explain that bullshit. My thread is about the Democratic filibuster that produced results and prompted Republicans to get off their butts do some work for a change.

This thread has taken a bad Repub butthurt kind of turn.
Much is left to do but I'm proud of my Ohio senator, Sherrod Brown and the others who got this Republican congress to take a baby step.

Filibuster Ends After GOP Agrees to Allow Gun Control Votes: Senator

Senate Democrats ended a nearly 15-hour filibuster early Thursday after Republican Party leaders reportedly agreed to allow votes on two proposed gun control measures.

Sen. Chris Murphy, a Democrat from Connecticut, said that a compromise had been reached. Votes would be held on whether to ban people on the government's terrorist watch list from obtaining gun licenses and whether to expand background checks to gun shows and internet sales, he added.

"We did not have that commitment when we started today," Murphy said.

GOP to Allow Gun Control Votes After 15-Hour Filibuster: Senator
More gun control laws that don't work, that's the ticket.
It will work with a good database of people on the watch list. We have to learn to work with large groups of people and monitoring their activities on the computer.

Explain, in detail, EXACTLY what due process is required to put someone on a "watch list". Be specific.
HaHa. Giving me assignments that will prove your vague points for you? You explain that bullshit. My thread is about the Democratic filibuster that produced results and prompted Republicans to get off their butts do some work for a change.

Translation: you either have no idea what you are babbling about and are simply regurgitating talking points, or you have no interest in any sort of due process.
Much is left to do but I'm proud of my Ohio senator, Sherrod Brown and the others who got this Republican congress to take a baby step.

Filibuster Ends After GOP Agrees to Allow Gun Control Votes: Senator

Senate Democrats ended a nearly 15-hour filibuster early Thursday after Republican Party leaders reportedly agreed to allow votes on two proposed gun control measures.

Sen. Chris Murphy, a Democrat from Connecticut, said that a compromise had been reached. Votes would be held on whether to ban people on the government's terrorist watch list from obtaining gun licenses and whether to expand background checks to gun shows and internet sales, he added.

"We did not have that commitment when we started today," Murphy said.

GOP to Allow Gun Control Votes After 15-Hour Filibuster: Senator
More gun control laws that don't work, that's the ticket.
It will work with a good database of people on the watch list. We have to learn to work with large groups of people and monitoring their activities on the computer.

Explain, in detail, EXACTLY what due process is required to put someone on a "watch list". Be specific.
HaHa. Giving me assignments that will prove your vague points for you? You explain that bullshit. My thread is about the Democratic filibuster that produced results and prompted Republicans to get off their butts do some work for a change.

Translation: you either have no idea what you are babbling about and are simply regurgitating talking points, or you have no interest in any sort of due process.
Translation: you are posting this claptrap in place of posting your own opinions and how you think things will progress from here.

Why not take the stance that we should begin working together to fight terrorists from easily becoming armed and dangerous? Leave the gun lobby and their needs out of it.
What rights are you willing to take away from the "right" people because they ended up on a list?
How many more terrorists are you willing to allow to shoot up the place because you are once again on the wrong side of an issue?
What rights are you willing to take away from the "right" people because they ended up on a list? Do you not understand due process or are you actually COMFORTABLE with eliminating it?

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