Democrats hate Carson because he is black

only dems and libs think blacks are genetically inferior. Thats why they want to keep them on the dem plantation and dependent on momma government. Oh, and its also why dems and libs want to use PP to kill them before they are born. Margaret Sanger would be proud of you racists. you are fullfilling her dream of genocide via abortion.

Read the thread I linked to. It proves you wrong.

yes, black schools are educationally below par. Any idea why that is?

and the places where they are most below par are in the big cities run by democrats and liberals.

Read the thread or don't talk about it from a perspective of ignorance.

some people consider blacks inferior, I do not.

But that does not change the fact that the crappiest black schools are in the cities run by dems and libs.

it does also not change the fact that PP (loved by dems) was started to affect genocide on the black race via abortion.

The best schools in this country are run by liberals too. We know because conservatives like you bitch about it every day.

which ones? which cities? which public schools are "the best"?

I noticed that you ignored my valid description of PP, why did you not address it?
I'm racist because I don't think Obamacare is as big a disaster as Iraq?

WTF Alice.

If you believe that, you are very ignorant.

You think that Obamacare is worse than the Iraq war.

fuckinay, you never disappoint.

its a different kind of disaster. both were bad, both were bad decisions by our government. However, one was bi-partisan and one was dems only----------guess which.

The Iraq war was a Republican war. Most Democrats voted against. Most liberals opposed it.

the Iraq intervention authorizations were bi-partisan, the Iraq war funding bills were bi-partisan. Both clintons were in favor of them.

ACA was put in place by dems only using a very corrupt voting tactic (reconciliation) that had never been used for a major issue before.

sorry, but you cannot change history

Between 1980 and 2009, 17 of 23 reconciliation bills have been signed into law by Republican presidents (a Republican was president for 20 of those 29 years). Since 1980, reconciliation has been used nine times when Republicans controlled both the House and the Senate, six times when Democrats controlled both the House and the Senate, one time when the Democrats controlled the Senate and the Republicans the House, and seven times when the Republicans controlled the Senate and the Democrats controlled the House.

Reconciliation bills have included:

Reconciliation (United States Congress) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Read the thread I linked to. It proves you wrong.

yes, black schools are educationally below par. Any idea why that is?

and the places where they are most below par are in the big cities run by democrats and liberals.

Read the thread or don't talk about it from a perspective of ignorance.

some people consider blacks inferior, I do not.

But that does not change the fact that the crappiest black schools are in the cities run by dems and libs.

it does also not change the fact that PP (loved by dems) was started to affect genocide on the black race via abortion.

The best schools in this country are run by liberals too. We know because conservatives like you bitch about it every day.

which ones? which cities? which public schools are "the best"?

I noticed that you ignored my valid description of PP, why did you not address it?

PP was never started for any such thing. That's been proven bullshit repeatedly on this forum.
If you believe that, you are very ignorant.

You think that Obamacare is worse than the Iraq war.

fuckinay, you never disappoint.

its a different kind of disaster. both were bad, both were bad decisions by our government. However, one was bi-partisan and one was dems only----------guess which.

The Iraq war was a Republican war. Most Democrats voted against. Most liberals opposed it.

the Iraq intervention authorizations were bi-partisan, the Iraq war funding bills were bi-partisan. Both clintons were in favor of them.

ACA was put in place by dems only using a very corrupt voting tactic (reconciliation) that had never been used for a major issue before.

sorry, but you cannot change history

Between 1980 and 2009, 17 of 23 reconciliation bills have been signed into law by Republican presidents (a Republican was president for 20 of those 29 years). Since 1980, reconciliation has been used nine times when Republicans controlled both the House and the Senate, six times when Democrats controlled both the House and the Senate, one time when the Democrats controlled the Senate and the Republicans the House, and seven times when the Republicans controlled the Senate and the Democrats controlled the House.

Reconciliation bills have included:

Reconciliation (United States Congress) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

not one of those votes had the impact on the american people that ACA had. They were budget bills to keep things moving, not something that changed the american economy and the balance of power between the people and the federal government.

nice try but--------------fail.
yes, black schools are educationally below par. Any idea why that is?

and the places where they are most below par are in the big cities run by democrats and liberals.

Read the thread or don't talk about it from a perspective of ignorance.

some people consider blacks inferior, I do not.

But that does not change the fact that the crappiest black schools are in the cities run by dems and libs.

it does also not change the fact that PP (loved by dems) was started to affect genocide on the black race via abortion.

The best schools in this country are run by liberals too. We know because conservatives like you bitch about it every day.

which ones? which cities? which public schools are "the best"?

I noticed that you ignored my valid description of PP, why did you not address it?

PP was never started for any such thing. That's been proven bullshit repeatedly on this forum.

look up the quotes of margaret sanger. are you saying she was lying about why she started the organization?
You think that Obamacare is worse than the Iraq war.

fuckinay, you never disappoint.

its a different kind of disaster. both were bad, both were bad decisions by our government. However, one was bi-partisan and one was dems only----------guess which.

The Iraq war was a Republican war. Most Democrats voted against. Most liberals opposed it.

the Iraq intervention authorizations were bi-partisan, the Iraq war funding bills were bi-partisan. Both clintons were in favor of them.

ACA was put in place by dems only using a very corrupt voting tactic (reconciliation) that had never been used for a major issue before.

sorry, but you cannot change history

Between 1980 and 2009, 17 of 23 reconciliation bills have been signed into law by Republican presidents (a Republican was president for 20 of those 29 years). Since 1980, reconciliation has been used nine times when Republicans controlled both the House and the Senate, six times when Democrats controlled both the House and the Senate, one time when the Democrats controlled the Senate and the Republicans the House, and seven times when the Republicans controlled the Senate and the Democrats controlled the House.

Reconciliation bills have included:

Reconciliation (United States Congress) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

not one of those votes had the impact on the american people that ACA had. They were budget bills to keep things moving, not something that changed the american economy and the balance of power between the people and the federal government.

nice try but--------------fail.

Racist often make "Exceptions" for "good ones".

It's more proof that you are a racist.
Why don't black people vote GOP?

As the old saying goes, you can lead a horse to the trough but you can't make him drink.

But the horse will eventually realize that he is thirsty and will drink.

Horses are smart animals.

You can't fix stupid.
Consider half of us middle class and poor whites vote democratic and will always drink but from the left side of the troft. You want us to just drink from what trickles downyou don't own the troft..

I was always and thank God I will always be white.

I was poor once, when I was alone, an eighteen year old boy, who could not speak a word of English, among people who still resented the DP's of the Second World War.

After I learned enough English to get by I found jobs where I had the opportunity to improve myself and eventually I became a happy member of the no longer existing middle class.

I had no affirmative action to assist me along the way, - not that I would have ever had the absence of self pride to take advantage of one - although my accent was just as big an obstacle as skin color for others. I was lucky to choose a career where I was able to teach myself and advance myself in a path that lead me to my present comfortable retirement.

I repeat: I am sick and tired of whiners of any skin color who cry and bawl and refuse or too stupid to help themselves.

you need to thank G-d for being white because blacks have to deal with bigoted freaks like you.

It was the least I could do, short of saying "WHITE IS BEAUTIFUL".

Do you recall when genuine, true blue, 24 carat undeniable RACISTS were crying: BLACK IS BEAUTIFUL?

Remember when black members of the House Of Representatives, elected to represent ALL the people in their district decided to say piss on white crackers and formed the most racist and legally confirmed and allowed to exist the vicious cabal known as the Black Congressional Caucus?

Remember when things were decent?

Remember when the opposition party was an opponent, and not the enemy? The murderous bitch, the inevitable Democrat nominee for the presidency does not seem to remember.

I have no problem with any people, with any skin color, with any language, with any political persuasion. I DO have problem with people who call me a racist and a bigot in spite of all the evidence I honestly and demonstrably presented, to the contrary.

Do I give a shit about worthless sub human trash like them? NO!!
Read the thread or don't talk about it from a perspective of ignorance.

some people consider blacks inferior, I do not.

But that does not change the fact that the crappiest black schools are in the cities run by dems and libs.

it does also not change the fact that PP (loved by dems) was started to affect genocide on the black race via abortion.

The best schools in this country are run by liberals too. We know because conservatives like you bitch about it every day.

which ones? which cities? which public schools are "the best"?

I noticed that you ignored my valid description of PP, why did you not address it?

PP was never started for any such thing. That's been proven bullshit repeatedly on this forum.

look up the quotes of margaret sanger. are you saying she was lying about why she started the organization?

No, I'm saying you're lying about what she said.
its a different kind of disaster. both were bad, both were bad decisions by our government. However, one was bi-partisan and one was dems only----------guess which.

The Iraq war was a Republican war. Most Democrats voted against. Most liberals opposed it.

the Iraq intervention authorizations were bi-partisan, the Iraq war funding bills were bi-partisan. Both clintons were in favor of them.

ACA was put in place by dems only using a very corrupt voting tactic (reconciliation) that had never been used for a major issue before.

sorry, but you cannot change history

Between 1980 and 2009, 17 of 23 reconciliation bills have been signed into law by Republican presidents (a Republican was president for 20 of those 29 years). Since 1980, reconciliation has been used nine times when Republicans controlled both the House and the Senate, six times when Democrats controlled both the House and the Senate, one time when the Democrats controlled the Senate and the Republicans the House, and seven times when the Republicans controlled the Senate and the Democrats controlled the House.

Reconciliation bills have included:

Reconciliation (United States Congress) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

not one of those votes had the impact on the american people that ACA had. They were budget bills to keep things moving, not something that changed the american economy and the balance of power between the people and the federal government.

nice try but--------------fail.


nope, truth. sorry to burst your bubble. look at your list, tell me one of those that had the impact of ACA.
some people consider blacks inferior, I do not.

But that does not change the fact that the crappiest black schools are in the cities run by dems and libs.

it does also not change the fact that PP (loved by dems) was started to affect genocide on the black race via abortion.

The best schools in this country are run by liberals too. We know because conservatives like you bitch about it every day.

which ones? which cities? which public schools are "the best"?

I noticed that you ignored my valid description of PP, why did you not address it?

PP was never started for any such thing. That's been proven bullshit repeatedly on this forum.

look up the quotes of margaret sanger. are you saying she was lying about why she started the organization?

No, I'm saying you're lying about what she said.

you are wrong

Margaret Sanger, Founder of Planned Parenthood, In Her Own Words
The Iraq war was a Republican war. Most Democrats voted against. Most liberals opposed it.

the Iraq intervention authorizations were bi-partisan, the Iraq war funding bills were bi-partisan. Both clintons were in favor of them.

ACA was put in place by dems only using a very corrupt voting tactic (reconciliation) that had never been used for a major issue before.

sorry, but you cannot change history

Between 1980 and 2009, 17 of 23 reconciliation bills have been signed into law by Republican presidents (a Republican was president for 20 of those 29 years). Since 1980, reconciliation has been used nine times when Republicans controlled both the House and the Senate, six times when Democrats controlled both the House and the Senate, one time when the Democrats controlled the Senate and the Republicans the House, and seven times when the Republicans controlled the Senate and the Democrats controlled the House.

Reconciliation bills have included:

Reconciliation (United States Congress) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

not one of those votes had the impact on the american people that ACA had. They were budget bills to keep things moving, not something that changed the american economy and the balance of power between the people and the federal government.

nice try but--------------fail.


nope, truth. sorry to burst your bubble. look at your list, tell me one of those that had the impact of ACA.

If reconciliation is illegal,

why is it legal?
The best schools in this country are run by liberals too. We know because conservatives like you bitch about it every day.

which ones? which cities? which public schools are "the best"?

I noticed that you ignored my valid description of PP, why did you not address it?

PP was never started for any such thing. That's been proven bullshit repeatedly on this forum.

look up the quotes of margaret sanger. are you saying she was lying about why she started the organization?

No, I'm saying you're lying about what she said.

you are wrong

Margaret Sanger, Founder of Planned Parenthood, In Her Own Words

That's all been debunked on this forum, most of it repeatedly.
yes, black schools are educationally below par. Any idea why that is?

and the places where they are most below par are in the big cities run by democrats and liberals.

Read the thread or don't talk about it from a perspective of ignorance.

some people consider blacks inferior, I do not.

But that does not change the fact that the crappiest black schools are in the cities run by dems and libs.

it does also not change the fact that PP (loved by dems) was started to affect genocide on the black race via abortion.

The best schools in this country are run by liberals too. We know because conservatives like you bitch about it every day.

which ones? which cities? which public schools are "the best"?

I noticed that you ignored my valid description of PP, why did you not address it?

PP was never started for any such thing. That's been proven bullshit repeatedly on this forum.

If by proven bs repeatedly, you mean ignored then you might have a point
Hey let's not forget in the minds of progressives blacks and genetically so stupid they can't survive without help from them the master race

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Blackest Schools Have Worst Academics, New Official US Statistics Show | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

I think you'll find that all the posters in that thread who think blacks are genetically inferior are your conservative pals.
Guess you progressives should hire competent teachers or should not have destroyed the black family unit with welfare.

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Last edited:
which ones? which cities? which public schools are "the best"?

I noticed that you ignored my valid description of PP, why did you not address it?

PP was never started for any such thing. That's been proven bullshit repeatedly on this forum.

look up the quotes of margaret sanger. are you saying she was lying about why she started the organization?

No, I'm saying you're lying about what she said.

you are wrong

Margaret Sanger, Founder of Planned Parenthood, In Her Own Words

That's all been debunked on this forum, most of it repeatedly.
No it hasn't. Why do you insist on lying?

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
No one is scared of anyone here. We are obviously not allowed to disagree wit a Black republican.

If you were disagreeing that would be one thing. You guys are demonizing. That shows fear.

How, specifically, is Ben Carson being demonized?

did you bother to read the lib posts in this thread? did you bother to read the lib generated threads trashing Carson?

are you really as dumb as you appear?

Cite me 20 posts where Carson is being demonized. If it's that prevalent it should be easy.

Maybe your first step would be to look up the word 'demonize'.

I have no interest in going through 97 pages to prove a point to you. What I said is accurate. the left hates conservative successful blacks who have left the dem plantation.

I don't need to look up demonize, I know what it means.
I can help you, it is not here, so do not bother to look.
The bottom line----------------dems are scared shitless of successful conservative blacks. So they attack them.
No one is scared of anyone here. We are obviously not allowed to disagree wit a Black republican.

If you were disagreeing that would be one thing. You guys are demonizing. That shows fear.

How, specifically, is Ben Carson being demonized?

did you bother to read the lib posts in this thread? did you bother to read the lib generated threads trashing Carson?

are you really as dumb as you appear?

Cite me 20 posts where Carson is being demonized. If it's that prevalent it should be easy.

Maybe your first step would be to look up the word 'demonize'.

Anyone want to help the helpless Redfish?

How has Carson been demonized?
PP was never started for any such thing. That's been proven bullshit repeatedly on this forum.

look up the quotes of margaret sanger. are you saying she was lying about why she started the organization?

No, I'm saying you're lying about what she said.

you are wrong

Margaret Sanger, Founder of Planned Parenthood, In Her Own Words

That's all been debunked on this forum, most of it repeatedly.
No it hasn't. Why do you insist on lying?

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

I did the debunking.

Sanger, btw, received the highest praise from Martin Luther King.

He was not for exterminating his own race, lol.
look up the quotes of margaret sanger. are you saying she was lying about why she started the organization?

No, I'm saying you're lying about what she said.

you are wrong

Margaret Sanger, Founder of Planned Parenthood, In Her Own Words

That's all been debunked on this forum, most of it repeatedly.
No it hasn't. Why do you insist on lying?

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

I did the debunking.

Sanger, btw, received the highest praise from Martin Luther King.

He was not for exterminating his own race, lol.
Lmao saying it isn't true with no evidence is not debunking you fool

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
Racist often make "Exceptions" for "good ones".

It's more proof that you are a racist.
Why don't black people vote GOP?

Trying to turn it around when someone calls you on your racism is getting pretty long in tooth.

Man up and take ownership of your racism.
I do man up and admit that black society is a huge disappointment and they need to do better before white America is going to give a shit about them. On that we agree.

But I don't agree with you on a lot of other things that would make you the racist and me a liberal.

But I'll agree to blacks, any negative words spoken about their culture or any blame on them for the mess their in in met with the claim that even us liberals are stupid.

But I'm not like you. I at least understand why blacks don't vote GOP. It isn't because they are all stupid. But that's what you believe, right?

Nope. Not even close.

Listen, we cons didn't make the rules when it comes to criticizing black presidential candidates.

We are just playing by them.

And pointing out that you guys are, by your own definition of the word, demonstrating that you are racist.
Why? Because we point out Carson's policies are pro rich and anti black?

The way you are using Ben right now is the definition of an uncle Tom. He's your token black guy.

Racist POS, that is all you guys are. All you do is attack Carson because of his skin color.

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